The Shadow Patriots Box Set 2

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The Shadow Patriots Box Set 2 Page 44

by Warren Ray

  The cop was smart to not allow him to shut the door to the bathroom, which, so far, was their only smart move. He flushed the toilet and walked out of the bathroom.

  “Hey, thanks again, man.”

  “No problem,” said the first cop.

  Bassett noticed neither cop had stripes, which meant they hadn’t been on the force too long. “So, how the hell did you guys draw this assignment? You guys have got to be as bored as we are?”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “Any idea how long we’re gonna be here?”

  The cop shrugged his shoulders.

  “It’s just that we’re all bored, but at least you got something to read. You think maybe we could get some reading material, maybe even a deck of cards?”

  The first cop looked over at the second cop. “Listen, ahh…”

  “I’m Bassett, Corporal Bassett.”


  Bassett nodded.

  “Were you over there?”

  “Got back about six months ago.”


  “Calgary Highlanders.”

  Bassett knew they were a reserve regiment that had been in Afghanistan in years past, but nothing as of late. He figured the Canadians were using them on the border in case the Chinese decided to keep heading north.

  Bassett looked at his name badge. “You’re from Calgary. What are you doing way over this way, Officer Johnson?”

  “It’s Quinn and my girlfriend’s family lives here.”

  “Yep, that’ll do it every time, Quinn,” laughed Bassett.

  “Hey, I’ll see about getting you guys something. We’ll be bringing in some chow pretty soon anyway, so hang tight.”

  “Thanks, Quinn, really appreciate it,” said Bassett, as he walked back inside the room. He hated the fact that in all likelihood, he was going to have to kill this man, but Quinn was in the wrong place watching the wrong people.

  Chapter 45

  Washington D.C.

  Green looked at his watch again wishing time would speed up. Running out of things to do in the parking lot, he decided to walk into the gym. The place wasn’t too busy and it was easy to spot his targets on their treadmills. They were doing a slow walk and cooling down, which meant they were finishing up. Their energy wasn’t going to be the same as it would have been if they had taken them at another place. After waving off a girl at the counter, he walked back outside and killed time by looking through the window of the empty store space next door. He started pacing again wondering what was taking so long when they finally emerged wearing suits.

  Green’s heart sunk when he realized they were more than likely armed. He had hoped they’d come back out wearing their gym clothes. He waited a few seconds before heading toward the van. He picked up his pace when he saw Stormy was already talking to them. Target number 1 disappeared around the corner of the van to open the hood of his car.

  Goosebumps exploded on Green’s skin when he heard the stun gun crackle to life. Kyle was too early. He started to run toward them while pulling out the baton. Target number 2 had reached inside his jacket to pull out a gun. As he pulled the weapon out, Stormy grabbed the hand and punched him in the face. The blow didn’t deter him and he swung his left hand at her. Stormy ducked down and punched him in the groin while still holding onto his wrist. He hunched over and tried to pull his gun hand away, but Stormy twisted around and jumped up on his back. She put him in a chokehold while leaning back to bring him down to the pavement.

  Green finally reached them and swung the baton across Target number 2’s face. He then buried it in his gut a couple of times before grabbing his gun. He looked up at Stormy and noticed the excitement on her face as she seemed to be enjoying herself.

  “I had him all the way,” she said while catching her breath.

  “I saw that,” said Green, as he turned around to Kyle who was manhandling Target number 1 into the van.

  Green looked around the parking lot for any unwanted attention. Relief swept over him when no one had taken notice.

  Green looked at Stormy. “C’mon, grab his legs.”

  They picked up Target 2 and carried him inside.

  Kyle handcuffed them both and bound them together with duct tape.

  “You were early,” said Green.

  “Couldn’t be helped. Son-of-a-bitch saw the door cracked open so he pulled on it. I mean what the hell. I had to jump him, but he fell back on his car.”

  “Well, it worked out,” said Green, as he shut the hood of the van. He then hopped into the driver’s seat. After starting the vehicle, he took a couple of deep breaths before driving out of the parking lot.

  “Damn, that was a friggin rush,” said Stormy in an excited tone. “Did you see me take him down?”

  Kyle finished tying them up and moved in between the two seats. “Hell, I was too busy getting my boy in the van. Damn if it didn’t take a couple of jolts before he went limp. Nice job bringing the storm on yours.”

  “That was so much better than being in the ring. Man, the adrenaline, I mean, I am as high as a kite.”

  Kyle let out a laugh. “Don’t worry, it’ll last awhile.”

  “Dude didn’t stand a chance after I punched him in the sack. He didn’t give up though, so I jump on him and put him in the death hold.”

  “And, you did it all in a dress,” laughed Kyle.

  “Right,” said Stormy, as she looked at Green. “Was my dress just flying all about?”

  Green couldn’t believe how cavalier and excited she was. She thoroughly enjoyed the mission and impressed the hell out of him. The way she practically flew up around him and took him down was something he’d never seen anybody but Corporal Bassett do.

  “It was like you were wearing a superhero cape,” said Green grateful he had something witty to say.

  “Ah, did you hear that?”

  “Captain Storm,” yelled Kyle.

  She beamed at the name, but Green thought of a better one. “Lady Storm.”

  “Oh I like that. Lady Storm,” she said with flair twirling her finger in the air.

  Green drove the speed limit not wanting to be pulled over for speeding with a couple of hostages. He looked at his watch and grew anxious wanting to get back to the office. They still needed to set up the next part of their plan, but he would have to rely on Kyle and Stormy to help get things ready and in place. It was important that he be seen at the office today.

  He pulled up to a garage door and honked his horn. The door began to raise and Green drove into the darkened building. He shut off the engine and opened the door as Jacob Gibbs approached him.

  “Everything go alright?” asked Gibbs.

  “It did, we actually got two.”


  “Hey Dad, went off without a hitch. And Stormy was brilliant.”

  Gibbs turned to face her. “Glad to hear it.”

  He turned back to Green. “Your car is out back. We’ll handle it from here.”

  “You sure?”

  Gibbs nodded. “Just get those cameras disconnected and be ready when the shooting starts.”

  “I’ll be ready.”

  Green turned to Kyle and shook his hand. Stormy came around the van and put her arms around Green.

  “You were great,” said Green.

  “Thanks and thanks for trusting me.”

  “We’ll talk soon.”

  “I hope so.”

  Green liked hearing that and wondered if she would date him. She seemed to like him, but he wasn’t too sure if it was him or the excitement of what they had just done. Their experience was completely out of the ordinary and he couldn’t assume her high level of excitement was a valid gauge of her intent. He shook his head wondering if they would ever be together during normal circumstances. He let out a laugh thinking that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.

  He got in his car, thankful the first part of their mission was over but knew the second part was going to be the toughest. Staging a sh
ootout with real bodyguards was going to be dangerous, and if it didn’t work as planned, they could be killed. It wasn’t going to be easy but it was worth the risk. Success would ensure Reed would be at war with Perozzi.

  Chapter 46

  Jackson Michigan

  Having left Port Huron and while making his way back to Jackson, Hadley was half way across the road on his stomach when he heard the roar of a car engine approaching. A small car with a loud muffler was coming down Spring Arbor Road. It could only mean a Jiji was coming his way. He hurried to the grass, rolled into the culvert and swung the M4 off his back before clicking the safety off. He then froze waiting for the car to pass. A bead of sweat ran down the side of his head and dropped onto the grass as the loud car screamed by him.

  Keeping an eye on the enemy Hadley crawled into the safety of the trees and then got up to begin the long hike. He crossed a golf course and filled his water bottle from a pond before hitting the streets. The pavement was easier to walk on, and now that he was across the border, he was able to relax his tense muscles. He hoped to run into some of the guys guarding the border and get a ride.

  He stopped on the corner of Denton and Kibby to take a drink of water. The sun was out in full force on this cloudless day. The water began cooling him down as he splashed it on his face. He put the cap back on and was putting it back into his pack when he heard another engine up Kibby Road. He pulled out the binoculars and zeroed in on the approaching vehicle. It was a pickup truck traveling at high speed. He let go of the binoculars and stepped to the side knowing this thing would fly by him in mere seconds.

  Hadley made eye contact with the driver as it sped by him in excess of seventy miles per hour. The driver recognized him and jammed on the brakes. Smoke rose from the tires as the back of the truck swerved and bounced making the brakes squeal in the quiet neighborhood.

  Hadley waited as the driver shoved it in reverse and smoked the tires. It came to a dead stop in front of him. He smiled at Reese, who wore a wild expression.

  She ran her hand through her tousled hair, pulling it away from her big brown eyes, before asking, “Don, what are you doing here?”

  Hadley opened the door and hopped up on the bench seat. “I think the guys got busted by the cops.”

  Reese shot him a concerned look.

  “I was waiting for them across the river when I saw a Canadian cop pull out a pistol and shoot holes in the canoe.”

  Reese didn’t wait for him to finish before backing the truck onto Denton Road and fishtailing it back onto Kibby. Hadley buckled his seatbelt as she floored the pedal. After a turn on Greenwood Avenue, the speedometer climbed to eighty miles per hour.

  Reese laughed at Hadley’s frightful appearance. “Don’t worry, Don, I won’t kill you.”

  “You do this often?”

  “Whenever I need to let off some steam. You should try it; it does wonders for the soul.”

  Reese wore a serious expression as she took a tight turn. The expression changed to a wicked one after the turn and she floored the gas pedal. The faster she drove the more steam she blew off.

  Gripping the door handle tight Hadley said, “I’m sorry about what happened with Cole.”

  Reese looked at him through flying strands of blonde hair and gave him a small smile as she took a left on Jackson Street.

  Back a few months ago, when Captain Cox arrested Hadley for suspicion of helping Corporal Bassett escape, he had tossed him in a jail cell right next to Reese and Sadie. Both looked like they were out of hope. Hadley took great satisfaction telling them that help was on the way. It was then that Reese reached through the bars of the cell, pulled his face toward hers, and gave him a big wet kiss. The memory of that kiss still made him weak in the knees. He hadn’t kissed a girl in a long time and never someone so beautiful. He looked over at her and liked the way the strands of hair flew about her face. He couldn’t soak in enough of her beauty and wished he could have a girl like her in his life. He had been making friends with some of the girls around town and flirted with a couple of them who’d showed interest, but it was difficult because everyone wanted to leave.

  Reese made quick work getting them back to the hospital, and she pulled right into the emergency room entrance. The quick stop pressed Hadley up against his seatbelt.

  “See, you’re safe,” she said, hopping out of the truck and grabbing her red crutch out of the bed of the truck.

  Hadley followed her inside and down to the cafeteria where Meeks was getting something to eat.

  Meeks put his cup down when they approached. “What the hell happened?”

  Hadley told him all he knew.

  “Damn. This isn’t good,” said Meeks.

  “What are we gonna do?” asked Hadley.

  “Need to get everyone together first,” said Meeks, as he looked at Reese, “you been out driving?”

  Reese gave him a puzzled look.

  “Your hair’s a bit messy. Think you can scoot over to city hall. Badger’s there with the mayor.”


  “As a matter of fact, get up to Lansing Road and grab Eddie. Meet us in Elliott’s room; he’ll want to be in on this. Hadley, let’s get upstairs and round up whoever we can.”

  Chapter 47

  As she climbed the hospital stairs, a surge of adrenaline raced through her. She fed off the rush which caused a tightness in her chest. She'd top it off with another crazy drive. It helped stave off the depression that threatened to creep back in and overwhelm her. She didn’t want it and did whatever she could to fight it.

  Nate had helped her recognize the symptoms and made her realize what would happen if she didn’t fight it. No way did she want to mope around all day feeling sorry for herself. That wasn’t why she was rescued from hell and it certainly wasn’t the way to act around these incredible people she now called family. She took a deep breath at the thought. Scar had told her everyone here was family, and her heart had melted hearing those words as she had no one else.

  She hopped into the old truck, started it up, and stomped on the gas pedal causing the engine to roar. The covered entrance to the emergency wing ensured the right acoustics to shout out her departure. She jerked the steering wheel back and forth out of the parking lot and onto Michigan Avenue. A tingling charge shot through her reminding her of making-out with Cole. That day burned into her memory as it was the most meaningful relationship she’d had in a long time. It was the day she finally got what she had desired for so long, but never had the courage to go after. She let out a laugh at the silliness of that thought, but it was a real thing.

  Over the past couple of days, with the help of her new family, she had decided to remain optimistic and believe Cole would come back to her. It gave her the motivation to fight off the depression that camped out on the outer edges of her mind. It also made her aware of the ever-present Mister Hyde. The one thing Cole stressed was to always be cognizant of him. She saw how it had overpowered him with the death of his daughter being the final straw. Mister Hyde swallowed him whole and took him to the deep end of despair. Her stomach turned into knots witnessing that kind of power. To leave the Shadow Patriots, the group he had started, in the middle of the night, without saying a word to anyone wasn’t something done by a sane person. She let out a sigh and prayed he would somehow find his way back to her. Even if it didn’t work out between them, she still hoped he’d come back.

  Needing to get her head out of the clouds, she took a hard left on Frances Street and slid the back end around as she over steered the turn. The squealing tires on the short S curve of the street induced another shot of adrenaline and got her heart racing again. It took only a few more seconds to reach City Hall where she parked out front. Reaching inside herself, she let out a scoff at the tall staircase before gimping up the steps.

  Gasping for air, she reached the mayor’s office where he was talking to Bill Taylor, who turned in his chair when she walked inside.

  “What’s happened?”

>   “Meeks needs ya. Something’s happened to Scar.”

  Taylor stood up. “Mayor, we’ll finish this up later.”

  Reese put up a finger to hold on a second to catch her breath.

  “Yeah, these stairs will kill anyone. C’mon, jump on my back.”

  Taylor leaned down as Reese jumped up. She handed him the red crutch and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “You sure you can handle this?” she asked, in a humorous tone.

  “Are you poking fun at me?” asked Taylor, as he started down the stairs bouncing them on each step.

  “Well, ya never know,” quipped Reese.

  “Girl, I swear, I’m gonna tan your hide one of these days.”

  “Oh Badger, you know you love me.”

  “Ahhggg…and that’s the problem. I never could punish my own daughters either.”

  “Daughters? How many kids do you have?”

  “I got three daughters, thank you, and five granddaughters. All of them, the apples of my eye.”

  Reese started laughing. “Eight girls! Oh my God! And you pretend to be such a grouch, but really, you’re just a big squishy marshmallow.”

  “Only with the girls, honey, I can’t seem to help myself.”

  “You poor man. It’s because you never had any boys.”

  “Just don’t tell anyone my little secret.”

  “I swear I won’t say a word. Besides, I think it’s cute when you’re grouchy.”

  Taylor shook his head in disgust as he reached the last step. “Cute huh?”

  Reese slid off and grabbed her crutch. “Yep.”

  He opened the front door for her. “What the hell kind of father did you have?”

  She stopped and looked at him. “He was a drunk and walked out on us.”

  Taylor frowned. “I’m sorry, sweetie, I didn’t know.”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  They hopped in the truck and Reese backed up, peeling the tires again before throwing it in drive.

  “How old were ya?”

  “I was nine and glad he left.”


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