The MacLomain Series: Later Years - a Scottish Time Travel Romance Boxed Set

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The MacLomain Series: Later Years - a Scottish Time Travel Romance Boxed Set Page 41

by Sky Purington

  “Oh, super,” she muttered in regards to the arousal comment. She felt both relief and something else at the confirmation that she wasn’t pregnant. What that something else was she had no idea.

  “Och, lass,” Machara said softly. “Judging by that look on yer face mayhap ye werenae so opposed to the thought of a wee bairn.” Her sly eyes went to Niall. “Or mayhap ‘twas the thought of sharing a wee one with my cousin.”

  “Definitely not,” she shot back and took a hearty swig of ale. Warm and flat, it was nothing like the icy brew back home. But it warmed her belly instantly, so she took another deep swallow.

  If possible, Niall’s scowl was fiercer than before as he headed back in her direction.

  She shook her head and pointed at her belly when he leaned against the mast. “Nobody in here to worry about.” Then she gestured at Kol. “So says the dragon blood apparently.” She handed him the skin. “So have at it.”

  Honestly, it had been sort of sweet when he stopped drinking last night. She didn’t know many guys who would do that.

  “I need a moment alone with Nicole,” Niall grumbled.

  Kol and Machara made quick work of vanishing as Niall took a hearty swig then sat down next to her.

  “I thought you’d be happy that your thoughtless actions didn’t get us in trouble,” she said and took the skin back.

  “My thoughtless actions?” he growled.

  “Yeah, the whole having sex thing when you knew I could’ve become pregnant.”

  “I told you, and everybody else that I dinnae believe such about the bloody mountain.” He took the skin back after she swigged and murmured, “Besides, ‘twould not have been such trouble.”

  She frowned. “Now see that’s what I thought that look was on your face last night and told Darach as much.”

  “Aye, lass, when ye should have been speaking with me not him.”

  “I wasn’t given much choice at the time.” Nicole narrowed her eyes. “And in case you haven’t noticed, you and I don’t communicate all that well.”

  “’Twas verra good communication on the mountain, aye?” He narrowed his eyes as well. “Or so said your screams of—”

  “I’m not talking about sex, and you damn well know it.”

  “Sex and communicating isnae our primary concern anymore, lass.” Niall handed her the skin. “’Tis more at stake now than ever before.”

  The look on his face was daunting. Different. He was worried about her in a whole new way. “What is it?”

  Nicole wondered if he meant to wrap his hand around hers as his brogue thickened with his emotions. “’Tis what Kjar sensed when he healed you.”

  “Yeah, a dark god. He said as much.”

  “Aye, one who has wrapped his soul with yours.” He pulled her hand onto his lap almost as if he could better protect her that way. “’Tis how he is able to speak within your mind.”

  She again thought of the nightmares she’d had at MacLomain Castle. “And in my dreams.”

  “Aye,” he said. A tick started in his jaw as his eyes stayed with hers. “You are in far more danger than previously thought.”

  If there was one thing she could consistently credit Niall with it was brutal honesty. Though tempted to take a hearty swig, she took a small sip and handed the skin back. Even if she wasn’t pregnant, drinking too much didn’t seem like such a bright idea.

  “I’m not scared,” she lied and made sure she kept the fear from her eyes. “I can take care of myself. I’m more worried about Robert right now.”

  The rock of the ship and the lap of the waves seemed to fade away as he searched her eyes. There was something new in the way he looked at her.

  “Ye might keep your fear well-hidden, but I see it, lass,” he whispered and touched her cheek. “Ye dinnae need to hide it from me.”

  For a moment, she was tempted to lean into his touch and relent. To share not just her current fears but those that had been deeply ingrained for a very long time. To share even more than she had with her friends. Yet even as she teetered close to giving in, her sense of self-preservation won out. She tore her eyes from his and pulled away. “I’m not hiding anything, Brute.”

  Niall sighed and wrapped a heavy fur cloak around her shoulders when Naðr handed it over. Even she could admit it was pretty intimidating when the Viking King crouched in front of her. He had a way of looking into the soul that put her on guard.

  “It is good to finally meet you in person, Nicole.” He squeezed her hand. “How are you feeling?”

  “Uptight,” she answered frankly. “Can you blame me?”

  He shook his head. “No.” Then he nodded over his shoulder. “Soon you will board a smaller ship that will take you to our dragon lair. As I’m sure you understand, I cannot bring you to my fortress and put my kin at risk. Not only do my people need to be safeguarded but we have children born of dragon blood, and they must be kept clear of this new evil. They are more vulnerable than most to creatures born of the Otherworld, even if it’s Celtic and not Norse.”

  His tone turned especially serious. “Kol and Kjar will stay with you and the MacLomains until I hear from Grant. As I would, my brethren will protect you with their lives.”

  “Heck, you’ve already saved my life.” She shook her head. “Keep Kjar and Kol with you.” She glanced at Niall then his cousins. “I’m in good hands. You should totally protect your family.”

  Naðr squeezed her hand again then stood. “The MacLomains are my kin as well, woman.” He offered a small smile that she knew he hoped was comforting. “Which means you and the future King of Scotland are mine to care for too.”

  “You should at least keep the demi-god with you, right?”

  “Kjar stays with you.”

  Nicole had no chance to argue any further before another ship appeared alongside theirs. After that, everything happened quickly. Nicole, Robert, and the MacLomains boarded the new boat along with Kol, Kjar and a handful of warriors. Then they were off. She watched as the large Viking ship drifted away.

  “You can always speak to me within the mind,” Naðr assured telepathically.

  She bit back a smile. “Good to know. Thanks again for all your help.”

  Jagged cliffs were already rising up on one side of the ship as they started to navigate around tons of rocks.

  When Robert joined her, eyes wide, she took his hand and smiled. “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

  He nodded and looked at her shoulder. “Yer a mighty warrior, Missus.”

  “Remember, call me Nicole.” She lifted him onto the bench next to the center mast and held him in place so that he could see better. “After all, you’re my friend, right?”

  Robert nodded, eyes wider and wider as they navigated closer. “I’ve never traveled through time before.”

  “Pretty fun, isn’t it?”

  He nodded again, a shaky smile blossoming on his face. “Aye, but I feel really far away from Ma now.”

  “You might be but,” she patted his chest, “She’s always right there inside your heart, so she’s really not that far away at all.”

  His eyes glistened for a moment before he thrust back his shoulders, nodded and eyed the cave they were entering. “Aye, she is always with me, Nicole.”

  She smiled, marveling at how smoothly the ship docked alongside a wooden pier built into the torch lit rock wall. Three people waited for them. A gorgeous woman with brown hair, a small boy, and a teenage boy. When they finally made it onto the dock, Kol pulled the woman into his arms and kissed her soundly before making introductions.

  “This is my wife, Amber,” he said, adoration in both his voice and eyes as he looked at her. Then he lifted the little boy and held him on his hip. “And this is my son, Tait.”

  A perfect mixture of his parents, Tait was bound to be a lady killer when he got older.

  Tait nodded at them then narrowed his eyes on Robert. “Tait ‘the fierce’!” he declared.

  Kol kept grinning and nodded at the teenager
. “And that’s my nephew, Heidrek, son to Raknar.”

  As tall as Niall, but a few inches shorter than Kol, it was clear Heidrek wasn’t done growing. God help all the Norse girls when he was. Hair shaved on either side, his pale blond hair was tied back. Still gangly but already broad in the shoulders, his light blue eyes locked on Nicole with interest.

  “Her name is Nicole,” Darach said as he pulled Heidrek in for a hug and ruffled his hair. “And she’s way too old for you, lad.”

  Heidrek shoved away, scowling as he ran a hand through his hair in embarrassment.

  “Awesome to see you guys again,” Amber said to the MacLomains, hugging them before she grinned and pulled Nicole after her. “Even more awesome to meet someone from my own century.”

  Tait, meanwhile, held a wooden sword to Robert’s chest. “Go forth at your own peril!”

  Robert puffed up and looked down his nose at the little Viking. “Ye better bloody well get that blade off me.”

  Tait didn’t budge an inch. “Loki’s balls, you make no sense with that accent, enemy!”

  “Kol,” Amber warned over her shoulder. “He’s too young for that.”

  “Enough with the cursing, son.” Kol’s words faded away as he tried to break up the children.

  Amber chuckled and shook her head as she led Nicole up the long dock and further into the cave. “His turn to deal with our little guy. Mom needs a break.”

  “I’ll bet.” She eyed Amber up and down. “So you’re from the twenty-first century?”

  “Yup. 2015.”

  “No kidding.” Nicole grinned. “Me too.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard a bit about your tale,” Amber said as they entered a huge cave with endless stalactites and stalagmites. A fire burned brightly at its center. “But I’d love to hear all the details.”

  “I’d like to hear your story too,” Nicole said as they sat on a rock next to each other and Amber handed her a skin. “Obviously you’re American. Where were you born?”

  “New Hampshire but I traveled here from Winter Harbor, Maine.” She gave Nicole a knowing look. “Pretty sure you’ve been up that way recently.”

  “No shi...sure have.” Nicole shook her head. “That’s where Cassie and I began this whole escapade. With help from a guy named Sean O’Conner.”

  “I know Sean well.” A warm twinkle entered Amber’s eyes. “How’s that sexy fisherman doing anyway?”

  “Still sexy as ever,” Nicole assured and eyed Amber. “So how well did you know him?”

  “Well enough.” Amber proceeded to fill her in on parts of her and her sisters’ adventures that involved traveling back in time to be with Kol and his brothers. It was fascinating. Yet soon enough the enigmatic woman turned the conversation back to Nicole.

  “So you ended up in the Scottish Highlands, eh? And you’re meant to be with one of those Scotsmen.” Amber’s eyes traveled over Logan and Darach. “Not those two.” They landed on Niall. “But him.”

  The guys sat on the opposite side of the fire, catching up with Kol, Kjar, and Heidrek as the little boys fought with wooden swords. Machara and Conall had gone to catch fish for dinner.

  “I’m not meant to be with anyone, especially Niall,” Nicole said in response to Amber’s assumption. She ought to just leave it alone but no. “Why would you think that?”

  “Besides the way you’re constantly looking at each other?” Amber grinned. “I know Logan’s already hooked up and Darach’s not your type. That just leaves Niall.” The look she slanted at Nicole was telling. “And Niall’s just the sort of challenge a woman like you needs.”

  “The same could’ve been said about Rònan.” Nicole sighed as she thought about him. “And I haven’t been looking at Niall in the least since we came in here.”

  But she knew she had been. Too much.

  For safety reasons that is.

  “I heard about Rònan.” Amber squeezed her hand, a troubled look on her face. “He’s about as tough as they come so I know he’ll be okay. Dragon shifters are survivors, to say the least.”

  Nicole nodded but remained worried. “He’s a great guy. I hope to hell he’s not dead.”

  “Kol and his brothers don’t sense that he is,” Amber said gently. “But they do feel he’s lost. And in a bad way.”

  Though about to comment, Nicole bit her tongue. Nothing she said would come out right and she wasn’t sure she wanted to hear anything that might douse all hope. Call her a cautious optimist right now.

  Amber and Nicole kept chatting for a while before Machara and Conall came back with fish, and they started cooking. When Amber went to Kol, Heidrek wasted no time joining Nicole. Maybe it was a Viking thing, but he possessed more self-assurance than most kids his age.

  “You are very beautiful,” he led out.

  Not above being paid a compliment, she grinned. “Thanks.”

  Heidrek nodded, his eyes glued to her face. “Are you spoken for?”

  Nicole almost laughed but stopped. He might seem confident, but there was no reason to test that theory. She remembered all too well how vulnerable being a teenager could be. Especially being a teenager who kept that vulnerability tucked away deep inside.

  “Actually, no. I’m not spoken for yet,” she replied.

  “Would you like to be?”

  “Aye, lad,” Niall said, joining them. It seemed the brute knew how to be tactful after all. “But because of that ring she wears it can only be with a MacLomain.”

  Though clearly frustrated by Niall’s interruption, there was genuine affection in Heidrek’s eyes when he addressed the Scotsman. “I take it you wish to be her MacLomain.”

  Niall shocked her with his response.

  “I wish to be her friend and see where that takes us.”

  Heidrek considered Niall before his eyes quickly returned to her face. “And do you feel the same way about Niall?”

  “I don’t know,” she began, sort of baffled by the conversation. “Maybe.” Easy goes it. “To the first part anyway.”

  “You should know that I am next in line to be king and could provide well for you, woman.” Heidrek’s gaze never wavered from her face.

  “Wow, you see something, and you go for it, eh?” She offered a crooked grin. “You realize I have at least a decade on you, right?”

  When Heidrek frowned in confusion, Niall chuckled. “Like Darach said. She’s too old for you.”

  “Her age means nothing to me,” Heidrek said. “She is very beautiful, and I have heard she is fierce in battle. Those are two things I admire above all else in a woman.”

  Niall shrugged and relented. “She is fierce in battle.”

  Nicole eyed him. “Bet your ass-assigning me the correct description, I am.”

  Niall chuckled. “There are all sorts of other descriptions I could assign you as well.”

  “So you think her fierce.” Heidrek kept staring at her. “Do you not think her beautiful as well, Niall?”

  Niall made a project of eying her up and down, obviously enjoying himself. “Aye, she’s bonnie enough.”

  “Well, I would make you my queen if you would have me,” Heidrek said to Nicole. “Regardless what that ring you wear is supposed to mean.”

  “I appreciate that, Heidrek.” Nicole made sure she kept just the right tone. “But the truth is I’m hoping to return home when all of this is over.”


  When she heard the deflation in his voice, she nudged his shoulder playfully. “Hey, you’re hot as heck and heir to the throne. Girls are gonna be beating down your door if they aren’t already.”

  Confusion knit Heidrek’s brows.

  “Och, laddie, you’ve a ma and two aunts from the future. Have you not caught on to their way of speech yet?” Niall filled in the blanks. “She thinks you’re handsome and that you’ll have plenty of lassies wanting you.” Before Heidrek could respond, Niall finished bluntly with, “And she’s too bloody old for you.” Then he winked. “But not for me.”

bsp; “If you change your mind, my offer remains,” Heidrek said firmly as he stood. Nicole’s eyes widened when he knelt on one knee, kissed the back of her hand and used his eyes in a way that would likely win over the heart of every girl he ever came across. “I would be honored to call you my own.”

  Then with a flourish, he strode away.

  “Damn,” she murmured and slid a look Niall’s way. “You might be able to learn something from the kid, Brute.”

  “He’s a good lad.” Niall looked after Heidrek fondly then eyed her as he took a swig. “And ‘tis safe to say I’ve learned everything I need to when it comes to dealing with a lass like you.”

  The way he rolled his tongue in his cheek filled in all the blanks.

  “Get over yourself,” she muttered but grinned a little before she sipped. It continued to amaze her how she could go from despising the man one second to getting a kick out of him the next.

  Niall winked before he retrieved some fish for them and showed her how to eat it. Though it wasn’t as tasty as what she ate at Weathervane Seafoods, it wasn’t half bad. You just had to ignore that it had a head and eyeballs.

  Thankfully, the remainder of the evening focused less on all the crap they were getting ready to face and more on friends reconnecting. She found the Vikings very interesting, especially Kjar. He had a great sense of humor and was about the last person she would’ve ever guessed was a demi-god. In truth, he seemed the least mystical of them all with his biker looks and hearty attitude. Apparently, he was happily married to a powerful seer who remained behind to help protect the fortress. They had three little girls between the ages of two and four who kept his face animated as he shared stories of their endless conquests...ones that clearly included winning his heart.

  After hours of battling, Robert and Tait had long fallen asleep, swords still in hand as they curled up together under a fur. Amber and Kol were in and out of the conversation, so in love and lust, she wondered if they ever came up for air. Logan had nodded off but not before sharing several stories about Cassie. They might not have been together long, but it was clear in the way he spoke of her and how his gaze drifted to the fire too often, that he really missed her.


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