Honor/Obey: The Complete Collection

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Honor/Obey: The Complete Collection Page 39

by Heart, D. J.

  A dark chuckle rumbled in Adam’s chest, and David’s spine tingled. He loved when Adam sounded like that.

  “No, you’re going to absolutely hate it,” Adam said, sounding like he was looking forward to whatever it was.

  David had no doubt that Adam was telling the truth, but he also suspected that despite hating whatever it was, he would also love it. Unless the punishment was not getting fucked, of course, but David didn’t think that Adam would deprive himself of sex just to punish David.


  “No more questions,” Adam cut him off, combing his fingers through his hair. “You’ll find out when I want you to.”

  Clamping his mouth shut, David closed his eyes and leaned on Adam until the elevator reached the penthouse. He knew that no amount of asking would get Adam to reveal his intentions, and so he didn’t try to ask again.

  Surrendering himself completely, he decided to let Adam take control.

  It was freeing, to be able to close his eyes and not think about anything. It made his body feel almost weightless, his mind going quiet, able to trust that Adam would take care of him.

  No high could match the feeling.

  Adam guided him into the bathroom, walking behind him with his hands on his shoulders, fingers firm and warm; undressing him and getting into the shower with him. He washed him down with a soft cloth, taking special care to clean his cock and balls.

  Moaning, David leaned back against Adam’s wet chest, firm and warm, enjoying the way his lover’s strong arms wrapped around him.

  “Feels nice,” he mumbled, spreading his legs to allow Adam all the access he could want. The wanton move made Adam chuckle, his lips next to David’s ear making the sound seem louder than it was.

  “You’re like a cat,” Adam commented, releasing his hold on David’s cock and dragging the cloth up his abs.

  David didn’t think he was anything like a cat, but with Adam holding him like this he wasn’t going to argue.

  Adam finished washing him off, and though his head was still pounding, David did feel better.

  They exited the shower, both of them rock hard, dripping water all over the marble floor. David grabbed his cock by the base and swiped the length against Adam’s hip, wielding his erection like a sword.

  Adam, rather than doing the sensible thing and engaging him in a cock sword fight, just looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

  David wasn’t embarrassed. What was the point of being with someone if you couldn’t have fun with them?

  “Sword fight,” he demanded, swishing his cock back and forth. Rolling his eyes and smiling, Adam faced him, grabbing his own length and using it to whack David’s erection.

  “Ow!” David yelped, jumping back. Adam had swung his cock in a circle, and on the upswing he’d clipped David’s balls.

  Judging by his evil grin, he’d done it intentionally.

  “There, I win,” Adam said, dropping his cock and letting it bob up and down before coming to rest like a thick arrow pointing at the ground.

  “You cheated,” David complained, cupping his tender balls, though he stood still when Adam grabbed the towel and started drying him off.

  “I did not,” Adam disagreed, crouching down so that he could dry David’s legs. “It’s not my fault that your balls dangle all over the place.

  “You should kiss it and make it better,” David demanded. Adam stopped drying him off and looked up at him, his mouth quirked up in a happy little grin.

  “I should?”

  David nodded, and Adam obliged, nosing his cock to the side and placing a kiss on David’s freshly washed balls. His scruff tickled, itchy and abrasive against his inner thigh, and David danced away.

  “There, all better,” Adam said, standing up and drying himself off before throwing the towel in the laundry basket. “Now it’s time for you to drink a big glass of water, take an aspirin and go to bed.”

  David would rather have taken care of his erection, headache and hangover be damned, but he knew that when Adam used that tone that nothing would cause him to deviate from his plan. With that in mind, he played the obedient boy and let Adam brush his teeth, feed him an aspirin and a glass of water, and tuck him into bed.

  Adam was really going all out with the daddy-pampering. David was still monstrously curious about what his eventual punishment would be, but for now he wasn’t going to complain. Being pampered was just as nice as being punished, especially when he wasn’t feeling his best already.

  “Love you,” David mumbled, closing his eyes and curling up under the covers. His pillow felt like he was resting on a cloud. The hotel villa’s bed had been fine, but there was nothing like sleeping in your own bed.

  “Love you too,” Adam said, kissing him on the cheek.

  “Will you stay and cuddle me?” David asked, opening his eyes and reaching for Adam when he heard him moving like he was going to get up and leave.

  Adam didn’t hesitate. “Sure, baby. I’d love to.” He climbed into the bed behind David, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him flush against his body.

  Even though he still had an erection, and even though he could feel Adam’s cock pressed up against his lower back, David couldn’t fight the pull of his wonderful bed, and he drifted off to sleep almost immediately.

  It was good to be home.



  Adam waited until David fell asleep, gently stroking the back of his fingers over the ripples of his abs, listening to his breathing slowing down and evening out.

  When he was sure that David wouldn’t wake up from being jostled, he pulled away and slid out of the bed.

  If he was lucky, David would sleep right through Adam putting on his new chastity cage. He’d wake up, all confused and sleepy, and Adam couldn’t wait to see the expression on his face when he looked down and saw his pretty pink cage for the first time.

  Putting on some briefs and his robe, Adam headed to his office where the cage lay ready. When he left for the airport he hadn’t decided yet how he was going to introduce David to his new punishment, but seeing how absolutely wrecked David looked – how exhausted – his course of action had been clear.

  David always slept like the dead, and Adam should have no problem getting the cage on him while he was sleeping.

  Shaking his head, Adam wondered what David had been thinking. He’d walked off the plane smelling like a brewery, and it was blatantly obvious that he’d barely slept the night before. He had to know that Adam would see that he’d broken his promise not to drink too much.

  David wasn’t stupid, which meant that he’d gotten drunk and partied too hard knowing that it would land him in hot water.

  Taking a seat in his office chair, Adam picked up the pink cage and twirled it around in his hand. Bright pink and curved like a shrimp, it looked more like something that belonged in a little girl’s bedroom than on a grown man’s cock – and that was the point.

  While the cage itself was plastic, the small padlock that would hold it closed was metal, the key already hanging on a chain around Adam’s neck.

  He couldn’t wait to have David on his belly, fucking into his ass while the key brushed over his back. David would feel the literal key to his release as Adam pounded his hole, his poor little cock forced to stay soft, and Adam would just laugh and fuck him harder while denying him his release.

  Adam had initially intended to let David out on the wedding night, but with his blatant and shameless lie at the airport, that had now been extended to a week into their honeymoon.

  But Adam wasn’t going to deny David entirely. He’d milk him with regular intervals, draining his balls and prostate without letting him get hard, taking care to ensure that he didn’t get backed up and inflamed.

  Groping his cock firmly, relishing the size of his erection, Adam got up from his office chair and carried the cage into the bedroom. He found David where he left him, snoring gently and drooling on his pillow.

  He was on his
side, and it took just a small nudge from Adam to roll him over onto his back. Keeping his movements slow and gentle, Adam pushed the covers off David’s hips just enough to expose his cock. That way David wouldn’t get cold and wake up and ruin the fun.

  Adam needn’t have worried. David was sleeping like the dead, and he didn’t so much as twitch when Adam jostled him.

  “Adorable,” Adam murmured, looking at David’s cock. It was soft, nestled cutely over his left thigh, a shiny trail of pre-cum the only evidence of his previous erection.

  Taking it in his hand, Adam tried to work the gorgeous cock into the pink sheath of the cage. It took him a few tries, and David was getting harder by the second, but eventually he managed to get it in.

  Then he realized that he should have put the base of the chastity device on first, around the base of David’s cock and balls, and he had to take the sheath off and start over. All the handling, however, had made David’s cock harden into an erection, and all Adam could do was sit back and wait for it to go down.

  He didn’t mind. David was beautiful, and watching his last hard-on in at least two months was no hardship.

  Finally David’s cock softened and Adam could slide the cage over his cock. The satisfaction he felt when he shut the little padlock closed was enormous, a dark and possessive feeling deep in his gut that went right to his cock.

  Standing, gripping his own erection and giving it a few strokes through his briefs, Adam took a moment to enjoy the fact that he could get hard and David couldn’t. It felt right. David was his, and it was only proper that he should decide when he got hard.

  Pulling the covers back over David’s body, Adam left the room to let him sleep. Knowing David it would be a good six or seven hours until he woke up, and Adam had no intention of waiting around that long.

  Heading into the closet he got dressed in a pair of comfortable sweatpants and a roomy t-shirt and headed to his office.

  He might as well try to get some work done while he waited for David to wake up.



  When David woke up he felt much better. He didn’t know how long he’d been asleep, but judging from the light outside the window it had been a long time. The rest had been much needed. Sober and refreshed for the first time in days, it was almost enough to make him give up drinking.

  He froze.

  There was something on his dick. Shoving the covers away, David sat up in a scramble of limbs and stared down at his crotch with disbelief. His cock was trapped inside some kind of neon pink monstrosity of a chastity device, a small padlock connecting the pink cage to a tight band around his cock and balls.

  Immediately he started trying to yank on it, but the way the pieces fit together he couldn’t get the cage off without irrevocably damaging his balls.

  “Adam!” David yelled, trying again to see if there was some way to get the cage off. “Adam get the fuck in here!”

  A few seconds later Adam came barging into the room like a kid on Christmas morning. He kicked the door closed behind him and stood at the end of the bed, staring at David with a smug grin.

  “What the fuck?” David demanded, pointing down at his trapped cock.

  “It’s your new chastity cage,” Adam said. “It’s your punishment for not sticking to our agreement in Vegas.”

  “I’m not– there’s no way–” David curled his hands into fists and pounded them down on the mattress on either side of his body. “I am not wearing this!”

  Adam just grinned, climbing up on the bed and stalking toward him like a looming giant. His grin was downright evil.

  “Yes you are.” Adam walked up behind David and sat down, hugging him from behind and talking into his ear. “You’re going to wear it until our wedding night, and then one week after that for lying to me at the airport.”

  “That’s like ten weeks!” he choked out, his poor trapped cock trying and failing to get hard. He’d never felt something so horribly constricting.

  “Yes, it is,” Adam said, biting his ear and squeezing him closer. “That’s what you get for being a bad boy.”

  David took a deep breath, trying to get his thoughts in order. He needed to convince Adam to think of some other punishment. There was no way he could go ten weeks without an orgasm.

  “How about you spank me instead,” he suggested. “Every night, if you want.”

  “How about I do that anyway?” Adam countered, sliding his hands down David’s abs, pushing down to grip his inner thighs so that the sides of his hands brushed against David’s locked up cock. “How about I do whatever the fuck I want?”

  David swallowed, his cock pushing so hard against his cage that it hurt. He reached down and tried to adjust himself, Adam doing nothing to stop him trying, but there was nothing he could do. His cock filled every available inch of the cage, and there was no give.

  “Adam, please take-”

  “That’s not what you call me,” Adam interrupted, reaching up and pinching David’s nipple hard enough to make him cry out. “Is it, son?”

  David’s breath hitched. His cock already hurt, there was no need for Adam to start turning him on even more.

  “No, daddy,” he panted, gritting his teeth when Adam kept on pinching and rolling his sensitive nipple between his fingers.

  “Good boy,” Adam said, releasing his nipple and rubbing the tender nub cruelly. “Now I don’t want to hear any more nonsense about taking off your cage. It’s there because daddy wants it to be there.”


  Adam gripped David’s throat, squeezing down and cutting him off. He growled, “Ask me to take it off again and I add another week.”

  Gritting his teeth, David felt like he was going to vibrate out of his skin. Everything about what Adam was doing was turning him on, but with his cock in the cage there was nowhere for all that arousal to be released.

  He’d been wearing the cage for less than ten minutes and already he felt like a dam that was about to explode.

  “Do you understand?” Adam growled, hand still pressing down on David’s throat.

  “I understand, daddy.”

  Adam released his throat, hugging him tight as he started kissing his neck. David sat there, Adam’s arms tight around him, moaning and feeling frustrated as Adam’s teeth scraped over his skin.

  “I fucking own you,” Adam growled, sucking David’s skin between his teeth and biting down. The pain was sharp and sudden, and David’s instinctive reaction was to jerk away.

  Adam’s hold prevented him from moving, and all he could do was grit his teeth as Adam gnawed on him.

  “Holy fuck, Adam!” David cried, yanking his head away. He twisted his neck to look at his fiancé’s face, his groin tightening at the look of smug satisfaction he found there. Neck aching, he couldn’t tell if he was bleeding or if it was just Adam’s spit.

  “You like that?” Adam asked, grabbing his head and holding it still so that he could scrape his teeth over David’s cheek. It was weird as fuck, but also kind of hot. Adam’s big hands held his face completely immobile, fingers pressing into his skin, and the feeling of teeth against his cheekbones was an entirely new sensation.

  Adam had better not start biting his face.

  “Am I bleeding?” David asked, his voice muffled by Adam’s fingers squishing his jaw.

  “Of course not,” Adam said, amused. He placed a kiss on David’s nose and then released his grip on his head. “That wouldn’t be sanitary.”

  David scoffed. It wasn’t sanitary for Adam to sit on his face after he’d worked out either, but he still did it.

  Still, it was good to know that Adam hadn’t broken the skin. A tooth shaped scar that high up on his neck was not something he wanted to spend the rest of his life having to explain.

  “Are you actually serious about this?” David asked, hoping the question wouldn’t get him another week in the cage.

  “Extremely,” Adam said, his big hands sliding over David’s pecs and shamelessly gro
ping them. “Turns me on like crazy, knowing that you’re not going to come unless I let you.” He moved his fingers to David’s nipples, pinching them hard and rolling them between his fingers. “Knowing that I’m not going to let you.”

  David shuddered, the pain in his nipples going right to his cock. He couldn’t believe how desperately he needed to get hard.

  Something occurred to him. He turned to Adam, ignoring the pain in his nipples.

  “Did you just assume that I would drink too much in Vegas and order this, or did you have it and you were just looking for an excuse to use it?”

  Adam reached down and grabbed the cage in his palm, holding it and giving it a little wiggle before answering. “I had someone watching over you, making sure you wouldn’t get into too much trouble. He told me how much you were drinking.”

  “You what?” David’s voice was flat. He couldn’t believe Adam.

  Except that he could. This was exactly the kind of controlling and over the line thing he would do.

  “The last time you were in Vegas you got arrested for doing cocaine,” Adam said, unrepentant. “I gave him instructions not to interfere with your fun unless you were doing something illegal.”

  “You could have told me,” David said, annoyed.

  “I didn’t want to ruin your weekend.” Adam sounded like he thought that was a perfectly reasonable thing to say. “It wasn’t like he was there policing your every move. Are you mad?”

  David wasn’t mad, not really. He was annoyed. It was a little worrying how easy he found it to accept Adam’s stalkerish behavior.

  “What did he look like?” David asked, trying to think if there was anyone he’d seen several times over the course of the weekend.

  “You met him, actually,” Adam said, setting David’s mind racing. “He took the place of one of your strippers when he found out that Amy had booked a private room.”

  “He what?” David couldn’t believe it. He remembered Chris or Zack saying something about Pavel being a last minute replacement, but what? “Pavel?”


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