Slow Ride: Powertools: Hot Rides, Book #2

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Slow Ride: Powertools: Hot Rides, Book #2 Page 18

by Jayne Rylon

  He gladly went into her arms, collapsing on her side, opposite from Kason.

  She tipped her head toward him, kissed his forehead, then promised, “I love you too, Jordan. I always have.”

  Then she looked back at Kason. “Your turn.”

  “Already? Are you sure?” He hesitated, looking at her and Jordan cuddling with lust and maybe a little envy.

  Wren knew how to make it right, though. She always did. “Absolutely. I need you, Kason.”

  She gave the other man something he could easily and truthfully echo. “I need you, too.”

  Jordan found his voice in time to say, “If you fuck her slowly at first, she’ll be ready again when you are. It doesn’t take her long to recover. We used to be able to do this all night back when I was young and shit.”

  “I’m too turned on. I can’t draw it out,” Kason said.

  Wren smiled up at him. “Enjoy it, for however long it lasts.”

  Sex? Their relationship? Whatever the hell this was they were doing together? Yeah…she was right.

  Kason must have thought so too. He used Jordan’s release as lube and buried his cock in her with a single long stroke that made his eyes roll back. Jordan reached out and put a hand on Kason’s hip to steady him as he lost himself in the rapture that came from fucking Wren.

  Kason had barely begun to pump into her when their combined cries made Jordan’s cock perk up. Wren wrapping her soft hand around it didn’t help either. He stiffened in her hold. Too soon. Damn it.

  Kason dropped low over Wren, blanketing her with his strong yet lean body. He possessed the grace of a predatory animal as he pistoned within her. If Jordan stared at Kason’s clenching ass while he did it, well, that wasn’t something he could help.

  Wren and Kason paused their endless chain of kisses when she tried to tell them something that was garbled by the collision of their lips.

  “Kason, slow down. Hang on a second.” She put her hand on his chest.

  He immediately did as she asked, blinking out of a haze of desire. “You okay?”

  “I am, but Jordan’s not. He’s hard again already.” She took her hand off Jordan and held it out to Kason, who licked the smear of precome and mingled fluids from her palm.

  Wren looked at them both, then said, “Change of plans. We’re going to come together.”

  “We are?” Jordan asked.

  She nodded. “Kason, do you have any lube?”

  He grunted. “Yeah. I sleep here alone, remember? Sometimes me and my hand have to make do.”

  Desperate to see if Wren was thinking what he was thinking, Jordan asked, “Where is it?”

  He grabbed the tube out of the bedside drawer Kason indicated and started slicking up his shaft even before Wren rolled onto her side, flipping Kason over with her. By the time Kason had taken hold of her knee and lifted it, spreading her for his continued strokes, Jordan was already spooning her from behind. His cock rode the furrow of her ass, transferring the slippery gel to her skin.

  “You want me here?” he asked her, his voice gravelly.

  She shouted, “Yes! Fuck me, Jordan. Fuck my ass.”

  Kason stiffened. He stared into Jordan’s eyes as if he was wondering what it would feel like if he was ready to ask for the same decadent pleasure. Maybe someday they’d find out. But not that day, because there was no way the three of them were going to survive the orgasm they were about to trigger in each other like a chain reaction.

  “Should I wait?” Kason asked Jordan, though the muscle pulsing in his jaw said he wasn’t sure if he could.

  “No, she needs you to make it good for her, while she makes it good for me. At least at first.” He hoped he was making sense. Jordan didn’t have a lot of brain cells still firing. He worked a finger and then two into Wren, trying to prepare her for what was to come.

  Her breath caught. Then she smiled at Kason and said, “Kiss me some more. I want to look into your eyes and see the moment you can feel his cock against yours through me, as I hold you both inside me. Together.”

  “Fuck!” Jordan had forgotten how her honesty affected him.

  He’d planned to take things gently, carefully, and gradually. None of those things happened. He withdrew his fingers and pressed his cock against her ass until the tip of it spread her open. He kept the steady pressure on her until she swallowed him, taking him fully inside. And when he did feel his shaft rubbing against Kason’s through the tissue hardly separating them, he pressed himself as close as he could get.

  He leaned in, adding his mouth to theirs in a three-way kiss that merged their lips as seamlessly as the rest of their bodies.

  Then he began to thrust, fucking Wren as Kason did the same. He pulled off enough to ramp up his motions, knowing something this intense couldn’t be sustained. Kason fucked into Wren from the front as she ground on him, trying to rub her pussy against his pelvis.

  Happy to help, Jordan reached around and slid his hand down her softly rounded stomach to her mound. He used the pad of his middle finger to rub circles around her clit as Kason filled her with long, fluid strokes that looked like they felt good, even to Jordan.

  He wanted both of these people to know that what they were sharing was special. But he didn’t have any more words, so he tried to show them with his body.

  Jordan hunched over Wren and sank his teeth into her shoulder like both of them enjoyed. He forced his eyes open and stared into Kason’s bright green ones as he did it, hoping that the man knew if he had two mouths he’d be biting Kason too.

  That was for next time, when he was sure Kason wasn’t going to get spooked by the intensity of what they were sharing. It was powerful stuff.

  Wren felt it too, because she quaked between them. “I’m ready again.”

  “Me too,” Jordan said, unashamed of how quickly she’d brought him back to the brink.

  “Are you with us?” Wren asked Kason. Jordan wasn’t sure if she meant it as it sounded, as if she was asking about a hell of a lot more than an orgasm.

  For now that would have to do, because it was going to happen any moment.

  “Yes!” Kason cried. He put his hand on Wren’s hip to brace himself, then fucked furiously. Only then did Jordan realize how much he’d been holding in reserve. The rubbing of his cock over Jordan’s and the contraction of Wren’s muscles in response was all it took for him to shatter.

  “I’m coming, Wren. I’m going to fill you up.” He kept watching Kason, who jerked at that.

  Kason groaned, the tendons in his neck standing out as he finally fell. He yelled first Wren’s name and then Jordan’s before his abs rippled and his graceful arcs turned into short jabs.

  Wren must have felt the heat of them both pouring into her. She screamed and clawed at them, trying to pull them as close as possible. With one hand behind her, on Jordan’s ass, and the other on Kason’s back, she clutched them to her as she came and came and came.

  Jordan jerked, his cock twitching as it tried to keep going when it had already been spent. The pleasure lasted, though. It washed over him in waves that they all rode together.

  When the storm had passed, they didn’t move. None of them, as if they couldn’t bear to be separated. They snuggled together without saying a word until long after Jordan’s dick softened and slipped free of Wren’s body.

  He’d dozed off once or twice before he got up and cleaned himself then returned to do the same for Wren and Kason. Neither of them objected to his care.

  He hoped it stayed that way.

  Because he wanted a million more nights like this one.

  The three of them crawled under the covers and interwove themselves into a knot of limbs and bodies that was comfortable as fuck and reassured Jordan. His arms and his heart were full.

  As if by tacit agreement, they didn’t talk. They didn’t discuss what they knew had been a life-changing experience, maybe because they were each afraid of ruining it.

  There would be time enough for that in the morning. />

  Kason had thought yesterday would go down as the best day of his life. It had certainly culminated with the best sex of his life. But today was even better. They’d woken naturally when the sun rose and filled his tree house apartment with light that somehow didn’t feel as bright or as warm as the affection from the two people sharing his bed.

  They’d snuggled and enjoyed a lazy start to the day before heading back to the main house to refuel. They hadn’t done much else except enjoy each other’s company, yet he’d never felt so…at peace as he did right then, strumming his acoustic guitar and jotting down snippets of lyrics for a new song. He wasn’t ready to sing them out loud yet, but they were filled with optimism, infatuation, and a love he didn’t want to keep secret anymore.

  Wren and Jordan inspired him, even when they were simply having a calm weekend at a mountain retreat. Wren was stretched out on the couch, flipping through one of the hardback biographies of Kason that had been sitting on the coffee table. Jordan had one hand resting possessively on her shoulder and the other was playing idly with her hair. He was looking out at the lake, deep in thought. Kason wondered if he was remembering the night before, looking forward to the future, or thinking of Johnny and their cabin on the other side of the water.

  Something in his chest did a flip flop.

  After the night before and envisioning what his life could be like if they kept taking this long, slow ride together toward something permanent, Kason was ready to prove to Jordan that this wasn’t only about each of them loving Wren and being good friends while they were at it.

  His fingers fumbled the next chord on his guitar and he set it aside. He’d lost his concentration in the best of ways. “You two want to check out the pool now?”

  Wren perked up and Jordan blinked out of his daze. She turned to him and grinned. “I’m assuming bathing suits aren’t required?”

  “It’s an indoor pool, completely private. What you wear is up to you.” Skinny-dipping was one of his favorite activities. It had only been recently replaced at the top of the list by sex with the two people he was coming to think of as his best friends in addition to his lovers.

  “In that case…” Wren stood and stretched before ditching her clothes. He loved how bold she was, how confident and unafraid of others’ opinions. He wished he could be more like her.

  Jordan smacked her ass, then joined her, folding his clothes neatly and stacking them on the couch. Kason struggled to form coherent thoughts, never mind to coordinate his limbs long enough to stand and do the same. “Damn, you two are so fucking sexy by yourselves and even more so together.”

  “We do fit together pretty well, don’t we?” Wren smiled as she pulled Jordan down to her for a languid kiss.

  That did it. Kason bolted to his feet and stripped, hopping on one foot to tug his jeans off as fast as possible. They turned to him and grinned as he rushed to join them. Kason kissed Wren first, loving the lingering taste of Jordan on her lips, then turned to the other man and stared straight into his eyes as he sealed their mouths too.

  Today would change the rest of his life. And hopefully theirs also.

  “Kason?” Jordan asked, his voice husky.


  “If you don’t show us this pool soon, it’s going to have to wait until much, much later.”

  He wanted to go exactly where Jordan was headed, but he’d always fantasized about making love to someone in the exotic paradise located down one floor from the room they were in. He’d never felt strongly enough about one of the people he’d slept with to bring them there, though. Or to his mountain retreat at all.

  They were the first. And the only, as far as he was concerned. So he didn’t want to blow his shot. Besides, he had a feeling they were going to love it since they’d been in perfect harmony with his own adoration of the glass tree house.

  He took their hands and guided them along the shortest path to the pool, completely comfortable being naked around them. He’d never had any hang-ups about his body, but he didn’t often enjoy being exposed to others. With Wren and Jordan, he knew what he’d already shown was far more important than his skin.

  When he opened the door and ushered them into the pool room, Wren gasped.

  Kason didn’t blame her. The lush tropical paradise was unexpected in the middle of the autumnal woods. The elevated temperature in the room due to the heated water and the humid conditions were perfect for growing monstrous plants. Flowers bloomed in every direction. He had no idea what the names of them were, but they were lush and colorful, spiky, and foreign.

  They reminded him of things he’d seen during tours in Hawaii or on a vacation he’d taken to Fiji, once. He picked one of the white blooms with a deep yellow center and tucked it into Wren’s hair.

  Jordan didn’t begrudge Kason his show of affection. He smiled as he wandered around the bend to where the stamped concrete floor sloped downward and became sandy. “Holy shit, Wren. Check this out. There’s a fucking beach and everything.”

  Her eyes lit up and glittered like sapphires. Kason loved soaking in her excitement. He loved this place even more than he already had, seeing how much she and Jordan enjoyed it.

  She ran over to the beach and scrunched her toes in the sand, laughing. “I’ve never been to the ocean.”

  Kason swore he’d rectify that situation for her someday. He had the resources to take them anywhere they wanted to go. So how sad was it that he didn’t care where they were, so long as they were together? In fact, he’d be happy to stay there with them for the rest of his life.

  It was right about then that he realized how serious things had gotten.

  He wasn’t thinking about this as a weekend fling or even a fuck buddy situation anymore.

  Kason wanted a commitment. That started with himself. He promised to be true to his desires so that he could offer himself to them. He hoped they would accept.

  They were about to find out.

  Jordan waded into the water, his powerful thighs and tight ass framed by the glowing aqua pool lights, shining from beneath the surface. He looked over his shoulder, giving Kason a glimpse of his defined chest and abs. Kason’s cock grew harder by the second, imagining what it was going to be like when Jordan put those muscles to good use, teaching Kason how to love him properly.

  Wren came up beside him and murmured, “Just go with it. You’re going to be amazing together. I can’t wait to see what it’s like when the two of you finally give in and go for it.”

  “I don’t think you’re going to have to wait much longer.” He took his cock in hand and stroked it a few times before sprinting down the beach and diving into the pool.

  Wren matched him stroke for stroke as they swam out to where Jordan was waiting.

  When Kason reached him, he didn’t stop. He kept his kicking steady as he cut through the water, heading for a waterfall that looked like the edge of the pool. Without saying anything, Jordan and Wren followed him.

  He paused and looked over his shoulder at them before finding the ledge there and stepping up through the curtain of water. He’d only made it a few feet inside before Wren and Jordan materialized through the glassy sheet.

  “What the fuck else are you hiding in here?” Wren whispered in awe.

  Jordan, however, was silent as he took in the hidden “cave” and the comforts it afforded. The shallow section of the pool was only about a foot deep with a smooth floor that looked like natural stone. A platform jutted about six inches out of the water and kept the plush day bed on top of it dry. An assortment of teal, yellow, and magenta pillows blended with the tropical theme and added to the ridiculous extravagance of the spot. The colored lights from beneath the water reflected off the ceiling of the cave, lending it a mystical vibe. Kason loved to nap there and recharge during what downtime he had from the road and other obligations.

  Today he hoped it would be used for something more lively, though no less satisfying. He strode through the pool, water splashin
g in front of his shins, until he reached the bed and climbed on top. Like Wren had done the day before, he positioned himself in the center and stared at them both, inviting them to take everything he had to give.

  He was ready.

  “Fuck yes,” Jordan growled as he grabbed Wren’s hand and approached.

  But before they could so much as kiss him, a shrill chirp shattered the moment, especially when it sounded again and again. Kason’s eyes slammed closed. “Not now. Damn it, not now.”

  “What’s that?” Jordan asked, going on high alert, his special agent showing as he prepared for an intruder.

  “A call. Only a few people have this number. It’s either Van or someone else on the security team. Or…more likely…my manager.” Kason cursed and put a pillow over his crotch as if Rick would be able to see his hard-on through the phone. “Do you mind if I take care of this quick? Rick was waiting for the final version of an endorsement deal. I promised him I’d be available to sign today before the execs change their mind. It’s electronic document shit, should take two seconds. I’ll get rid of him as fast as I can.”

  “Go ahead. Do whatever you need to. I’d rather you not be distracted if we keep heading down this path.” Jordan brushed his thumb over Kason’s swollen lower lip, making Kason’s cock get harder despite another damn ring of the phone.

  “I’ll be right back.” Kason got out of the bed and walked behind it, out of the pool. He rounded a stone pillar and opened the hidden door inside it. Good thing the phone was waterproof because droplets still rained off him as he reached for it. The sharp ringtone irritated him as it sliced through the peaceful weekend he’d been enjoying.

  Before he’d even brought the phone to his ear, Rick was barking at him. “Kason. I need your ass back at the tour bus for a few hours. I’m on my way there now.”

  “What? Why?” Kason had no intentions of going anywhere.

  Rick blew out an exasperated sigh. “I’m your manager. Could you trust me for once? I’m doing what’s best for you, and for us all. We don’t have time to waste. The head of marketing wants a few test shots of you wearing their jackets before they sign.”


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