The MacLomain Series: Later Years - a Scottish Time Travel Romance Boxed Set

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The MacLomain Series: Later Years - a Scottish Time Travel Romance Boxed Set Page 88

by Sky Purington

  “Aye, old friend.”

  “Rise.” Adlin kept smiling as Grant stood. “I can see inside ye, lad and ‘tis much ye’ve done for our clan despite such a grave start to your life.”

  “’Twas a start needed to ultimately defeat an old enemy,” Grant said. “One who’s kin has now returned and is a far greater threat than his bairn ever was.”

  “Aye.” Adlin’s eyes narrowed. “Eoghan Dubhdiadh, Druid of the South. An old enemy indeed and one before my time.”

  Darach frowned when he felt the turbulence in Jackie’s mind at the mention of the druid. Not only he but Adlin glanced her way. He was somewhat surprised when she shifted closer to him and fear flashed in her eyes.

  “What is it, lass?” It seemed perfectly natural to slide his hand into hers and try to offer comfort.

  She frowned and took several deep breaths. Something had her terrified. Something he needed to understand.

  Adlin eyed her for a long moment before he walked over and held out his hand. “Might you hold my hand for a moment, Jackie?”

  She started to shake her head until Adlin said, “Please, lass. ‘Twill only be for a moment.”

  Darach felt Adlin’s persuasive magic. So did Jackie it seemed because she took his hand. The wizard’s eyes slid shut for a moment before they opened and he whispered, “Och, lass. You cannae feel my touch, aye? Nor can you smell the loch’s salt on the wind.”

  What? A terrible sense of foreboding rolled through him.

  Jackie clenched her jaw as a variety of emotions flickered across her face. Sadness. Defiance. Courage. Bitterness. But more than anything?


  “All right, that’s enough,” Erin growled. At some point, Rònan had put her down. Within seconds, she was beside Jackie with her eyes narrowed on Adlin. No, make that her dragon eyes. Pale purple and fierce. Pure threat laced her voice. “You best step away right now.”

  “Erin,” Rònan warned as he came alongside. “’Tis not your place, lass.”

  “My place is defending my friend.” Erin’s eyes never left Adlin’s. “Take your hands off her, and we’re good.”

  Why was the lass reacting so strongly? The situation didn’t seem to warrant it. When Adlin’s eyes narrowed, Darach knew they had a problem. Their arch-wizard might be jolly enough when he needed to be, but no one ordered him to do anything. And if one thing held true above all, Adlin was far more powerful than Erin.

  “It’s okay, Erin,” Jackie interjected, clearly sensing that things were escalating quickly. “Really.”

  “I don’t know that it is.” Erin’s eyes stayed locked with Adlin’s. “You’re pretty arrogant, aren’t you?”

  “Oh shit,” Nicole muttered as she and the MacLomain men moved closer. None would dare harm Adlin, but then again, no one would hesitate to protect Erin. She might be Rònan’s, but she was theirs too. All the Broun lasses were. One way or another, they were a team.

  “Stand down, Dragon,” Heidrek growled. “Now.”

  Erin’s eyes shot to Heidrek.

  So did everyone else’s.

  Not only did the Viking’s eyes shine pale blue but a tattoo that hadn’t been there before started to glow on the side of his neck. A dragon. Though his stance remained non-threatening and he held no weapon, Erin’s eyes widened, and she stepped back. Rònan’s gaze was just as intense on Heidrek. He’d never seen such a look on his cousin’s face.

  Half awe, half respect.

  “What are you?” Rònan whispered. “Because you are not a dragon but...something else.”

  “What I am is none of your concern right now.” Heidrek’s eyes went to Adlin. “Forgive the woman. She has only just started to learn how to control the beast within.”

  Darach’s shock only intensified when Erin gave no sharp response. Instead, she kept her eyes trained on Heidrek as though it were impossible to look elsewhere. If he wasn’t mistaken, she was obeying him. What was more interesting? Rònan said nothing but kept his eyes trained on Heidrek not with defiance but with continued respect.

  “There is nothing to forgive,” Adlin replied to Heidrek but looked at Erin. “Might we all have such a fierce protector as this lass.”

  Apparently finished with addressing Erin, Adlin turned to Grant. “What tangled webs we weave, aye?” He shook his head and grinned before his eyes, at last, landed on Robert. He lowered to a knee, took the lad’s hand and bent his head. “My name is Adlin MacLomain. ‘Tis a great pleasure to meet ye, wee one. Know that I will always remain devoted to ye.”

  Of course, Adlin knew who he would someday be.

  Robert stood up a little straighter. “Many thanks, Adlin MacLomain.”

  Adlin nodded and stood, his eyes returning to Grant. “Well, you’ll not likely enjoy where you must travel next, friend, but there is only one way to better ken your enemy and get out ahead of him.”

  Darach didn’t like the sound of that.

  Grant frowned. “I dinnae ken.”

  “Nay.” Adlin sighed. “I dinnae suppose you do.”

  “I can well see why I mentored you.” Adlin clasped Grant’s shoulders. “Not only do you possess great magic but a goodness despite all you faced in your past. I only just met you, but already I am so verra proud.”

  “Thank you,” Grant said with an edge of wariness in his voice.

  “No need to thank me. If anything you might be disliking me for a wee bit,” Adlin said softly. “But the answers you seek can only be found at the verra beginning.”

  Grant’s brows lowered sharply when he seemed to see something in Adlin’s eyes. “Och, nay. Dinnae...”

  His words were drowned out as wind whipped through the forest and fog came in so fast that Darach couldn’t see his own hand within seconds. But he knew exactly where Jackie was. So he reached out and pulled her back against him.

  “What’s going on?” she said, a slight tremor in her voice.

  “Time travel,” he said. “’Twill be okay, lass.”

  “Nothing okay has come out of time travel so far,” she whispered. “Except my friends finding love.”

  He appreciated that she focused on the positive, but he had an awful feeling about where they were heading. “Whatever happens, you’re not alone. I’m right here beside you.”

  And he was as the fog burned away and their new location was revealed. What he saw made the blood in his veins freeze.

  It seemed he wasn’t alone.

  “Bloody hell, nay,” his Da said. “It cannae be.”

  Chapter Five

  Hamilton Castle


  Nearly three years after Grant MacLomain was kidnapped.

  JACKIE’S EYES WIDENED at the beautiful gothic style castle beyond the woods, and a strange shiver of awareness rippled through her. “Where are we, Darach?”

  “Home but not,” he whispered.

  “What does that mean?” she started to say, but Grant interrupted them.

  “We need to get somewhere safe now.”

  It appeared they hadn’t traveled through time alone. Not only were Heidrek, Rònan, Erin, Nicole, and Niall with them but little Robert and surprisingly enough, young William.

  “Now!” Grant roared into their minds.

  If there was one person no one questioned it was Grant. Niall scooped up Robert and started after Grant with everyone close behind.

  All but William that is.

  “Lad, ye must come with us,” Darach said. “There’s nothing but danger here.”

  “Where am I?” William ground his jaw, his eyes wide as he clenched a blade. “Where did Lilas and Dougal go?”

  “Ye’ll see them again,” Darach assured. “But not if ye dinnae come now.”

  Jackie knew Darach was going to need help. As it turned out, Heidrek came to the same conclusion because he had remained behind.

  William frowned at Darach. “I dinnae believe ye.”

  “I don’t blame you. He’s questionable at times,” Jackie kicked in,
her brows arching. “But do you know who I do believe?”

  “Who?” William asked.

  Jackie nodded into the woods. “Grant. He’s a really good person, and if he says we’re in danger, then we are.”

  “Aye?” William’s eyes narrowed. “Then why are ye not running after him?”

  “Because I’d rather stay where you are and get hurt than leave you behind.”

  “Och, nay.” A tremble rippled through William as his eyes stayed on hers. “So ye really think ye are in danger?”

  “I think we all are.”

  William assessed the situation again before he declared, “Then I must see ye out of harm’s way, Jackie. My weapon is at yer back.”

  Jackie nodded. “Thank you.” She looked at Darach. “Lead the way.”

  Relief flickered in his eyes as he grabbed her hand and they raced after the others. They didn’t run for more than ten minutes before they came to a large boulder that was half surrounded by trees and half on the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean. Darach braced on the edge and urged her to go pass him. He meant to protect her from falling.

  “Shoot,” she murmured, eying the long drop.

  “’Tis not that bad.” Darach squeezed her hand. “Just move along.” His eyes held hers. “I willnae let you go over, lass.”

  God, she hated heights. But she hated seeming like a wimp more, so she ignored her tingling skin and allowed him to help her shimmy over.

  Once safe, she waited as Darach held out his hand to William. “Come on, lad.”

  Incredulous, the boy eyed the long drop. “Nay!”

  “If you are set to be a warrior then be one,” Heidrek grunted from behind. “Go now.”

  William’s eyes shot to the Viking. “I dinnae need to listen to ye. I saw what ye did earlier. Yer no Scotsman but an unnatural beast.”

  “Am I then?” Heidrek grinned, dark promise in his eyes. “Then you are no longer in a position you wish to be in.” The Viking moved fast and flung William over his shoulder.

  Darach joined Jackie as William cursed the whole way. By the time Heidrek set the boy down, he was in a state...of pure embarrassment, she’d say.

  “Bloody hell,” William declared, scowling as he frowned at the Viking.

  “If you meant to protect Jackie, you should have thought nothing of your own fears,” Heidrek informed him before he strode after the others.

  “Bloody hell,” William repeated, still scowling as he eyed Jackie. “I would have followed ye readily if given half a chance.” He glared at Heidrek’s back. “But I was made to look the fool instead.”

  “I would say ye made yerself look the fool,” Robert said.

  Jackie bit back a grin, not surprised in the least that the little King watched William closely.

  Incredulous, William’s eyes rounded on Robert, who stood a few inches shorter. “Who are ye to say such a thing, ye wee piece of...”

  Robert straightened and looked down his nose at William as he interrupted him. “I am Robert the Bruce, son to Sir Robert VI de Brus, 6th Lord of Annandale and Marjorie, Countess of Carrick.” He puffed up a bit more. “I am none other than the Earl of Carrick and the future King of Scotland.”

  “Is that so?” William appeared less than impressed as he looked Robert over. “I dinnae care in the least who ye are. Show me ye can use a blade then mayhap all yer fancy titles will be worth something.”

  Robert’s hand went to his waist where no blade could be found. Pride and frustration crossed his face.

  “Aye, that is what I thought.” William rolled his eyes and strode into the cave after the others, throwing over his shoulder. “Yer all bluster, lad.”

  “Am not,” Robert started but stopped. He might be young, but a new wisdom lit his eyes. One born of the adventures he’d had since meeting Jackie and her friends. “I’m learning to use a blade and am always willing to learn from those who know how to wield one better.”

  William stopped. He didn’t turn but tilted his head sideways. “Aye?”

  “Aye,” Robert said.

  “Do ye mean ye’d be willing to learn from me then, High-and-Mighty?”

  Robert nodded. “Aye.”

  William paused for a long moment and contemplated. Jackie bit her tongue when Robert appeared torn and eager at the same time. The boys needed to work this out on their own.

  “Then I will teach ye more when we’ve the chance,” William said at last.

  “Aye, many thanks,” Robert said. “Have ye a full name then?”

  “Nay, ‘tis just William.” But they all heard his soft words as he walked away. “At least till ye’ve earned my respect. Then ye might get the rest.”

  Robert waited until William was out of earshot before he released a hefty sigh and frowned. “I handled that all wrong, aye?”

  “Nay, ye did just fine,” Darach said.

  “I agree.” Jackie smiled and crouched in front of him. She had spent quite a bit of time with Robert at the Viking fortress when Erin was in her unnatural slumber. “It’s good to see you again, Little King. That was pretty scary at MacLomain Castle when Erin almost died, and I vanished. How are you doing?”

  Her chest tightened when he blinked back moisture and gave her a wobbly smile. “I am well.” His eyes trailed to where William had been. “Well enough I suppose.”

  “Hey.” Jackie squeezed his shoulders. “Look at me.”

  When he did, she said, “You’ve done really well. William’s just been through a lot, okay?” She held his gaze. “Just like you have, Robert. You dealt with him perfectly, and it’s going to be okay.”

  “I dinnae think I dealt with him well at all.” His frown deepened. “’Tis clear he’s but a few winters older and already a fierce warrior. What does that say about me? What does that say about how well I will someday lead Scotland?”

  Jackie cupped his chin. “Do you remember what we talked about at the Viking fortress when you joined me at Erin’s bedside that last time? When you were struggling to understand why that Viking boy wouldn’t play with you?”

  “Aye,” he murmured. “Ye said I must remember that there’s a reason behind everyone’s actions. That I should search out that reason before judging them. It turned out he was just shy.”

  “It’s good you discovered that rather than continue to think he was mean,” she said softly. “Because nobody is what they seem when you first meet them. More than that, it sometimes takes a while to figure out who they really are.”

  “Aye,” Robert whispered. “And ‘twas your advice that helped me just now with William.”

  Jackie smiled. “Good.”

  “We should go,” Darach said. “The further into the cave we get the better.”

  She gave Robert a quick hug then gestured at Darach. “Looks like you need to lead the way again.”

  “Aye, then.” His eyes met Robert’s. “It can get a wee bit treacherous. Watch my footing closely, lad.”

  Robert nodded.

  Darach’s eyes met hers. “Stay close to us, aye?”

  “Of course.”

  Darach wasn’t kidding. Though sunlight streamed from multiple crevices overhead, the path downward grew steeper and the rocks slicker with a fine sheen of sea spray. The wind whistling through cracks and the ocean crashing against the rock created a haunting echo that well-suited the eerie cave. She stayed close behind Robert, ready to grab the back of his tunic if he started to slip. By the time they made it to the bottom, it was so dark she could barely make out Darach’s silhouette.

  “I’m surprised one of you wizards doesn’t use magic to light the way,” she mentioned.

  “Nay.” Darach moved slower and made sure they stayed behind him. “’Tis not a good idea to use magic around here. Not right now.”

  They didn’t go that much further before light increased, the cave widened, and they came to an exit that overlooked a good sized area. It appeared to be a lightly forested meadow completely surrounded by cliffs. A valley lush with greenery an
d colorful wildflowers. Though the echo of crashing waves could still be heard, it only added a mystical feel to the place as spray twisted with sunlight far overhead but never touched the ground.

  “Oh, wow,” she whispered. “This is astounding.”

  “Aye,” Robert agreed, his eyes as wide as hers.

  Jackie took his hand, and they followed the others to a group of pine trees that offered ample protection.

  Grant gestured to the women. “Please gather wood. We can burn a fire here. The smoke will remain unseen.” Then he looked to the men. “There are inlets and small caves throughout this area. Hunt, so we can eat. Then I will explain where we are.”

  “With all due respect, I hunt not gather,” Erin informed, eyes intent on Rònan. “Let’s go make some spears from sticks and catch lunch, dragon.”

  Nicole snorted. “Yeah, I’m sure that’s all you two will be doing.”

  “You should talk, preggie,” Erin shot back before she grinned and left with Rònan.

  Meanwhile, Niall continued muttering under his breath about Nicole being in yet another unsafe situation. Jackie didn’t blame him considering her pregnancy.

  “I’ll be fine,” Nicole assured and kissed him before she said, “Go hunt with the guys. I’ll pick up sticks with Jackie.”

  Jackie got a distinct feeling that was the last thing Nicole wanted to do. Her friend knew how to use a weapon and wanted to join the hunters. She bit back yet another surge of irritation. She didn’t want to be so dependent on others to protect her. It stunk, and she was just about over it.

  Heidrek looked at Darach. “Go hunt. I will stay with Jackie.”

  “I can protect Jackie and the bairns just fine,” Grant said. “Both of you go.”

  “Well, I am no bairn,” William announced and started striding after Erin and Rònan.

  “Nay.” Grant shook his head. “Ye’ll stay here and help gather wood, lad.”

  When William kept walking, Grant’s voice deepened. “Ye dinnae want to test me. Ye willnae like the results.”

  Grant’s tone of voice stopped William in his tracks. She didn’t miss his reddened cheeks when he glanced at the men walking by to go hunting. Poor kid. Pre-teen years sucked...especially in this day and age.


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