The MacLomain Series: Later Years - a Scottish Time Travel Romance Boxed Set

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The MacLomain Series: Later Years - a Scottish Time Travel Romance Boxed Set Page 34

by Sky Purington

  “Aye, all is well enough,” Grant supplied. “They are safe.”

  “Cassie?” Nicole had pulled back from her friend and was eying her with concern. “Are you okay, sweetie?”

  “Of course I am,” Cassie said. “What about you? I was so worried.”

  Niall tore his eyes away and looked at Vika then Grant. “Who is the horse and dinnae say ye dinnae know.”

  “I know naught, lad.” Grant arched his brows. “What I do know is that ye dinnae need to be speaking to me like that.”

  “Ye know ye do, ye bloody—”

  “Come, Niall,” Logan interrupted and nodded toward the castle as he started walking. “Ye’ve had a time of it. Ye need to rest.”

  “Cassie,” Nicole said, her voice distressed as she peered at her friend and waved a hand in front of her face. “Hell, girl. Can you see me?”

  Niall frowned. Though tempted to go to Nicole, he was too aggravated. Not following Logan, he crossed his arms over his chest and kept glaring at Grant. “Ye think to still keep secrets? Do ye have any idea what I just went through?”

  “Ye’ll be careful how ye speak to my brother, son.”

  Niall ground his teeth and ignored his father who might have been standing there the whole time for all he cared. Eyes never leaving Grant, he growled, “Do ye then?”

  He loved his Uncle Grant with all his heart, but he had never been fond of his evasiveness. That was why Uncle Colin had always been his favorite. He said what he thought and kept no secrets.

  That he knew of.

  Grant stroked Vika’s muzzle and eyed Niall. “Ye’d best listen to yer Da, lad.”

  “Yes, I’m blind, but it’s no big deal,” Cassie was saying as Nicole grew more and more upset. “I’m okay. Really, hon. I’m more worried about you right now.”

  “Holy shit.” Nicole touched Cassie’s cheek, then her shoulders, then her arms, distressed before she pointed all her confusion and rage in his direction. Spinning, she said, “Hey, Brute, did you know about this?”

  He returned his attention to Grant. “Just tell me, Uncle. Help me better fight the strife ahead.”

  Nicole strode up and started to poke Niall in the chest, cedar eyes pure gold now. “You knew, didn’t you, asshole!”

  Niall ignored her and kept his eyes on Grant. “How did we get here? What’s going on?”

  “I knew enough to get ye here safely,” Grant allowed. “That’s all that matters.”

  When Nicole pushed against Niall’s chest, a slew of curses pouring out of her mouth, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her against his side. His eyes remained on Grant. “Yer riddles dinnae help my situation.”

  When Nicole tried to elbow him, he yanked her in front of him and trapped her flailing arms, muttering in her ear, “We will deal with this later, lass.”

  “Niall, what are you doing to Nicole?” Cassie asked. “Because I swear if you’re hurting her.”

  “I would never hurt her,” he returned, flinching when Nicole stomped hard on his foot.

  “He isnae hurting her,” Grant enlightened as he led Vika up the shore, words thrown over his shoulder. “Everyone needs to head into the castle. ‘Tis the safest place for now.”

  “Aye,” Logan said, looping his arm with Cassie’s. “Come, lass.”

  “No,” she argued, staring in Niall’s general direction. “Nicole, are you okay?”

  Something about her tone made Nicole stop struggling. “Yeah, I’m good, sweetie. Right behind you, okay?”

  “You sure?”

  “Yup.” Nicole’s voice was the gentlest he had ever heard it. “Definitely.”

  It seemed Cassie didn’t like how gentle Nicole sounded because she stopped Logan and turned back with a frown. “We knew the day was coming when I’d lose my eyesight, Nicole. If you, of all people, start going soft on me then what’s the point of staying strong? You were the rock of our group.” She ground her jaw before she kept walking. “I’m blind now. Deal with it.”

  “I’m sorry,” Nicole whispered. “I’m sorry,” she said a little louder and yanked away from Niall though she didn’t pursue Cassie. Instead, she stared after her friend, eyes moist as she clearly struggled with what else to say.

  But Cassie had already vanished inside.

  “Shit, shit, shit,” Nicole muttered to herself as she rubbed the back of her neck. “I totally suck.”

  Niall might be irritated with Grant, but he figured he ought to try to soothe her. “You dinnae need to be sorry—”

  “Shut up, Brute,” she cut him off and strode after Cassie.

  Anger flared. Bloody ungrateful wench. He strode after her. “If ye tell me to shut anything again I’ll—”

  She spun, fire in her eyes. “You’ll what, Niall? Fight me with a dagger only so you can—”

  “Och, lass, if ye’ve a mind to go after my cousin, one of the best warriors in Scotland, then ye’d best do it with a dagger in yer hand,” came another voice.

  Nicole had no sooner turned when his cousin Machara grabbed her by the scruff of the neck and started dragging her toward the castle.

  “Machara,” he started.

  “Get the hell off me, you bitch,” Nicole roared and tried to swing. That did no good. Machara had her in height and weight and was a warrior amongst warriors.

  Niall shook his head and groaned when Machara drove Nicole up against the castle wall. “Ye will respect my blood, aye, lass?”

  “Watch out, Cousin, she’s got a mean,” Niall started, but it was too late.

  Nicole jabbed Machara’s armpit so hard, his cousin fell back. The second she did, Nicole jammed her fist into his cousin’s jaw.

  Machara stumbled back, a look of both awe and amusement on her face. “Och, ye bloody—”

  Niall grabbed Machara’s arm before she beat Nicole to within an inch of her life. “Nay, lass. She’s with me.”

  “With ye?” Machara shook her head. “Are ye sure then lad because—”

  “Aye, she’s with me,” he cut in, eying Nicole as she edged closer, eyes wild.

  Nicole clenched her jaw as she breathed harshly and rolled her shoulders. But something in either his or Machara’s eyes must have translated because she shook her head. “I’m not with anyone.”

  She shot them a look of disgust then strode into the castle.

  Machara pulled away from Niall, readjusted herself then eyed him. “So that’s yer lass then, aye?”

  “Och, nay, she’s the devil’s own,” he said as they followed Nicole.

  “Aye, she has a demon in her to be sure,” Machara said as they climbed the tower stairs. She grinned and winked at him over her shoulder. “I like her immensely.”

  “I figured ye would.”

  But he was in no mood for pleasantries. While he understood Nicole’s anger, he needed answers to his questions. All the truths that he knew were being kept from him.

  “What happened while I was away?” he asked. “I noticed Da didnae stay down here long. Running from me as always.”

  “Malcolm will always support his brother.” Machara shrugged. “It seems they both thought it best to walk away from ye.”

  “’Twould be nice if just once Da stood up to Grant,” Niall said as they reached the middle landing. “If he stood up for me.”

  “Och.” Machara flung her arm around his waist as they walked. “They’re tight, those two. Always speaking within the mind. Dinnae let it bother ye.”

  If Seònaid had been here, she would have sat him down and helped him sort through his thoughts. Machara, however, didn’t work that way. She only knew how to express herself through battling. So he wasn’t all that surprised when she squeezed his waist then strode ahead. “Come on, Cousin. Evil hasnae found us yet. Let’s go find a skirt for ye to chase. Might get yer mind off that lass, aye?”

  “Aye,” he muttered. “I’ll meet ye in the great hall.”

  Machara made a gesture of approval and vanished below stairs.

someone whispered.

  Cassie? He slowed, trying to figure out where she was.

  “Niall.” A hand poked out a door further down, waving him forward.

  When he entered the room, Cassie was still standing by the door. “What are you doing, lass?”

  “I’m not familiar with this room yet, but I made sure whisky was brought here.” She held out her arm. “Lead me to somewhere I can sit.”

  Niall knew the room well. Two mugs and a pitcher had been left on a table. “Aye.” He led her to a chair, not moving until she was safely seated.

  “’Tis a nice enough room but barren of furniture,” he said as he sat across from her. “Rarely used because ‘tis near the top of the stairs and runs too cold. It has a small window and—”

  He wasn’t quite sure how she did it, but Cassie clamped her hand down over the hand he had rested on the table, her voice desperate. “Is Nicole okay? What happened?”

  “She’s fine,” he began.

  “You’re lying already.” She pulled away. “Pour me some whisky then tell me the truth. All of it.”

  Could he? Should he? Because there was already too much to tell. Too much that Nicole would not want to be shared. But would she be opposed if he only shared it with her friend...someone she cared so much about? He needed to talk to someone. He needed to figure out how to help her. And Cassie was...Cassie. He had liked her from the moment they met. She was honest, caring and overly compassionate.

  A good Lady for this castle if ever he met one.

  Niall filled their mugs then slid one over until it touched her fingertips. “Where is Nicole now?”

  “With Logan.” Cassie lifted the mug to her lips. “She’s safe. Being cared for.”

  That could mean a wide variety of things when it came to Nicole. “She isnae good at being contained.”

  Cassie chuckled and carefully set down the mug. “Never has been.” Her eyes turned in his general direction. “But I’m not so worried about her physical state right now as I am her mental.”

  Niall took a long swig and nodded. A habit to nod he supposed even though she could not see him doing it. “She had a...difficult time last night.”

  “Tell me,” Cassie murmured.

  “I’ve done as you asked.” He shook his head. “I havnae coddled her.”

  When she remained silent, he knew she wanted more.

  Though he swore what had happened would always remain with him, seeing the concern on Cassie’s face changed his mind. “She has more rage and repressed fear in her than any lass I’ve ever met,” he said softly. “More than any lad for that matter.”

  “Go on,” Cassie said when he hesitated.

  “I meant to leave her alone last night, but she was drunk and said she was afraid.” He took another gulp of whisky. “That she didnae want to be left alone anymore.”

  Cassie clenched her fist on the table and swallowed. “Did she tell you why?”

  “Aye,” he murmured. “’Twas because she was raised in foster care. Parents came and went but never kept her for long. Then problems started with her hearing that made her seem...daft? She didnae tell her foster parents she had trouble hearing and it affected how people treated her. People didnae ken her. They thought her slow. So when she was old enough, she worked hard, made her own way and...”

  “And what, Niall?”

  “I dinnae see how it matters now,” he started.

  “It matters,” Cassie whispered.

  “She went down what some might think a more difficult path,” he murmured.

  “Say it.” Cassie jut out her chin. “I need to hear you say it.”

  Niall took another swig and contemplated Cassie. Should he or would that betray Nicole’s confidence? A confidence that she knew nothing about.

  “Niall,” Cassie ground out. “You promised me not that long ago that when I went blind, you would describe to me my surroundings, did you not?”

  “Aye, I did.”

  “Nicole, Jackie, and Erin are my surroundings. They’re everything to me. They are my world outside of Logan.” She leaned forward, her eyes almost meeting his. “I need to know what she told you.”

  He studied Cassie’s face. The pain. The heartache. Above all, the need to protect. He well understood. He had devoted his life not only to protecting the wee Bruce but also his cousins. His family. Love and devotion to kin was everything. Something he respected and stayed loyal to above all else.

  Niall set aside his drink and put his hand over Cassie’s. “She told me she took off her clothes for money.”

  Cassie closed her eyes and nodded, voice hoarse and soft. “So she told you that much.”

  “Aye.” He squeezed her hand. “’Tis not such a big thing really.”

  When Cassie opened her eyes, they were moist, and her voice was passionate. “It’s big enough, Niall.”

  How to respond? He said all he could think of. Everything he had said to Nicole last night. “’Twas just her body, nothing else. Nobody had her.”

  “Every last guy that saw her naked had her, you fool. In her mind anyway.” Cassie pulled her hand away and shook her head. “I can’t believe she told you so much.”

  “’Twas not all that much,” he said, downing the rest of his whisky.

  “But it was. More than she’s told any guy,” Cassie said. “Maybe that explains why she got so irritated with you. She’s not used to being so vulnerable.”

  “Nay.” He shook his head. “’Tis just a thing with us.”

  Cassie ran a finger around the rim of her mug and went unnaturally silent.

  Too silent.

  “There’s more to this, isn’t there?” she said softly.

  Niall frowned and shook his head. “Nay.”



  “What did you do?”

  What was it about losing one of the five senses that made a person sharper? Because Cassie somehow knew.

  “’Twas a rough eve for her,” he began.

  Cassie pushed aside her mug so harshly that whisky spilled over. “What did you do? Because something feels off here.”

  Niall sighed. He supposed he ought to tell her he truth. “I didnae see why she needed to remember what she told me.”

  “Niall,” she groaned. “Tell me you didn’t cast a spell or something.”

  “What would you have done if someone that didnae like you poured out their heart?” He sighed again. “What would you have done if she was so angry you didnae know what to say or do?”

  Cassie braced her forehead in her hands. “You erased her memory somehow, didn’t you?”

  “Aye, I did.” He wished Cassie could see how awful he felt by looking in his eyes. Instead, he hoped it translated when he squeezed her hand. “She has a great deal of anger, lass. What good would it have done her to know how much she shared with me? Especially considering how little she likes me. ‘Twould have embarrassed her too much.”

  “Oh, God, you don’t understand,” Cassie said. “Your intentions might’ve been noble, but Nicole will never see it like that. To her mind, you erased a truth she gave you in confidence no matter how drunk she was.” She bit her lower lip. “And Nicole doesn’t do forgiveness, period. She learned to fight from a young age. She doesn’t do hand-outs and, believe it or not, she’d see what you did as one.” Cassie sighed. “An epic one, in fact.”

  “Well, there’s no hope for it now.” Niall hung his head. “I cannae be compassionate to her impending loss of hearing, and I’ve got to pretend I know nothing of her upbringing. The verra reason she’s so bloody difficult now. Because I got the impression that ‘twas her younger years that did her the most harm.”

  “Yeah, for the most part.” Cassie looked right at him as though she could see. “I’m not sure how you should go about it, but you need to come clean with her. No more secrets. Because believe it or not, the best way to protect Nicole is to let her into your heart.”

  Though tempted to pull his hand away, he did no
t. “My heart?”

  “Yeah, your heart.” Now she squeezed his hand. “An honorable place.” Cassie leaned forward. “A place she’s not familiar with.”

  Niall pulled away and refilled his mug. “You give me too much credit, lass.” He shook his head. “Considering all I just told you.”

  “No, actually, I get why you did it.” She sipped from her mug. “Though you’ve hell to pay, you were only trying to spare her feelings. I, for one, think it was pretty great of you.”

  He eyed her cautiously. “You do?”

  A small smile came to her lips. “I do.”

  “If my lass approves of your actions then so do I,” Logan said as he entered. “Because she’s wise, she is.”

  “Am I?” She smiled and held out a hand. Logan took it, kissed the back then stood behind her.

  He lowered enough to murmur in her ear. “What are ye up to, love?”

  Niall drank and eyed them. What would it be like to have a lass adore him like Cassie did Logan? Did he even want such a thing? It seemed like too much.


  “So what secrets do ye keep, Cousin?” Logan said, scooping Cassie into his arms before he sat.

  Too many already and he didn’t like it one damn bit.

  Restless, Niall stood. “They’re not mine to share, m’laird. We’ll visit more later.” He kissed the back of Cassie’s hand. “For now, I’ll leave you two be.”

  Then he left, ignoring his father as they passed in the hallway. There were men he could please and men he could not. His father had always been one he could not, and he was far past trying. Nicole called him a brute? She should get to know his Da.

  His conversation with Cassie had left him discontented and out of sorts. He and Nicole might constantly be at odds, but something about Cassie’s advice rang true. Yet how would he ever approach the topic with the feisty redhead? Hell if he knew.

  So by the time he made it to the great hall, his mood was foul.

  He might be trying to evade the enemy, but he wasn’t entirely opposed to another good battle. The thrill from earlier had worn off. Or was it the fear he’d felt for her life? Hard to know. What he did know was that it would be a good time to find Nicole drunk.


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