Honor/Obey: The Complete Collection

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Honor/Obey: The Complete Collection Page 15

by Heart, D. J.

  David swallowed, acutely aware of David’s thumb pressing against his throat. For a moment they stood there, Adam staring at him as he gently caressed his throat with the pad of his thumb, and then Adam shifted his grip to the back of his neck and pulled him in for another kiss. This one lasted only a second.

  “I have to go to work,” Adam said, his voice gruff. He was still squeezing David’s neck, face close, looking down at him with dark eyes. “The guys from the farm will be coming over at three. I’ll try to be home by then, but if I’m not let them in and get started on the paperwork.”

  Letting go of his neck, Adam stepped back, picking up his briefcase and checking his pocket to make sure he had his phone. He was about to head for the door when David spoke.


  “Consent forms and non-disclosure agreement,” Adam clarified, turning around. His eyes were dark with arousal. “Rex doesn’t let anyone play on his property or with any of his employees without signing them.”

  “Why can’t we sign it when we get there?”

  Adam smirked, the anticipation and hunger in his expression giving him the look of a dangerous predator. David’s heart beat faster, a pitter-patter against his ribs. He loved it when Adam looked at him like that.

  “Because this is where we start the fun. The second you sign the paperwork it’s on. No backing out.”

  David swallowed, his cock hardening even as his palms grew clammy with sweat. He shifted his grip on the coffee cup still clutched to his chest.

  “Okay,” he said, clearing his throat. “Have a nice day at work.”

  Adam nodded, but he didn’t make any move to open the door and leave. David stared at him, his heart beating faster and faster the longer Adam looked at him.

  Adam smiled, like he knew exactly the effect he was having on David’s heart, reaching out and giving David’s earlobe a little rub between his thumb and index finger, the rest of his fingers reaching back and tangling in the hair behind his ear. The touch sent a tingle down David’s spine, making him close his eyes in pleasure.

  “I will. You stay here and get some rest.” Adam’s eyes crinkled with amusement. “You’re going to need it.”

  Letting go of David’s ear, Adam stepped out the door and shot him a little wink, letting the door close behind him.

  Alone, David spent a minute just standing in the empty hallway. His heart was still beating fast, and his cock was at half mast despite the nerves wracking his body. It was jarring, how intensely Adam could affect him.

  Taking a sip of his coffee, David looked at his reflection in the mirror hanging over the little table by the door. He looked tired, the bags under his eyes dark and unattractive, his sleep-mussed hair sticking up in every direction.

  It was a wonder Adam wanted to kiss him, looking like he did.

  The thought made him smile. Taking another sip of his coffee, enjoying the smell far more than he did the taste, David decided to follow Adam’s advice and go back to bed and get some rest.

  * * *

  David slept almost until noon, waking up to a text from Adam telling him to shower and give himself an enema.

  The instructions weren’t unusual. Adam loved to play with his ass, and David had no objection to being as clean as possible for that activity, so the ritual of showering and cleaning himself out was a familiar one.

  Heading into the shower, David spent a good half an hour standing under the water and enjoying the heat beating down on his shoulders. His fingers were wrinkled by the time he grabbed the shower gel and washcloth and scrubbed himself down, and by the time he finally used the shower’s enema hose to clean out his hole his skin was so pink he looked scalded.

  Squeaky clean inside and out, David exited the shower and dried himself off. He was starving. Heading into the kitchen, he made himself a sandwich to eat in front of the TV.

  Taking a seat on the couch in the living room, closing the blinds to prevent the sun from casting a glare on the screen, David hit the Netflix button on the remote and played the next episode of a nature documentary he’d been watching the past few days.

  The sound of monkeys screaming filled the room, the surround sound system making it sound like he was in the middle of the jungle pictured on screen.

  Eating his sandwich and getting crumbs all over his lap, David wondered what the guys from Rex’s farm would be like. He thought back to the previous evening at the club and the sight of Rex’s puppy boy, remembering how brutal his bondage had looked, and he wondered if that was the kind of thing Rex’s employees would do to him.

  He still had no idea what pony gear actually was. He’d asked Adam, but his fiancé had just grinned and told him he wanted it to be a surprise.

  Could David handle a whole weekend of the kind of bondage he’d seen Cody endure?

  Finishing the last of his sandwich and licking his fingers, putting his plate down on the coffee table, David wondered what Rex’s employees would look like. He knew that it was shallow of him, but he hoped they were hot – or at the very least clean and well groomed. He didn’t know how much he’d enjoy being dominated and tied up by people he wasn’t attracted to.

  Pulling his feet up on the couch in a criss-cross-applesauce position, David grabbed his phone and did an image search for pony play. The results were… interesting. One of the first results was of a man – or woman, David couldn’t tell – dressed in a full body latex suit, with a mask shaped like a horse’s head covering their face and wearing knee high boots shaped like hooves.

  Straps kept the person’s arms tied behind their back, pushing their chest out and pulling their shoulder’s back, and behind them a man dressed like an English lord from the eighteenth century stood holding a pair of reins connected to a harness fastened over the horse-shaped mask.

  It was bizarre, and David couldn’t say that the picture inspired any kind of arousal in him. Mostly it just looked uncomfortable.

  Was that what Adam intended for him? A whole weekend in a getup like that?

  David squirmed, trying to imagine what it would be like to be tied up and restricted while being led around like a pony.

  This time his cock gave a twitch, and David reached down and adjusted himself. The picture itself didn’t do it for him, but imagining himself as the pony – with Adam taking the place of the fancy lord – that sparked something.

  Turning off his phone, David turned his attention back to the TV. Whatever Adam had planned for him; he would find out soon enough.

  David finished the episode of his nature documentary, and he was just about to start watching another when the apartment doorbell rang.

  He froze, checking his watch. It was barely two o’clock, and Adam had said that Rex’s guys weren’t coming until three. They wouldn’t have come early, would they?

  Whoever it was had to have been on Adam’s approved visitor list, or they wouldn’t have been allowed up on the elevator.

  Maybe it was his friend Misha? David had told him that he was busy this weekend, but it would be just like Misha to ignore that and come over anyway.

  David hoped that it was Misha, or even Amy. He really didn’t want to meet Rex’s employees without Adam being present. Just the thought of it made his hands clammy and his pits wet with sweat.

  The bell rang again.

  There was nothing to do but go see who was at the door. Getting off the couch, David made his way to the outer hallway, checking his reflection in the mirror before cautiously opening the door.

  It wasn’t Misha or Amy. Two men stood in the door in front of him, looming, looking down at him with expectant faces.

  The man on the left spoke first, his voice deep and pleasant.

  “Hello, you must David. I’m Archie, and this is my colleague Blake. How are you doing today?”

  David blinked, staring at the hand stretched out in greeting and then up to the man’s face. He glanced at the other man, mouth slack, taking them both in. They were tall, making David’s healthy six-feet-one-i
nches feel short, and built like a pair of Greek statues come alive. Broad shoulders, powerful chests and massive arms stretched the seams of their jackets, the width of their upper bodies shrinking down to narrow waists and thick meaty thighs.

  The fact that they were both dressed in tight wrangler jeans, painted on white t-shirts, leather bomber jackets, and sturdy brown cowboy boots only made them hotter.

  David realized that an awkward amount of time had passed since the man – Archie – had held his hand out for a handshake, and with a blush lifted his arm to take the hand. The feel of Archie’s calloused palm against his own sent a shiver down his spine, Archie’s grip firm and just the right side of too tight.

  David couldn’t get over how good looking the two guys were.

  Pale and blond, Archie had an angled face and a sharp jaw, his long hair pulled back behind his ears and brushing his neck and shoulders. His hair looked soft and shiny, and David wondered what it would be like to touch it.

  Blake was Archie’s polar opposite, with an olive complexion, stern face and lantern-shaped jaw like something from a marine recruitment poster, his black hair cut military short.

  David was suddenly intensely grateful that Adam liked to see him get fucked, because these were the kind of guys that wet dreams were made of.

  “You okay?” Archie asked with a smirk, and David realized that he hadn’t answered his question from earlier.

  “I’m good, thanks,” he said, blushing, and then swallowing nervously when Archie didn’t let go of his hand.

  Archie’s smirk turned into a grin, fingers moving up and brushing the inside of his wrist before releasing his hand.

  “You going to let us in?”

  David’s head swiveled to the other man – Blake – taken off guard by the gruff aggressiveness of the man’s tone.

  “I… yeah, of course.” David tried to pull himself together. Usually he didn’t get too flustered by hot guys, but it was different when you knew that the guys in question were most likely going to fuck you while your boyfriend watched. He cleared his throat and stepped aside, gesturing for them to enter. “You guys work for Rex?”

  Archie nodded, clapping him on the shoulder as he passed through the door. His hand was big and calloused, leaving a lingering heat like a brand on David’s skin through the cotton of his shirt.

  “That we do. Is Mr. Wentworth home?”

  David shook his head, marveling at his good luck. He’d been hoping that whoever Rex sent would be moderately good looking, but the guys looming in front of him were like a pair of Greek gods.

  This must be what winning the lottery felt like.

  “Can I get you anything to drink?” David asked, waiting for Blake to come inside. He had a large duffle bag slung over his shoulder, and David wondered what was inside of it.

  “Coffee, black, if it wouldn’t be too much trouble,” Archie said.

  “The same,” Blake added, shouldering his way into the room, knocking David out of the way rather than turn his body and enter sideways. If he hadn’t grabbed the wall to steady himself, David would have fallen to the floor from the unexpectedness of the collision.

  “Be nice,” Archie said, looking amused at Blake’s rudeness. He walked down the hall, turning at the doorway into the living room and heading inside. David stared after him, admiring his confident strut almost as much as the way his wranglers hugged his muscular ass and thighs.

  “So you’re a slut.”

  David turned to Blake, finding the intimidating man looking at him with an expression somewhere between pleased and contemptuous. He took an instinctual step back, his back hitting the wall.

  “What?” he asked, his voice cracking.

  “You’re into all this,” Blake said, gesturing between the two of them. “You can’t wait to be on your knees choking on our cocks.”

  David blushed, his eyes moving to the floor as he struggled to respond to Blake’s statement.

  “Is that a bad thing?” he finally asked, glancing up and wondering what Blake’s deal was.

  Blake’s lips curled up in a grin, but the flash of teeth did nothing to soften how intimidating he looked. If David had run into him in a dark and deserted alley, he would have turned around and run for his life. Blake’s grin was the kind of grin you flashed before you beat the shit out of someone. It said, I’m going to hurt you, and I’m going to enjoy it.

  “No. I appreciate a good cock-slut. You have your place in the scheme of things.”

  Archie came back into the hall, an impatient but good natured look on his face. “What are you guys still doing out here? Blake, put your bag down and let the boy get us some coffee. David, get to it.”

  The order, and the presumption that David would follow it, had David’s groin tingling. His blush was back in full force.

  “Sorry, I was just-”

  “David here was just telling me that he’s a cock-slut,” Blake interrupted, taking a step forward and moving into David’s personal space.

  Archie grinned and walked toward them, his wide legged strut and the bulge in his tight jeans making David’s mouth water. He came to stand next to Blake, the two of them making David feel suddenly very crowded. It was far from a bad feeling, but it was still intimidating.

  “That’s fun. Think Mr. Wentworth will let us double team his ass?”

  Blake laughed, a short and mean sound. “Adam? Of course he will. Man loves watching his whores squeal.”

  Archie let out a huff of amusement. “True, but this isn’t one of his whores. He’s marrying him. Isn’t that right, David?”

  David nodded, the talk of Adam and his whores making him uneasy. He liked Adam sharing him, but the idea of Adam playing with someone else made him feel sick to his stomach.

  He wondered if that made him a hypocrite, but then he decided he didn’t care. Adam was his.

  “That’s right,” he said, eyes darting between the two wolfish grins aimed at him.

  “See? He’s special,” Archie said, reaching out and stroking David’s cheek with the back of his fingers. “Adam wants him to like us.”

  When Archie withdrew his hand, David realized that he’d been holding his breath. He tried not to let his gasp for air be too obvious.

  “You were serious about that?” Blake raised his eyebrows, looking at David like he was seeing him in a brand new light.

  “You thought I was kidding?” Archie asked.

  “Well, it is Adam. I never figured him for the settling down type.”

  “Like I said, David here is special. He gets the royal treatment.” Archie gave Blake a sardonic look. “So be nice.”

  Blake grinned, and if David wasn’t already backed up against the wall he would have taken a step back. The grin was downright menacing.

  “I’m always nice.”

  Archie barked out a laugh, clapping Blake on the shoulder and stepping back. “Let’s get the paperwork signed so that we can get him ready.” He looked at David. “We’ll be in the living room whenever you’re ready to sign the contracts. If you could get us those coffees that would be appreciated.”

  “Okay,” David mumbled, watching as both men turned and walked down the hall. He followed, veering off toward the kitchen and coming to a stop at the counter by the Keurig machine.

  Gripping the marble countertop, David took a deep, shuddering breath and tried to process what had just happened.

  Blake and Archie were intense. The way they looked at him – like they’d like nothing better than to tear him apart and chomp down on the pieces – was downright terrifying.

  And hot.

  David’s cock was half-way to erect, and if he hadn’t been so nervous it would be all the way there.

  Making two cups of coffee, David grabbed both cups, took a deep breath, and headed toward the living room. Archie and Blake were on the couch, legs spread and boots planted firmly on the floor, leaning over a stack of papers on the coffee table. They looked up as David entered the room.

hank you,” Archie said as David handed him his coffee, nodding at the papers. “We’ve put a checkmark everywhere you need to sign. If you want to read them all first, go ahead. You probably should.”

  “I’ll start setting up the plank,” Blake said, taking his coffee with no thanks and standing up. He headed out of the room like he knew exactly where he was going, leaving David alone with Archie.

  The intimidating stud patted the couch next to him. “Sit. Read. Don’t worry about Blake. His bark is worse than his bite.”

  “It is?” David asked, dubious.

  “No.” Archie grinned. “His bite is pretty bad. But I get the feeling you like that.”

  David didn’t answer, blushing as he reached for the stack of papers and sat down. Trying to ignore Archie sitting next to him, huge and radiating warmth, he started reading.

  The first document was pretty standard. David was familiar with non-disclosure agreements, and other than being very strict, there was nothing unorthodox in what Rex was asking him to sign.

  The second document was not standard. It absolved Rex of any and all liability for anything that happened at the farm, and then spent several paragraphs implying with dense legalese that David was giving up all his rights for the duration of the visit.

  There was no way it would hold up in court, but David signed it anyway. Putting down the pen, he looked at Archie. With the papers signed, there was a distinct change in the man’s attitude. He was still grinning, but the flash of teeth now had the same menacing edge that Blake’s did. Goosebumps blossomed on the top of David’s arms and thighs, a shiver running down the length of his body.

  Archie watched him, tilting his head and reaching for the stack of papers. After spending a few seconds making sure David had signed in all the right places, the blond giant folded the papers and slipped them into the inner pocket of his leather jacket. He spent a minute looking at David, the tension increasing until David was sweating and his heart was beating out of his chest.


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