The Shadow Patriots Box Set 2

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The Shadow Patriots Box Set 2 Page 48

by Warren Ray

  Winters flinched.

  “He is,” laughed Laney.

  “No, it’s just that it’s complicated,” protested Winters.

  “Why’s that?” asked Laney.

  Winters wasn’t sure about telling them that Reese was only a couple of years older than they were. It was odd, impractical, and not acceptable to most people in society, but how do you control a mutual attraction, especially in these trying times.

  “C’mon Cole, you have to tell us, we’re on a road trip and that’s the rules of a road,” said Collette.

  “It’s just that she’s a little younger than me.”

  “How much younger?” asked Laney.

  Winters hesitated for a moment. “Well, she’s twenty.”

  “Twenty! Cole Winters, you are a stud,” shouted Laney, grabbing his arm again and shaking it.

  “Wow,” gasped Collette wide eyed, “you are a stud muffin.”

  “How did you meet her?” asked Laney.

  Winters thought this was an interesting question. How do you tell the story of releasing a girl from the chains of slavery and then bond with her over the course of a few months? Winters looked over at the girls. They had gotten over their initial giddiness and showed genuine curiosity. It was a long trip so he decided to tell the story from the beginning.

  For the next couple of hours, he told them everything from the murders at the train station and the Patriot Centers to finding Sadie, rescuing Reese and the other girls from the party house. He told them about all the battles and how the National Police were involved. Both girls shed tears hearing their dads were not coming home as they both had gone through the Patriot Centers. He had considered candy coating it, but they wanted the truth, so he spelled it out for them. It was a tough truth to swallow, but the war casualties were high, and most everyone in town had resigned themselves to the fact they’d never see their loved ones again.

  Hearing about Amber, Reese, and Sadie brought their moods back up, and they wanted to know everything about them. They peppered him with all kinds of questions about what the girls did and how they did it. Who and what kind of girls were they and the battles they fought.

  Winters was happy to answer their questions and to observe their fascination with the girls. They couldn’t wait to meet Sadie, and found a special kinship with Reese, as they had a shared a similar experience with her and could relate to what she endured. They found his relationship with her romantic and advised him to take it slow, but not give her up because of any societal norms.

  The last part of the story was about Cara, who Collette knew from school, and asked about her. As he told the story, tears streamed down both the girl’s cheeks, which made him react in kind. Winters wiped the tears from his face and paused to regain his composure. When he did, Laney gave him reassuring pats on the arm and asked him to continue. After telling them of all the trials and tribulations, another unexpected release of tension lifted more of the burdensome weight from his shoulders and he let out a deliberate sigh. He finished up by reassuring them it was okay about Cara, because everything happens for a reason.

  Chapter 57

  Sarnia Ontario

  Bassett turned to Burns and asked him if he was ready. After getting an affirming nod, Bassett took in a few deep breaths and sprang around the corner. With each stride, he picked up his pace and closed in on his prey. Neither of the guards saw him until it was too late and then they panicked and tried to go for their weapons. Bassett jumped over the table with his club raised in the air. He landed between them while striking one over the head and continuing the full motion turn and hitting the other in the forehead. Both had time only to yell out in pain before Bassett had knocked them unconscious.

  Burns stopped before even reaching the table and watched Bassett in action. He always admired the way the man moved and should have known better than to even try to help. “Need any help there, buddy?”

  Bassett looked up. “Nah, I’m good.”

  “Hey Gunny, why did you bother with four clubs?” asked Burns.

  Nordell shook his head. “Yeah, I can see that was overkill.”

  “These are new guys,” said Bassett. “My buddy Quinn isn’t here.”

  “C’mon guys, let’s grab their weapons and get the hell out of here,” ordered Scar.

  Each cop had a Sig Sauer P229, which was a .40 caliber pistol, and one had a Remington 870 pump-action shotgun, while the other had a Colt C8 carbine with only one full magazine.

  Scar handed the pistols to Nordell and Burns, while Bassett took the rifle leaving him the shotgun. It wasn’t much, but he hoped they wouldn’t need much. If they could sneak out of here and find a boat, they’d be able to make it back to their ride, which was full of weapons.

  Scar led the men to the door and pushed it open. He looked outside and a pain bolted through his forehead with the realization Wilson had lied. Several vehicles were driving into the parking lot and Scar recognized some as being from Detroit.

  Scar closed the door. “Wilson lied. We’re being sold tonight.”

  “How many?” asked Bassett.

  “Can’t say for sure but it’s a lot more than us.”

  Burns motioned to the back. “Let's hit the back door.”

  They ran across the hundred-foot cement floor in seconds and reached the door. Burns opened it and took a quick peek. The coast was clear, and he gave the okay just as the garage door began to open. They scooted out the door into a back parking lot full of shipping containers and a couple of dumpsters.

  As they ran toward a shipping container, they could hear yelling inside the makeshift prison they had just escaped. Thankfully, there were no streetlights to give away their position. Voices grew louder as the cops came to the back exit of the warehouse. Burns led the way across the parking lot to a shipping container where they hid as the cops came out with flashlights lighting up the area and pointing their way.

  Scar’s heart was pounding as he tightened the grip on the shotgun. It was the last weapon he wanted to use as it would give away their position. He looked over at Bassett who nodded knowing what he needed to do. Scar fell to the ground and peeked around the large metal container to take a quick look. A pair of cops charged their way and another pair headed in the opposite direction. Scar raised his hand and signaled there were two cops. Bassett gave him another nod and got down in a squat position.

  Scar could make out the cop’s conversation as they closed in on their position. He steadied his breathing as he heard their footsteps. The flashlight beam swung back and forth and Scar pushed his big body up against the shipping container as much as he could. The flashlight beam came around in front of him. He raised the shotgun and came around the corner the same time as Bassett. He threw the butt of the gun against the side of the cop’s face. The blow made a loud crack and the cop’s knees buckled. He delivered another one into the side of his skull knocking him out. Bassett’s victim fell on top of his partner. Nordell picked through their pockets grabbing their pistols and ammo before helping Scar hide them between the containers. He also found a knife, which he handed to Bassett who gave him a big smile upon receiving the gift.

  Scar wasn’t sure which way to go and looked up into the cloudy night sky to find the North Star. It took a few seconds to find it and he then led the men west hoping to run into the river. The only questions remaining were; how far was it from their present position, and what was in their way? They came to a ten-foot wooden fence and Bassett fell to the ground to act as a step. Burns jumped over first, followed by Nordell and Scar. Bassett then backed up, ran toward it, and leaped up grabbing the top.

  Scar led the men across the back lot of another large building where there were more shipping containers. They ran between them to find a parking lot that emptied out onto a street. The big railroad containers kept them hidden while Scar stopped to catch his breath and figure out his next move. No doubt, Wilson will try to catch them without alerting the whole police force because then he’d have to ex
plain why there were cops from Detroit lurking around. This would be an advantage, at least while they were on this side of the river. Once they got back across he had no doubt Captain Vatter would have his forces out looking for them. Tires squealed in the night as the cops left the warehouse to begin the manhunt. Up ahead a few cars sat in the parking lot, and Scar wished Nate were here to hotwire one of them. A locomotive horn broke through the night air and the distinctive clacking noises made by the train made became more pronounced. Scar remembered the tracks led to the chemical production area bordering the river. He strained his eyes across the lot and could barely make out that the road became an overpass, which meant it crossed over the railroad tracks. This is where he wanted to go. This would lead them to the river. He turned to tell the men when a cop car came barreling into the parking lot and stopped. Four men, armed with long rifles, exited the squad car and began to approach their position.

  Chapter 58

  Scar, watching the four cops using minimal caution as they approached their position, figured they were on a fishing expedition. The cops didn’t know where they were, but were in a hurry to cross the most logical area off their list.

  Scar ordered everyone to the other end of the containers hoping to avoid a conflict with these cops or at the very least take them out quietly. A shootout would only alert everyone to their whereabouts.

  A beam of light flashed down the center of the containers just as they turned the corner. The light moved around and kept moving, which meant the cops were walking between the containers.

  Nordell got closer to Scar and whispered. “We need to take them out.”

  Scar nodded and motioned Bassett to flank them. If nothing else, they’d have wheels to get to the river faster.

  Bassett reached for the knife Scar had just given him. He stole a quick look around the corner. The coast was clear, so he charged down the side of the container with Burns on his heels. He pulled up at the end for another peek to find a lone cop standing guard. He turned to Burns and held up one finger.

  Bassett tightened his grip on the knife handle and took in a deep breath before springing up around the corner. The moonless night and his silent approach gave him an edge as he wrapped his hand around the cop’s mouth. In one motion, he slit his throat and carried the limp body out of sight.

  Bassett then looked down between the containers. The three remaining cops continued toward the other end unaware of the impending danger. Bassett began to slide toward them, as Burns stood in a Weaver Stance with the .40 caliber pistol ready to take them down if necessary. Bassett was waiting for Scar and Nordell to engage them when they reached the end. Then he would strike the third cop at the last second. If he acted too soon, the other two cops would be in play. All three were at the ready with their guns leading the way.

  Bassett lowered his body as the cops came to the end. He heard the cracking of skulls before seeing the two cops fall to the ground. He jumped up and was about to thrust his knife into his target when the cop fell to his knees with his hands in the air. Bassett pulled back the knife but jumped on top of him.

  “Please don’t kill me.”

  Bassett recognized the voice of Quinn Johnson, the man who served with the Calgary Highlanders. Bassett pulled out a pistol and pointed it at his head.

  “Don’t move a muscle, Quinn,” ordered Bassett.

  “I won’t, please just don’t shoot me.”

  Bassett kicked the rifle away and then removed the sidearm handing it to Scar as he approached.

  Scar looked down at him. “Stand him up.”

  Bassett helped the cop up.

  “Care to tell me what the hell’s going on?” asked Scar.

  “It’s Sergeant Wilson, sir. He’s the one that had the bright idea of turning you over for the reward.”

  “Then why are you helping?”

  “If I didn’t, he’d make my life miserable.”

  Nordell came forward. “Oh, so you didn’t do it for the money, huh?”

  Quinn shook his head. “I didn’t even know who you guys were until yesterday.”

  Scar decided this man could help them. “Look, Quinn is it?”

  He nodded.

  “Help us get out of here and you can go about your merry way and say whatever you want, I don’t really care. Deal?”

  “I can do that.”

  “Good. You got the keys to that car.”

  He nodded.

  Everyone piled into the car with Bassett taking the driver’s seat. Quinn sat between Burns and Nordell in the backseat.

  “Take a left up on Confederation Street. It’ll take you to the river,” said Quinn.

  Bassett looked both ways before zipping out of the parking lot. He heard the radio chatter come alive on the police radio, but it wasn’t about them. So far, Wilson hadn’t spilled the beans, which would work in their favor. The only problem was the cops from Detroit. They would make getting back to Jackson a challenge. He wasn’t sure how many were in the area or how many they had across the river.

  Bassett spun the wheels as he took a left down Confederation. The long straight road had little traffic and he reminded himself that he was driving a police car. No one would give them a second look, as long as it wasn’t another policeman. Bassett wanted to ask Scar about Hadley but didn’t want to relay any information to Quinn despite how helpful he was being at the moment. Alliances quickly turned in war, especially when you’re a prisoner. Bassett looked at Scar in the passenger seat and tapped him on the leg.

  “Don?” was the only word he said.

  “Yeah, I don’t know.”

  “Are you headed to your canoe?” asked Quinn.


  “I heard him say he sank it.”

  Scar grimaced. “Any suggestions?”

  “I can help you get another one.”

  Scar turned around in his seat to look at Quinn. “You can? Where?”

  Chapter 59

  Port Huron Michigan

  Amber helped Reese adjust the straps on the night vision goggles after she pulled her hair back in a ponytail. She then moved the weapon out of the way so she could loop the case of the big binoculars around her neck. The breeze from across the river cooled the air enough that both were glad they had brought their dark running jackets. It was pitch black on this side of the river, and they disappeared into the night as they moved closer to the water. The walk across the field was fascinating because of all the twinkling lights on the Canadian side. They were everywhere, in homes, office buildings, streetlights, and the cars that drove the streets. Neither Amber nor Reese had seen anything like it for so long they couldn’t help but be mesmerized.

  “Look at it,” said Reese, “it’s so pretty.”

  “Isn’t it though? I can’t remember the last time I saw city lights.”

  “Oh man, wouldn’t you just love to be able to walk those streets,” said Reese as she sat down on the park bench. “Can you imagine just walking along and stopping to get some pizza.”

  “A beer would be better.”

  “I’ve never been to a bar,” said Reese.

  “You haven’t?”

  “I’m only twenty, remember.”

  “No fake ID?”

  “No, I was never bold enough.”

  Amber started laughing. “You’re bold enough now, aren’t cha?”

  Reese flipped up the goggles. “It’s amazing, isn’t it? How one can, like, change themselves completely in a matter of months.”

  “That much, huh?”

  “Amber, I was, like, the biggest wimp-dog around. Didn’t get into any kind of trouble because I was always scared I’d get caught.”

  Amber’s laugh continued to build.

  “I know…I was a big baby.”

  Amber held up a finger. “Bu…bu…but you’re such a badass now, I mean what the hell girl.”

  Reese joined in the laughter.

  “Can you imagine being at your high school reunion,” said Amber between breaths.<
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  “Oh, hell, all them bitches would be all fat and preggers with baby-snot running down their dresses.”

  Amber smacked Reese on the arm trying to catch her breath. “I can see it now, you’d walk in there dressed to the nines, with your rocking body, swinging Glocks on each hip.”

  “Not taking crap from anybody,” said Reese.

  “But giving it, asking what they did to save America.”

  “Hell ya, asking if their butts were cowering over in Canada like a bunch of little bitches.”

  “Tell ‘em sister.”

  Reese slowed it down. “Eh…it’ll never happen. Hell, they’re probably all dead anyway.”

  “Ya think?”

  “Yeah, there were still a bunch of dumb-assess, like my mom and me, that stuck around when the cops came in.”

  Amber let out a deep sigh. “Yeah, us too.”

  “You know when you look back on it…were we that naïve or just stupid.”

  “A little bit of both, I suppose.”

  “Oh well, enough of that, I don’t like talking about it anyway.”

  “Me either, but I’d still like to see you rocking a dress with holsters.”

  “You know, next time we’re in Canada, I might just try that look.”

  “Hell, why wait, when we get back to Jackson, let’s find a couple of pretty dresses.”

  Reese gave her a profound look. “Definitely.”

  Amber pulled the Night Optics D-321B-AG binoculars out of the waterproof case. She powered the Gen 3 glasses on and carefully put the strap around her neck knowing these babies cost well over seven grand. The 3.6 magnification green hued vision was enough to see the shoreline across the river. She moved them up and down the river looking for a canoe or boat. There was nothing but a light chop on the river, so she raised them up and scanned the streets of Sarnia. She watched a car drive along the parallel street before making a right hand turn. She was disappointed when she didn’t see anyone walking around. She would have liked to imagine what they were thinking and where they were going.


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