The MacLomain Series: Later Years - a Scottish Time Travel Romance Boxed Set

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The MacLomain Series: Later Years - a Scottish Time Travel Romance Boxed Set Page 53

by Sky Purington

  “I’d say so.” Cadence glanced at Malcolm and Niall clapping one another on the back and smiling. “After all, you managed to do something I’ve been trying to do for years.” Her eyes went back to Nicole, voice soft. “Again, thank you.”

  Cadence squeezed her hand and pulled away.

  “’Tis time for everyone save Malcolm, Niall, and Nicole to join the others in the cave at the Defiance,” Grant said, his gaze narrowed on the slim hallway that ran in the opposite direction.

  Nicole gasped when she looked that way.

  Vika stood beside the creek that ran through the cave further down.

  But that wasn’t the kicker.

  It appeared someone was with the horse.

  Though Nicole had no idea how she knew, she was positive it was the woman she saw on the shores of Northern Scotland when they traveled back in time.

  Chapter Eighteen

  WARMTH UNCURLED IN Niall’s chest as they made their way toward the small stream. Though the waterfall roared even closer here, Grant dimmed the sound as they approached. The woman waiting for them might have been old the last time he saw her, but his grandmother was now young as she smiled at them.

  Coira MacLomain.

  One of the four original MacLomain wizards.

  Wide-eyed, Nicole remained silent.

  Coira cupped one of Grant’s cheeks and one of Malcolm’s as she stared at them fondly. “My lads. How I’ve missed ye.”

  Niall squeezed Nicole’s hand and offered a soft smile when she glanced at him.

  “And we’ve missed ye, Ma,” Grant said. “More than ye know.”

  “Aye,” Malcolm agreed.

  She looked at her sons for another long, affectionate moment before she pulled away and turned to Niall and Nicole. Her eyes went to Niall first. “Ye’ve grown up into a handsome lad ye have. Tall and strapping like yer Da.” A warm smile curled her lips. “And like yer Grandpa, William.”

  Niall nodded, eyes damp. “’Tis good to see ye again, Grandma.”

  Nicole’s eyes only grew wider when Coira’s gaze turned her way, and she introduced herself. “’Tis nice to finally meet ye outside of the horse, Nicole.”

  “You too,” Nicole said slowly as she began to realize. “Like Cassie’s horse, Athdara was merged with someone, so were you...with Vika?”

  “Aye.” Coira nodded. “Harnessing the magic of our Viking ancestors.”

  “Wow,” Nicole whispered and glanced at the horse. “How is Vika still here then?”

  “Because ‘twas a different harnessing of power than what was done with Athdara.” Coira brushed her hand fondly over the horse who munched on a spare bit of grass. “I joined with her from the afterlife.” Her eyes went to Nicole. “Vika was alive and well before and remains so if ye’d like to keep her, lass. She will care well for ye, indeed.”

  “I’d love to keep her.” Nicole’s eyes went from the horse to Coira. “So...was that you I’ve been talking to telepathically all this time?”

  “Aye.” Coira nodded. “But Vika’s soul was there as well and has bonded with ye. Her voice will be different, but I think ye’ll find she’s well suited to ye.” His grandmother winked. “She’s got a wee bit o’ a wild streak in her.”

  Nicole grinned. “Sounds just perfect.”

  “I cannae stay on any longer.” Her eyes flickered between Niall and Nicole. “Ye both did verra well, and the wee Bruce is still safe.” Then her eyes dropped to Nicole’s hand. “My ring has found true love once again.” Her eyes met theirs, and a warm smile came to her lips. “I wish ye both a lifetime of happiness.”

  Nicole blinked several times and looked at her ring, whispering, “I’ll be damned.”

  “Not damned.” Coira smiled. “But much loved.”

  Nicole’s eyes grew moist, and she nodded.

  Coira’s gaze went to Malcolm’s and held before they went to Grant’s. “Watch over yer dragon nephew. ‘Tis the darkest of danger ahead for him and a bright light that will lead him straight toward it.”

  Niall wrapped his arm around Nicole’s waist when he felt her tense.

  “I will see him well cared for, Ma,” Grant assured. “With my dying breath if need be.”

  “Och, hopefully, it willnae come to that,” she murmured and stepped away. “I love ye all, but I must go.”

  Everyone was emotional as she turned away and started walking along the stream toward the waterfall. Sun glistened through the water and caused diamond chips of light to scatter everywhere. Niall knew it wasn’t his imagination when an ethereal image shimmered within the water and held out his hand to her.

  His grandfather, William.

  She took his hand, and they vanished.

  Everyone remained silent for several long moments before they got their bearings. Malcolm patted his shoulder as he went by. “I’m off to be with yer Ma. Join us in a bit, aye?”

  He smiled. “Aye, Da.”

  Grant came next, expression as nostalgic as his father’s had been. “You did verra well, lad.” His eyes went to Nicole. “You both did the MacLomain’s, Hamilton’s and MacLeod’s proud. The Brouns too I’d say. Well done, indeed.”

  “We couldnae have done it without you, Uncle.” Niall embraced him. “I’m sorry if I grew angry with you on occasion.”

  “’Tis naught to worry over, lad. Your heart was always in the right place.” Grant pulled back. “Me and my kin of the Next Generation may have helped here and there but ‘twas the love you two found that kept safe not only the wee King but your kin. Be proud.”

  Grant smiled at Nicole. “When you’re done here with your lad, join us at the Defiance. My wife, Sheila looks forward to meeting you.” He chuckled. “Like you, she’s been enjoying a wee bit o’ Christmastide lately.”

  “Has she?” Nicole cocked her head. “But it’s late summer here, isn’t it?” She frowned. “Oh, wait, maybe fall now because of that time gap when I was in the Otherworld.”

  “Nay, ‘tis not Christmastide here yet.” He kept chuckling. “We’ve just been busy playing Mr. and Mrs. Claus to some friends in the future is all.”

  “Huh?” Nicole asked, but Grant had already turned and was heading down the hallway.

  Her eyes went to Niall. “What’d he mean by that?”

  “Trust me, lass, Grant is becoming as evasive as Adlin was so dinnae ever expect an answer to that.”

  “So he wasn’t talking about my friends?”

  “Nay.” Niall shook his head. “That I can tell you with assurance.”

  Nicole eyed him. “Yeah?”

  “Aye,” he murmured and pulled her into his arms.

  Yet she remained tense. “We need to tell Rònan that he said Jackie’s name back at Sinclair Castle. That she’s likely the woman who’s in trouble.”

  “I already did.” He wrapped his hand into her hair. “He knows.”

  “Really?” she said, voice growing softer as he pressed his arousal against her.

  “Aye,” he whispered, so damn glad to have her safely back in his arms. Even gladder that the stone in her ring matched his eye color so that she knew he was hers.

  “Nicole,” he began but the words died on his tongue he felt so strongly.

  “Yeah?” she whispered.

  Not used to expressing such deep emotions—to confiding how much he felt—he bided his time. “How is your hearing?” He recalled all too well what being caught in so much dark magic had done to Cassie. “Has it worsened?”

  “I don’t think so.” Tentative, she took out the device and bit her lip. Though fear flashed in her eyes, she quickly blinked it away. “Nope, everything sounds about the same.”

  He knew it. The magic had progressed her condition. But she’d come too far to revert to her old ways, so he shook his head and wrapped his hand firmly around the back of her neck. “Your days of denial are over, lass. Be proud that you know how to face this now.”

  She ground her jaw and held his gaze.

  “What can you hear?” he sai
d, trying his best to enunciate each word so that she could read his lips if she needed to.

  “I can still hear you.” Nicole straightened her shoulders, clearly unwilling to give in to fear again. “But it’s faint.”

  His eyes fell to her hand. The stone had stopped glowing. Interesting. So he lifted her hand. “Put the device back in your ear, lass.”

  “I don’t know.” She frowned. “Maybe this is it, Niall. Maybe the device got me through until I took it out. Maybe—”

  He put a finger to her lips and shook his head. “Just put it back in.”

  Niall lent her all the strength he could as he gazed into her eyes. “And remember, even if the device does nothing, you will always hear me within the mind. That willnae ever change.”

  Nicole stared at him for a long moment before she rallied her courage. “Okay, you’re right.”

  Not hesitating another second, she put the device back in her ear...and smiled.

  “It works,” she exclaimed.

  His eyes fell to the ring. It again glowed brightly. As he suspected, somehow the power of their love was tied to the love and support she shared with her friends back home. So he told her as much.

  “Unreal.” Her eyes went from the ring to him. “That’s kinda really cool.”

  “Aye,” he agreed, truly happy for her. Of the mind to remove any potential reason she may have to return to the future, he said, “I’d imagine the power of the ring will also keep the device’s battery charged.”

  Nicole grinned and eyed the ring. “Nice perk.”

  “’Tis,” he murmured.

  “Niall?” she whispered as her eyes met his and they became lost in each other’s gaze.

  “Aye, lass?”

  “Do you know how much I love—”

  “There you are,” Rònan said as he poked his head around the corner.

  Niall frowned at his cousin. “We would have joined you eventually. Is it too much to ask for a few moments alone with my lass?”

  “Nay.” Rònan shrugged. “But you never really asked for a few moments alone, so I assumed you wouldnae mind me popping by to say farewell.”

  Nicole frowned. “Where are you going?”

  “To the future.” Rònan frowned as well. “Though I wish you’d both told me sooner that I gave you the lass’s name at the Sinclair’s, I ken your need to wait.” His frown only deepened as he looked at Nicole. “But now I know ‘twas your friend, Jaqueline, I need to make sure she’s safe. I’m taking the horse, Eara with me.”

  “When did you last go to the future, Cousin?” Niall asked, concerned. As far as he knew, it had only been once years ago.

  Rònan shrugged. “It doesnae really matter, does it?”

  “Mayhap not,” Niall conceded, but something about it made him uncomfortable. “I wish you had more often, my friend.”

  “’Twas no need,” Rònan said, but Niall sensed his cousin’s discomfort.

  “But now there is,” Niall said softly.

  “Aye,” Rònan said just as softly. “Now there is.”

  “Well, I think that’s awesome,” Nicole said and hugged Rònan. “My friends could use a guy like you around. I mean seriously, Darach’s there as much as possible, and he’s a wicked flirt.”

  Rònan pulled back and frowned again. “He is, isn’t he?”

  “Aye.” Niall shook his head as he embraced his cousin. “With a particular love for twenty-first century lassies, I’d say.”

  Nicole chuckled. “I second that.”

  Rònan looked at her as he patted Niall’s back and stepped away. “Aye?”

  “Yup.” She grinned and winked. “Add in his heart of gold and watch the heck out.”

  “Yet Cassie is with Logan, and you’re with Niall,” Rònan reminded.

  “That we are.” She sort of flinched. “But Darach and Jackie, well...”


  “That’s Jaqueline’s nickname.”

  “Ah.” Rònan’s expression grew troubled. “What about her and Darach?”

  “I dunno.” Nicole shrugged. “They seemed sorta into each other.”

  “Did they really?” Rònan said under his breath before he nodded. “Aye then, I must go.”

  “Travel safe,” Niall said.

  “Love you, sweetie,” Nicole added.

  Rònan nodded and started to stride away before he stopped short and turned back. He eyed them for a few seconds before Niall spoke up. “Is everything all right?”

  “Aye,” Rònan said slowly, almost carefully, before he walked back. His eyes flickered between them before landing on Nicole.

  “What?” she said, as confused as Niall by his cousin’s cautious aloofness. It was so unlike Rònan it was almost comical.

  “Well,” Rònan began and swallowed. When he sniffed, Nicole’s eyes widened.

  “Did you seriously just come back here to tell me I’m turned on by Niall?”

  Niall almost grinned but sensed Rònan’s tension. “What is it, Cousin?”

  Rònan kept eying them before he sighed. “I dinnae know if ‘tis my place to say as much but ‘twould give me much pleasure to be the first to share.”

  When they looked at him with confusion, Rònan met Nicole’s eyes. “You saved more than a single wee one on this adventure of yours, lass.”

  “Yeah, I know,” she said. “Not just Robert but Tait.”

  “Aye,” he agreed. “But more than that.”

  “I wouldn’t exactly call Heidrek wee but sure, yeah, him too.”

  Niall’s eyes narrowed as he began to understand.

  “Aye.” Rònan nodded then shook his head. “But nay.”

  “Out with it, Rònan.” Totally baffled, Nicole narrowed her eyes as well. “What the heck are you talking about?”

  Rònan placed his hand against her stomach, eyes deadly seriously as they met hers. “This wee one, lass.”

  It felt like the ground fell out from beneath him as Niall’s eyes locked on his cousin’s hand.

  Nicole’s eyes went round as saucers as she looked from her stomach to Rònan. “Are you trying to tell me I’m pregnant?”

  “Aye,” Rònan murmured. “Because of my dragon blood, I can smell such.” There was tremendous pride in his eyes as they held Nicole’s. “Though newly made, already the bairn has a fierce heartbeat. The heart of a warrior, I’d say.”

  “Get out,” she whispered and put her hand over Rònan’s.

  “Aye, I’ll leave,” he murmured.

  When he tried to pull his hand away, she grabbed it and shook her head. “It’s an expression, hon. It means, ‘wow’ or ‘amazing.’”

  Niall couldn’t agree more as he watched a tear roll down her cheek. He wasn’t sure what part had him soaring more. That she carried his bairn or the light in her eyes knowing that she did.

  “I don’t understand,” she said softly, holding both of their hands. “Kol told me I wasn’t pregnant.”

  “You werenae when last he saw you,” Rònan said. “But you are now without doubt.”

  “So it happened at the Sinclair’s?” Niall said. “Why did you not sense it there?”

  Rònan shrugged, but there was wisdom in his eyes. “I dinnae know much of these things, but I’d say it takes a moment or two for your seed to take root, lad.”

  Niall’s eyes met Nicole’s, and it felt like the world faded away. Nothing existed but them life. They knew Rònan said goodbye and left, but all they could see was one another.

  “Nicole,” he whispered as he placed his hand over her belly.

  “Niall,” she whispered back as she put her hand over his.

  “What think ye of this?” he said softly, unable to stop his brogue.

  Another tear rolled down her cheek. “What do you think of this?”

  “I asked ye first.”

  “You did.” She nodded and shrugged. “But I want to hear your answer first.”

  Niall understood that she needed to hear it. She needed confirmation.
br />   “I think I’m the luckiest bloody lad alive,” he whispered.

  “Yeah, I think you are too.” Her voice was wobbly as she pulled him closer. “But I suppose I’m pretty lucky too.”

  “Aye?” he murmured, walking her back a few steps until she was against the wall and he knew she was safe and sound between him and the mystical mountain. “Why?”

  “I think it’s pretty obvious.”

  He brushed the pad of his thumb over the erect nipple straining through the material of her dress. “Only one thing’s obvious, lass.” His purposefully innocent eyes met hers. “Is there more?”

  “You just want to pull it right outta me, huh?” she murmured as her hands rode up his chest.

  “Aye,” he murmured back. “But I can see as always you’re determined to be stubborn.”

  Nicole shrugged a shoulder and gave a crooked grin. “I don’t know how else to be.”

  Neither did Niall, but he knew this moment deserved more than them not being absolutely truthful with one another. So he said what needed to be said.

  “As I told you back at the Sinclair’s, I want you to stay here with me in Scotland, Nicole.” He clenched his teeth before he said the entirety of what she needed to hear. “But I willnae hold you back if you want to go home.” His eyes dropped. “Even in light of our wee one.”

  He hated giving her the option to flee but knew she deserved it. His was a lass who should never be held back. They might have connected when fighting the enemy. He might have felt true love.

  But had she?

  Nicole remained silent for far too long as she fiddled with the collar of his tunic. He imagined she was trying to figure out a way to run, but he was never more wrong.

  “I think you can do better than that, Brute,” she said softly.

  “Can I?” he whispered, hope surging.

  “I think you should give it a shot,” she whispered back.

  “Aye, then.” Not needing to be told twice, he cupped her cheeks and looked deeply into her eyes. “I love you, Nicole. With everything I am and everything I never knew I was. Dinnae leave. Not ever. Stay with me. Let us start a family together. Let’s spoil our wee bairn together and give him or her a Ma and Da that will love them unconditionally.”


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