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Enough Page 1

by A L Williams


  A.L. Williams

  COPYRIGHT © A.L. Williams 2020

  This edition published in 2020

  The right of A. L. WILLIAMS to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patent Acts 1988.

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted or stored in a retrieval system in any form or by any means, without permission, in writing, from the publisher, nor be circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. All characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real people, alive or dead, is purely coincidental.


  I dedicate this to the first person I’ve ever loved. You meant the world to me. Although we weren’t healthy together as lovers or friends, I will always cherish our time together. You will always be the only person that I could laugh with over something as simple as Skittles. I hope that you have found the happiness you deserve.


  This book may contain situations difficult for some readers including, but not limited to: off page child abuse, alcoholism, and explicit consensual sex.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter One


  I need to get laid, I thought as the massive double doors of the lecture hall swung open. I massaged my temple, throwing the two unnecessarily heavy textbooks in my bag, the shrill ring of the bell reverberating through the room directly into my head. Why did they always have to be so loud?

  When the final student exited, I picked up my backpack and slung it over my shoulder. After I waved at the instructor, I slipped out of the classroom and into the long hallway. Shoes squeaked as they moved along the shiny floor. The intense odor of floor cleaner, mingled with air freshener, drifted through the air as students rushed by.

  I weaved through them, already winded. I don’t know why I put myself through college life. Well, I did know, but I was regretting it. I got my registered nurse degree. That should have been enough, but I had to keep going. My father demanded I become the first doctor in the family. I sighed and continued on my way, pushing the doors open and inhaling deeply as the fresh air hit my face. The sun shone high in the sky and the city was alive. I could hear car horns and yelling. I removed my backpack, wiggling out of my jacket before I descended down the steps leading to the sidewalk.

  I shoved my hands in my pockets, staring straight ahead as more students walked past me. I wondered if they even noticed I was there. Did anyone ever? I had always been a quiet guy, content to live in my own thoughts. It did get lonely at times. Maybe I just needed to get laid. That would lift some of this…


  I shook off the thought and looked down at my feet, moving along the hot cement.

  A warm body slammed into me and I grabbed at the person's shoulders to steady them and myself. My hand landed on something soft and I jumped back when I realized. I had grabbed a breast. I gawked at the woman who was staring at me with her head cocked.

  She was stunning. She had a thin frame, but the curves were present due to the tightness of her black skirt and red satin blouse, that looked delicious against all that golden skin. My eyes trailed down to her chest with a single button open, revealing perfect breasts. “I’m up here,” she said.

  I whipped my head up, my face warm. What was wrong with me? “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”

  She held up a well-manicured hand. “It’s fine. I know I'm sexy.” Her dark brown eyes danced with amusement. I must have looked like a fish, but I couldn’t help myself. Not only was this woman drop dead gorgeous, but she carried herself with a confidence that I envied.

  “What’s your name?” she asked, inching closer. Her long dark brown wavy hair swayed with her movements.

  I glanced at a group of giggling girls that walked by and then turned back. “Dex,” I said.

  A wide smile spread across her face. “I’m Isabel.”

  She reached out and brushed my arm, sending goosebumps along it. I really needed to get laid. I was far too responsive to the woman. My cock was already taking notice. The last thing I needed was for her to see how desperate I was.

  “Would you like to get coffee sometime?” she asked.

  I blinked and bobbed my head, feeling like an idiot moments later. What was I, twelve? “Yeah, that would be great.”

  She smirked. “I’m glad.” She leaned in close, her lips only inches from mine. “I’m looking forward to it.” She looked up at me from below her long eyelashes. I swallowed.

  “Izzy, what are you doing?” I jumped back startled by the male voice. A man with dark bronzed skin stocked over, his forehead creased and dark eyes flashing with anger. He glared down at me, towering over Isabel and me. He had to be at the least six foot three. I looked aside, unable to do much else under the intense presence. Who the fuck was this guy?

  “Calm down, Rashawn. You’re scaring the poor guy,” Isabel said as if there wasn’t a giant before her, glaring daggers that could kill.

  She moved back and wrapped her arms around his bicep which was far too large for its own good. I mean, come on, it had to be a size too small. Guys like this I knew well from high school. Big and tough with far too many muscles and a bad attitude. I wasn’t here for it. “I have to go. I have homework to do and then I have to get to work.” I said, taking a step back.

  Isabel poked out her lip which would have made me laugh if it wasn’t for the hulk in the shade of brown looking at me as if he wanted to strangle me. I shifted and swallowed around the dryness in my throat.

  “We’re still on for coffee right?” she asked.

  I wanted to say no, but I did need to get out more and do things with people. Who cared if this Rashawn guy was her...I don't know...he definitely wasn’t her boyfriend or she wouldn't have asked me out in such a proactive way. Not completely convinced I nodded, trying to ignore the giants hard eyes boring into me. I shifted again.

  She reached in her shirt and pulled out a phone, unlocked the screen and handed it to me. “Great! Here put your number in my phone. We can meet at the student union tomorrow around four? I have classes all morning and homework to grade, but after that I will meet you there.”

  I widened my eyes. She was a teacher? “Okay.” I handed her phone back and glanced at Rashawn who had his arms crossed in front of his chest in a stance very similar to my father’s. He hadn’t said a word, but I could see the vein in his neck working. He wasn’t happy. Why? She was asking me out on a date. Which m
eant she was single. What was his problem?

  A moment later my phone chimed and I pulled it out, eyeing the text that flashed across the screen.

  “That’s my number,” Isabel said.

  I saved it and then put my phone away. I smiled at her, still feeling eyes on me. I exhaled and glared at him for a moment. Who the hell did he think he was? Was he trying to intimidate me or something? If so, he had another thing coming. My father was a Marine. Nothing was more intimidating than that.

  His eyes flashed and I looked away quickly. So much for my moment of bravery.

  Isabel smacked his arm and he looked at her. Something passed between them and then it was gone. I watched as Isabel turned back to me, wrapping her arms around Rashawns arm again. I clenched my jaw.

  “See you tomorrow,” she said. I nodded and they walked past me, Isabel smirking at me and Rashawn’s stony expression no longer on me.

  I sighed and continued my journey to the parking garage, fishing in my pocket for my keys. I had a date. It had been awhile. She was hot and despite the giant and his attitude problem this was a chance at a girlfriend.

  His dark brown eyes flashed in my head and I tried to push it away, but that gaze was seared into my mind.

  He can go fuck himself.


  I walked through the double doors of Dr. Bennette’s office. The waiting area was filled with patients all sitting on the cushioned chairs and couches scattered about the room while their children played with the brightly colored bead mazes and building blocks.

  I made my way to the front counter where Ava was sitting, looking through paperwork and typing at her computer. “Hey.” I said.

  She looked up and smirked. “It’s about time you got here. What took you so long?” My face warmed. She studied me and her eyes narrowed. “Did you meet a hot girl?” I looked aside. I had been working there for six months when I moved from Seattle and somehow this woman could pick up on everything.

  “Oh my God! You did!” she said, loud enough that patients eyed us in shock.

  I looked around and then back at her. “Do you have to be so damn loud?” I said in a hushed tone.

  “Don’t change the subject.” She glared at me.

  I sighed. “Yes, I was talking to a girl. Are you happy now?”

  “Was she hot? Are you going to hit that?”

  I scoffed. “I don’t know how you came out of such a nice woman.” Ava grinned. She had taken me to her parents house back in December for Christmas when my dad decided that he was going on a trip for the holidays. Ava’s mother had been sweet and she treated me as if I was her son. She reminded me of those mothers you only see in Christmas specials where they bake cookies and wear embroidered aprons.

  “Whatever. Tell me.”

  “We’re going out for coffee tomorrow. That’s all.”

  “Well I guess that's better than nothing.”

  “Dex?” Dr. Bennette said, from his office. I walked around the desk and put my backpack away in one of the draws. When I stood up straight I glanced once more at Ava. “Try not to tell the whole place, all right?”

  She feigned shock and I shook my head. “I mean it.”

  I entered the office, closing the door behind me. Dr. Bennette was looking over some paperwork as I moved up beside him.

  “How was class?” he said, not looking up from his clipboard.

  “It was fine. Intense.”

  He chuckled. “I remember those days. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.”

  I smiled. Dr. Bennette had posted a job listing for a nurse. He dealt with medicaid and medicare patients and did payment plans for those that made too much to get benefits, but not enough to cover medical bills. He wasn’t a high-paid doctor and my paycheck was change, but at the time I applied I was desperate. Finding work in San Antonio was not as easy as I thought it would be. Easier than Seattle yes, but still hard as hell.

  However, no matter how much I needed a job I was still apprehensive. When I showed up for the interview, I found out the details and didn’t question it. I wanted to be the type of doctor he was. I might as well learn from him.

  I opened my mouth to respond, and the door opened. I looked over as a guy walked in.

  “Have a seat.”

  My mind wandered as she went to work. Asking the typical questions. My mind drifted to Isabel and….Rashawn. I furrowed my brow. I understood why I was thinking of her, but why him? He must have intimidated me more than I thought.

  I frowned and looked at Dr. Bennette and the patient, refocusing on my job.

  Chapter Two


  “Ra, stop brooding, I can feel your frown all the way over here,” Izzy said, examining her makeup in my bathroom.

  I rolled my eyes, flopping back on the couch. “I’m not.”

  “Uh-huh.” She walked out of the bathroom, dressed in a pair of jeans and a halter top that was far too tight for its own good.

  I narrowed my eyes. “You’re going to a coffee shop on campus. What if one of the students sees you dress like that? It’s not appropriate.”

  “This isn’t high school. They are all adults. I'm sure they’ve seen older women in much less. Half those boys seem like they watch more porn than go on actual dates.”

  “Do you have to be so cruel?”

  “What? There’s nothing wrong with porn. You’ve seen these boys. They are the typical awkward guys that would have a panic attack talking to a girl. Half of them did when I walked in on day one.” She chuckled. “Poor guys.”

  “You shouldn’t stereotype.”

  She shrugged. “It is what it is.” She walked over and stood over me. “I’ll be back later, all right?”

  I frowned, and reached out, tugging her onto my lap. She came down with a pleased squeal and straddled my thighs. I placed my hands on her ass, squeezing gently, my cock taking notice. She leaned in with a hum and kissed me, swiping her tongue across my lips. I tasted cherries and lipstick. She deepened the kiss, drawing a moan from me as she ground her ass into my half hard cock. She gyrated slowly, prolonging the painful pleasure. I thrust up into her, wanting her clothes gone.

  A second later she was off my lap and straightening her shirt. She grinned at me, eyeing the obvious erection straining in my jeans. “I have to go.”

  I groaned and looked to the side, hating the guy more. I didn’t have a reason to hate him. Any man would agree to go out with Izzy if asked, but I couldn’t help the tightness of my chest every time I saw his awkward smile. It made my blood boil.

  “Ra,” Izzy said, pulling me from my thoughts. I looked at her. “You know what our arrangement was. Is it a problem now?”

  “Of course not, I just—” I paused, not knowing what I was going to say.

  “Jealousy is normal, love. However, this level of hostility isn’t healthy. The guy didn’t do anything. Dex is nice. You should give him a chance.”

  “I’m not the one who wants to fuck him.” I said, cringing at how petulant that sounded. She arched a brow. We had agreed to enter into a casual relationship after we had slept together one drunk night. It was a wonder we took so long to do it. We grew up together, but she hadn’t been interested until that point.

  Until she was drunk.

  I pushed that thought away. “I’m sorry. That wasn’t fair. I just don’t trust the guy.”

  “We just met him. Give him a chance before you just assume he’s going to hurt me. He’s not—” she paused, something flashing across her face.

  I leaned forward, the urge to pull her into my arms and kiss away whatever that was, but a moment later it was gone and her pleasant smile was gone. I hated when she did that. When she hid behind sass and a smile. I knew and understood why, but she didn’t have to hide her pain from me. I was there.

  “Please don’t make this difficult.”

  I thinned my lips, but nodded.

  When she left I slumped. I didn’t know why I did this to myself. She had been on plenty of
dates and fucked plenty of other men. Hell a few times we had shared her. Why was this guy any different? His hazel eyes and shiny hair flashed through my mind.

  I stood and made my way to my room, walking past Izzy’s. When we aged out of the group home, I had found an apartment, with the money I had saved up. I had managed to save enough for a deposit and first month's rent. Izzy had wanted to pitch in, but I didn’t allow it. Instead persuading her to concentrate on getting her teaching degree. It had taken eight years, but when she graduated with flying colors she was able to do what she always wanted.

  I never went to school, although Izzy had pushed for me to start now, but I was happy in my construction job. I made a good living and compared to most group home kids I was privileged. I didn’t need college. Even so she still continued to push. I loved her for it. I just wish she was capable of loving me the way I loved her.


  Hours later I was unable to kick the sour mood I was in, so I decided to go to the gym.

  Sweat gathered at my brow as I hauled the barbell into the air above me, laying back on the bench press.

  Grunts reverberated through the room, padded with foam mats. Half the wall was covered with mirrors, reflecting the people scattered around the gym. Each one focused on their work out at squat racks or in front of a mirror curling dumb bells.

  After several bench presses. I lowered the barbell with a clank and sat up. I wiped away the sweat burning my eyes and stood, walking across the room to the Hammer strength machine and I sat down, gripping my hands and pushing out.

  My mind drifted to Izzy and Dex laughing and touching. I was being immature, I know. It was unlikely that they were touching much in public. Izzy was friendly, but she wasn't an exhibitionist and that Dex guy didn’t seem like the type. I pushed the handles out and back in. I continued with the motion until my arms began to burn and ache.

  When I got up, I walked over to a clear mat and began push-ups, taking measured breaths and I lifted my arms with my elbows locked when I was up and then bent when I was down.


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