Savage Reign

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Savage Reign Page 54

by Melody Locklear

  “Don’t worry, Amara. That water ain’t going anywhere.” Kol touches my shoulder, squeezing gently in reassurance.

  “Holy shit.” I breathe, unable to peel my eyes away from it.

  “Incoming.” Haydan says.

  We follow his gaze to find a giant hoard of Hunters headed our way. There are at least three dozen of them, if not more.

  “Time to run.” Kol pats my shoulder and the five of us break into a run. We race across the river bed until we get to the other side. Keenan scrambles to yank me out so quickly we tumble in a mass of limbs and hair on the river bank.

  We stand as we watch the Hunters all jump down into the river bed. Kol grins and releases his hold on the water. Every Hunter there, all three dozen of them, get swept up in the water as it presses down on them, drowning them all in one fell swoop.

  “Shit.” I hiss. “Water magic is cool.”

  Kol chuckles. “Come on. We’re almost there.”

  There are hardly any Hunters at the back of the palace. We race through the halls without stopping. Coming down the opposite end of the hall I see my brother, Lavina in her true form, Niykee, Malia, Theon, and Haven all racing toward us.

  “You did it.” I say, panting from all our running.

  Aaric grins. “Did you doubt me, sis?”

  “Not for a second.”

  Theon walks over to the door and pushes a key into the lock. I hear metal scrape against metal and then the door opens. At the center of the front room, which appears to be a sitting room, there’s a young little redhead with blazing blue eyes holding a sword twice as big as she is, wrong, I might add.

  “Theon?” She sighs with relief. “It’s you.”

  “It’s me, darling. Let’s put that away, shall we?” He takes the sword from her delicately and sets it aside. “Sorry to startle you, sweetheart, but yours is the safest place in the palace at the moment and apparently we have a plan.” Theon eyes me skeptically.

  “You’d think you’d learn to trust me by now.”

  Theon heaves a sigh and smiles. “I do, love. It’s why I’m here.”

  My eyes shift to my mother. I’m seeing her for the first time in months. She looks beautiful with her long dark hair braided back and her smoky gray eyes full of storm and fire. I really do look like her. The last time we spoke it was hateful, but I don’t feel that rage against her anymore. I understand a little bit now of what she went through. The fear of her children being raised without knowledge of this world. It’s done nothing, but bite us in the ass every chance it got. We needed to know. We should have.

  “Amara?” She prompts when all I can do is stare at her, teary-eyed. Her breath catches when I throw my arms around her, hugging her tight. She settles into the embrace quickly, probably having gone through hell not knowing if her children were alive or safe.

  “You are not sacrificing yourself, do you hear me?” I say fiercely. I blink away a tear and then step back, back into princess mode. “I have a plan.” I train my eyes on Theon. “Back in the war room when you channeled our magic, I felt your magic. It was like nothing I’ve ever felt before. It’s almost like it augmented my own.”

  Theon nods. “I felt it too.”

  “Imagine what we could do if the five of us channeled each other at once.” I almost smile, anxious to feel that kind of power. I know it’s the magic making me feel that way, making me want for more. I push the thought away though. This is no time for me to be worrying about losing control.

  Theon stares back at me, intrigued. “What are you thinking?”

  “It is reckless and dangerous and it may not work, but I think that if the five of us channel all our nether magic into the Hunters, send out one huge, deadly nether blast, it may just kill them all.”

  “It is reckless.” Theon says, sending my hopes plummeting. And then he smiles. “It’s brilliant.”

  “But what about us?” Kol speaks up. “Our people. That blast is going to destroy everyone in its wake, including us.”

  “Not if we can separate everyone.” I argue. “Aaric and Keenan lead all our people into the woods, get as far away from the blast as you can. We get all of the Hunters to the front of the palace and we aim the blast that way, away from the woods. It could work.”

  “And how do you propose we lure hundreds of Hunters to the front of the palace?” Aaric questions.

  “With Kara.” I look back at my mother. “With your illusion, you’ll lure them to the front and then, once they’re all there, you run like hell. You run as far away from this place as you can before we set off the blast.”

  “Where do we do it?” Theon asks. My eyes fly to him. He gives me an encouraging smile and I smile back triumphantly.

  “From the foyer, once all the Hunters are in place, far from the woods where all our people will be.” I turn to everyone else. “If anyone wants to back out now I get it, trust me, I won’t blame you.”

  “Murdering hundreds of Hunters.” Malia scoffs. “That’s a Tuesday for us.” She gives me a smile.

  “We’re in, Mar.” Aaric assures me.

  “So what’s the plan exactly?” Keenan asks.

  “Theon and I will lead our nether users to the front of the palace while the rest of you get our people as well as yours to the woods. Once you’re there you keep going. Do not turn back. I won’t do this if I think any of you might get hurt because someone’s trying to be a hero. Everyone needs to worry about their job and nothing else otherwise…otherwise we’re all dead.”

  “And Mom?” Aaric asks.

  “You’ll come with us.” I tell her. “Don’t glamour yourself until we get to the foyer. Once we’re there you’ll glamour yourself and lead the Hunters out front. When they’re all out there that’s when you run.”

  “Can I help?” Reverie asks.

  “Actually you can. You’re a Piscean, right?” I ask her. She nods. “Once you’re in the woods with the others can you do some kind of barrier spell so no Hunters can retreat back into the palace as the blast goes off?”

  “Done.” She nods happily, eager to help. Probably eager to get out of this room.

  “Okay.” I take a deep breath. “Niykee, Haydan, and Malia, you’re with me and Theon. The rest of you, move as quickly and as inconspicuously as you can.”

  “Hey,” Theon grabs hold of Aaric’s arm before he can walk out. “Keep her safe.” he says, eying Reverie.

  “I’ll take care of your girl. You take care of mine.” Aaric’s blue eyes flash to me briefly. Then we all head in opposite directions.

  We have to make our way through the most dangerous parts of the palace, open spaces where there are many Hunters scattered around, attacking our people, battling them. We take care of the Hunters we can and tell as many of the troops and guards and staff as we can to get to the woods.

  We round the corner to a new hoard of Hunters. Theon blasts a few of them back, but one escapes the blasting zone, jumping to the side where I’m walking. Haydan grabs my arm, trying to tug me away from the charging Hunter. He’s big, and angry. Before Haydan can tug me out of harm’s way the Hunter grabs the same arm Haydan has a hold of. I hear the snap before the pain lances through the limb.

  I choke on a scream. Tears spring to my eyes. I want to scream, to rage at him, but the pain overwhelms me and I stumble back into the wall. The Hunter moves toward me, but Haydan jumps between the pair of us. His hands curl around his thick neck and to my great surprise he snaps his neck with little effort.

  “Amara, babygirl,” Lavina brushes a hand over my forehead where beads of sweat form.

  “Mom,” I pant, fighting through the blinding pain.

  “I’m here, sweet girl.”

  Theon rushes to my side, touching my good arm. “Amara, we need to keep moving.”

  “It hurts, Theon.” I say through gritted teeth.

  “I know, sweetheart, but the sooner we finish this the sooner I can get you to Aaric and he can heal you.”

  It takes me a moment to come back
to reality, to push past the hot pain, to realize he’s right. I press my lips into a grim line and nod.

  “Okay.” Theon heaves a sigh of relief. Then he takes off his jacket, tearing it sideways so that it’s one scrapped strip. He wraps it around my arm, pressing it to my chest, and then he ties it around my neck. “That better?”

  “A little.”

  “Alright. Let’s keep moving. We’re almost there.”

  I let Theon pull me along with my good arm, fending off anyone who might come at me. He doesn’t leave my side. He protects me as he would Kara. It would be easy to chalk it up to him protecting his prized possession, but the fierceness in his eyes any time a Hunter guns for me tells a different story. That’s when I realize Theon Beleros cares about me. I think he cares about a lot more than he likes to let on. All this time he could have been gunning for a crown of his own. Instead he’s ready and willing to hand it to me when the time comes. I don’t think I’ll ever forget what he did to Tristan, but I might be willing to forgive.

  I’d forgotten all about the rain until we reach the foyer where the palace doors are wide open.

  “Do you think they all made it?” Niykee asks.

  Just as the words leave her mouth a bright blue shining light flickers outside the palace.

  “Lightning?” Haydan questions.

  “No.” I grin. “Reverie’s shield. That means everyone is in the woods, on the other side of the shield.” I flick my gaze to my mother. “Alright, Mom. You’re up. Remember, as soon as you draw them forward, you run. Do not stop. I don’t know how far this blast will go.”

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll be okay.” Lavina bends down and kisses my temple. “I love you, Amara.”

  We have so much to talk about, to work through. We’ve barely had a conversation since the Zodiac Ball months ago, but I know I need to say it back. In a war you never know when you’ll see someone you love for the last time.

  “I love you too, Mama.” She smiles, almost teary-eyed. Then she starts away from me.

  When we all look she’s already changed back into Kara. She steps out of the palace, down the front lawn and all the Hunters scramble to get to her.

  “Alright guys. It’s our turn.”

  “I think you might have overlooked one thing, little sis. Not all of us have mastered nether blasts.” Niykee reminds me.

  “It’s okay, Niyk. All you need to do is draw on your nether magic and channel mine and your magic will know what to do. Listen to it. Let it guide you. We’ve been taught to control the magic, not let it control you, but for right now I want you to let your magic do the talking, okay?” At my side I hold my hand out for her to take. She nods, trusting me, taking hold of my hand tight. To my right Theon meets my eyes for a moment and he smiles.

  “I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. You’re going to be a brilliant queen one day very soon, Amara Boudelaire.” He smiles proudly. Even I have to admit how much he’s taught me, how much he’s done to back me up. I understand why Kara forgave him so easily. He is charming.

  “Thanks, Theon. Now let’s finish this.”

  “Right away, Your Highness.” he says jokingly and I smile.

  “Oh, Amara, let me.” Malia delicately pulls my arm out of Theon’s makeshift sling and rests her hands on the wounded limb.

  I gasp when I slowly feel the broken bone—or bones—start to morph back into place. “You can heal? But you’re a nether user.”

  Malia’s dark eyes find mine. “And ether.”


  “It’s true, Mar.” Niykee explains.

  I look back at Malia. “Aaric didn’t tell me.”

  “It wasn’t his secret to tell.” Malia says.

  “Thank you, Malia.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Haydan and Malia join hands with Niykee and Theon on the other sides of them, leaving me at the center so that I, the most powerful, can push my magic out to all of them.

  It’s going to be mostly on me, because I’m the only one here who can kill through touch. I want to join the two abilities, making them one so each and every Hunter feels my death touch without even being near me.

  I do as I told Niykee. I let my magic creep forward, guiding my every move. I think of the way I manipulated my nether magic to break Bastian’s arm, the arms of that Hunter earlier. I let the magic take me where it wants to go, fusing together to make one big explosion of death magic.

  Mom’s done her job. She’s led most of the Hunters out front, but the rest see my collection of nether users and run away wisely. They scramble to get as far away from the blast zone as they can.

  They’ll never make it.

  Like with the Nexus, the wind around us starts to pick up, carrying away everything in its wake. At my right Niykee starts to get the hang of it. Her magic, her ebony fire slithers around her skin, sparking at the touch of mine. It twists and curls, gaining momentum and strength.

  Around us, windows shatter. Magic surges through the air, blasting, eating, devouring every living thing it can get its hands on. Our blast spits fire, from Niykee. Destroying. All I can feel is the slick magic pulsing from me. I’ll feel that later. So much magic used in one day. When this is over I plan to sleep for a week.

  I feel the blast start to come to a close before silence falls over us. The wind stops abruptly and so does our magic, as if snuffed out. Paper and broken furniture gather on the floor, the only sound to be heard.

  Theon flicks his gaze down to me. “Silence.” he whispers.

  “Too silent.” I breathe back.

  I tug my hands from him and Niykee and make my way toward the palace entrance where the doors have long since flown off their hinges.

  The grounds surrounding the palace, the large open, grassy fields smell of blood and ash. What’s more, it’s littered with bodies. Hundreds of them lie broken in the green grass.

  The others follow me out, taking in the ghastly sight before us. Some bodies belong to us, those who had died before the blast, died defending our kingdom.

  Theon and I turn on each other at once. “We did it.” he says softly, though neither of us smile. It is not a joyous occasion. Not in the least.

  “We did it.” I repeat back, voice hollow.

  Unlike the last battle we fought in the wake of Tristan’s funeral, I will be here for the fallout. The cleanup. More funerals to come.




  I rocket forward in the infirmary chair at the feel of clammy hands on me. The legs of the little wooden chair squeak in protest.

  A low chuckle. I glance up to find electric blue eyes on me. They’re smiling. Same as his handsome face. “Morning beautiful.”

  I almost smile back until I notice him sitting in his infirmary bed instead of laying in it. He’s fully dressed too. “What are you doing?” I ask, slightly panicked.

  “It’s time for me to get home, Mara.” He stands and I leap to my own feet to stop him.

  “No way.” I protest, touching his chest covered in a navy blue cotton shirt. “You are not going anywhere. You haven’t healed fully.”

  Keenan smiles sweetly. “I’m healed enough to make the trip home.”

  “Keenan, Malia tried to heal you after you were stabbed by that Hunter. And Daxon, and Kol. Nothing worked. You aren’t leaving my sight until you’re healed.”

  Keenan chuckles again, peering down at me, amused. “Are you going to stop me?”

  “If I have to.” I say stubbornly.

  Another low chuckle while he shrugs into his jacket. “Don’t worry. We’ll leave after your party tonight.”

  I stab a finger in his direction. “Don’t you dare say it.”

  He smirks back at me. “Happy birthday, Mara.”

  I try my hardest to get Keenan to change his mind about leaving tonight, but he won’t budge. I don’t really know what I’m fighting for other than peace of mind that he doesn’t drop dead from an u
nhealable stab wound. I’ve got my hands full as it is with Roman and Kol, both trying to stake their claim. It’s overwhelming. Keenan doesn’t even try. He knows this ship has sailed. I guess I was just hoping he and Kara would make peace before he left. I know it’s a tall order, but I’m hopeful, even if she still refuses to see him. If I can forgive him she can.

  My first order of business after leaving Keenan’s infirmary room is to track down Taya, the doctor responsible for my pregnant best friend and her wounded brother. I don’t have to go far. She’s in the lobby talking to some of the nurses.

  When I reach her I slap her in the arm.

  “Owe.” she grunts, whirling to see me. “Your Highness?”

  “Oh don’t play innocent.” I scoff. I’ve been living in this infirmary for the past three weeks. We’re beyond titles. “You gave Keenan the okay to go home?” I say accusingly.

  “I can’t very well hold the king of Vakrov hostage, Your Highness.” she adds, recognizing her casual tone.

  “Ugh!” I growl and storm out of the infirmary.

  My next order of business leads me to the royal dining room where my friends and family are all enjoying their breakfast.

  I approach a table where my mother, siblings, and most of the boys are seated. “Which one of you was it?” I ask accusingly. “Hm? Was it you?” I point to Aaric. “Maybe you?” I point to Roman next.

  “Was what us, Mar?” Aaric asks innocently.

  “The party.” He makes a face. “Oh yeah. Keenan told me.” I say cockily.

  “Bastard.” Kol grumbles.

  “Oh, that was Mom.” Aaric says brightly.

  It seems he’s becoming as liberal as I am with the word. Mom. For a while I thought if I refused to call her that then her abandoning us didn’t have to become real. I could continue to pretend she isn’t really here. She’s still a memory in a three-year-old’s mind. But she has started to mend fences. She was willing to get herself killed for my best friend. That gives her some points at least.

  Mom’s eyes fly to Aaric, widening at his betrayal. When she realizes she’s going to get no help from him she turns her gaze to me. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I just…I know I wasn’t there for you and Aaric growing up and while one party won’t make up for that, I wanted to do something nice for you and your brother.”


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