The Complete Serials

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The Complete Serials Page 74

by Clifford D. Simak

“He was a friend of ours,” said Harriet, uncertainly. “This seems a dreadful way—”

  “Miss,” Anita said, “we’ll take care of him.”

  The siren was a steady howl that seemed to fill the room.

  Quick! Anita said. Fly low. You don’t want to silhouette against the sky.

  Even as she spoke the room was emptying and there was no body on the floor.

  She hesitated for a moment, looking at the two of them.

  Someday you’ll tell me what this is all about?

  Someday, said Blaine. And thanks.

  Any time, she said. We parries stick together. We have to stick together. They’ll smash us if we don’t.

  She swung toward Blaine and he felt the touch of her, mind against mind, and there was suddenly the sense of fireflies in the evening dusk and the smell of lilacs drifting in the softness of a river fog.

  Then she was gone and the door was closing and someone was hammering at the front.

  Sit down, Blaine said to Harriet. Act as naturally as you can. Unconcerned. Relaxed. We were just sitting here, and talking. Godfrey had been with us, but he went into town, Someone came and he rode into town with them. We don’t know who it was. He should be back in an hour or two.

  Check, said Harriet.

  She sat down in a chair and folded her hands in her lap sedately.

  Blaine went to the door to let in the law.


  Belmont was beginning to close up. All the houses, as they drove past, had been tightly shuttered, and in the business district, as they drove into it, the shop lights were going out.

  Up the street a block or two, the marquee of the hotel still gleamed brightly in the dusk and just this side of it was a flashing sign that proclaimed the Wild West bar still was willing to take on a customer.

  “I don’t think.” said Harriet, “that we fooled those police too much.”

  Blaine agreed. “Maybe not. But we had them stopped. There was nothing they could find.”

  “I thought for a while they would pull us in.”

  “So did I. But you sat there making gentle fun of them. That was hard to take. They were glad to get away. They must have felt like fools.”

  He motioned at the flashing bar sign. “Maybe we should start with that.”

  “As good a place as any. Likewise, about the only place there is.”

  The bar was empty when they came into the place. The bartender had an elbow propped and was idly dabbing with a cloth at imaginary wet spots.

  Blaine and Harriet hoisted themselves onto stools opposite the man.

  “What’ll it be?” he demanded of them.

  They told him.

  He got glasses and reached for bottles.

  “Little slow tonight,” said Blaine.

  “Almost closing time,” said the man. “They don’t stick around. Soon as it gets dark folks get under cover. Everyone in this town.”

  “Bad town?”

  “No, not especially. It’s the curfew law. This place has got a tough one. Patrols all over the place and them cops are tough. They really make it stick.”

  “How about yourself?” asked Harriet.

  “Oh, I am all right, miss. The boys, they know me. They know the circumstances. They know I got to stick around just in case a late customer, like you, drops in. From the hotel mostly. They know I got to get the place tucked in and turn out the lights. They give me extra minutes.”

  “Sounds tough, all right,” said Blaine.

  The barkeep wagged his head. “For your own protection, mister. Folks ain’t got no sense. If it wasn’t for the curfew, they’d stay out to all hours where anything could get them.”

  He stopped what he was doing.

  “I just happened to think,” he announced. “I got something new. You who might like it.”

  “Like what?” asked Harriet.

  He reached back and got the bottle, held it up to show them.

  “Something new,” he said. “Straight out of Fishhook. They picked it up some outlandish place. Sap of a tree or something. Probably loaded with a lot of hydrocarbons. I got a couple of bottles off the factor at the Trading Post. Just to try, you know’. Thought there might be some folks who might like it.”

  Blaine shook his head. “Not for me. God knows what is in it.”

  “Me, neither,” said Harriet.

  The barkeep set the bottle back regretfully.

  “I don’t blame you folks,” he said, giving them the drinks he’d made. “I took a nip of it myself. Just to test it out, you see, because I’m no drinking man.

  “Not,” he added, quickly and parenthetically, “that I have anything against it.”

  “Of course not,” Harriet sympathized.

  “It was funny tasting stuff,” he said. “Not bad, you know. Not good, either. Had a musty tang. You might get to like it if you had a drink or two.”

  He stood in silence for a moment, with his hands planted solidly on the bar.

  “You know what I been thinking?” lie demanded.

  “Not the least,” said Harriet.

  “I been wondering all this afternoon if that factor down at the Trading Post concocted that stuff up himself. Just as a sort of stinking joke, you see.”

  “Oh, he wouldn’t dare,” Harriet murmured.

  “Well, I imagine you are right, miss. But all of them factors are funny sorts of jerks. Folks don’t have much to do with them—socially, at least—but even so they manage to know more of what is going on than anyone in town. They must be listening all the time, for they have all the latest gossip.

  “And,” said the barkeep, laying emphasis upon this horrid crime and this social failing, “they don’t never tell you nothing.”

  “Ain’t it a fact,” Harriet agreed, enthusiastically.

  The barkeep subsided into brooding silence.

  Blaine took a wild shot in the dark. “Lots of folks in town,” he said. “Big doings?”

  The barkeeper seeded down into solid conversational stance and his voice dropped to a confidential level.

  “You mean you ain’t heard about it?”

  “No. Just got in town a couple of hours ago.”

  “Well, mister, you won’t believe this—but we got a star machine.”

  “A what?”

  “A star machine. It’s one of them contraptions that parries use to travel to the stars.”

  “Never heard of chem.”

  “No reason that you should. The only place they’re legal is in Fishhook.”

  “You mean this one is illegal?”

  “Couldn’t be no more illegal. The State police, they’ve got it down in the old highway shed. You know, the one on the west edge of town. Maybe you drove by it coming in tonight.”

  “I don’t remember it.”

  “Well, anyhow, it’s there. And then, on top of that, who should show up but Lambert Finn.”

  “You don’t mean the Lambert Finn?”

  “No one else. He’s up there, in the hotel right now. He’s going to have a big mass meeting out by the highway shed tomorrow. I hear the police have agreed to haul out the star machine so he can preach about it, with it standing there, right out in plain sight of all the people. I tell you, mister, that will be something worth your while to hear. He’ll spout more brimstone than you ever heard before. He’ll lay it on them parries. He’ll take the hide clean off them. They won’t dare to show their faces.”

  “Not many of them around, most likely, in a town like this.”

  “Well,” the bartender said, drawing out the word, “not many in the town itself. But there’s a place just a ways from here, down by the river. A place called Hamilton. It’s all parry. It’s a new town the parries built. Parries from all over. There’s a name for a place like that—I should know the name, but I can’t remember it. Like the place they used to keep the Jews in Europe.”


  The bartender smote the bar with a disgusted hand. “Now, why couldn’t I think of
that? Yes, mister, that’s the word. Ghetto. Except in the old days it was in the poor part of a city and now it’s out in the country, in the poor part of the country. That land down by the river don’t amount to shucks. No place to build a town. But them parries like it down there. Long as they don’t bother no one, no one bothers them. Long as they stay in line, we leave them alone. And we know where they are, and they know we know. Any time things start going wrong, we know right where to look.”

  He glanced at the clock. “If you folks want me to start another round, you’ll have time to gulp it down.”

  “No, thanks,” said Blaine. He laid two bills on the bar. “Let it ride,” he said.

  “Why, thank you, sir. I thank you very much.”

  As they slid off the stools, he said: If I were you, I’d get under cover as soon as possible. The cops will be down on top of you if they catch you here.”

  “We will,” said Harriet. “And thanks for the conversation.”

  “Pleasure,” said the barkeep. Pleasure any time.”

  Outside the bar, Blaine held the car door for Harriet, then walked around it to get in on the other side.

  “The highway shed?” he asked.

  “Shep, what would you do there? We’d just get into trouble.”

  “I’ll figure out a way. We simply can’t leave that machine there for Finn to preach a sermon over.”

  “So I suppose you figure you’ll just haul it off.”

  “No, I guess not. It’s too big and clumsy. But there has to be a way.

  We have to put a crimp in Finn. Somehow, we’ve got to manage.”

  “They’ll have a guard.”

  “I don’t think so, Harriet. Locked and bolted, but no guard. There isn’t anyone who would stand on guard. This town is plenty scared.”

  “You’re just like Godfrey,” she said. “Both of you go around sticking out your necks.”

  “You thought a lot of Godfrey.”

  “Yes, a lot,” she said.

  He started up the engine and swung the car out into the street.

  The old highway shed was black and silent and there was nothing to indicate there was anyone around. They rode past it twice to look it over, moving slowly, and it was the same each time—just the big shed standing there, a relic of the days when there were highways to maintain, when there was need of road machinery to keep their surfaces in shape.

  Blaine pulled the car off the road and threaded it easily through a willow thicket, set it down and turned off the lights.

  Silence closed down on them; the darkness pulsed with quietness.

  “Harriet,” said Blaine.

  “Yes, Shep.”

  “You stay here. Don’t move, I am going up there.”

  “You won’t be long. There’s nothing you can do.”

  “I won’t be long,” he said. “Have we got a flashlight?”

  “There’s one in the glove compartment.”

  He heard her fumbling in the dark.

  The catch on the door of the compartment clicked and the tiny light inside came on. The flashlight lay amid a clutter of road maps, of sun glasses of other odds and ends.

  She handed it to him. He snapped it on to test it and it worked. He shut it off again and got out of the car.

  “Sit tight,” lie told her.

  “And you,” she warned, “be careful.”


  The shed was larger than it had appeared to be when seen from the highway. It was surrounded by a high, rank growth of dead, dried weeds that rustled with stealthy sound in the slightest movement of the air. It was built of the corrugated metal sheets which had been much in use for buildings of this sort before the introduction some three-score years before of the putty-plastic from Aldebaran VII. Occasional windows, begrimed with dirt and ancient spider webs broke the smooth expanse of metal. Two great upward-folding doors filled almost the entire front exposure.

  To the east lay the dark outline of the town, silhouetted against the faint flush in the sky which told of a moon about to rise.

  Cautiously, Blaine made a circuit of the building, looking for a way that might allow him to get in. He found nothing that was easy. The two folding doors were locked. There were a few sheets of metal that had loosened at the bottom, but the material was too heavy to allow one to bend it upward and thus create a rat hole for a man to sneak inside.

  There was, he realized, only one way to get in.

  He went to the corner of the building nearest to the road and stood listening. Except for the harsh whispering of the weeds there was nothing to be heard. The highway was deserted and, he knew, most likely would remain so. There was no sign of light—no lamp, no glitter through a distant window. It was as if he and the shed stood in a world where there was no life at all.

  He stared for a time at the willow thicket by the road, but there was no glint, no shine, nothing to indicate that a car was hidden there.

  He stepped quickly from the corner and moved along the wall of metal until he came to a window. He took off his tattered jacket and wrapped it about his fist and forearm.

  Then he struck a blow and the window shattered. He struck other blows to remove the glass that was still hanging in the frame. Carefully he picked out the remaining splinters that would slash a man trying to crawl in.

  Then he went back to the corner and stood there for a moment. The night still was motionless and silent.

  Back at the window, he crawled into the shed, let himself down carefully, felt the floor beneath his feet. He took the flashlight from his pocket and turned it on. He swept a light around the empty shed.

  And there, close to the door, was the battered, broken truck which had found its rest at last, and the gleaming star machine that it had carried across the width of half a continent. But otherwise than the truck and the star machine the shed stood empty, a sounding board that picked up and magnified any sound that might be made.

  Walking as softly as he could, Blaine moved across the floor and stood beside the machine, shining his light upon it. And it was something that he knew well, it was a machine that back in Fishhook he had known intimately. There was a strange beauty in it, he told himself as he stood and looked at it, almost as if one could see, reflected in its surface, the far reaches of the universe to which it could help a man to go.

  But it was old—one of the older models that Fishhook had replaced some ten years or so ago and there was little doubt, he knew that it had somehow come from Fishhook. There must be many of the older models such as this stacked away in some almost forgotten storehouse, stored there more than likely because it was easier to store them than it was to break them up. For something such as this must either be stored under lock and key or it must be broken up, for they could not be simply thrown away. In this machine lay the key to Fishhook’s monopoly and there must be no possibility that one of them should fall into any other hands.

  But one of them had fallen into other hands and here it Jay tonight, mute evidence of one of the smartest, slickest bits of intrigue to which Fishhook, intrigue-ridden as it was, had ever been unwitting party.

  Blaine tried to imagine how Stone had ever managed, and thinking of it, his admiration for the man rose a notch or two. It had taken money, surely, and it had taken trusted agents and it had required a plan of operation which would countenance no slip-up.

  He wondered vaguely, as he stood there, how much Harriet might have had to do with it. Certainly, he told himself, she had had no qualms, in the process of smuggling him from Fishhook, of getting out herself. She was, he thought, just the kind of woman who could engineer a thing like this—self-possessed and calm and with a sure and certain knowledge of all those inner workings which made Fishhook keep on ticking. And with a mind chat operated with the fine precision of a good Swiss watch.

  Stone had had great hopes of this machine and now the hopes were gone. Now Stone was dead and the star machine lay here in this abandoned shed, a showpiece bit of evidence for a man so filled with hat
e that he would destroy paranormal kinetics, root and branch and leaf.

  And Finn could make much of this machine, for while it might be called machine, it was not the kind of machine to which the human mind for centuries had become accustomed. It had no moving parts and it had no function that was discernible. It was designed to work upon nothing more material than the human mind and senses. It worked with symbolism rather than with energy—and yet it worked.

  If the hope were gone, thought Blaine, then the machine could not remain. If he owed Stone nothing else, he owed him that much at least. He owed him, he reminded himself, some slight repayment for that night he’d phoned.

  There was a way—there was a way, he knew, if out of the frothing sea of alien knowledge which surged inside of him he could only pull it forth.

  He sought for it and found it and in the finding of it he touched on other knowledge, all neatly docketed and primly pigeonholed, as if some filing clerk had been busily at work within his cluttered mind.

  He stood weak and trembling at knowing of this pigeonholing, for he had not known, had had no inkling that it was going on. But it was the human way, he told himself—it was an evidence of human rebellion against the piecemeal disorderliness of the mass of data which had been dumped into his mind by the creature on that distant planet.

  The creature still was with him, or the essence of the creature, and he hunted for it among the pigeonholes, but it was not there; there was no sign of it as such, but there was something else; there was something very wrong.

  Startled, he went scrambling on the trail of wrongness and he caught and held it, muzzling it with a nose of horror—for it was simply this: His mind no longer was an entirely human mind. And in the edge of terror was the terrible wonder of how he still retained enough pure humanity to know this was the case.

  He put out his hand in a blind and groping way and caught a corner of the star machine and held tightly onto it.

  It all spelled out, he suspected, to the simple fact that he remained human, or mostly human, on the surface, while beneath that surface was a fusion of two individuals, of the knowledge and perhaps the ethics and the motives of two different forms of life. And that made sense when one thought of it, for the Pinkness had not changed. It had stayed its sprawling, slobby self; there had been no trace of human in it, although inside of it was a certain portion of humanity and God knew what else besides.


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