Ravaged Land: Divided Series - A Post-Apocalyptic Thriller Books 1-3

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Ravaged Land: Divided Series - A Post-Apocalyptic Thriller Books 1-3 Page 32

by Kellee L. Greene

  Logan moved the blankets around again into the exact position they’d been in before Abby had moved them. “It looks nice on you. It’s big but nice.”

  Abby’s eyelids fluttered. “Thank you, Logan. That’s sweet of you to say.”

  It struck me at that moment something about Logan had changed. I don’t know if it had been Abby’s near-fatal drowning or if it was something I was only first noticing, but around her, he was softer. There was a tiny twinkle in his eye, and I was pretty sure she had it in her eyes too when she looked up at him and smiled.

  “Hungry?” I asked suddenly feeling like a third wheel. “I could make you some rice.”

  “No,” she said patting her stomach. “My stomach doesn’t feel quite right. Maybe later?”

  “Sure,” I said looking into the hallway. “I’ll just go check on Shawn.”

  “Tell him thanks,” Abby called out as I walked out of the room. It was loud enough that I was sure Shawn had heard her.

  Shawn had calmed and was lounging back in the chair, still rocking back and forth, but at a slow, steady pace. His hands were folded in his lap and his eyes focused on the window.

  I walked over to the window to make sure everything was as it should be. When I turned to him his eyes were glued to me.

  “No one’s out there,” I said, and his head bobbed up and down a single time. “Can I get you anything?”

  “I think I just need to rest.” Shawn looked down the hallway.

  “Why not sleep in the master bedroom? The bed is comfortable. It’s a little musty smelling, but it’s better than the chair,” I said, and Shawn scooted forward. “You sure?”

  I smiled. “Yeah of course. I’ll keep watch.”

  He stood up and walked down the hall. I listened to his slow footsteps fade as he made his way to the master bedroom.

  Shawn probably needed rest more than any of us. He always seemed to be the one keeping watch. Last one to bed and first one up in the morning. I was pretty sure that even when he slept, it was with one eye open.

  I looked back out the window and watched as Ryder and Charlie made their way back to the house. Charlie was talking, and Ryder kept nodding along. She was probably filling him in on what had happened at the lake.

  When they got back inside, Ryder and Charlie both walked right past me without a word and headed into the kitchen. They spoke so softly that I couldn’t make out their words, but after a moment, Charlie was making her way into the basement.

  Ryder came into the living room and got the fire going. He was probably going to work on making more rice.

  “Want to go fishing with me?” he asked over his shoulder.

  “Me?” I asked wondering why he hadn’t asked Charlie. I was almost tempted to ask, but afraid how it might sound.

  He looked at me over his shoulder wearing a smile. “Yeah, why not? I guess Abby saw a fish right before she fell in. It’s worth a shot isn’t it?”

  “Sure,” I said wondering if I should let Shawn know where I was going, but I didn’t want to wake him. He’d probably be asleep for a while. “What’s Charlie doing?”

  “She’s going to make some rice. Ready?” Ryder asked standing at the door. “If you don’t want to, I can go alone.”

  “No, it’s fine, I’ll join you. I don’t have anything else to do. It has to be better than staring at the wall.”

  Ryder smiled. “Probably not by much.”

  I followed him out of the house, back to the lake. We didn’t have to stop for the fishing poles because they’d been left at the lake after the Abby incident.

  “Have you fished before?” Ryder asked when we got to the lake. He dug around in some of the loose mud and quickly found a thick, dirt-covered worm.

  “With my dad,” I said as he folded the worm onto my hook.

  He smiled and nodded at the lake. “Go on then, let’s see what you got.”

  I chuckled as launched the hook out as far into the lake as I could.

  “Nice,” Ryder said as he released his line, going only about half the distance I had. “This one is in worse condition.”

  I laughed.

  Ryder pointed to the rust and grime near the reel. “See?”

  We sat there in silence for quite a while, with nothing happening. Perhaps what Abby had seen had been a reflection of a cloud or some random debris floating through the water.

  The world around us was quiet. There was a gentle sloshing of the water as it touched the muddy shore, but that was the only sound. The gray clouds that still covered the sky looked as though they could drop water down on us at any moment.

  “This is useless,” I said as I considered reeling in my line.

  “Shh,” Ryder said, looking down at his line. The tip of his rod bent down ever so slightly, and Ryder jerked the pole back to hook the fish. “I got one!”

  “It’s probably a muddy stick,” I muttered, but when whatever was on the other end seemed to be fighting back, I was pretty sure it wasn’t a muddy stick.

  The pole squeaked as Ryder continued to reel it in. I hoped that the line would hold long enough for us to at least see what was on the other end of his line.

  After another minute or so, the flopping fish was out of the water. It was a dark brown shade, different from what my dad used to catch, but there was no doubt that it was in fact, a fish.

  “Ah-ha!” Ryder said once he got it onto the muddy ground. The fish’s tail flipped around desperately trying to get itself back into the water. “Sorry little guy.”

  Ryder looked up at me, his eyes glimmering with pride. The fish was about the size of my foot, but he couldn’t have looked more excited about the catch.

  “Where there’s one, there’s more, right?” Ryder said raising his brow.

  “Let’s hope.”

  He took the fish off of the hook and dropped it in a bucket Logan must have brought out earlier. “Try for more?”

  I grinned and nodded eagerly. I wanted to catch one too.

  Chapter 7

  That night after our rice and fish dinner we sat around in the living room. Shawn had rested, but he still looked tired.

  I sat by the window looking out into the darkness watching the shadows dance around in the strong winds. The rain had started again and deepened the puddles that had been there from the last rainfall.

  Abby was resting on the sofa, and she was looking toward the hallway. The events of the day had probably worn her out, and she wanted to get more rest in the bed.

  Logan’s eyes were on Abby, worry all but leaked out of them. He must have sensed me watching him because his eyes shifted over to meet mine for a split second.

  “I can’t believe you were right about the fish,” Ryder said rubbing his palm on his thigh as he rocked back and forth in the chair.

  Shawn looked at me from across the room and based on his expression it almost seemed as if he could read my thoughts. I was worried that having fish in the pond was only going to make everyone want to stay in the farmhouse longer. And the worst part of it was that I wasn’t sure that we shouldn’t.

  The man that had stumbled his way into the storage shed had perhaps been a random occurrence. Maybe it was just where he had decided to pass out. He hadn’t come back, and he hadn’t brought anyone back, but of course, that didn’t mean he wouldn’t. Maybe the rest of his people were far, far away from the farm. It could take days for them to travel back.

  Of course, the man hadn’t even looked at the house, why would he bother to bring his people back to a place that he’d only seen the inside of a dirty, old storage shed?

  As long as no one brought up the subject, I sure wasn’t going to. It was obvious enough we were staying temporarily because it was night and no one had suggested leaving. Not even me.

  “Ugh,” Charlie moaned wrapping her arms around her stomach. “I think maybe I ate too much.”

  “Are you OK?” Abby asked as she stood up and stretched her arms over her head.

  Charlie nodded, but her col
or looked a bit grayish compared to how it had looked earlier. “Yeah, I think I just need to lie down.”

  “Me too.” Abby yawned. “I’ll take that room again unless that’s a problem?”

  “Go ahead,” Logan said, without looking up.

  “Thanks,” Abby said making her way across the living room. “Good night then.”

  Everyone mumbled their good nights as she disappeared from the room.

  “I’m going to stay out here tonight,” Ryder said gesturing with his chin toward the sofa. “I’ll keep watch.”

  “Before you do,” Charlie said bent slightly at the waist. “Would you mind helping me upstairs?”

  “Oh,” Ryder said shaking his head, “I’m sorry you can take the sofa.”

  Charlie forced a thin-lipped smile. “I’d really rather a bed.”

  “You’re sure?”

  She nodded, wincing as she swallowed. “I’m sure. I might need a—”

  Charlie dashed from the room. I could tell by the sounds of her footsteps that she had run into the bathroom. The night was so quiet there wasn’t anything she could do to mask the sounds of her vomiting.

  “I’ll get some water,” Shawn said disappearing into the kitchen. We’d had some stored in an old bottle, but it might not be enough to clean the mess.

  Ryder walked out of the room and knocked lightly on the door. “You OK?”

  “Yeah,” she said, her voice weak and raspy. “Please, just help me upstairs.”

  Charlie wasn’t OK, she was ill. And if it was from the fish, we were all going to be in trouble because we’d all had our fill.

  After a few moments, the bathroom door opened. Ryder walked out of the hallway with Charlie curled in his arms as he carried her toward the stairs.

  “Can I get anything for her?” I asked as they walked by.

  Shawn made his way into the bathroom, sounds of water splashing filled the air. I was surprised by his iron stomach.

  “I could get her a glass of water,” I suggested.

  “No,” she moaned. “Nothing.”

  Logan followed Ryder up the stairs, both of them unable to hide their worry. Hell, after everything I’d been through with Charlie, even I was worried.

  I jumped when I felt someone touch my shoulder. A sharp breath escaped from between my lips when I saw Shawn standing there.

  “She’ll be OK. She probably just needs to rest,” he said gesturing toward the door. “I’m going to get more water to boil.”

  “What if it’s the fish?” I said keeping my voice low.

  Shawn shrugged. “I think we’d all be reacting the same way.”

  “Maybe we will.”

  “Maybe, but I feel fine.”

  I chewed on the side of my cheek. There wasn’t even the slight hint of a grumble in my stomach. I’d felt better than I had in a long time.

  Shawn looked out the window before opening the door. “Be right back.”

  “I don’t think you should go alone,” I said.

  “I’ll be fine.” Shawn left closing the door behind him and ending the discussion before I could insist I go with him.

  I looked up the stairs trying to listen, but all I could hear was the occasional groan from Charlie, and the soft whispers shared between Logan and Ryder. The only thing I could determine from their whispers was what I’d already known… they were worried.

  I walked over to the window and stared at the shadows watching for Shawn’s return. It didn’t take long before he was walking briskly through the rain and up the porch.

  He came back inside the house and met my eyes before he locked the door. Even though the lock wasn’t in great condition, hopefully, it would delay anyone trying to get inside, at least for long enough that we could ready ourselves to fight, or escape.

  Shawn was working to boil the water when Logan came down the stairs. He looked over at us as he ran his fingers through his hair.

  “Ryder’s going to wait up with her,” he said stepping up behind me. “I’ll keep watch.”

  “Are you sure?” I said shaking my head. “I don’t mind at all.”

  Logan let out a breath as he looked down at his feet. “I’m not feeling even a little sleepy. Go on, I’ll wake you if I get tired.”

  “OK.” I stepped away from the window, wrapping my arms around my middle as I turned back toward him. “Is she going to be all right?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure she will,” Logan said pasting on a smile. “Charlie’s tough.”

  “She is,” I said smiling back at him.

  As I walked down the hall, I could hear Logan talking to Shawn. He was telling him to leave the water that he’d finish. It wasn’t long before I heard Shawn’s footsteps coming down the hall.

  I looked out the window, and when I turned around, he was standing in the doorway.

  “I have nowhere to go,” he said, his expression blank.

  “Um, yeah,” I said, closing the curtain. There was a shakiness to my voice I couldn’t hide. “It’s fine. It’s a big bed.”

  “Are you sure? Because if it’s weird, I’ll just go sleep in the basement or something.”

  I shook my head. “No, sleeping in the basement would be weird.”

  “I think Logan wanted to be alone,” Shawn said taking a cautious step into the room.

  I nodded as I twisted my fingers together. My eyes were focused on the bed.

  “Which side do you prefer?” Shawn asked. “Or I could sleep in that chair.”

  There was a rickety old wooden chair near the closet. It looked like it would fall apart if someone looked at it for too long.

  “Don’t be silly,” I said sitting down on the bed. “I’ve been sleeping on this side.”

  Shawn sucked in a breath and walked over to the bed. I could feel it sink down a bit when he sat down on the other side.

  We both laid back at the exact same time. I kept my eyes glued to the ceiling.

  “Well, good night then,” Shawn said.

  “Good night.”

  I closed my eyes, and the second I did, I felt his fingertips lightly brush against the back of my hand. He slowly inched his fingers over until his hand was over mine.

  My heart beat faster, and I wasn’t sure if I would be able to sleep having him so close to me. I didn’t dare to look over to see if his eyes were closed, but I could hear his gentle breaths as the rain tapped at the window.

  It wasn’t like anything could happen between us with the door open and the others only a few feet away. Not to mention I was sure that even though Ryder seemed to be accepting of what had developed between Shawn and me, he still wouldn’t want to witness anything in the way Charlie had.

  “Emery?” Shawn whispered, and my heart felt as though it skipped a beat. I wasn’t sure if I should respond or pretend to be asleep. Having him stay in the bedroom had been a bad idea.


  “Can I kiss you?”

  I swallowed hard, and my cheeks warmed. Even though I hadn’t tried that hard not to, I was unable to stop myself from turning to look at him. His glowing eyes caught mine in the darkness and my entire being melted.

  My tongue dragged across my lower lip as I swallowed down my nerves. “Yes.”

  He glanced out the doorway before propping himself up slightly. His lips inches from mine.

  Shawn stroked my cheek with the side of his thumb before he hungrily dove down and pressed his lips to mine. A small moan escaped from between my lips as all the tension left my body and floated away through the ceiling.

  The need that filled my body was intense. Not even the random creaks of the floorboards above were able to bring me to my senses.

  “Shawn,” I said, but I’d been unable to even come close to completing my sentence.

  His mouth devoured every inch of my exposed skin. He kissed up and down my neck and across my collarbone. When he pulled the thin, frayed blanket over us, it felt as though the bed was swallowing us whole. Shawn and I were in our own world where all that matter
ed was the two of us.

  A small gasp escaped from between my lips as Shawn roughly pulled up my shirt and kissed the tops of my breasts. My fingertips dug into his shoulders as he made his way back up to my lips.

  “Emery,” he whispered my name, before kissing me harder. My body filled with a fiery passion that I couldn’t deny. I wanted Shawn. No. It was more than that. I needed Shawn.

  I tugged at the hem of his shirt, and he yanked it off. He smiled when I reached down to undo my pants.

  “Are you sure?” Shawn asked, his breath dancing across my cheek.

  “Yes,” I said, and that was all he needed to hear.

  Shawn’s hand glided up my stomach and over my breast. I didn’t know if I believed in heaven, but if there was one, it had to feel like this.

  Before I knew it, Shawn was on top of me, gazing into my eyes. I bit my lip when I looked up at him, and it seemed to ignite something deep inside.

  My lips parted when he entered me, and it felt like I didn’t know what to do with my hands. I gripped the sheets tightly as our bodies moved together.

  Shawn lightly brushed a stray hair out of my face, before lowering himself to kiss down the side of my neck.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered next to my ear.

  My heart jumped at his words. Everything around me seemed to be moving faster. Even the rain seemed to be tapping at the window more rapidly than before.

  My insides felt like they were on fire, threatening to explode at any moment. Shawn rocked his hips quicker, and our bodies seemed to tense at the exact same moment.

  An indescribable intense pleasure consumed me. Shawn was driving my body to a place it had never gone before, and it was absolutely delightful.

  Every inch of my body tingled as my muscles relaxed. I grabbed his shoulders as if I was afraid I might roll away from him.

  “Oh, God,” I said as Shawn slowed to a stop. He pressed his lips to mine for a long moment before rolling back onto his side.

  “I hope that wasn’t too loud,” Shawn said with a serious look on his face.

  I looked out into the hall, but it seemed the same as it had before. The random pacing noises from above us hadn’t changed.

  I wiggled back into my clothing and caught Shawn staring at me. His expression was unreadable.


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