Fire's Mate (Charybdis Station Book 2)

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Fire's Mate (Charybdis Station Book 2) Page 7

by C. W. Gray

  Bowan nodded. “You have a beautiful family, and it makes me happy to know you appreciate them.”

  Laurie cleared his throat. “I, um, I changed Cyrus’s diaper while you were training. Fire explained that you and the little one are both special.”

  Fire tilted his head. “They have birthing lines, Laurie. Remember? They can have babies like you.”

  Laurie looked panicked for a moment, but Quigley snorted a laugh. “I didn’t expect to keep it secret here,” Quigley said.

  Fire winced. “Oops. Was that a secret? We’re going to Charybdis Station, and people don’t care about stuff like that there.”

  Laurie sighed. “I wish that were the case here. Star’s Oasis is much more open-minded than most of the clans, but old beliefs are hard to stomp out.” He gave them a nervous look. “I know your clan, Quigley. They are one of the worst. I don’t think they’ll leave it be.”

  “We’ll be on Charybdis Station,” Fire said, sniffing. “The stupid heads can’t get us there.”

  “I think what Laurie is saying is that you should still be careful,” Bowan said, wrapping an arm around his mate. “The Burnished aren’t tied to our planet anymore. My people keep a close eye on who goes and comes in our spaceport, but we’ve already had issues with smugglers.”

  Fire leaned into his mate. “Charybdis Station is safe.”

  Laurie gave him a strained smile. “I’m sure it is. I think living most of my life with the threat of death constantly hanging over my head makes me more paranoid than others. Just promise me you’ll be careful.”

  “We will,” Quigley said, squeezing Fire’s hand.

  The conversation turned to a lighter topic, but they didn’t linger over dinner. Gram and the kids were exhausted, and he wanted some privacy with his mate.

  They quickly said their goodbyes and went to the guest wing of the palace.

  “We have three rooms,” Fire said, bouncing on his toes in front of David’s room. “I’ll make sure you all have your own space in the attic when we get home, okay?”

  Gram chuckled. “We’ve shared a tent for years. We’ll adjust, sweetheart.”

  “This room’s mine,” David said, barely opening the door to the middle room. He tried to slide in, but Aster pushed the door all the way open.

  “David, why is Gracie in your room?” Quigley asked, giving his son a hard look.

  David’s eyes widened innocently. “Oh, would you look at that. I’ll just let her sleep with me tonight since it’s so late, and we don’t want to cause a fuss by bringing her outside.”

  Quigley arched a brow. “Get her lead line. She goes in with the Oryx.”

  David sighed, shoulders slumping. “I’m sorry, Gracie. I tried.”

  The goat bleated softly and nudged David’s arm. Love little one.

  Fire danced from foot to foot. “Why can’t she stay inside with us? Gracie is family, and she loves David. She’s smaller than Perri.”

  “Perri uses the bathroom outside,” Quigley pointed out.

  “Just for tonight?” Fire asked, eyes widening as he gave his best puppy dog face.

  Quigley groaned. “Okay. Just for tonight. David, you will clean that room thoroughly in the morning and take Gracie to stay with our Oryx as soon as you wake up.”

  David cheered. “Yes, sir.”

  Aster wrinkled her nose. “I’m glad I’m sharing a room with Gram.”

  Fire snickered and tugged Quigley next door to their room. “I’ll put Cyrus to bed. You get comfortable.”

  Quigley yawned. “Thanks.”

  Fire quickly changed Cyrus’s diaper and settled him in his bassinet with Cinnamon and Jellybean. “You be a good boy. You can hold Jellybean if you need too, okay? I’ll check on you after I get your daddy naked.”

  He grabbed some lube from his bag, then closed the curtain to the baby’s nook. When he turned around, Quigley had finished tugging off his boots and had started to pull off his tunic.

  Fire was on him in seconds, wrapping his arms and legs around Quigley and pushing his tongue into his mouth. Sweet cinnamon sticks, he tastes so good.

  Quigley’s hands cupped Fire’s ass, and he held him up, their bodies pressed together. “I take it you’re ready for this?” he asked between kisses.

  “I waited long enough.” Fire bit Quigley’s lip, then threaded his fingers through Quigley’s short hair and pulled his head down for another kiss.

  Quigley’s hands squeezed Fire’s ass, and somehow, they managed to make it to one of the chairs next to the open window. Quigley fell back into the chair, and Fire moved quickly so he was straddling him.

  Fire kissed Quigley’s neck as he began moving his hips, rubbing his hard dick against his mate. He groaned when Quigley’s fingers traced down his spine and slipped into the back of his loose pants.

  Fire wasn’t sure exactly what he wanted. He’d seen vids and talked to Shae about sex. He knew the basics, but he didn’t know what would make the anxious longing in him go away.

  “I have my mate in my arms,” Quigley said, voice deep and rumbling. “I never thought this would happen, Fire. Thank you for finding me.”

  Fire’s anxiety slowly drained away at Quigley’s words and his slow, addictive kisses. We have plenty of time.

  After a moment, Fire leaned back and pulled off his shirt, then helped Quigley out of his own. Fire kissed the elegantly curved markings covering Quigley’s face and neck. They ran over his shoulders, arms and chest, and even dipped into his pants. Gotta taste them all. It’s the law.

  Fire took his time and kissed his way across his Quigley’s muscled chest. His hands smoothed across Quigley’s broad shoulders, and he nibbled on one of his mate’s hardened nipples.

  Quigley cupped his head and pulled him up for another wet kiss. “I don’t think I was prepared for your mouth on me. I can barely think.”

  “You can still talk.” Fire bit his chin. “I wanna taste you.”

  He slid down and wedged himself between Quigley’s legs. He could see the shape of his mate’s dick through his thin, loose pants and leaned forward, pressing his mouth along the thick length.

  “Gods,” Quigley said and pulled Fire back onto his lap. “Too much of that, and this will be a short evening.”

  Fire pouted, then slid his pants down, showing off his dark red, lacy underwear.

  Quigley’s eyes widened as he stared at Fire’s erection trapped behind the delicate fabric. “I like your pretty underwear. A lot.”

  Fire laughed when Quigley gripped his hips and pulled him closer. His mate pressed kisses across his stomach, fingers tracing the lace almost reverently.

  A second later, Quigley growled softly and ripped the underwear down the sides, pulling the shreds away.

  Fire glared at his mate. “Why did you do that?”

  Quigley gave him a sheepish look. “I couldn’t help it. I swear they practically told me to do it.”

  “You talk to underwear?” Fire asked, arching a brow.

  Quigley bit his lip and stroked Fire’s erection. “Only yours.”

  Fire shivered at his mate’s touch. “Oh, I like that. Okay, I’ll forgive you, but no more ripping my pretties.”

  He straddled Quigley again, pulling Quigley’s dick from his pants and pressing it to his own. He moaned as his fingers circled both of them and stroked up and down, going faster and faster with each movement. So close, so close, so close.

  Quigley’s hand covered his, stopping him, and Fire growled. Then he felt Quigley’s lubed finger slipping into his ass. Oh, that feels different.

  He whimpered as Quigley took his time stretching him. The slight burn of each added finger felt so good. “I’m ready. Promise.”

  Quigley hummed and slid slowly inside him, hands holding tight to Fire’s ass.

  Fire gasped at the pain-laced pleasure shooting through him.

  Quigley held his hips still and pressed his forehead to Fire’s. “Just breath with me, love. You’re my flame, my beautiful, fierce flam

  Fire smiled and kissed Quigley. “You’re my love muffin.”

  Quigley groaned. “Do I have to be?”

  Fire nodded and buried his face against Quigley’s neck, suddenly feeling shy. “My precious love muffin.”

  Quigley stroked his back and held him as Fire’s body adjusted. When Fire was wiggling on his lap, fully enjoying being full of his mate, Quigley started moving, hands gripping Fire’s hips as he lifted him, then let Fire slowly slide down his dick.

  Fire moaned. “I like this a lot.”

  Quigley chuckled and arched his hips, hitting something inside Fire that made his blood boil.

  “Again,” Fire gasped. “Do that again.”

  Quigley obeyed, twisting his hips and hitting that same spot.

  Fire gripped his shoulders and pulled up, sliding back down Quigley’s dick, needing to feel as much as possible. Quigley helped him set a pace, and he rode his mate.

  They moved together perfectly, bodies matching each other’s movements for seconds or hours – Fire couldn’t tell and didn’t really care. He bit down on Quigley’s bare shoulder when he came, splattering against their stomachs.

  Quigley didn’t last much longer. His hips bucked up as he came buried in Fire’s ass.

  They sat for a while, pressed together, cum and sweat quickly drying. Fire didn’t want to move. If he moved, then it would end, and he wanted to be that close to his mate forever.

  A few weeks later, Fire hugged Quigley as they watched Burnished Outpost grow smaller and smaller as The Blue Solace left the planet behind. The Blue Sparrow and The Black Heron flew beside them, so they occasionally caught glimpses of the other ships.

  Fire traced Quigley’s jewelry adorned ears and booped the short line of gold hair beads he had talked his mate into wearing. He wanted to give his mate everything in the galaxy.

  “Little flame, look at Helara.” Quigley watched with wonder as they passed the small moon and quickly picked up speed. “I never could have imagined this. It’s one thing to know that there are other worlds above, but to actually see it?”

  Fire was more interested in his new family. Aster stood with Kelly. Their arms were linked together, and Kelly whispered to her. Much to Fire’s disgust, the two had grown close during their stay at Star’s Oasis. Sebastian had already told him that Aster would be joining him and Kelly for shamanism training.

  Gram nudged him with her elbow. “Stop glaring at that woman. I really don’t know why you don’t like her. Now, how long will it take to get to Charybdis Station?”

  “Four days,” Fire said and yawned. He needed a nap. His mate had worn him out. Fire grinned. He also needed more pretty underwear. Quigley had ruined his last pair the night before. “It just took two days before, but Sebastian said they needed four this time. He looked all weird saying it too.”

  Jellybean rolled by in his ball, David and Gracie chasing behind him.

  Fire smiled at the sound of his son’s laughter. He wanted to chase Jellybean too, but there was something he had to do.

  “I gotta go talk to Alois,” Fire said, leaning up to kiss Quigley’s cheek. “I’ll be right back.”

  Quigley nodded, eyes focused on the view outside.

  Fire shared an amused look with Gram, then left the room. He rubbed Cyrus’s back. The baby was wrapped up close to him again, just the way Fire liked it. Cinnamon curled against Fire’s neck, a comforting weight.

  He found Alois checking through their inventory. Fire’s friend was normally the lieutenant for The Blue Sparrow, but Hack had borrowed him for the trip, mostly so he didn’t have to do the boring stuff like inventory himself.

  “Alois.” Fire put his hands on his hips. “I need a job.”

  The Dedril turned around slowly and gave him a puzzled look. “You want a job? Why?”

  “I have a family to take care of now.” Fire sighed heavily. “I gotta expand the attic and put my babies through school. That means I need credits. I can’t keep taking yours.”

  Alois’s grin crept across his face. “Fire, you have plenty of credits.”

  Fire blinked. “I do? When did I get them? Was I sleeping?”

  Alois chuckled. “No, you got them the moment you joined us in fighting against the Crellic Queen. Lord Admiral Juren paid you a salary while you were helping us. Sebastian and I have an account set up for you. Plus, Death added credits to it when you all settled down on Charybdis Station. Then, Draif took some and invested it, so now what was in there has almost doubled. You have plenty of money waiting on you.”

  Fire danced from foot to foot, lip trembling. “I still gotta work. I have to be responsible now. No more naps. I have to wear my serious face now and take care of my family.”

  Alois set his tablet down and pulled Fire into a hug. “There are a lot of different ways to take care of your family, Fire. Providing the basics for them is only the beginning, and you have that covered. You also need to love and support them, and I think you’re going to be really good at that. Talk to Quig, and I bet he’ll tell you the same. You’ll find the way that works best for you with time, but you don’t need to change yourself to do it. You have a lot to offer without wearing your serious face.”

  Fire swallowed hard. “I can just be me? I’m not like Leti and Sebastian. They’re good daddies. What if I forget to feed Cyrus? What if I eat all of David’s food? What if I murder Xu because he keeps looking at Aster?”

  Alois snorted. “Don’t murder Xu, alright? He can’t help it that he has his first crush. I overheard him and Rizzie making a plan for Xu to woo Aster. There was something about bows for her kitten and fresh fruit platters. I think they’ll be fine.”

  Fire smacked Alois’s chest. “I can’t make promises. That’s what I’m saying. What if I make a mistake?”

  “You will,” Alois said, shrugging. “Everyone does. As long as you love those kids, you’ll figure it out. Plus, you have Quig. The man is a good dad. He’ll help you adjust. You can always come talk to Sebastian and me, or any of our friends on Charybdis Station. You aren’t alone.”

  Fire slowly smiled. “You’re right. I’ve got a big family to help me.”

  Alois hugged him tight, lifting him off his feet. “You do.”

  Fire laughed when Cyrus giggled between them and swung his feet. “Put me down. I have to go chase Jellybean.”


  En route to Charybdis Station

  Quigley panted as he wiped the sweat from his eyes. His body ached from the workout Selene had just put him through. The training sessions with Selene were essential, but they were also a good distraction. So much had happened in the weeks since Sara had died, and he was starting to struggle under the weight of the changes.

  His ass protested as he shifted on the hard bench of the training room on the ship. That particular pain wasn’t Selene’s fault. While he had always been curious, he had never let anyone fuck him before. My mate asked so nicely, he thought with a smile, remembering Fire’s excitement.

  “You’re smiling after that?” the man next to him asked. Silas was a large Betonize and good friends with Hack and the others. His husband, Rune, was standing in as the crew medic for The Blue Solace.

  “He’s newly mated,” Hack said with a groan. “Give him a year and his sappy smiles will disappear.”

  “Really?” Silas asked, arching a brow. “What were you smiling about this morning?”

  Hack grinned, eyes filling with heat. “Leti and I finally got a little privacy last night.”

  Silas shook his head. “Sappy smiles never go away.”

  A low hiss drew their attention. Leti’s Fire Veil dragon watched Quigley closely. The beast had somehow grown larger since it first came in to the training room.

  “Princess does not like you,” Silas said, wincing.

  “I’d like to say he was the only one, but there’s a large bird in the ship’s halls that dives at me every time I have to leave a room.” Quigley sighed. “A lot of the pets are protective of Fire. He
says to give them time, and they’ll warm up to me.”

  Princess hissed again.

  Hack shrugged. “Princess eventually warmed up to me after I mated Leti. Now we get along well.”

  The dragon turned his stare at Hack, and small puffs of smoke drifted from his nostrils.

  “Don’t you look at me like that,” Hack said, raising a brow. “I have to give up part of my bed for you every night.”

  “Break’s over,” Selene interrupted, voice emotionless. “Back to work.”

  Hack whimpered. “Selene, why do you hate us?”

  She tilted her head and considered Hack. “You spend too much time in the Council chambers now that you’re a general. You’re getting out of shape.”

  Her cat, a very fluffy calico named Fluffle, stared at Hack, eyes judging.

  Hack sniffed. “Rude.”

  Quigley slowly stood. “I’ve gotten complacent too. I know hunting and fighting with other Burnished. There is so much I don’t know.”

  Selene nodded at him. “You learn quickly and aren’t afraid to work hard.”

  Fluffle gave him an approving look, then stalked back to the training mats to wait for them.

  Silas stood and started stretching. “Do you think you’ll join the Blue Fleet, Quig?”

  Quigley thought for a moment. “I don’t know. I enjoy hunting.”

  Hack gave him a considering look. “What about enforcement? They patrol the station, but they also investigate disturbances and help keep the peace. Mom was complaining the other day that she needed more recruits.”

  Silas grinned. “We really do. If you’re interested in enforcement, I can start going over some of the routine procedures with you. It’s not hunting as you know it, but believe me when I tell you our prey is far more challenging than a jackrabbit.”

  Quigley flushed. “I would appreciate that.”

  Offering another Burnished help was not something the people in his previous clan did. Hunters searched for food for their own family. While they offered a portion to the clan elder, they did not share freely.

  His mate’s friends and family were very different, and Quigley couldn’t help but feel honored to be where he was.


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