The Shadow Patriots Box Set 2

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The Shadow Patriots Box Set 2 Page 12

by Warren Ray

  “Bassett is coming now. Let’s retreat back to our ride,” said Winters.

  They both nodded.

  Meeks and Elliott took turns with Winters and Amber, covering each other’s exit, as they leaped-frogged back to the truck where they met Bassett. Winters told him what happened and he gave both Elliott and Amber a fist bump.

  “Any updates on the ambush site?” Winters asked Bassett.

  “Tangos are starting to come in. We set up a second one just east of us on Willis Road, Scar is handling that one.”

  “I suppose it’s working out just as good,” said Winters.

  “It is, we’re drawing them in like we wanted,” said Bassett.

  “Let’s get into those trees and see how many want to come and play.”

  Chapter 34

  Detroit Michigan

  Vatter sat in his office holding a mirror to his face. The diagonal slice was nearly three inches long and ran from the ear toward his mouth. A couple of inches lower and she would have sliced his throat. He had been lucky, to say the least. Mordulfah’s doctor did a nice job stitching it up, but still, it looked disgusting and it would be a painful reminder.

  A knock on the door brought him back to reality. He put the bandage back on and put the mirror away. “Come in.”

  Tannenbaum entered the office. “Hey, I just got off the radio with, Posey.”


  “The rebels are on the move. They’re gonna take out some M and M’s up on the interstate.”

  “How many are there?”

  “About a hundred left the hospital parking lot.”

  The news made Vatter straighten up in his chair. If they had that many men going up to the interstate, then that was a hundred fewer men defending the city.

  “Do the M and M’s know yet?”

  “I don’t think so, I mean I just got off the radio with Posey and you’re the first I’ve told.”

  “Do we have everything ready for tonight?”

  “Hell, yeah we do. Why?”

  “Let’s move our plan up.”

  “To when?”

  “Right now.”

  “In the daytime?”

  “Why not? It ain’t like we don’t know where they’ve got men posted. Hell, they’re so spread out guarding all the roads, and with a hundred rebels busying themselves, they ain’t got no one to call for back up.”

  “Alright man, I’ll get everyone together and leave right away.”

  “You’ll be in and out of there in no time. Get with the M and M’s; let them know what you know, and what we’re doing. Tell ‘em to keep the rebels busy.”

  Tannenbaum left the office and Vatter leaned back in his chair thinking about the bastards who called him Bladder the other night. It was a mistake calling out to them, but the frustration of the night clouded his mind so much he couldn’t help himself. The derogatory nickname, Bladder, was an old one the school bullies used to call him. It hadn’t bothered him in a long time, but when the rebels called him that, it brought back many bad memories. He didn’t expect it and it caught him off guard.

  He sat there relishing the idea of getting even with them and fantasized about rubbing their faces in it. Perhaps, he’d try to call them back up on the police radio. He could only assume they were still monitoring their calls.

  He hated these bastards more than anything else. They were keeping him from an easy paycheck. Though on the other hand, had they not taken out his predecessor, Captain Cox, he would not even be in this position. What an odd juxtaposition, to be thankful for them and yet be in need of eliminating them. Regardless, they were going to pay for their arrogance.

  Vatter thought about the plan he’d devised. A smile broke across his face as he fantasized about his men storming the hospital and killing everyone inside including the medical staff and their injured men. This single action would devastate their psyche and show the rebels his resolve. Even more importantly, that he could come into the city at will and take them out at any time he desired. It would freak out all of those still hiding behind walls, and when they found out their medical staff was gone, it would be icing on the cake.

  Chapter 35

  Jackson Michigan

  Reese blinked a few times before realizing she had fallen asleep. She didn’t know the time but could see the afternoon sun through the window. Seeing Thomas and then bashing the heads of a couple of cops this morning must have taken a toll on her. Then there was her declaration of love to Cole, but that only gave her sweet dreams. She smiled at the fading dream. The war was over and they lived together on a secluded beach in Florida with everything they could need or want. She wondered how she could dream of a beach in Florida when she had never been there.

  Her mom could never afford to go there or anywhere else for that matter. Her dad walked out on them and never sent any child support so money was always tight. She worked as a beautician and sometimes took a second job as a waitress. This kept her busy most weekends, so even day trips were out of the question.

  She sat up and stretched her injured arm back and forth a few times to work out any kinks. She still had full range of motion but felt the pain more in certain positions. She did the same for her leg but wasn’t able to lift it very high before the pain was too much to bear. She looked at the painkillers on the nightstand and debated whether to take one or not. She didn’t like them as they made her too foggy in the head.

  She slipped on her boots and reached toward the nightstand to grab the knife Nate gave her and shoved it down her boot. These days she felt naked without it. She grabbed her crutch and left the painkillers on the nightstand. She hobbled down the hallway and didn’t notice anyone around, so she headed to Nate’s room finding him sitting up reading an old magazine.

  “Hey,” she called out.

  He put the magazine down. “Well, look at you.”

  “Can I come in?”

  “Please, I am bored out of my mind.”

  “Yeah, it sucks being here,” said Reese, as she hobbled in and leaned down to give him a hug.

  “No kidding. So, tell me about your wounds.”

  She sat beside him on the bed and patted her arm. “This one, the bullet took a chunk of meat off me and the leg has two holes.”

  “In and out, huh?”


  “Mine too.”

  “Where exactly did yours go in?”

  He pointed just below his right arm socket on his chest. Here and out the other side on my upper back. I can hardly move my arm. Yours hurt much?”

  “Yeah, but I’m kinda used to pain these days.”

  “I get that,” said Nate knowing she was referring to her enslavement. “Painkillers?”

  “Nay, I don’t like ‘em, they make me too loopy and quite honestly, I don’t want to get hooked on them. What about you?”

  “I don’t like taking pills period, so I’ll just put up with the pain.”

  “Where is everybody?”

  “They all went up to the interstate for some target practice.”

  Reese dropped her shoulders. “Oh man, we’re missing out again.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it.”

  “Hey, I’m hungry. You wanna go the cafeteria?”

  “Help me up.”

  Reese stood up, grabbed his right hand, and pulled him off the bed. He grimaced as he stood, but once up he moved pretty well.

  They made their way to the cafeteria and found some sandwiches wrapped in cellophane. Reese poured them each a cup of coffee and they sat down to eat their meal. Neither spoke as they ate and enjoyed each other’s company.

  They both stopped eating when they heard a gunshot. They stared at each other and then jumped out of their seats when they heard another shot and then a hail of gunfire.

  Chapter 36

  Nate cursed himself for leaving his weapon back in his room. He knew better and was now paying the price for his mistake. He scoffed knowing they had no one guarding the hospital figuring it to be unneces
sary because it was in the center of town. However, with Winters and most of the men up on the interstate, it was the perfect set up. No doubt, the spy in town reported the opportunity.

  Reese’s crutch rapped on the concrete steps as she tried to keep up with him climbing up a flight of stairs to the main level. Gunfire echoed throughout the hospital with blood-curdling screams in the mix. Nate figured there had to be at least ten maybe twenty gunmen. He wanted to kill the bastards but needed a weapon.

  They came out the door and hurried down the hallway. Nate spotted one of the gunmen as he fired a shot at them. Nate pushed Reese around a corner, down another hallway, and then inside an empty room.

  They entered a conference room with a large table in the middle and chairs all around it. Nate leaned against the wall behind the door taking in rapid breaths and trying to focus, but his shoulder seared with pain. Reese stood beside him breathing just as heavily but remained calm.

  Gunfire rang out and bullets ripped through the door into the conference room. Nate and Reese flattened themselves against the wall. The door inched open. The cop entered the room and Nate mustered all the energy he could and grabbed the rifle with his right hand.

  With hardly any struggle, the cop ripped the AK-47 away from Nate’s one hand and then used the butt of the gun to hit his bandaged shoulder. He yelled out in pain and fell to the ground. The cop then readied his weapon and aimed it at Nate who tried to crawl under the long table.

  Reese then swung her crutch down on the back of the cop’s head. The blow pushed him forward as he pulled the trigger shooting bullets into the wall as he tried to regain his balance. Reese took advantage and rushed forward using the crutch as a battering ram striking him in the stomach. She then swung the crutch up at the rifle hitting the back of his hand, loosening his grip on the weapon. She swung again coming down on it like an ax forcing the cop to drop his weapon.

  He rushed her knocking away the crutch and then grabbed her around the waist. He picked her up and slammed her on the conference table. The back of her head hit hard making her dizzy and causing stars to shoot across her vision. The cop then threw a punch into her side before grabbing her jacket and leaning back with her in tow.

  Reese was dazed but saw an opening as he picked her up again. She jammed her thumbs into his eye sockets, which made him loosen his grip on her. She landed on her feet and a pain shot through her injured leg. Ignoring the pain, she reached down to grab the knife out of her boot. The knife handle felt like an old friend as she tightened her grip on it. The cop turned and stumbled forward trying to grab his sidearm. Reese jumped onto his back, wrapped her arm around his head, and sunk the blade into the side of his neck. She yanked it out and sliced across his throat. She slid off him as he crumpled to the floor.

  Nate crawled out from under the table and Reese helped him get up.

  “You all right?” asked an out of breath Reese.

  “I’m alive, thanks to you.”

  “Not bad for two gimps, eh?”

  Nate nodded. “Hand me his pistol. You take the AK and grab any extra mags.”

  They exited the room and slowly made their way to the emergency room entrance. The AK-47 hung from its sling around Reese’s neck and bounced against her as she limped on the crutch behind Nate. The gunfire started to subside and Nate figured they would head for an exit. He just hoped he picked the right one. They passed by dead bodies lying in their own blood. Nate recognized one as a nurse he had been flirting with. A few more bodies were scattered around. No one cried out. He decided to use the front desk as an offensive position.

  “C’mon behind the desk.”

  They pushed a dead woman who still sat in a chair behind the desk.

  “They’ll see us here,” said Reese.

  “Yes, they will. Help me pull her out of the chair.”

  They both grabbed an arm and yanked the dead body to the ground.

  “Sit in it,” ordered Nate.

  Reese sat down and Nate smeared some blood on her. “Put that AK on your lap and scoot in. Don’t move till I signal you.”

  Nate grabbed another chair and sat close by. Both pretended to be dead as they waited for the executioners.

  They didn’t have to wait long before the cops came into the lobby. A couple of them laughed and talked in excited tones. Nate peeked to see six of them standing there waiting. He wondered if they were waiting for the one they’d killed.

  “We got to go, Tannenbaum’s team already left. Where’s Pierce and Flint?” yelled one of them.

  Hearing the other team had already left, Nate knew two teams of eight stormed the hospital and Reese killed either Pierce or Flint. He didn’t want to strike too early and have one of them come in from behind. Both he and Reese were not in the best shape and needed all the bad guys in front of them. Finally, the last one came into the lobby.

  “Where’s Pierce?”

  “I don’t know, I thought he was with you.”

  “Get our rides ready.”

  Nate knew this was it. He tapped his foot on the floor to signal Reese and leaned forward using his right arm to push himself up. The cops were not paying attention as he stood up. Reese grabbed the AK and both raised their weapons at the cops. One cop looked at them for a second before realizing what was about to happen.

  Reese flipped the switch to full automatic, pulled the trigger, and swept the rifle back and forth spraying rounds at the cops. Hot shell casings bounced off the desk as the magazine emptied. The loud repetitious gunfire reverberated off the walls and down the hallway. Two cops fell dead while the rest scattered for cover.

  Nate aimed at one trying to run out the exit and pulled the trigger hitting his target on the second try. He took his time and scanned the lobby looking for an easy target. He was left-handed and wasn’t used to firing with his right hand, plus he shook from the pain in his shoulder. A cop peeked around a wall and Nate fired a shot. He missed. The cop tried to return fire, but Reese emptied a second magazine and dropped him.

  The remaining cops ran out the door as Reese slammed in a third magazine. They both fired wildly at the exit hoping to hit something. Car doors shut and two vehicles screeched their tires as they peeled away.

  Chapter 37

  Winters put the radio back into his jacket after getting an update from Nordell that the ambush was working to perfection. They had plenty of Jijis trapped along Race Road and were in the process of taking them out. Jijis were also coming in on the Ann Arbor ramp as expected and would keep Nordell’s men busy for quite a while. Scar and Burns were on Willis Road just to the east and reported no contact.

  Winters was satisfied their mission worked out despite a rough start. Taking Amber as a hostage didn’t bode well and he thought their mission was doomed even before it got started. Elliott impressed him with the way he handled the two idiots and knew Meeks would be telling everyone about it. Elliott would take some ribbing for getting Amber to do a little strip tease, but it will be in good fun.

  Amber impressed him even more than Elliott did. Once the now deceased, David, let go of her, she totally controlled the situation and handled herself magnificently. She never worried for a second that her friends would not come through. Her confidence was increasing and Winters didn’t think she doubted herself any longer.

  Winters looked off in the distance and wondered when the advancing Jijis would reach them. Before he came off the roof, he had spotted another twenty coming in and suspected more were right behind them. What were they waiting for? He thought about sending Bassett out to scout the area but realized they were standing underneath tall trees.

  “Corporal, you up for climbing a tree?”

  Bassett looked up. “Not a problem.”

  The young corporal climbed up the tree with ease and quickly reported over a hundred Jijis sitting outside of range and that they didn’t look like they intended to advance on their position.

  Winters wondered why. Maybe they were just more stupid kids with guns looking for
their next meal. In talking to his prisoners, the thing that surprised him the most was to learn the caliber of his enemy. It seemed most were nothing more than scared untrained kids with guns. It was probably one of the reasons they were able to escape from Robinson Road the other night. Seeing your friends die beside you had an unexpected affect on you. It didn’t always encourage a lot of heroics when the easier and safest route was not to take any chances.

  Of course, having a charismatic leader like Mordulfah playing on their emotions and religious notions obviously helped in getting them to do what he wanted. His money and title of Prince went a long way in recruiting. Winters could see how he’d be able to focus their minds on the great Jihad they were performing for Allah.

  Bassett came down from his perch.

  “Something is not right, Corporal. Before these guys were coming in hot and heavy and now they’re not.” He looked in the distance toward the enemy. “Why don’t we do a little skirmish and see what happens.”

  “I’m up for it,” said Bassett. “From what I saw we could flank their sides without much worry.”

  Chapter 38

  Smoke hung in the lobby of the ER and the smell of cordite permeated the air as an eerie silence settled in. Neither Nate nor Reese moved and stood speechless as they stared at the carnage in front of them. They looked at each other and shared a grim nod. Reese grabbed her crutch and hobbled around the front desk. They remained silent as they cautiously maneuvered around the dead bodies. There was nothing to say because the cops had dealt them a terrible blow and they both knew it. The cops drove into town unabated and walked right into a hospital where caring people worked to save lives.

  Nate felt helpless because he didn’t have a radio and didn’t know what direction the cops were headed. For sure, the spy was in on this because the killers knew right where to go and what rooms to hit. He didn’t hold out much hope that any of their men survived the attack and wondered how many of the medical staff got away. The cops were not here very long and it’s a big hospital. “Long enough to do what was necessary,” thought Nate.


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