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Page 5

by Ashley Stambaugh

  “Your reaction makes me think that you know who we are, am I right?”

  Melina quickly nodded her head.

  “Good. So there should be no confusion when I say that the little stunt you pulled earlier with your light shield was a big mistake on your part. You really shouldn’t try to fight us like that. Now,” he said as his grip on her arm loosened a bit, “You’re going to come with us, quietly. And if you’re not quiet,” he motioned to his partner to release his hold on her wrist, “I’ll have my partner here put his hand back on your wrist until it burns down to the bone.”

  Melina swallowed hard and looked down at her wrist. There were four fresh burn marks on the top from the demon’s fingers and one on the underside from its thumb. She winced when she tried to move it.

  “Where are you taking me?” she asked in a panicked voice, tears still streaming down her face.

  “To our leader,” the demon replied.

  “On whose orders? Who sent you after me and why?”

  “I’m unable to answer the who part, but the why should be obvious. The one who hired us, so to speak, wants you dead. We want your powers.” Both demons sneered at her as they started to lead her farther down the alley. “Now be quiet.”

  So they did want her powers. But how did they know about them? They'd already been after her before they'd even seen her light shield. It didn’t make any sense. Right now, though, she needed to get away from them, and her wrist needed medical attention. She desperately tried to think of being protected to bring up her light shield, but nothing happened. After several failed attempts, her fear began to escalate.

  Where is my guardian angel?

  It was dark where they were now, and she didn’t hear any people or cars nearby, but she had to try something. Out of the corner of her eye she looked up at the demon on her right. His hand had a firm grip on her upper arm. She needed to get him to loosen his hold somehow. Thinking fast, she stuck her foot out in front of him causing him to trip and stumble forward.

  He cursed her as he released her arm to balance himself, and as soon as he did, she was off. She had only run two steps in the other direction, though, when she was suddenly jerked backward.

  “No, let me go!” Melina screamed as she thrashed about, trying to break free again.

  “I told you to be quiet and not fight us!”

  Melina looked up and saw the demon about to put his hand on her wrist again. “No!” she shrieked.

  Instantly a bright white light shot out all around her and forced the two demons onto the ground. They snarled and hissed as they tried to crawl away from her, and then suddenly they were gone, leaving nothing but a cloud of smoke behind.

  Melina, who had frozen in place in an attempt to keep up her shield, let out a big sigh of relief as she relaxed her tensed body. The demons were gone but for how long, she didn’t know. She needed to return to her store as soon as possible to meet with Walter, and she definitely needed to work with her powers some more. Why couldn’t she call up her light shield on command?

  As she rushed out of the alley, she passed her spilled cappuccino splattered all over the sidewalk. What a mess. She picked up the cup and lid, figuring it was the least she could do, and after she tossed it in a nearby trash can, she hurried on back to her store. When she was about half a block away, she saw Walter and Tessa standing outside of the front door. They both waved to her and then made their way down the sidewalk to meet her.

  “Melina, what’s wrong?” Tessa asked, a concerned expression on her face.

  Melina shook her head and wiped the tears from under her eyes. “I just went to get a cappuccino. I didn’t think…”

  “Whoa, calm down,” Walter said. “What happened?”

  “I just had another encounter with the demons, but this time they were in their human forms.” She looked over at Walter, her eyes still red from crying. “I thought you said they weren’t as strong in their human forms?”

  His eyes narrowed as he shook his head. “They’re not.”

  She pulled her coat sleeve up and raised her left wrist into the air. “Then explain how they could do that to me.”

  “Holy cow!” Tessa exclaimed as she stepped closer to Melina to see the wound. “Those are really bad burns. The demons did that to you?”

  Melina put her hand on her forehead and closed her eyes as Tessa’s thoughts exploded in her mind. “Calm down, Tessa,” she said as she repressed her friend's thoughts the best she could. “I’m okay.” She finally opened her eyes and looked over at Walter.

  He stepped forward to examine the wound. His expression saddened as he spoke in a solemn tone. “I’m so sorry I didn’t give you all the details earlier, but I really didn’t think you’d have another encounter with them so soon. Please forgive me.”

  Melina nodded.

  Walter gave her an apologetic smile and continued on. “In their demonic form, Noxin demons are very bad news. Their stealth ability makes it easy for them to hide from their targets. They’re quick as lightening, but when that’s not fast enough, they can teleport. Their teeth and claws are as sharp as knives, and their eyes look as if they’re on fire because they literally are on fire, as are their entire insides. Their shadowy appearance is actually smoke billowing from their burning skin. Their touch while in their demonic form can burn through a human’s skin within seconds and, if they so choose, even through a person’s bones.

  “It’s quite different in their human form, though. The form that they have to take in order to appear human doesn’t allow any of their powers to come through. Except the burning. It’s so intense that it seeps through their human form, and they’re still able to use it, even if it’s only a fraction of the full power.”

  “Only a fraction of the full power?” Melina lifted her injured wrist into the air again. “That was from only a fraction of their power?” She let out a low groan. “I can’t even bring up my one defensive power on command. How am I supposed to keep them from taking my soul so they can have my powers?”

  “So they do want your powers?” Walter asked.

  Melina nodded.

  “Did they tell you that?”

  She nodded again. “One of them also said that the person who hired them wants me dead. Who would want me dead?”

  “I don’t know,” replied Walter. “I couldn’t locate Adelia anywhere last night to talk to her. But if you know for sure that the demons want your powers, then I need to talk to all of the elders, not just Adelia. We need to figure out who told them.”

  “I agree,” Tessa chimed in. “Melina, let Walter go and speak to the elders while we get you some medical attention.”

  Melina gave Walter a scared look. “What if the demons come back before you return? I really need to practice with my light shield some more.”

  “The demons are probably still recovering right now. I think you’ve got some time before you see them again.”

  The fear on her face was quickly replaced by confusion.

  “Your light shield burns them just as badly as their touch in their demonic form can burn you,” Walter said. “The light it emanates is so bright that they’re also temporarily blinded.”

  Melina tried to smile. “That’s a small relief, I guess.”

  Walter gestured at her wrist. “You seem like you’re in some pain. Get to the nearest prompt care center as quickly as possible and then go somewhere crowded. The demons won’t attack in a crowded place. Give me an hour or two and then call to me so I know where to find you.”

  “Okay,” Melina said as she nodded at him.

  “I must leave you now,” Walter said as he turned around and made his way into the shadows of the alley next to the bookstore. “I’m going to find Adelia and talk to all of the elders about the demons. They have to know something, and I’m determined to receive some answers.”

  Chapter Seven

  Walter quickly reverted out of his human form and closed his eyes. In an instant he was gone, only to reappear in a place he
knew as home. The Realm was where all angels, including their elders, stayed when they weren’t off helping their charges. Numerous cobblestoned streets winded back and forth, each leading to a massive white building with sturdy marble pillars lining the front. All of the buildings emanated a soft glowing light, each with its own unique color. He headed straight for the one surrounded in white light, the one where he would find the other guiding angels and their elders.

  As he walked up the steps, the front doors swung open, welcoming him inside. He greeted a few fellow angels and then started to make his way up the lengthy spiral staircase that led to the top floor where the elders stayed.

  He reached the landing at the top and saw the elders, including Adelia, standing in a circle at the other end of the room, talking with one another. There were four elders total, two females and two males. The other female besides Adelia was named Helene, a tall, bony woman with long, shiny black hair that always seemed to be pulled back into a low, sleek pony tail. The two males were Cecil, a strong African-American with broad shoulders and built arms, and Phinneas, an older-looking man with pale skin, a scruffy beard, and flowing gray hair that fell just past his shoulders. Each one looked up as Walter approached. They broke from their circle and formed a line with Adelia and Helene in the middle.

  Walter briefly removed his hat to greet them when Adelia stepped forward and said, “Walter. I didn’t expect to see you here.”

  “Yes, well, I’m here about Melina, the human who absorbed my powers. It’s very important.”

  Adelia placed her hand on Walter’s arm and started to guide him in the opposite direction. “Let’s talk about it in private, shall we?”

  “Whatever Walter has to say can be said in front of all of us, Adelia.”

  Walter turned back and saw Helene looking at both of them.

  Adelia stared at Helene for a few seconds and then turned to Walter and nodded. “Of course,” she said stiffly.

  Walter cleared his throat before addressing them. “You all know about the situation she’s in.”

  The elders nodded but didn’t say anything, so Walter continued.

  “Well, she’s in even more danger now. A trio of Noxin demons is after her.”

  “That’s unfortunate,” said Cecil as he gave Walter a look of concern.

  “They’re after her for her powers,” Walter said as he eyed the elders carefully.

  They all appeared shocked and confused, except for Phinneas. He stared at Walter for a brief moment and then averted his eyes down to the floor.

  That was a strange reaction, thought Walter. Does he know something?

  A burning desire to confront him right then and there arose within Walter, but he quickly suppressed it. If he tried to question Phinneas in front of the others, he knew all he’d receive was feigned ignorance and denial, not answers. He would have to be patient and get him one-on-one to feel him out.

  “Having Noxin demons after her for her powers is very serious,” said Walter as his voice began to rise. “How do they know that she’s absorbed angel powers when we’re supposed to be the only ones who know? How?” He knew it was risky to speak to the elders that way, but one of them had to know something.

  “Walter,” said Adelia. “It sounds as if you’re implying that one of us told the demons about Melina. Is that what you’re trying to say?”

  Walter remained silent until eventually Helene spoke up again.

  “You think we would actually do that?”

  “No,” said Walter. “Of course I don’t. But who else knows about her having powers?”

  “No one,” said Adelia. “But maybe the demons were spying on us when we were explaining everything to her.”

  “That’s the only logical explanation,” said Cecil, his voice booming around the room. “None of us would consort with demons.”

  Walter sighed. “But if they were spying on us, don’t you think we would’ve felt their presence?”

  “Not necessarily,” Phinneas chimed in. It was the first he’d spoken since Walter had arrived, so his sudden interruption caused everyone to startle a bit. “Noxin demons are one of the few that have stealth abilities.”

  While all the other elders piped up in agreement, Walter remained quiet. The elder’s explanation did make sense, but his reaction earlier still made Walter suspicious. Phinneas knew something, but why was he keeping silent?

  Finally, Walter spoke up. “There’s got to be something we can do to help her.”

  “Well,” said Adelia. “Her light shield has protected her so far, and it’ll be even stronger once she masters it.”

  “Yes, but we all know that our light shields only protect us for so long,” replied Walter. “They can eventually be broken down by a determined enemy. And Noxin demons are more than determined.”

  Adelia nodded. “True, but a guiding angel can’t do much when it comes to protecting a charge. Your job is to help her understand and utilize her powers. It’s her guardian angel’s job to protect her, and I’m sure he’ll show up when he feels it’s necessary.”

  Walter looked confused. “Melina’s guardian angel is supposed to watch over her at all times. How could he not know about the situation she’s in right now? How could he think that she wasn’t in enough danger to show up?”

  Adelia was about to respond when Cecil’s booming voice cut her off. “Guardian angels can’t interfere with everything that happens to their charge. But you know, maybe he’s a bit confused on how to handle the situation. You should pay the guardian’s temple a little visit and seek him out. Your best bet would be to work together with him.”

  Walter nodded. “I guess that’s my only option.” He paused and gave Phinneas a quick glance, but the elder’s face remained blank. He let out a small, inaudible sigh and then addressed the elders as a whole. “Thank you for your time and input. I’m going to pay a visit to the guardian’s temple now.” He bowed his head and then turned around and walked away.

  As he stepped out the front door, he spotted the guardian’s temple not too far away. It was surrounded by a warm, golden yellow light and was the largest temple in The Realm. The building was enormous compared to the other temples and was overflowing with angels. He hurried down the cobblestoned road and was welcomed at the front door and shown inside to speak to their elders.

  The guardian’s temple was set up differently than his, and the elders stayed on the lower level instead of on the top. Walter entered the room and saw five tall, well-built men sitting around an elegant wooden table together. They stood and greeted him warmly and then asked how they could help.

  “My name is Walter. I’m a guiding angel. I’ve been told that you know who the charges are for each and every one of your angels.”

  They all nodded at him and then one of the elders in the middle said, “That’s true.”

  “I’m looking for the guardian who watches over the woman who’s also currently my charge. Her name is Melina Rowe. She’s in her mid-twenties and lives—”

  The elder who'd spoken piped up again, cutting him off. “Yes, that’s Henry’s charge.”

  Walter gave him a funny look. “You act as if you knew who I was going to ask about before I even said her name.”

  The elder on the left spoke up. “That’s because you’re not the first one to ask which guardian angel is assigned to her.”

  “Who else was here and when?”

  “Last evening,” the elder replied. “He’s an elder of yours. I believe he said his name was Phinneas.”

  Walter rubbed his chin. “Did he speak to Henry?”

  “Yes. He gave him the details about the situation Melina’s in and then he left with him. We haven’t seen Henry since. Didn’t Phinneas tell you?”

  “No,” Walter murmured. He noticed the strange looks the elders were giving him, so he quickly forced a smile onto his face. “It must’ve slipped his mind. Thank you for your time.” He bowed his head and tried to walk out as casually as he could.

  Once he
was outside and several feet away from the guardian’s temple, he stopped and shook his head. Something was going on. Something wasn’t right. He started to walk back toward his own temple with the intent of confronting Phinneas, but halfway there he realized the most important thing right now was Melina’s safety. And that meant finding Henry first.

  He spun around and started in the direction of the summoning stone, a small crystal like stone that sat on a small pillar in the middle of all the temples. He had never had to use it before but had been instructed on how it worked. Once he reached the stone, he placed his hand on top of it and hoped he could perform the process correctly. It was his best chance at finding Henry.

  Chapter Eight

  “We should go to the Fall Festival after we take care of my wrist,” said Melina as they walked up the stairs to her apartment.

  “That’s a good idea,” replied Tessa. “Almost everyone in town will be there.”

  “My thoughts exactly.”

  Melina cradled her left arm close to her body as she used her good hand to open the door. Her wrist had been through a lot in the last two days with the pain from the vision and now these burns from the demon. She headed straight for the bathroom and, after shrugging off her coat, immediately put her wrist under the sink faucet and turned on the cold water. The initial sting made her wince, but it eventually faded.

  “Where’s your first aid kit?” Tessa asked.

  “It’s in the closet on the top shelf,” replied Melina.

  Tessa reached up and grabbed the kit from the shelf and then laid it on the sink. She opened it up and took out the burn ointment and some large bandages. “These will do for now, but we should really get you to a doctor to be on the safe side.”

  Melina turned the water off and gently patted her wrist with a towel. “Tess, I can’t go to a doctor. Look at these burn marks.” She held her wrist out to her friend to examine again. “They’re clearly finger marks. I can’t explain that to a doctor.”


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