One More Time: More Series Book 1

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One More Time: More Series Book 1 Page 18

by S. Van Horne

  “Dante, what are you doing?” Her breasts heave as she asks, which makes me focus on them. Her nipples tighten, and I grin knowing that I’m affecting her.

  “I need you, Len. It has been over nine months since I had you. Now step back, mio tutto, we’re getting ready to get reacquainted with each other,” I growl out as I step into the shower, jerking my cock.

  I crowd up against her still stroking myself. With my other hand, I reach up, grab her hair, and pull until her face if looking up at me. I stare into her eyes, gauging her reaction. Her eyes are dilated and her breathing is starting to pick up even more. I don’t see any fear or panic coming from her. I take a moment to figure out what step I’m going to take now.

  “Fuck, Len, I want you badly, but I also need to taste you. Be a good girl and lean against the wall for me. Put your hands on the bar above your head, and don’t let go. You let go, and I won’t let you come, you understand?” I demand and let go of my cock.

  She slowly raises her hands above her head and grabs hold of the bar. I pull her hair to the side making her head tilt giving me a view of her amazing neck. I lean down and bite down hard enough to leave my mark on her which causes her to cry out in pleasure, but it is muffled. I glance up, her eyes are closed and she’s biting her lips to help keep her noises in. I kiss my way up her neck to her ear.

  “You don’t have to be quiet, mio tutto. I want to hear you scream for me,” I whisper in her ear and smile against it when I feel her shiver from my breath. I pull my head away from her neck and look down at her face. She opens her eyes and grins at me. Oh, this is going to be fun.

  I slowly make my way down to her nipples, kissing and nipping as I go. I lick each nipple to ease the sting that I cause on her skin. I gently graze my teeth across the peeks and get a slightly sweet flavor on my tongue. I hear her hiss, and I jerk back to look at her.

  “They’re sensitive. I’m still trying to get used to nursing.” She blushes and looks away.

  “Len, look at me. It’s okay I’ll be easier with your breast. I’ll say I’m loving the fact that they’re bigger.” I smirk, lean down, and kiss the top of her breast. “Also, your milk’s sweet so I now understand why Marcus is such a pig when it comes to feeding time.”

  She burst out laughing at that comment. I start to kiss down between her breasts when she stops me.

  “Dante, you don’t have to do that. I really am alright with just making love,” she tells me. Her voice has a tremble in it, and I realize it isn’t from what I’m doing to her.

  “What’s wrong?” I’m starting to get concerned that something more happened then what she told us.

  “Dante, calm down. I just don’t look the same as I did before Marcus. I have stretch marks, and I have baby fat still from the pregnancy,” she whispers the end to me and looks away.

  I take a deep breath and frame her face with both hands forcing her head to turn towards me. She has her eyes closed, which pisses me off. “Open your eyes,” I growl out harshly at her which causes her to snap her eyes open.

  “I want you to listen to me, Len, and listen well,” I demand, looking directly into her eyes. She nods.

  “I don’t know why you think having stretch marks or as you called it baby fat is a bad thing. I don’t find that shit bad at all. If anything, I find it even sexier because I know you got that from carrying my baby in your belly.” I drop down to my knees and kiss her marks and look up into her eyes.

  “When I see these marks, I see the love that created them. I feel admiration for you because of your strength and willingness to endure the pain, agony, and struggles that created life. I believe they are marks of honor that our son gave you. I love that you have them, and I cherish them,” I tell her as I kiss each one I come to.

  I gaze up into her eyes and I see she isn’t really believing what I’m saying. I take a moment to reword what I just said hoping it will get my point across.

  “I look at these marks as love marks because you got them from giving our child life. Len, these are the most precious marks on your body to me because my son created them. I truly can’t wait to see more form on your body due to the other babies you will give me in the future,” I gently whisper against them.

  I look back up into her eyes and see tears streaming down her face. She grabs my face, pulls me up to hers and leans her forehead against mine.

  “I love you so much, Dante. One more time,” she whispers against my lips.

  “TI’mo Len. Un’altra volta,” I whisper back to her before I crash my lips against hers and deepen the kiss.

  I forget all about tasting her, and the overwhelming need I have for her takes over as I pick her up and slam her against the wall. I reach down, test her wetness, and line my cock up against her pussy and surge into her in one hard thrust.

  I groan out in pleasure as she cries out against my lips at the invasion of my cock entering her. She’s tight as hell so I hold still while she adjusts to me.

  “Fuck, Len, you feel fucking amazing,” I murmur against her lips, trying to hold off from taking her hard.

  I start to feel her relax a little which makes my cock jerk more. I pull out and slam into her again which makes her bite my neck to contain her cries of pleasure. That move alone makes me even harder and brings out my dominate nature.

  “Grab the bar and hang on, mio tutto,” I roughly tell her and wait until she obeys me. “Remember, you can’t come until I tell you to.”

  She nods and grabs the bar. I grab her hips hard enough to leave my finger prints on them and pull almost all the way out. I thrust hard inside her and feel her jerk at the impact.

  I feel her starting to tighten as I’m thrusting and it makes me pull out of her. She whimpers at the loss which causes me to smirk and put her legs down.

  “I felt you getting close and I haven’t tasted you yet, baby. You can’t come until I taste your sweetness on my lips.” I drop down and throw her legs over my shoulders.

  I look at her lips and see they are swollen and pink from my thrust. My mouth waters as her smell reaches my nose. I can’t hold back once that scent hits me. I latch on and eat her like she’s my last meal. Her flavor of sweet and slightly musky hits me, and I can’t contain the moan of pleasure that comes out of me.

  I feel her on the edge, and I need her to come in my mouth. “Give it to me, Len. Let me taste your pleasure.” I go back to her clit and suck hard.

  She moans out as her orgasm hits her, and I continue to circle her clit slowing down to draw out her release. I can’t hold back anymore so I stand and plunge back into her. I slam my mouth on hers and start thrusting hard and fast.

  I feel her starting to tighten again, and I know she’s getting ready to have another one. I go faster and deeper into her, wanting to come with her.

  “Give me another one Len. I want to come with you.”

  I lean back so I can watch myself move in and out of her. I slide my hand between us and start rubbing her clit. I feel my balls tighten, and lighting shooting through my spine. Right when I don’t think I can hold off, I feel her tighten against my cock, so much that I can barely move. I groan her name and thrust as deep as I can while I unload inside of her.

  I reach up with one hand and undo her grip on the bar. She lets go and wraps her arms around my neck. We hold each other tightly as we come down from our high. Finally, after a few minutes we relax and let each other go.

  Without any words, we wash each other and hurry out of the shower before the hot water’s gone.

  I look over at her and smile seeing the satisfied look on my woman’s face.

  “What is that smirk for?” she shyly asks.

  “I like seeing my woman satisfied because of what I did to her.” I smile even bigger when I see her stumble from drying herself off.

  I snatch her towel away from her and pull her into my arms. I kiss her deeply and hold her close. After I feel her relax and start kissing me back, I slowly break up t
he kiss.

  “Let’s get dressed, go get our son, and head to the cabin,” I murmur against her lips.


  I nod my head at his suggestion and pull at the towel he took from me. I start thinking about what just happened as I dry myself off, and I realize that we didn’t use a condom. This makes me stop everything and turn towards him.

  “Dante, did you wear a condom? I’m not on protection.”

  He jerks his head towards me and takes a deep breath. That’s when I know he didn’t think about it either.

  “I don’t think it’s wise to get pregnant right now with Steven still out there. Plus, Marcus is only six weeks old.” My hand goes to my chest as I try to calm my breathing. Steven is still out there!

  “Len, calm down. I agree with holding off until Steven isn’t a worry anymore. However, it doesn’t matter how old Marcus is when you get pregnant. I’ll be with you every step of the way.” He walks up to me and wraps his arms around me. “I missed everything with Marcus, so the thought of you getting pregnant again with my baby makes me extremely happy.”

  “Dante, I want time between kids. I have a career that I don’t want to give up. I don’t want them too far apart, but I don’t want them one right after another,” I murmur out against his chest.

  I feel him tense up when I mention my career. I hope he isn’t about to tell me I won’t be working because that isn’t happening. I’ve always dreamed of being a doctor, and I won’t give up that dream for anyone. Even though I’m a mother now, that doesn’t mean I have to give up my career. I’ll probably work less because the thought of being away from Marcus or any future children for long hours just doesn’t sit well with me.

  “Mio tutto, you’re still going to work?”

  “Yes. I’m not giving that up. Don’t ask that of me.” I gaze up into his eyes hoping he understands what I’m trying to tell him.

  “I don’t like that, but I don’t want to argue. Can we discuss it more when this mess with Steven is cleared up?”

  With a nod I stand up on my tip toes and give him a quick peck on the lips.

  “Come on, we need to get going.” I walk out of the bathroom and go to get ready to see my family again.



  We head over to the cabin, and I try to control the rage that has been going through me since Len told us the story. I have a feeling that fucker wasn’t going to take Marcus to the hospital after he was born. Len doing what she did saved not only her life but the life of our son. For that, I’ll always be indebted to her, and I vow to make sure she knows daily just how much I adore, love, and need her.

  An anger like no other starts to consume me, yet again. I feel a jerk on my arm and turn to see OPG giving me a look telling me to get it together.

  I know she’s right, because Len is going to need all the help she can get to control the family when they see Marcus and her. I nod and take a deep breath.

  We decided that Neil and OPG will go get everyone together in the backyard. Len, Marcus, and I be off to the side of the house until we hear Neil whistle the signal to step forward. I will be holding our son to ensure he isn’t trampled in the rush to get to Len.

  Stopping just shy of being in sight, I pull Len to my side and kiss her forehead. I try to give her as much of my strength as I can.

  “You know you don’t have to do this, right? We can just bring one family member at a time to the cabin,” I whisper into her ear and feel her shiver. I smile knowing I have that effect on her.

  “No, the sooner the better. Then, we can get more alone time maybe. Just be ready to…” She stops and looks at me with tears in her eyes. I know she was going to use the word ‘kidnap’ her.

  “Don’t worry, mio tutto, I’ll pull a caveman and just throw your sexy ass over my shoulder. They can’t stop me.” I smile and wink trying to lighten the mood.

  “Thanks,” she whispers so softly I barely hear it.

  At that moment, we hear a whistle and know it’s time. I give her a hard peck on the lips and a small smile. With my hand on her back and the other cradling our son close, we walk around to the back of the house. I glance up and see the shock on all their faces. We stop shy of where they are.

  “Hi,” she sobs out at the sight of our family, which breaks the trance they are all in.

  Mom and Momma Connie rush to her and wrap her up in their arms, one on each side. That seems to snap Pops and Papa out of their thoughts causing them to go to them.

  I turn to the guys, and they’re standing there, trying to figure out how the fuck we were able to find her. I smile and nod my head at OPG when they shift their eyes over at me. It’s then they notice the bundle in my arms and a huge smile breaks across their faces.

  “My Angel and my little man are home!” Sin calls out at the top of his lungs and starts making strides towards me. “Give me my baby boy. I need to see if he looks like me.”

  “Step the fuck back, asshole! No touching my boy!” Doc hollers out and knocks him out of his way as he tries to get over to me. “Tell him, sugar, that I’m the daddy.”

  “Both of you better knock your shit off! Stop saying you’re the daddy, or I’m going to kick your ass. Everyone knows that she prefers me since I’m the nice one.” Eagle winks over towards Len who I see is laughs at their antics.

  “All three of you are going to get your asses knocked the fuck out if you keep saying you slept with my woman. Marcus is the best looking baby in the world, which means he must take after a De Luca,” I say with a huge cheesy grin on my face.

  This makes everyone burst out laughing. I glance around and notice the twins are missing. Just when I’m getting ready to ask where the they are, I hear a car door. I turn back to Len and give her a huge smile because I know they are going to flip their shit. Currently, she’s being smothered by the boys, but she gazes at me and grins.

  We hear the twins arguing over who was going to drive the boat after lunch, which makes Pops chuckle, because we know he won’t let anyone touch his boat. I see the small twitch on Len’s lips and tears starting to flow even more down her face. She turns towards their voice and waits for them to come into view. I know the moment they do because she falls to her knees and gives out a cry at seeing them in person. They’ve always been close.

  They stop in their place and turn trying to find who made that sound. I watch their faces when they spot me with a bundle in my arms. Confusion is on their faces and they tilt their heads. I nod my head towards Len, and they follow the movement.

  They stare for a second trying to figure out what they are seeing. Disbelief and then relief crosses both of their faces once they realize it’s Len. They both rush towards her. Once they reach her, they lift her, and squish her between them. I can hear the cries from all three coming from their circle.

  We all just sit and watch while they hold each other. This makes me wonder how her girls are going to react when they see her. I’m thinking that’s going to be a hell of a reunion. I’m going to have to make sure we do it at the parents’ houses, because then Marcus doesn’t have to hear the squeals and cries coming from the girls.

  Right at that moment, Marcus decides he isn’t happy, so he lets out a cry. I gaze down at him and start bouncing and shushing him. I get a nasty smell from him, and I know it’s time for a diaper change. I turn to head into the house when I’m blocked in by the Mom’s and Dad’s.

  “Hand my grandson over and nobody gets hurt,” Pops demands with his hands out.

  “No! Grandma’s first!” My mom steps in front of Pops.

  I shake my head at the four of them arguing. Since they aren’t paying attention to me anymore, I end up sneaking around them and heading into the house. I hurry up to my bedroom thinking I’m free and clear.

  I try to shut the door and end up seeing that I was indeed followed. By five grown fucking adult men who have sappy smiles on their faces. I just shake my head again and walk over to the
bed preparing to change him. I wonder which ones will stay once the smell hits the room.

  “So, you going to tell us his name?” Eagle pops out while he takes a seat on the side of them bed.

  “Marcus Anthony De Luca,” I say with pride ringing through my words.

  “Let me guess… Marcus is a famous Chief’s player,” Carlo states instead of asks.

  “Yep! Then, Anthony is named after the Dads. He has Len’s eyes, but the rest is all me!” I proudly proclaim as I start to change him.

  “Fuck, that shit stinks. What they hell are you feeding him? Isn’t he on breast milk or some shit like that?” Sin states and walks over to the window to open it.

  “Yes, dumbass, he’s on breast milk. Anyway, are the parent’s still fighting?” I ask him as I finish cleaning him up.

  “Sounds like it. Lucky and Len are just watching off on the side shaking their heads at them. I wonder how long it will take them to notice we left,” he murmurs while he watches them from above which makes all of us chuckle because we can just imagine how it’s going to be when they see we left the area.

  After about twenty minutes of me fending off the boys who are demanding to hold their nephew, we hear footsteps on the stairs leading to the bedrooms.

  “About time you four stopped fighting and came meet your grandson,” I hassle them as they walk into the room I’m currently in.

  “Whatever. Hand my grandson over. Also, would someone tell us his name for God sake?” Momma Connie holds out her hands.

  Pops comes up next to her, wraps his arms around both of them and they take in their grandson. I turn towards Len who has tears streaming down her face. I open my arms and wave her over to me, which she gladly comes over.

  “Why don’t you tell them what you named him, mio tutto?” I whisper in her ear as I pull her down on to my lap.

  “I decided to follow tradition, Pops, so I named him Marcus, after Marcus Allen. Anthony is his middle name after you and Dante’s dad. De Luca is of course his last name,” she explains.


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