by Bart Schultz
February ,
Dickenson, Goldsworthy Lowes: role of, in
conflict of neutral reasons, –;
Apostles, , ; anticipates later critics
K. Baier on, –; Crisp on, –;
of S,
Schneewind on S and, –; Phillips
dipsychia: Clough, Symonds on, ;
on S and, ; Schneewind versus Shaver
Symonds to Dakyns on, –,
on S on, –; Rashdall versus S on,
; S on potential consequences of,
disinterestedness, see ethical theory; justice;
–; S on defense of, –; S’s
concern with, and reason, ; and
Disraeli, Benjamin, ; and British
psychical research, –; and S’s life
imperialism, ; versus Gladstone,
project, –; significance of S’s
Dixon, Joy, on theosophy, –,
Apostolic notion of friendship and, ;
Donagan, Alan: on significance of S and ME,
Green on ME on, –; S on Green’s
; on S versus Spencer, Martineau, Green,
failure to solve, –, –; and
Bradley, Bosanquet, Mill, and Moore, ; on
Kantian conception of self, S on, –;
S’s resignation, CS, –; and S’s
Noel on, –, ; S to Noel on, ,
Kantianism, ; and Ross’s intuitionism,
; Noel to S on, –; and S’s midlife
–; as Whewellian, ; on common
crisis, –; S, EP on politics, state and,
rationalism of Kant and Whewell,
–; and S’s form of Whitmania,
Donner, Wendy, on J. S. Mill and feelings,
–; and Christian dualism, ; and
double effect, doctrine of, S and,
theism, S on, –; and aesthetics, S
Dover, Sir Kenneth, ,
on, , ; see also deepest problems of
Dowling, Linda: on Pater’s Oxford, –;
human life; egoism; reason
on Mallock on Pater, ; on Tyrwhitt
DuBois, W. E. B.: as theorist of the
versus Hellenism, ; on Jowett’s
twin-souled, ; Bryce on,
Dunning, W. A., on EP’s historical method,
dualism of practical reason, ; and psychical
research, ; S on, versus M. Arnold,
duty: Chapters – passim, ; political
–; S to Noel about, ; S to
promotion of, –; strict international,
Dakyns about, –, ; and deepest
versus comity, S to Lytton on, –; S
problems, –; and S’s early
on spread of civilization as, , –
Millianism, –; Schneewind on
Dyer, Willie: Symonds loves, ; Symonds
central thought of ME and, –, ;
refuses to give up, –; and
and perfectionist alternative, –; S
Symonds’s sexual development,
compared to Butler on, ; practical
conflict in ordinary minds, ; and
economics, see analytical method; political
conclusion of ME, , –; S on
ME, Butler and, –; S to Symonds
Edgeworth, Frances Ysidro: and S’s
about, ; S’s precise versus simplified
hedonism, ; S’s influence on, ; and
statement of, –; and ME on
Oxbridge political economy, ;
sanctions, ; L. Stephen on S and,
corresponds with S on taxation schemes,
–; and S’s Socratic angst, –;
and different editions of ME, –;
Edinburgh Review, on EP,
Broad on, ; Frankena on S, ME, OHE
education: S and classical, ; and Apostolic
and, ; Coady on, ; and S’s weak
ethic, personal touch, –; J. S. Mill on the
defense of egoism in ME, , ; and
state of higher, ; ultimate meaning of, for
Shaver’s interpretation of S, ; S, ME on
S, ; and meaning of culture, ; and
distinction between persons and, –;
Maurice’s Apostles, ; and Tractarian
Shaver on S’s construction of, –;
movement, , ; and Jowett’s tutorial,
and nontheistic solutions, ; and S in
; true mission of, for Apostles, ;
history of Western tradition, –; S on
Cambridge versus Oxford on, –; as
force of, in post-Christian era, ; and
needed by all classes, ; and S’s criticisms
high-minded indirection, –; Moore
of the Classical Tripos, ; S endorses J. S.
on, versus S, –; Rashdall on, versus
Mill’s view of, ; and role of classics in,
S, ; Skorupski on, as conflict of
–; and Cambridge emphasis on
relative/neutral reasons, –; and
Newton, Locke, ; deeper form of, ;
February ,
education ( cont.)
resistance to utilitarianism and, ; and
and reformism, ; and political economy,
indirect pursuit of good, –; versus
; S and J. S. Mill on indispensability of,
Hurka’s perfectionism, –; S, ME on
–; J. S. Mill versus M. Arnold on,
precise versus simplified versions of
–; S, MEA versus M. Arnold on,
dualism and, –; S’s weak defense of,
–; and personal touch, ; S’s
in ME, , ; self-evident element in,
reformism and, –; and Latin/Greek
Shaver on, ; and S’s distinction passage
instruction, S on, , ; and hypocrisy,
in ME
, –; Shaver’s critique of S,
; Podmore on S and function of
ME on, –, –; Schneewind on
university and, ; and S’s life project,
S and, ; Sverdlik on S and, ; S to
–; and Oxbridge, ; and role of
Symonds about survival and, ; S’s
state, Green on, –; and teaching of
constructive treatment of, in ME, –;
philosophy, S on, –; and Greek love,
Moore on irrationality of, versus S, ME,
Symonds on, –; Harrow and,
–; Rashdall on, versus S and Moore,
–; and Greek love, ; S’s view of
; weakness of Moore’s argument
as indebted to Symonds, ; O. Browning
against, ; Skorupski on agent-relative
and, –; and S and cultivation of
reasons and, –; S recognizes
sympathy, Noel on, ; Symonds on
varieties of, –; K. Baier on,
Essays on Liberal Education and, ; and
–; Crisp on, –; S’s axiomatic
ethical philosophy, S on, –, ; S,
grounding of, in ME, ; Schneewind on
Symonds, and ideal of, , ; and S and
S and, –; Shaver versus Schneewind
Evening Continuation Schools, –;
on S’s grounding of, –; S on force
and S’s work on the General Board of
of, –; S on Barratt on, –; S’s
Studies, –; women’s versus men’s,
response to Gizycki’s critique of ME and,
–, ; S’s work in, ; and the
–; S on common sense and, ; S,
ideal of the university, EMS, S on,
ME on indirect, and difficulties of
–; S’s early views on, to Initial
calculation of, ; J. F. Stephens on,
Society, –; women’s, and personal
–; S worries about vulgar forms of,
touch, ; and S’s lecturing/talk in s,
; S’s obsession with, and psychical
; and teacher training as university
research, –, –, ; S on J. S.
subject, S on, –; as government
Mill’s inadequate treatment of, ; as
function, S on political economy and, ;
universalizable, –; S on Butler and
S, PPE on socialistic intervention and,
rejection of psychological, –; Green
–; and S’s public role, –; and
on ME on, –; and Victorian age,
the utilitarian reformer, ; and the
; and marriage, S and Noel on,
promotion of public morality, –;
–, ; in Platonism and
Seeley’s reformism and, –; Seeley’s
Christianity, ; S versus Noel on,
method of teaching and, ; Viswanathan
–; S versus Symonds on, –;
on Maine on Indian, ; S on treatment
and S, ME on sexual purity, –; and
of aborigines and, –; and imperial
S, ME on suicide, –; S, PPE on
leadership, Shannon on, ; and S’s
orthodox political economy and, –,
notion of intimate inquiry, –; S,
–; S, PPE on myth of consumer
Houghton and, ; see also academic
sovereignty and, –; EP does not
reform; Cambridge University; culture;
emphasize, –; S, EP on limits of,
higher education for women
–; S’s critique of national, –;
Eglinton, William, exposure of,
see also benevolence; dualism of practical
egoism: psychological, –, ; ethical,
reason; reason/reasonableness
and dualism of practical reason, ,
Egremont, Max, on O’Brian affair,
–; S’s lack of faith in, –; and
Egypt: and realities of British imperialism,
ancient Greek Sophists, –; S’s fear of,
; EMS travels in,
, ; S’s cheerfulness and, ; and
Elcho, Lady, Balfour to, on death of S, –
trend of S’s thought, ; account of, in S’s
Eliot, George, ; and Strauss’s Life of Jesus,
paper to Grote Club, –; as method
; and opposition to Myers, SPR, ;
of ethics in ME, –, –;
uses Gurney as model for Daniel Deronda,
February ,
; on feminine excellences, her influence
–; and discussion societies, S on,
on S, –; S, EMS, and memorial
–; S on Hegelian, ; and reason
plaque for, ; S admires but does not
versus authority, –; in S’s later
works LPK, M, –; and S on theism,
elitism, S’s, , –, , , ,
consensus test, –; S on possible
–, , –, , –,
defense of esoteric, –; see also
intuition/intuitionism; metaethics; reason
Ellis, Havelock: and Symonds, Studies in
equality/egalitarianism: Symonds to
Sexual Inversion, , , ; and
Carpenter on, –; Noel on Whitman
Symonds and scientific legitimacy, ;
and, –; and women, S on, –,
Symonds to, about their collaboration, ;
–; and medical discourse on women,
urges study of female inversion, ; and
; EMS on women and, –; and
S’s account of sexual morality in ME,
educational work of S, EMS, –; S
–; and eugenics, –; and
versus Mallot on economic, ; S,
suppression of Symonds’s work on Studies
Bentham on declining marginal utility and,
n Sexual Inversion, –
; S, EP on socialistic intereference and,
Elshtain, Jean, on J. Addams,
–; S, EP on democracy and,
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Clough brings to
–; see also democracy; justice;
empiricism: and psychical research, –,
equity, principle of, how intuitive, –
, ; and early utilitarian tradition, S
rejects, ; and intuition, , ; versus
esoteric morality, see utilitarianism
S’s social epistemology; Green’s critique
Essays and Reviews, ; contributors to, –
of, –; Russell, S on, –; S on
; see also academic liberals; Christianity
Pearson and, –; see also Bacon;
ethical culture movement, , , , ;
epistemology; science/scientific method
and Cambridge and London Ethical
Engel, Rosa, Symonds infatuated with,
Societies, –; see also Addams, Jane;
Ensor, Robert: on Seeley’s Expansion of
Green, T. H.
England, –; on Imperial Federation
ethical theory: Chapter passim; Apostolic
League, ; on Balfour, Milner, and
variations on, ; S and, call for
Chinese laborers,
experiments in ethics and intuitive theism,
Epicurus/Epicureanism: hard shell of,
, –; S’s, , ; S’s resignation
around S, ; and ghosts,
crisis and his, ; S’s sense of failure in,
epistemology: S’s complex notion of, , ,
; S to Dakyns about, –; S’s paper
–; Kloppenberg on S’s, ; S’s model
to Grote Club on, –; S’s first
of critical inquiry and, ; S’s standards of,
adhesion to Millianism and, –; S’s
and history of philosophy, –; S’s
in ME not metaphysical, psychological, or
four conditions for self-evidence in ME
dogmatic, , –; and ME, study of
and, –; ME, Cartesianism and,
methods, –; Rawls on S’s, –;
–; Crisp’s defense of S’s, –;