by Bart Schultz
to Jowett on reality of, –; and
; Hurka on S’s account of, versus
Symonds’s “Soldier Love,” , ;
well-being, ; in different editions of
versus medical discourse, homo/hetero
ME, ; conflicting interpretations of S
binarism, ; and Symonds’s discovery of
on, ; Symonds on Tennyson on, ; S
Plato, –; Symonds brings to Oxford,
versus Green on, –, –; and
; Crompton on punishment of,
Idealist conception of self, ; S versus
–; originality of Bentham on,
Noel on, –; see also happiness;
–; and Symonds’s masculinist
hedonism; perfection/perfectionism
aesthetic, ; and Symonds’s case history,
Goodwin, C. W., as contributor to Essays and
–; as described in Symonds’s letter
Reviews, –
on Arthur S, –; Symonds’s crisis
Gordon, Scott, on S and Marshall,
and, –; and Symonds’s “A Problem
in Greek Ethics,” –; S on
Gore, Charles: on S on return of Christ, ;
Symonds’s “A Problem in Greek Ethics,”
on S’s belief in following reason, ; and
–; and Symonds’s “Eudiades,”
Synthetic Society,
–; Symonds to Whitman on, ;
Gosse, Edmund, ; Symonds to, on Many
Symonds’s vision of a new age of, –;
Moods, ; and Symonds letters,
S on publication of Symonds’s verse and,
Goulburn, E. M.: heads Rugby, ; wants S
–; in Symonds’s “Rhaetica,”
to go to Balliol, –
–; in Symonds’s “Vagabundula,”
February ,
–; Symonds on legal system and,
philosophical lecture, ; see also
–; Symonds and study of,
academic liberals; Bradley; idealism
–; and medical terminology,
Grosskurth, Phyllis: on S, Symonds, and
–; and marriage, sexual purity, S,
“Eudiades,” ; and impact of Symonds’s
ME on, –; and S’s politics, –;
sex research, Kemp on, ; on Brown and
and S’s handling of Symonds’s
the suppression of Symonds’s work with
posthumous reputation, ; Brown on,
Ellis, –
; Brown to Carpenter on Symonds’s
Grote Club, , –, , ; S describes
work and, ; see also friendship
to Dakyns, ; and academic reform,
Green, Charlotte (née Symonds), , ;
–; and S’s Cloughian reserve, ; S’s
Symonds to, on S’s position,
paper for, on ethical theory, –; see
Green, Thomas Hill, , ; versus S, Donagan
also Grote, John
on, ; Bryce on S and, ; S meets at
Grote, George: signficance of, for Victorian
Rugby, ; as academic liberal, ; Richter
Platonic revival, –; T. Irwin on, ; S
on, ; calls S a positivist, ; sniffs at
as a disciple of, –; and Benthamites,
psychical research, ; Skorupski on S and,
; as brother of John, –
; Irwin on S and, –; Hurka on
Grote, John, , ; S’s debt to, –,
Irwin, S and, –; Rashdall on
–; J. Gibbins on, –; J. Venn on,
paradox of, ; S does not quite grasp
; Schneewind on ME and, , , ;
Kantianism of, ; and climate of unbelief,
S on An Examination, –; S on
; and imperialism, ; S’s life project
indeterminacy, philosophy and, ; on
and, –; marries Charlotte Symonds,
knowledge by acquaintance/description,
; bridge to S’s deeper concerns,
–; on philosophy as supporting
Grotius, H., and modern moral thought,
religion, ; as Rugby product, early
Gurney, Edmund, ; as close to S, ;
friend of S’s, ; model for Prof. Grey in
Myers on relation to S of, ; Myers and
Robert Elsmere, –; Jowett tutors at
S on, –; background, personality
Oxford, –; W. L. Newman on, ;
and musical interests of, –; and aim
as member of Old Mortality, ; versus S
of tertium quid, ; and contributions to
on things German, ; cordial exchanges
study of hypnotism, psychology, –;
with S, ; and state paternalism,
and birth of S Group, Gauld on, –;
–; premature death of, ;
initial reluctance to join S Group, ; and
Prolegomena of, on S’s ME, –;
birth of SPR, –; and priorities of
metaphysics of, –; S’s critique of
SPR, ; and G. A. Smith, ; and
ethics of, –; S, GSM, and critique
Hornby episode, ; and production of
of metaphysics, epistemology of, –,
Phantasms, ; S influences role of, in
; consistency of S’s objections to, ;
work on Phantasms, –; on the
hypocrisy of, ; Marshall compares S to,
democratic method of psychical research,
–; S thinks solves nothing, –;
, ; Gauld on Phantasms and, ;
Rorty on insignificance of, ; Oxford of,
seeks census of hallucinations, ; death
; supports Symonds for Oxford
of, and production of Census, ; writes to
Professorship of Poetry, –; on
W. James on personal knowledge and
reading party with Symonds, ; inspires
telepathy, ; and differences within S
Symonds to get First, ; European tour
group, –; writes to W. James about
with Symonds, –; S on people being
Myers on ghosts, ; and growing
better off believing, ; Richter on
skepticism of S group, ; possible suicide
relation to church of, ; S to Noel on,
of, ; death of, ; see also psychical
–; Symonds to, on pointlessness of
research; Society for Psychical Research
religious philosophizing, ; S compares
Symonds to, ; S as unlike, ; and S’s
Habermas, Jürgen, ; on growth of public
academic reformism, , ; and Queen
sphere, , –
Anne architecture, ; S shares concerns
Hague Conference,
of, , ; imperialism of, compared to
Haldane, R.: Podmore on, ; and Synthetic
S’s, –; as subject of S’s last
Society, ; S on Hegelianism of,
February ,
Hall, Bullock,
Hayek, Friedrich von, on S, EP,
Hallam, Arthur: as an Apostle, , –;
Hayward, F. H.: on Browning’s story about S
on Maurice’s role in Apostles,
completing ME, ; critique of Jones on S
Hamilton, William: S on philosophy of, ;
on reason, ,
influence on Spencer, evolutionism,
Heath, Desmond, on Noel, –
Hammond, J. Lampiere,
hedonism: Rawls on Bentham’s, ; S on
happiness: utilitarian principle of, , –,
ambiguities of in J. S. Mill, –;
; friendship as core element of, –;
S’s view of, as good, –; versus
horizons of not known, –; S and
perfection, in ME, –; and
indirect pursuit of, ; and universe
significance of consciousness, S versus
without God, ; and religion of future,
Moore on, –; and open question
J. S. Mill on, –; S on ambiguities of
argument, ; and vivesection
J. S. Mill’s account of, –; S’s
controversy, ; and Nozick’s experience
hedonistic account of, in ME, –;
machine objection, ; and ME on
and ME on vivisection, ; S, ME on
indirect pursuit of happiness, –; and
indirect pursuit of, –; and moral
S and modern utility theory, interpersonal
schizophrenia in ME, –; versus
comparisons, ; and principle of
“good” in principle of benevolence in ME,
prudence in ME, –; and
–; and precise versus simplified
Edgeworth, ; S versus Bradley on,
statement of dualism in ME, –; S,
–; S versus Green on, –; see
ME on indirect pursuit of, internal
also good/goodness; pleasure/pain;
sanctions and, –; and Rashdall’s
perfectionism, ; J. F. Stephen on, ;
Hegel, Georg (Hegelianism): S studies, ;
in future less dependent on religion, ;
and S’s outlook, ; and Crisp’s problem,
Goethe and, , ; S on his, –,
; S’s struggle with, –, ; as
; and symmetrical people, –;
represented in Green’s metaphysics,
Symonds versus Aristotle on, ;
–; Schneewind on Bradley’s,
Symonds on health and, ; Symonds on
–; in Oxford Greats, –;
S’s, –; S on women and, –;
Symonds on Aesthetik of, ; S to Noel
and work, EMS’s feminism, –; S,
about Green on, ; Noel on, ; S to
PPE on perfection versus, –; S, EP
Balfour on Haldane’s,
on political common sense and, –;
Hellenism: S on Arnold’s, –; Myers
S’s EP on cultivating higher forms of, ;
on, –; and Oxford and Cambridge,
EMS on S’s, , –; see also
–, –, ; Dowling on Oxford’s,
good/goodness; hedonism; utilitarianism
–; and Pater, Symonds, –;
Harcourt, George, as an Apostle,
Symonds versus Tyrwhitt on, –;
Hardinge, William, and Pater,
Symonds’s defense of, –; Symonds
Hare, Julius: dialogical method of, ;
to Jowett on sexuality, love and, –;
Maurice on,
Symonds on his predisposition to,
Hare, R. M.: like S in appropriation of Kant,
–; Symonds brings eroticized form
; Moral Thinking of as indebted to S,
of to Oxford, ; and Harrison, Victorian
harmonization, see dualism of practical
Helmholtz, W., Symonds on,
reason; reconciliation project
Harrison, Jane Ellen, and Newnham,
Victorian Maenads,
Hicks-Beach, Michael Edward, precedes
Harrison, Ross, on S and growth of
Balfour as Irish Secretary,
higher education for women, , , ;
Harrow: Symonds on moral tone of, –;
Maurice champions, ; Myers
Dr. Symonds on,
championed before S, ; as part of S’s
Hartman, Nicolai von, Rashdall on
reformism, –; S’s concern with as
opposition to egoism of,
resulting from his resignation crisis, ;
Harvie, Christopher: on academic liberals
and Mill’s heirs, ; and feminist critique,
and early Home Rule controversy, ; on
–; S, EMS and beginnings of,
Pearson and Australian racism,
–; Symonds as committed to, ;
February ,
academic liberal support of, ; and S’s
Home Rule controversy: S and, , ,
ideal of Millian friendship, ; and S’s
–, –; Seeley and, –;
views on equality, ; S and Newnham
see also Liberal Party
versus Davies and Girton on, –;
Homer: Myers and, , ; Symonds and
A. J. Clough’s early work in, ; S,
Hermes of,
Newnham on, and, –; move for full
homosexuality, Symonds and emergence of
membership, ; and Cambridge life,
terminology of, ; see also friendship; gay
–; long Cambridge opposition to,
studies; Greek love
–; Banks on EMS, S and, ; and
Hooker, Brad: Ideal Code, Real World as
S’s critique of Courthope, ; and EMS’s
indebted to S, ; on S as “internalist
exchanges with Marshall, –; EMS
cognitivist,” ; on S as direct
on effects of, marriage and, –; G.
Eliot on, –; feminism and, in work
Hoomi, Koot,
of S, EMS, ; and Government House
hope, see optimism; theism
utilitarianism, –; Seeley supports,
Hopkinson, Alfred,
; EMS continues work with, ; see
Horace: and S’s wit, , ; Myers and, ;
also academic reform; Cambridge
and gifts of S, Symonds, ; and “consul
University; Newnham College
of Pancus,”
“Hillside,” , –,
Hornby, E. E., ,
Hinduism: Macaulay on, ; as source for
Hornby, J. J., and Browning,
theosophy, ; Maurice studies, –
Houghton, Lord (Richard Monckton
Hinton, James, Noel on,
Milnes): as an Apostle, ; and policy of
historical method: and social science, –,
Apostolic secrecy, , –; and Greek
; and Bible, S on, –; and
love, ; and Noel, ; and Savile Club,
Christianity, –; and historical
; Brown mentions,
criticism, ; and political prophecy, ;
Howey, R. S., on S, Jevons, and Gossen,
S’s talent for, ; and Seeley’s inductive