The MacLomain Series: Later Years - a Scottish Time Travel Romance Boxed Set

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The MacLomain Series: Later Years - a Scottish Time Travel Romance Boxed Set Page 72

by Sky Purington

  “They only mean to thank you, lass. ‘Twill be for a short time,” he said into her mind. “I can lead you away from them if you like.”

  Erin was tempted to say yes and bolt until her eyes found her friends. They fell in at her side, and Jackie took her free hand. That’s all it took.

  Though she might have always thought she didn’t need them, something about this moment reminded her that she did. That good friends were everything. She squeezed Jackie’s hand and offered them a smile of acknowledgment before they fell away and she ended up standing in front of the largest fire in the hall. When they stopped, the crowd quieted, and a servant handed her a mug.

  Rònan’s hand slipped into hers as he addressed the crowd. “Thank ye all for showing Erin such respect!”

  The crowd roared to life again.

  “Would you like to speak,” Rònan said into her mind. “Because ‘tis your right.”

  Speak? To this many people? Was he out of his mind? “Hell, no.”

  “Aye, then, lass.”

  With a hand to her back, he raised a mug in the air.

  The room grew silent.

  “Might we all toast to a lass we never saw coming. One that I couldnae be more grateful to.” They cheered and nodded their agreement as they held their mugs in the air before drinking.

  When they calmed, he set aside his mug and made a point of meeting their eyes before his gaze turned to her, his voice just loud enough. “Thank ye for saving me, lass. More than that, thank ye for saving my clan. Ye put my welfare and my clans before yers. ‘Twas truly heroic and willnae be forgotten.”

  Another loud round of cheers filled the great hall, and her cheeks warmed. Not sure what else to do, she nodded and did her best to smile.

  “Now I urge everyone to celebrate and enjoy themselves,” Rònan declared. “Yet as always in these times, remain ever vigilant.”

  “Aye!” many roared as the pipes resumed and the crowd’s attention finally focused not on her but on partying.

  Rònan’s eyes turned her way. “Have you eaten? Are you hungry?”

  “I’m good. I ate upstairs,” she said. “Thanks.”

  He nodded and murmured, “You look verra beautiful, lass.”

  His eyes flickered over her not lewdly but with admiration.

  “Hmm.” She cocked a small grin at him. “Look at you acting so respectable.”

  “’Tis good, aye?”

  “It is,” she acknowledged and winked. “Though I wouldn’t put away the bad boy entirely.”

  “I don’t think that’d be possible,” Nicole said as she and Niall joined them. She shook her head and grinned at Rònan. “Gotta say though, I’m super impressed by the change in you.” Nicole tugged at his plaid. “And way to clean up, Sweetie.”

  Niall snorted but grinned with affection at Nicole. “As I recall, the last time you were here your behavior well suited Rònan’s.”

  Erin eyed her. “Oh yeah? What’d you do?”

  Nicole waved away Erin’s question. “Nothing worth dredging up.”

  “Then I’ll just get it out of Rònan later,” Erin said.

  “Nay.” Rònan chuckled and shook his head. “’Tis not mine for the telling.”

  “What am I missing?” Jackie asked as she joined them. “What’d Nicole do now?”

  Nicole groaned. “Nothing. Enough about me.” She eyed Erin up and down. “I say we get busy complimenting Erin on how awesome she looks in a medieval dress.”

  “Yeah, sure,” Erin muttered, scowling as she yanked at the low front again before eying Jackie. “Sorry, but I don’t pull this stuff off nearly as good as you do.”

  There was no point complimenting Nicole as well because she was always in pants. Exactly what Erin would like to be wearing right now.

  “I’m just more accustomed to wearing dresses,” Jackie said. “Or skirts at least.”

  Honestly, Erin was amazed every man in this joint including Rònan wasn’t falling over themselves to get closer to Jackie. Between her tall, voluptuous body, and stunning face, never mind hair, it was a wonder she wasn’t surrounded. Not to say quite a few weren’t hovering.

  She was more than surprised to see several of them eying her instead of Jackie. Even despite the fact Rònan kept a possessive hand against her back. A hand she just couldn’t seem to bring herself to ask him to move.

  “Hey, I haven’t seen Darach,” Erin mentioned. “Everything okay with him?”

  “Apparently he’s at Hamilton Castle making sure it’s as fortified as possible,” Rònan said. “Hopefully, he’ll arrive soon. ‘Tis important that he remain close to the wee Bruce.”

  “I think he’s just trying to avoid Jackie,” Nicole said. “He didn’t hang long with the Vikings either once she showed up.”

  Jackie frowned and Erin swore her friend’s cheeks reddened a little. “Why would he be avoiding me?”

  Nicole shrugged. “Beats me.”

  But Erin saw the brief look tossed between Niall and Nicole. They knew something. Clearly not wanting to stick around for the remainder of the conversation, Nicole grabbed Niall’s hand and led him away. “C’mon Brute, let’s go dance.”

  When Jackie’s eyes met hers, Erin shrugged. “Don’t sweat Darach. From what I hear, he’s not good at sitting still for too long.”

  Jackie stood up a little straighter, frown deepening. “I’m not sweating anything.” She sighed, her eyes flickering to Erin’s Viking posse. “I think I’ll go visit with Tait and Bjorn. They’ve been good to have around the past month.” There was a certain softness to her voice when she murmured, “Who knows, maybe Heidrek will show up.” Her eyes went to Erin. “But I’ll stay with you if you need me.”

  “Naw, I’m good.” She nodded at the Vikings. “Go have fun. They need it as much as you do.”

  The minute Jackie was out of range, Erin turned to Rònan. “I’m worried about her. I never got a chance to meet the Viking King’s nephew Heidrek, but Jackie obviously did. Is something going on between them?” She scowled. “And what the hell’s up with Darach and don’t tell me you don’t know. You and your cousins are thick as thieves. I’m sure they’ve got you all caught up on what happened while we were gone.”

  “Thick as thieves?”

  “Just tell me what’s going on, Rònan.”

  “Aye, lass.” He steered her beyond the crowd until they were in a somewhat private corner. Erin was impressed by how well he politely turned away several women who approached him in the short distance they walked. But then a few men were hovering close clearly wondering if Erin might soon be available.

  “It looks like a few around here aren’t convinced you’ll keep me by your side for all that much longer,” she mentioned.

  “They couldnae be more wrong,” he said softly.

  “Sure. However you wanna play it while I’m here. Just remember I’m not staying.” Her eyes met his. “Okay, so what’s going on with Jackie and Heidrek? And Darach?”

  Rònan kept a hand against the wall to the upper-right of her head, his body angled inward so that any approaching would steer clear. “I dinnae know much about Jackie and Heidrek except that he returned to the Viking fortress whilst we were in the Otherworld. Well, whilst I was there anyway. From what Niall tells, they bonded well, and Heidrek intends to pursue your friend.”

  “Pursue her how?” Her eyes narrowed. “Isn’t this the kid that hit on Nicole when he was a teenager?”

  “Aye.” Rònan chuckled. “But he isnae by any means a teenager anymore and still remains heir to the throne based on the Viking King’s wishes.”

  “I don’t get it.” She frowned. “Why doesn’t he want his firstborn, Bjorn to take it?”

  Rònan shrugged. “He has always felt Heidrek is best suited.”

  “Is Heidrek half dragon?”

  “Nay.” Rònan’s brows arched. “I think it says a lot about the lad for Naðr to want as much considering. But until you and your friends traveled back, I’ve spent little time with my
Viking ancestors, so I dinnae ken the dynamics.”

  “Good enough.” Her eyes narrowed. “Now tell me what’s going on with Darach. I haven’t known him long but avoiding defending Robert doesn’t strike me as part of his M.O.”


  “Method of Operating.”

  “Ah.” Rònan shook his head. “Nay, ‘tis not how Darach usually...operates.” He took a swig of whisky and shrugged one shoulder. “Like I said, he’s not good at staying in one spot overly long.”

  “Oh no, you don’t.” She leaned closer. “No evading the question.”

  “’Tis not in the best taste to speak of my cousin’s private affairs, aye?”

  “Rònan,” she warned. “Either tell me, or I’ll go badger the hell out of Nicole and Niall.” She arched a brow. “I’d like to think things won’t get that far. That you and I really are friends.”

  “What does us being friends have to do with me sharing my cousin’s secrets?”

  “Everything I’d say.” She widened her eyes. “Especially considering your cousin might very well be meant for my friend and I wanna know if she’s getting ready to be hurt.” Then to add emphasis and make sure they were on the same page. “And nothing says Darach and I aren’t still meant to be together, so I need to know what I’m dealing with.”

  “You and Darach?” He frowned and shook his head. “Och, nay.”

  “Why not?”

  He shifted closer, his eyes deadly serious, brogue thickening, voice deeper than usual. “Because despite the bloody Vikings determined to watch over ye, if yer here for anyone ‘tis me and only me.”

  “Settle down with the alpha shit.” But she wasn’t moving away as he shifted even closer, his sheer size a solid wall that shut out their surroundings. “Tell me what’s going on.”

  His eyes held hers as he trailed a lone finger down her arm then pulled it back as though he didn’t realize what he was doing. It occurred to her then how well behaved he was trying to be. Yet she didn’t miss the billowing of his plaid. Erin cursed under her breath when desire shot through her.


  “Don’t inhale, Rònan.” Her brows flew together, and she shook her head. “Just tell me what I need to know.” She softened her voice and eyes. “Please.”

  “You cannae tell Jackie.” His expression turned serious. “Promise me, lass.”

  “Jeez, I feel like I’m in high school all over again. And I’ll say it like I would’ve back then.” She shrugged. “What you tell me is gonna depend on what I tell her. And it’s all going to depend on how much it’ll hurt her. Sorry, but I don’t mess around when it comes to my friends any more than I imagine you do when it comes to your cousins.”

  “Aye,” he whispered. His eyes searched hers for a long moment before he relented. “It happened the night you danced with Darach at the Viking fortress. The night you thought I took the redhead to bed. Do you not recall leaving my cousin with another lass? Do you not recall telling him he should enjoy himself?”

  “I do. I did.” She nodded. “What of it?”

  “Well...he did,” Rònan murmured. “Enjoy himself that is.”

  It took Erin less than five seconds to figure out what all the hype was about and why Rònan was so evasive. “So Darach got laid, and now he feels guilty because what...he’s got a thing for Jackie?”


  “Had sex.”

  “We dinnae know with any certainty he got laid but aye, ‘tis assumed he did based on his avoidance of your friend,” Rònan said.

  “Well, damn, you should’ve just told me because hey, I’m the one that pushed him in that direction,” she reminded.

  “Aye.” He frowned. “Why did you do that?”

  “I dunno, because he seemed so lonely and I wanted to do the guy a solid. I knew it wasn’t going to happen with him and I so figured I was doing him a favor.” She shrugged. “Besides, Jackie’s dating a few guys, and though she might present herself as a gentle flower, my girl’s doing just fine in the sex department.”

  “So she wouldnae mind if he laid with another knowing he might be meant for her?” Rònan said. “Truly?”

  “I didn’t exactly say that but...” She squeezed his hand. “I’ll talk to Jackie. I’ll make sure she understands what I do about Darach.”

  An undefined emotion flickered in his eyes. “And what precisely is that?”

  “That he has a kind heart like she does,” she said bluntly. “And she better practice the forgiveness she believes in so much now.”

  When he started to speak, she shook her head and looked anywhere but into his eyes. “Don’t ask me to elaborate because I won’t.”

  “Aye,” Rònan murmured. “I willnae push you, lass.”

  Erin’s eyes went back to him. He had every right to demand answers like she just had. But he wouldn’t. She wasn’t sure which emotion prevailed. A flicker of guilt because she’d insisted that he give her answers about one of his closest friends. Or feeling grateful that he was compassionate enough not to do the same.

  “You dinnae need to feel so much right now, Erin,” he murmured. “This eve is for you. For all you’ve done for me and mine.”

  As always, he sensed her turbulent thoughts.

  Their eyes held for a long moment before he stepped back and held out his hand. “Might we dance, lass?”

  She flinched. “Dancing’s not really my thing.”

  “You did just fine at the Viking fortress. Besides, you dinnae need to do much but let me hold you.” A soft smile came to his lips. “Please. ‘Twould make my clan happy.”

  Her eyes fell to his groin. “And what about the beastie?”

  The corner of his lip curled up. “I’ll risk it.”

  “I bet you will.” Yet she allowed him to lead her into the crowd which not surprisingly gave them plenty of space.

  When he pulled her into his arms, the moment felt almost surreal. The lavish dress swooshing around her ankles. How incredible he looked as he brought her close but didn’t grope. It was all on the up and up. Respectable. Erin was well aware of his parents and sister standing off to the side. How they watched them with curiosity and if she wasn’t mistaken, approval.

  “Your family is staring at us,” she mumbled.

  “Aye, expect that for a while,” he said. “They’re trying to ken”

  “Uh huh.” She rested her cheek against his chest, far too aware of his strength and heat. “It’s weirding me out, though.”

  He rested his hands against her back. “I’m sorry. There isnae any help for it.”

  “Because they’re not used to you acting like this,” she guessed.

  “Aye.” He chuckled. “’Tis an understatement, that.”

  “Why are you really doing this?” She pulled back and met his eyes. “I’ve told you I’m not sticking around. Not only that, there’s still a distinct possibility Jackie is the Broun meant for you.”

  “I dinnae feel a thing when I look at Jackie.” His eyes held hers. “But I do when I look at you. Even if you dinnae stay, ‘tis this thing I feel when you’re near that has changed me into...something better.”

  “Jackie’s gorgeous, kind and amazing,” Erin pushed past her lips. “You just need to give it time and get to know her.”

  “Nay.” He shook his head, convinced of his words. “There is something about her that doesnae speak to my heart. She isnae who she seems to be.” When Erin tensed at his words, he continued. “’Tis no offense to your friend but even if I wasnae caught by you, I would turn from her. The lass doesnae know her own heart but offers those around her only what they expect of her. What they wish to see.”

  Erin hated how well he had pegged her friend.

  But she knew why Jackie was the way she was.

  “Sounds like you’ve given this too much thought,” she remarked with an edge of irritation. Because whether or not she thought he was right, he was talking about her friend.

  When she tried to pull away, he h
eld her tight and tilted up her chin until their eyes met. “I might have been frivolous and not someone I’m proud of for far too long, but I ken people. And I’m not wrong about Jackie.” His eyes were so damn genuine she couldn’t look away. “I dinnae find fault in your friend for the battles she fights. ‘Tis none of my concern. What is my concern?” His thumb brushed gently over her chin. “You. You’re the only lass I worry about and no other.”

  “You need to stop it then.” She shook her head and pulled away. “I’m tired and going to bed.”

  Rònan caught her hand before she went too far. “I have to stay down here whilst my clan celebrates.” He shook his head. “I cannae abandon them to run off with a lass as I have far too often in the past. ‘Tis time for change.”

  While Erin understood where he was coming from, her mind only heard one thing.

  “There are too many lasses willing and able where you suddenly seem not to be.”

  “Do what you need to, Rònan,” she threw over her shoulder. “See you tomorrow.”

  Erin was halfway up the stairs when her Viking posse fell in behind her.

  She was three-quarters up the stairs when the crowd below erupted in another round of cheers. More uncomfortable than ever, she offered a quick wave then booted it. As soon as she made it into the hallway and clear of prying eyes, she spun on Tait and Bjorn. “Guys, I appreciate your devotion, but I seriously need some space.”

  “Maybe the last thing you need is—” Tait started.

  “We understand,” Bjorn intercepted. “We will escort you to your chamber then give you privacy, woman.”

  “Why won’t you just give it a rest and go have some fun?” She shook her head. “I’m totally fine. The enemies are defeated.”

  “There are always enemies about,” Bjorn said softly. “Go rest, Erin. You will not stop us from protecting you. I vow, it will not happen.”

  There really was no dissuading them. Erin flung her hands in the air and strode down the hall. “Have it your way. I’m beat.”

  Eager to crawl into bed and escape this day, Erin froze at the threshold of her chamber. Grant sat in front of the fire with Robert on his lap. When she approached, she realized the kid was crying against his chest.


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