Welcome to Blissville

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Welcome to Blissville Page 111

by Walker, Aimee Nicole

  “I think you should pack an overnight bag and bring the Captain with you to stay at my house,” Kyle said.

  “We’d like that,” I answered.

  Kyle started backing away from me. “I’m going to go out in the living room and wait for you. I don’t trust myself in your bedroom right now, nor do I trust that your family isn’t outside listening.” As much as I wanted a sample of things to come later that night, I knew Kyle was probably right, so I didn’t stop him from walking away.

  I rushed through a quick shower after I started the laundry, but I could’ve taken my time. Kyle was sprawled on my couch fast asleep with his Kindle lying on his chest. I hadn’t asked him how much sleep he had the night before, but I doubted it was much since he was awake before me and at least halfway through my book. I wanted to run my fingers through his soft hair and rejoice that I hadn’t lost him after all, but I didn’t want to risk waking him up.

  While he slept, I got out my laptop and made some plot notes for the next story brewing in my mind. Once I finished, I checked my email to see if my editor, Peaches, liked the revisions I’d sent her. I didn’t see an email from her, but there was one from a name I recognized immediately. I knew it had to be a prank, but that didn’t stop me from opening the email.

  Hello, C.B.,

  I hope this email finds you well. I just wanted to let you know that I’ve recently read your book and I loved it. I couldn’t put it down. It had everything I love in a book—intrigue, sharp dialogue, two hunky men who fight their attraction for one another, and sex scenes hot enough to melt my tablet. Kudos to you!

  I hope you don’t find me presumptuous or rude, but I sent a copy of your book to my literary agent, Jennifer Sugarbaker. Jennifer isn’t just an agent; she’s the best literary agent in the business. Honey, you are going places, and you’re going to need her help. I’d be happy to talk to you about the services she provides anytime. I hope to hear from you soon!


  Agnes Simmons

  I read the email at least three times before I so much as blinked. Agnes Simmons was my literary idol. I loved every book she’d ever written, and her praise meant more to me than I could put into words.

  “That email must be something else.” Kyle’s comment snapped me out of my trance. “Is everything okay?”

  I don’t know what made me do it, but I’ll blame it on nerves or the devil. “Some douchebag named Drew is trying to hook up with me.”

  “Don’t make me slap your ass again,” Kyle said with a slight growl to his voice, sending an electric zap of lust straight to my groin.

  “It’s an email from my favorite author,” I told him. “She’s read my book and forwarded it to her literary agent. She thinks that I’m going places and need representation.”

  “Chaz, that’s really exciting. What are you going to do?” Kyle asked.

  “I’m going to fanboy over it for the day then try to think of intelligent questions to ask her,” I replied. I glanced up at the clock and noticed the time. “We better get going, or Josh will string us up by our balls.”

  “Are you packed and ready to go?” Kyle asked. I was happy to hear he hadn’t changed his mind.


  “Okay then,” Kyle replied.

  Josh was waiting for us when we arrived at his house. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the kitchen. “Where’d you two get off to so fast last night?” he asked as soon as we were alone. “Hell, I didn’t even know that Kyle had shown up until I started asking where you’d gone.” Josh waggled his brows, leaned closer, and lowered his voice. “Did he really throw you over his shoulder and smack you on the ass?”

  “Yep,” I answered calmly.

  “And?” Josh prodded.

  “Did I ask you what went on between the sheets with you and Gabe?” I asked him huffily.

  “So, you’re confirming there was action in the sheets?” Josh asked hopefully.

  “I will neither confirm nor deny,” I told him. I enjoyed watching him beg for information. “Why were you looking for me last night?” I asked.

  “I have huge news,” Josh said. His voice broke and his eyes teared up, but his blinding smile promised me that everything was okay. Besides, he’d already had one stalker and two psychopaths hell bent on killing him. He’d survived all three and came out stronger on the other end.

  Meredith rushed into the room. “Me too! I have big news!”

  “I bet my news is bigger than yours,” Josh said sassily.

  “Like your ego,” Mere shot back. Mere looked at me and waved her hand like she was dismissing Josh. “Do you believe this guy?”

  “OH MY GOD!” Josh and I yelled at the same time because Mere’s big news was on display for us to see.

  “That’s a huge diamond,” Josh said in awe.

  “Fit for our queen,” I said.

  Then we had a group hug and cried sappy tears. Josh and I fired one question after another about the proposal and when she planned to get married.

  “Well, you saw that Harley and I dressed as Cinderella and Prince Charming last night, right?” she asked us. We both nodded our heads. “Well, he dropped to his knee at the stroke of midnight and asked me to marry him.”

  “Awwww,” Josh and I both said at the same time.

  “Chaz got spanked by Dr. Do Me, and Mere got engaged,” Josh said. “You’re gonna be tough to top, but I can do it.”

  “Honey, you sound like you’ve used those words before,” Mere teased. “Now come on, share your big news with us. Please don’t say that another person is trying to kill you.”

  “I think the coast is clear now that Jimmy De Soto has been apprehended.” Josh held us his hands in prayer and looked beseechingly toward heaven. “Gabe and I are flying to Miami tomorrow to meet the potential mother of our children,” Josh said then bit his lip while he waited for our reaction.

  “What?” Mere and I said at the same time. “Children?”

  “Twins!” Josh said excitedly. “A boy and a girl.”

  “Oh my God! That’s amazing!” I knew that Josh and Gabe were planning to adopt, but I thought they had planned to wait a year so they could go on a road trip across the country. It looked as if life wasn’t going according to Josh’s plans once again, and judging by the smile on his face, he couldn’t be happier.

  “Baby, that’s wonderful,” Mere said. “When did this all happen?”

  “Yesterday,” Josh said. “Gabe’s mom called us in the middle of an argument over me not allowing Gabe to have a water pistol to use as a prop for his Ricardo Tubbs costume.” I snorted when I remembered how ridiculous Josh and Gabe had looked dressed like Crockett and Tubbs from Miami Vice. Their ridiculous wigs made them look more like Lionel Ritchie and Joe Dirt. Josh narrowed his eyes at my interruption and continued to tell us how the call went. “It’s just like Gabe’s adoption,” he said when he was through. “Martina and Al knew Gabe’s birth mom from the neighborhood, and it’s happening all over again.”

  “When will you be back?” I asked Josh so I could mentally prepare myself for the phone calls I would need to make to reschedule his appointments.

  “We’re flying to Miami and back tomorrow, so you don’t need to worry about calling my clients.” He took a shaky breath then said, “The babies are due to arrive mid-January.”

  “Oh wow, that’ll be here before you know it,” I said.

  “Yes, and I’m trying not to panic,” Josh answered. “I’m going to fly to Miami tomorrow and wow the fuck out of this potential mom then fly back to be ready for the interviews for the new stylists and receptionist for Curl Up and Dye on Tuesday.”

  “There’s no need to panic, love,” Mere said softly. “Everything will work out the way it’s intended. Chaz and I have your back whenever you need us.”

  Josh pulled us into a group hug. “What would I do without the two of you?” he asked.

  “You’re never going to find out,” I told him before kissing his cheek.

“I love you guys so much,” Josh told us. “I’m so glad we finally have our shit together and can look forward to some amazing years ahead of us.” Josh narrowed his eyes in my direction and said, “We do finally have our shit together, right?”

  He was referring to me and the secret I’d kept from Kyle. I loved my friends more than life, but I wouldn’t share the things Kyle and I discussed. I had no way of knowing if Kyle would truly be able to trust me again. It was obvious how hard he wanted to try to make our relationship work, but without trust, we had no chance of a future together. I didn’t want to drag down the happiness of the moment so I was as honest as I could be without pushing a panic button.

  “Everything is out in the open and we’re working through it. He’s the most amazing man.”

  “He thinks you’re amazing too,” Mere said softly.

  “I hope so.”

  “I know so,” Josh added. “I see it in the way he looks at you.”

  I turned and locked eyes with Kyle. The slow grin and playful wink he sent my way made me want to leave the gathering early. I knew he had plans for me and the Captain. I was eager to learn what they were, but I couldn’t skip out early on a night when there was so much to celebrate.

  I didn’t think the night could get any better until Kyle took me back to his place after dinner and removed my Captain America underwear from my body with his teeth like he’d promised. We took our time discovering one another’s bodies like it was the first time.

  “Wow, that’s a large stack of documents,” I said when I sat across from my loan officer at the bank.

  “It’s not as bad as it looks,” she assured me. “Most of this information was provided to you three days ago, but we’ll go over each one before you sign or initial.”

  “Let’s do it,” I said.

  Thirty minutes later, Becker handed me the keys to my new home. “I hope you’ll be very happy there,” he said, smiling warmly. Over the past few weeks, he’d dropped his toothpaste grin and perky salesman routine and showed me the real guy. He was nice, and I liked him, but I made it very clear that I wasn’t interested in starting anything with him.

  “I can’t wait to show Chaz tonight.” I had a special evening planned after he was finished working at the salon. “Thanks for everything, Becker.” I patted him on the shoulder and headed out of the bank without waiting for a response. I had places to go and dreams to fulfill and only an hour or so to pull it off before Chaz arrived.

  I stopped at the store and bought a crap ton of white unscented candles then stopped at Edson and Emma’s to pick up our favorite foods. Gabe was at the counter waiting for his order when I walked in. I sat down beside him and said, “Looks like we had the same idea.”

  “Pot roast, mashed potatoes, and honey glazed carrots just sounded like the thing to eat on a chilly night like tonight,” Gabe said. “You and Chaz have plans?”

  “You could say that,” I replied. “I’m picking up dinner and meeting Chaz at the new house.”

  “Oh, that was today,” Gabe said excitedly. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you,” I replied. “I can’t wait until the new furniture arrives and I can actually live there.”

  “Do you need any help? I seem to recall you giving up a Saturday afternoon to help us move,” Gabe said.

  “I hired movers to box and move what I was taking, and the furniture store will deliver and set up the furniture I ordered. All I’ll have to do is unpack the boxes. You know what’s scary?” I asked Gabe.

  “A thirty-year mortgage?” he asked.

  I laughed because it was partly true. “There is that, but I was talking about how little I’ve accumulated in almost forty years. I didn’t take much with me when I moved to Florida and didn’t bring much back. Do you think it’s odd?”

  “I think you’ve never felt settled and kept things light in case you needed to move again,” Gabe said. “I don’t think you’re odd; I think you’re cautious.”

  “Hmm,” I said, turning that over in my mind. “I think you’re right. The rental house on Bay Street never felt like home, so I never felt the desire to drag a bunch of stuff home.” My relationships in the past had always been safe also. I never really put myself out there the way I wanted to do with Chaz.

  “I bet that changes now that you and Chaz are moving to the new place,” Gabe said. Chaz and I never talked about moving in together, but I didn’t bother correcting Gabe. I thought maybe I should take Chaz on a real date first before I asked him to move in with me. We’d been flirting with one another for so long that people thought we were a couple longer than we were.

  “How’s the expectant mother doing?” I asked Gabe. I still couldn’t believe he and Josh were a few months away from having twins. They’d both been a little nervous about making a good impression on the young lady, but I wasn’t at all surprised when she chose Gabe and Josh as the adoptive parents.

  “Renee and the babies are all doing well. She’s having an ultrasound next month, and we’re going to fly down to be there. It’s that 3-D or 4-D technology so you can see the little details of their faces. We can’t wait,” Gabe said. I could see his excitement in his expression and hear it in his voice. He and Josh were going to be phenomenal parents.

  “I heard there was another break-in at the pharmacy last night. Do you guys think it was the same person who broke into my animal hospital?”

  “It looks like the same person,” he answered. “They couldn’t get what they wanted so they trashed the place. We’re investigating both break-ins, but so far there are no leads or witnesses.” Gabe shook his head. “I can’t believe the small businesses in this town don’t have security cameras.” He pinned me with a look because I didn’t install one until after my break-in.

  “We’re still operating under the false ideal that a small town equals a safe town,” I replied. “This town looks identical to the one I grew up in, yet, I hardly recognize it.” We just had to do a better job of adapting to the changing times.

  The new part-time waitress, Alice, set Gabe’s large carryout bag on the countertop in front of him. “Here you go, Detective.”

  “That’s a lot of food for two people,” I remarked.

  “We’re eating for four now,” Gabe said teasingly. “I picked up a few things for Adrian and Sally Ann too. Adrian and little Adrianna both have a terrible cold or respiratory infection, and Sally Ann could use a break.” Gabe had loved his partner and wife from the first moment they met. Adrian had become like a brother to Gabe, and I knew Adrian felt the same way. “We’re expecting an invite to your new house soon. After you break it in proper, of course.” Gabe had winked before he walked away.

  I headed to my new house once my food was ready to set the atmosphere for Chaz’s arrival. I knew my family would’ve hauled ass over, so I came right out and told them that I planned a special night with my guy. Of course, that started my mom on a round of “why haven’t we officially met him,” or “are you ashamed of us, Kyle Gregory?” I ended up promising my mom that Chaz and I would be over for brunch on Sunday morning without even asking him first. I’d seen that backfire a hundred times with my parents and knew better than to pull a stunt like that. I decided to wait until he was lying against me like a limp noodle after sex before I brought it up.

  I lit the candles and set them on the fireplace mantel and hearth and in the four corners of the family room to create a romantic, circle of light. In the center, I spread a blanket on the gleaming hardwood floors and tossed some fluffy pillows on top of it. I had everything I needed except my guy. Chaz arrived carrying a wrapped gift box and wearing a huge smile.

  “Hi, handsome,” he said. “Do you mind going out to the car and grabbing my suitcase?” I blinked at him in confusion, which made him burst into a fit of laughter. “Gabe told Josh, who then told me, that you said I was moving in with you.”

  I shook my head slowly. “I never said that; Gabe did. I just didn’t correct his assumptions.”

Don’t worry,” Chaz said with an easy smile. “I was just teasing about the suitcase, but I did bring you a lovely housewarming gift.” He shook the box as if I didn’t see it in his hands. “Are you going to give me a tour?”

  “Would you mind if we ate first?”

  “You know that I’m always ready to eat,” Chaz said. He tucked the gift beneath his arm, and I laced my fingers with his and led him to the family room. “Oh, Kyle,” Chaz whispered in awe, “this is beautiful.”

  “Not cheesy?” I asked. I wasn’t sure if other dudes liked that sort of thing, but I wanted to do something to make the night special.

  “Perfect,” Chaz said.

  We sat facing each other in the center of the blanket while we ate our diner food. I enjoyed a turkey burger with chipotle aioli and steamed veggies while Chaz wolfed down a bacon cheeseburger and onion rings. Chaz was as vocal and exuberant while eating food as he was during sex. I had meant to feed him and give him the grand tour before I stripped his clothes off and broke in the house properly in front of a roaring fire. The moans, groans, and “so good” coming from his lips made my dick hard, and it demanded attention. By the time we finished eating, I’d forgotten all about any plan that didn’t include getting him naked as soon as possible.

  I refused Chaz’s offer to help clean up the mess and told him to sip his wine and relax against the pillows. When I returned, he was sitting cross-legged in the center of the blanket with the gift he brought in front of him.

  “Open it!”

  I wanted to open his jeans and rip off his shirt, but I could see how excited and proud he was of the gift he bought for me. His enthusiasm was infectious, and I hastily ripped the wrapping off the package. The box I uncovered was plain brown cardboard with no advertising and didn’t give a hint about the contents inside. Chaz practically levitated off the blanket with excited anticipation.

  “Oh man, I hope you love it,” he said nervously.

  “I’m going to love it because you gave it to me,” I replied as I peeled the tape off the top of the box. I gasped when I pulled open the flaps and looked inside. “Oh my God! Chaz! It’s just like the one I had as a kid!” I lifted the metal X-Men lunchbox up and held it in front of me. “I can’t believe you remembered that story.”


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