Savage Reign

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Savage Reign Page 40

by Melody Locklear

I was surprised, at first, but so overjoyed that we escaped that monstrous place that I couldn’t muster the energy I would have needed to be angry with him. He was my lifeline back in Vakrov. He protected me, devoted himself to me. That was enough for me to trust him.

  So instead of condemning him I asked for something much different.

  “Swear yourself to me, right here, right now. Renounce your allegiance to Theon Beleros and pledge yourself to me now and we can start fresh going forward.”

  And so he did and we spoke nothing more of it.

  Grayson, as well as a small group of willing helpers, took one of the smaller boats to Zakaria so he could inform the queen of everything that’s happened since we left her.

  Arriving in Llìria seems surreal to me. It’s not a place I ever thought I’d willingly be entering. I’d fought so long against who I was and what I was supposed to be that when I finally accepted it, it felt like I was a whole different person. But I know what I have to do now. For me, for my people, and for the people who have two types of magic running through their veins. Some of these Borderlines, from Vakrov, from Zakaria, they have no home, no one who wants them. Zodiacs are not much different than the humans. So terrified of what they don’t understand. It’s time we make them understand.

  I should be afraid of the Llìrian palace as we approach it. After all, I’ve been inside three of them over the last eight months, each one a bigger prison than the last. But that is not the case here. This feels like home, like freedom.

  We have no trouble with the guards at the gates. The moment I tell them who I am they scramble to let me in. Not all of us, of course. They are wary of the army of Borderlines I have following behind me. They grant passage to me, Daxon, Haven, Missy, and Finn. The rest all stay behind and wait for further instruction from me.

  The grassy yard stretching out before the palace is long, but I see Theon approaching first. Guards swarm forward, ready to fight if need be. There is no need though. Despite myself, I am almost happy to see the evil bastard. But not as happy as I am when I see that pretty blond walk up beside him. A smile breaks over my face when I see Kara smile so big she can hardly contain her excitement.

  I break into a run. The space between her and I suddenly feels too far, too much. She’s six months pregnant so she can’t run as I can, but she does move surprisingly fast for a pregnant girl. My heart pounds in my chest like a drum. It threatens to burst when I finally reach her. I throw my arms around her as Theon approaches from behind. As soon as I have her in my arms I laugh. I can’t help it. It’s the only thing I can do to keep my heart from bursting out of my chest.

  I clutch the back of her head and she laughs with me, squeezing tighter. I can’t breathe, but I don’t care. “How are you here right now?” she asks finally, though she does not release me.

  “That is a very long story my love.” I reluctantly pull back and press a hand to her cheek. “But I’m here.”

  “You’re here.” she says, tears streaming down her cheeks now. She laughs through her joy with me.

  “I’m here, babygirl.” I tell her. I touch her belly and we both laugh together.

  That’s when I see him. My heart damn near stops at the sight of him. I press a hand to the back of my head and now it’s my turn to let the tears spill. I shake my head in disbelief. “No,” I say in reproof, not wanting to believe that my mind could be so cruel as to allow me to hallucinate this. “Shit, it’s the concussion, isn’t it? You’re not actually here.”

  Aaric, my brother or the apparition of him, shakes his head as he slowly approaches. “I am here.”

  His voice breaks me. “I’ve been seeing things right and left lately. Don’t play with me.” I beg.

  “It’s me, Amara.” He damn near chokes on my name. “Is it you?”

  I run again, but this time I don’t have far to go. I throw myself around him. I hold on so tight that I am off the ground, limbs clinging to him for dear life. I tighten my arms around his neck. I breathe him in and I know this is not a trick. He smells like him. “Aaric,” I choke out.

  “I’m here, it’s me, I’m here.”

  I dig my face in between his neck and shoulder, crying for only a moment, letting the last week of my life consume me. I pull back only because I need to see his face. I touch it, making sure it’s real. “You’re here.”

  “I’m here.” I let him slip me to my feet and I take a step back because I know someone who is half as excited to see him as I am. “Haven,” he chokes on her name, swallowing hard.

  I step away from him so they can have their moment. I feast my eyes on the next person I didn’t expect to see here. Green eyes pool with tears as he looks at me, like he might cry too. “Roman,” My voice shakes over his name. I touch his face and he leans into my touch, closing his eyes so the tears will fall from them. I smile so hard it hurts. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” he says and we both laugh. He yanks me into his arms. Neither of us move or tug away. Not for several minutes. “Tell me you’re nor married to that prick.” he says and I laugh outright.

  “I am unmarried.” I laugh some more and he laughs with me, reluctantly releasing me from the hug.

  Roman is loath to leave my side, but anxious to hug his sister again and so he goes to her, leaving me to the rest.

  There are more of my people here than I thought. Felix and Bay and Niykee. They’re here. I even hug Clea because I am bursting with joy. I imagined I’d be overrun with happiness seeing Kara again, but I didn’t expect any of this, any of them.

  Silence falls over us all though when my eyes land on Kol. He’s different than I remember. Damn it, he’s sexier too. He feels taller, maybe because of the distance between us. He’s got some stubble that ages him a couple years. He has tears in his gorgeous midnight blue eyes. Beautiful as he is to me though, anger tears at my insides, threatening to consume the first sense of joy I’ve felt in months.

  I march to him, and slap him clean across the face. He’s stunned, but not surprised. He flexes his jaw and dares to look at me. “I hate you.” I hiss.

  “I know.” he says around the lump in his throat.

  I don’t mean it though. I’m not so sure I’m capable of hate right now. Not in this moment and so I throw my arms around him, hugging him tight against me. His breathing is ragged as he closes his arms around me. His body trembles in my arms and I know he’s been living in his own hell knowing he’d failed in trying to take me from Keenan that night.

  I pull away sooner than he’d like and step back, taking a look around, realizing that we’re missing two people. “Where’s Aaren, and Jayla?” I ask Aaric.

  “Oh, they uh, they stayed behind, in Limacore. They thought they could convince Theron to uh…”

  “To come rescue me?” I ask pointedly and silence falls once more. “Well, as you all can see I no longer need any saving.” My eyes fall, finally, on Theon. He is as solemn as I have ever seen him.

  Kara approaches me slowly. When my eyes fall on her she looks like a different person than the last time I saw her. Softer, older, a mother soon to be. She takes my hands delicately into hers. “Come on. Why don’t you let me show you your home?”

  I pull her hand into mine and bring it to my side, looking back at Theon. “There is the small matter of the army waiting outside.”

  “Army?” Aaric questions.

  “You didn’t actually think I fled Vakrov without an army at my back, did you? They are responsible for my being here now so perhaps you might show them some hospitality.” I peer over at Haven who seems to be recovering somewhat okay given all the hugs she just received. “Come on.” I tell her. She doesn’t hesitate to move to my side. I seem to be the only one she can touch without flinching away. I pull her hand into mine. “Are you okay?” I whisper to her.

  “I’m okay.” She nods, though her hand shakes in mine.

  “We’re safe now, Haven, I promise you that.” I assure her.

  “Come on. Let’s go inside.” Kara says gently,
sensing something is wrong with Haven, but she’s wise enough not to comment on it.

  Theon does as I’ve asked and allows my army inside to bathe, eat, drink until their heart’s content. We do the same. We eat and we drink with all of the people we had only dreamt of seeing again. We laugh together. It isn’t until the majority of everyone descends to their rooms that my Zodiac—the parts of us here—Theon, Daxon, and the odd Seer Kara and I met months ago, find ourselves in a rather large parlor room, discussing all we’ve been through over drinks.

  I sit on a couch, boxing Haven in between me and the arm of it so that she is safe from anyone’s touch. Aaric is on my left, afraid of moving too far away from me, as if I might disappear on him. I don’t mind. I feel the same way.

  “So, Bastian imprisoned all those Borderlines?” Kara asks once we’ve finished.

  “Yes.” I answer. I feel Theon’s eyes on me this whole time, watching me, observing me. I am content to let him. Let him see the strength in me now as opposed to the scared, confused girl he met all those months ago. “You’ve all seen only what Limacore’s safe haven allowed you to see. But in Vakrov, Borderlines are caught and imprisoned. Serpentarians…” I pause, hating Bastian, even as a corpse. “are put to death.”

  “But not you.” Malia argues.

  I eye her warily, distrusting her immediately. “Not me.”

  “Why was Keenan there?” Kara asks. I can tell it’s a question she’s forced down all night. Unfortunately it’s a question she’s going to have to sit on a little while longer.

  “Not here, Kara.” I say authoritatively. I cannot talk about Keenan here, in front of everyone. It just might break me.

  “I can’t believe Keenan is a Vakrovian prince.” Felix muses.

  “It seems our parents kept a lot from us, Fee.” I say to him. “A lot more than we realized.”

  “Do you think he’ll come for you?” Niykee asks. “Bastian?”

  “That might prove difficult.” I confess. “Since I killed him.” At my side Haven flinches. Roman is the only one in the room who notices, the same way Aaric notices my lie. He always knows when I’m lying, but he has the good sense not to bring it up in front of everyone.

  “So, so Bastian is dead?” Kara asks, as if to confirm, like she doesn’t believe it.

  “You killed a king.” Bay nods his approval and Aaric shoots him a look in reproof. “What? I can’t be a little proud of my big sister?”

  “What’ll happen to Vakrov now?” Felix asks, eyes darker than normal. I see pain in his eyes. The death of Tristan still hurts him, even now, five months later. It hurts me too. I will tell him later that I’ve seen him. That, for the moment, he’s okay.

  “Keenan Volterra will happen.” I answer. I don’t know if the thought pleases or upsets me more. Keenan might make a good king if the monster Bastian created has truly left him. But it also means that we are thrust on opposite sides once more. Vakrov is no friend of mine. It can never be.

  “Keenan will be king?” Niykee flinches at the thought. I can’t imagine why.

  “Bastian was an only child. His father had one sister.” I eye Kara. “Your mother, Kara. Obviously she relinquished her title long ago, but Keenan is her firstborn. Keenan will be king.”

  “Well that’s just terrific, isn’t it?” Bay says sarcastically, the only person in this room besides Roman who knows what Keenan did to me two years ago. I suppose I can see why he wouldn’t want that kind of power in Keenan’s hands.

  “What’s your problem?” Kara snaps at Bay in defense of her brother.

  “He has no problem.” I say quickly. “Right, Bay?” I ask him with a note of challenge in my voice. He says nothing.

  “How are you doing?” Niykee asks me.

  Haven and I exchange a look and then I look back at my sister. “I’m fine.”

  “Amara,” she presses. “I mean, I am not exactly the biggest confronter of feelings, but if you need to talk—”

  “I will find you. Until then maybe we should all just get some sleep.” I say coolly.

  “Amara’s right.” Roman says, standing first. I follow suit.

  “Amara,” Haven rises and inches closer to me to speak into my ear so no one can hear. “Can I stay with you in your chambers, please?” she whispers.

  “Of course.” I tell her. She doesn’t want to be alone, but she doesn’t want to be around anyone else. I have a feeling the princess has imprinted on me given I saved her from our monster. It doesn’t bother me though. I will protect her, even if our monster is dead. Sometimes we need protection from ourselves more than anyone else. “Kara,” I say and she approaches me. “Take Haven to wherever you’ve got me set up for the night.” My eyes cut to Theon. “No guards.” It is not a request.

  “No guards.” Theon repeats back to me.

  “Go.” I tell Kara.

  Everyone files out of the room, including Roman, but I catch his hand before he can get far. “Not you.” I say softly.

  Roman twists around toward me, inching closer as the others brush past us. Aaric’s eyes linger on us, but he says nothing. Doesn’t protest or shoot me any looks for wanting a moment alone with the Limacoran prince. It seems the two have bonded in my absence.

  “Is there a ballroom somewhere in this place?” I ask, throwing Roman for a loop. I admit, it is an odd request, but there’s something he and I need to do together, something that has been a long time coming.

  “I’ve only been here a few days, but I’m sure we can find it, together.” he says, going with me, wherever I may take him. He doesn’t care where that might be. He’s missed me as much as I missed him. Maybe more. I can feel it in the way he holds my hand tight, like he is terrified to let my skin slip from his.

  “Okay.” I whisper, offering him a shaky smile.

  It’s surreal, walking at his side. We walk in silence and for a while we are content with it, just being in each other’s presence again. Roman isn’t like Keenan or Kol or even Tristan, in our time. Tristan and I were friends, forcing a relationship that never felt true. Keenan and I were a blistering flame, burning white hot until we burnt out. Kol and I were nothing more than a pretty idea, a few kisses shared in the aftermath of betrayal. Then he was gone, stolen from me by Theon Beleros, like so many things. But Roman, he’s not like them. He’s quiet and he’s patient and he lets me come to him. He doesn’t chase. He doesn’t haunt or hover. He makes me feel safe.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.” I whisper, breaking our silence. “I can’t. Not yet.”

  His green eyes lift to me. They wash over me like a cool drink of water in the scorching hot desert. “You know I would never make you.”

  “I know.” I lift my eyes to where we’ve ended up at the end of the hall, a ballroom like all the other ones I’ve seen. For a moment I frown, images swimming before me. Me lying broken and bloody on the floor, Bastian’s body pressing down onto mine, Keenan having his face smashed in, Bastian’s eyes as the light went out in them. I push the images away, grasping Roman’s hand with both of mine now. “We’re here.”

  “Why are we here exactly?” he asks, smiling when I do.

  “Keeping my promise.” I say, moving to the center of the room. I hold a hand out for him. Roman shakes his head, laughing. He swaggers over to me, taking my hand. I tug him against me, giggling as we move into position. I place my free hand on his shoulder and he wraps his around my waist, molding our bodies together.

  “Amara, there’s no music.”

  “We don’t need music.” I whisper against his ear. My body tingles against his, wanting this moment to last forever. “I had a dream about you ya know.”

  Roman pulls back just far enough so that he can look down at me as we dance in slow, careful circles. “You did?” He speaks to me slow and calm, like you might a scared child.

  “Yes.” I lose my train of thought for a second, staring at his lips. “I was dying. I’m sure Kara told you about what Bastian made Missy do.”

  His e
yes darken at the mention of it. “She told us.”

  “I was hallucinating I think and I saw you. You told me that I broke my promise.”

  “What promise?” he asks curiously.

  “To save you a dance. Then suddenly we were back in that ballroom, in my purple dress, you in your tux, and we danced. I promised myself that if I ever saw you again I’d keep my promise.”

  He cups my cheek in his hand and I shut my eyes for a moment, leaning into his touch the way he had just hours ago. His thumb moves over my bottom lip. I know he’s thinking about kissing me, but he doesn’t. For the moment I wish he would. The way he looks at me breaks my heart and the dam threatens to break.

  “It’s okay, Amara.” he whispers to me, sensing it, seeing right through the façade. I can hide from the others, but never from him. A small sob slips and he nods. “It’s okay.”

  I step closer to him and press my face into his chest. The dam breaks, spewing tears and sobs of grief. I suck in a breath, shaking in Roman’s arms. He squeezes me tight, pressing a kiss to my temple.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart.” he tells me. “I’ve got you. No one’s hurting you again. Not ever.”

  Roman and I walk to my chambers in silence. I know he wants to ask about his sister, why she seems so skittish, but he doesn’t and I’m glad he doesn’t. It isn’t up to me to tell him what happened. The decision has to be hers. She’s had too much of her choice taken away from her.

  “I’m afraid to let you out of my sight.” He tries to laugh it off, but I know he’s being serious. “I feel like you’re gonna disappear.”

  I touch his forearm and then press a kiss to his cheek. “I’ll be right here when you wake up, I promise.”

  “Amara,” I can tell by his tone he’s going to ask about Haven. “Is my sister okay?”

  I answer as honestly as I can. “No, no she’s not, but she will be. It’s just…it’s gonna take time.” I pat his shoulder. “I’ll see you in the morning, Roman.”

  Inside my chambers Haven is already in bed with a fire burning in the fireplace across the room. I strip down to my undergarments, wanting to be rid of the Vakrovian dress I’d gotten from one of the ships. As soon as I settle under the covers with Haven she turns over to face me. Her eyes are wet with tears. I hold an arm out for her and she curls into me. It’s her turn to cry and my turn to comfort her. Eventually she cries herself to sleep, but never pulls out of my arms. I settle on a spot that is comfortable for the both of us without turning her away and for the first time in a long time we sleep soundly.


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