Uncovered Secrets: A Riverton Crossing Novel - Book 7

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Uncovered Secrets: A Riverton Crossing Novel - Book 7 Page 5

by Maris, Savannah

  “I thought she knew from my actions.”

  “Let me ask you this … if she died today, have you told her everything in your heart?”

  Ben was shaking his head before Evan finished speaking. “Not even close.”

  “You, of all people, know how quickly you can lose someone. Don’t you think you need to tell her how you feel? And are you ready to hear how she feels?”

  “She told me this morning. That’s one of the reasons she wants a couple of days—to make sure I’m ready for a life with her.”

  “Are you?”

  Ben smiled. “Yeah, I think I am.”


  Rachel slung her purse over her shoulder on her way out the door. Her eyes were burning from staring at the computer for hours. She’d sent Deborah an email telling her to get a certified copy of Matthew’s birth certificate as quickly as possible. The only other way to get his father’s name would possibly be to talk to Ms. Hightower, so she’d forwarded several links to her laptop on anything pertaining to Matthew.

  Before she opened her car door, her phone pinged with a text from Deborah:

  You have a meeting with Tracy Long on Monday morning in Columbia at 10:30. She isn’t happy about meeting with you.

  On the drive home, she wondered what Ben had found out. She’d asked for a few days but really wanted to talk everything over with him. She missed bouncing ideas off him. Maybe she lost that right when she left this morning.

  She stopped at the gate to her condo complex and entered the code. The gate slowly opened, and she drove through. The hurt in Ben’s eyes this morning had gutted her, but the fact that he thought she knew how he felt flabbergasted her. How could she have known? It was a topic they just didn’t discuss.

  By the time she changed clothes and settled in with a glass of wine, it was dark. She massaged her forehead and took a sip of wine while she turned on her laptop. Her eyes glazed over as she stared at the screen. She was face to face with a picture of her and Ben that she’d made her computer wallpaper. They were laughing with the ocean behind them. A tear rolled down her face, and she picked up her phone ready to press his speed dial when “I’ve Got You Under My Skin” by Chris Botti and Katharine McPhee started to play.

  Ben’s ring tone.

  A smile pulled at her lips as her heart raced. “Ben?”

  “Don’t be mad. I know I said I’d give you a few days, but I just couldn’t not talk to you tonight.”

  A soft giggle left her. “I was just going to call you when my phone rang.”

  “See, great minds do think alike.”

  “Hmm, and I thought it was about twelve inches lower.”

  “My heart has hurt all fucking day, Rachel. I want to hold you so badly that my arms ache.”

  Her hand flew over her mouth. “Oh, Ben…”

  “I have so much to say to you. I don’t even know where to start.”

  “I’m sorry for this morning.” The words rushed out before she could stop them.

  “No, you needed to say those things, and I needed to hear them, but there are things you need to hear too.”

  Butterflies took off in her tummy, and she bit her lip. “Like what kind of things?”

  “Things like I’ve been in love with you for years.”

  She gasped.

  “Things like I’m sorry I never told you before this morning,” he continued. “Things like I’m ready to start a life with you if you let me.”

  Tears fell down her face. “Ben…”

  “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry. God, I want to be with you right now.”

  “I’d love that.”

  Ben cleared his voice. “Um, I, um…” He took a deep breath. “I’m ready to clean out the room.”

  For the second time in less than two minutes, she was speechless. “The room?”

  “The room, Rach. I don’t need it anymore. I need you. I’m calling Maggie’s mother to see if she wants her dress. If she doesn’t, I’ll donate it.”

  Rachel placed her hand over her heart. “Ben, I have to ask … why the change of heart?”

  “Evan helped me realize today that I, of all people, know how quickly you can lose someone you love, and I’ve wasted a decade mourning someone instead of loving the person in front of me who can love me back. I’ve been a fool, Rachel. I’m so sorry. Will you give me a chance to make it up to you?”

  “Ben, this isn’t completely on you. I didn’t push for what I wanted. I felt I needed to protect you by making my feelings unimportant, and I can’t do that anymore.”

  “I was scared, Rachel. Scared that I couldn’t protect you just like I was unable to protect Maggie. Scared that I was jinxed, and you’d have the same fate as her because you’re with me. I thought no labels and casual was the best thing for both of us, but I was wrong.”

  “Is that really what you want?”

  “You’re mine, Rachel, and I’m yours. Whatever that looks like, and however you want to label it.”

  She blinked back more tears. “I’m good with that for now. We can worry about labels after this case.”

  “When can I see you? I’ve got some things I’m working on, or I’d come to you tonight.”

  “How about Sunday?”

  “Sunday? That’s too long. I’ll come to your place tomorrow.”

  A soft giggle left her. “That works for me.”

  A sigh of relief rushed through the phone. “Me too.” There was a moment of silence, but she could hear his breathing through the phone. “Did you find out any information today?”

  “One of the women in our office went to high school with one of the law students in the class behind Matthew. She’s going to talk to her. Another woman who graduated with him and Maggie now works in the Attorney General’s office in Columbia, and I’ve got a meeting with her Monday morning. Hence, my staying at your house on Sunday.” She stood and paced in her condo while she massaged her forehead. “Ben, I want to go see his mother.”

  “Rach, do you really think that’s a good idea? What if she tells him you’ve been to see her?”

  “I don’t know…”

  “Is there any other way to get the information you’re wanting?”

  “I’m trying to get a copy of his birth certificate. Did you know he didn’t list his father in any of his campaign information?”

  “Well, that’s peculiar.”

  “That’s what I thought. Just in case it isn’t on his birth certificate, I was hoping she’d give me the information as well as any girlfriends from high school. I don’t know a mother who doesn’t want to show off baby pictures of their kids. Anything to embarrass them.”

  Ben chuckled. “Yeah, they’re good at that.”

  “With all of the high and mighty who’ll be invited to the wedding, I’m thinking Ms. Hightower won’t be, and she may be upset by that.”

  “You’re assuming Matthew told her?”

  She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “I am.” She mentally switched gears. “So, tell me what you learned today?”

  “That Sam Baxter is a fuckin’ ghost.”


  “There are no pictures of him anywhere, Rach. When I put his name in a search engine, I pull up some Baxters who own an old oil company, but there’s no picture of their son. I’ve got an old friend running his social security number to see what comes up.”

  “Why are you looking into Sam? I thought he was your friend.”

  “He is, but I don’t like him keeping secrets from me and just expecting me to sit back and accept that he can handle Matthew.”

  “I get that. Don’t you think it’d be easier to just ask him?”

  “Truthfully, I’d like to know the answers before he comes to talk to me. That way there won’t be any surprises.”

  “What if you can’t find anything?”

  “Somebody has to know something.”

  “I guess. Anything new on the senator?”

  “I couldn’t go there today. I had to make things ri
ght with you. My brain and my heart were totally engulfed with you.”

  “Oh, Ben, I’m sorry.”

  “No, for the first time in ten years, my priorities are straight. You will come first from now on.”

  “And that’s a two-way street.”


  Ben dropped his phone beside him after disconnecting the call with Rachel. With his elbows on his thighs and his fingers steepled in front of his mouth, he closed his eyes. Thank you, thank you, thank you. He hadn’t expected Rachel to take his call, much less admit she was about to call him. They made a good team in all aspects of their lives, and once they got through this case, he’d do something about that.

  He mixed a drink before he went into his home office to start digging into Senator Martin Pickens. Ben pulled up the Senator’s personal information.

  Born: June 20, 1960 in Riverton Crossing, SC (Cloverville County)

  Parents: Jonathan and Ruth Pickens, deceased

  Wife: Martha Pickens 1985-2005 (1 daughter – Stephanie)

  Hailey Pickens 2005-present (1 daughter – Chloe)

  Education: University of South Carolina (1978-1982) University of South Carolina Law School (1982-1985)

  Needing to keep his investigation on the down low made Ben think it wouldn’t be smart to speak with the current Mrs. Pickens, so he searched Martha instead. He found a phone number for her in the senator’s file with the state police that he hoped still worked.


  “Ms. Pickens?”

  “Yes, who’s calling?”

  “Ma’am, this is Sheriff Ben Stevens with the Cloverville County Sheriff’s department.”

  “Oh, Sheriff, how may I help you?”

  “I’m actually going to be in Columbia on Monday. Would it be possible to swing by and discuss some things with you?”

  “That’s awfully vague, Sheriff. What kind of things?”

  “Ms. Pickens, this is kind of a delicate matter. I’d prefer to discuss it face-to-face.”

  “Does it have to do with my daughter? I know she’s been in Riverton Crossing a lot lately. She’s not in any kind of trouble, is she?”

  “No, ma’am, not that I’m aware of.” Ben cleared his throat. “This, um, this has to do with an incident about ten years ago with the senator.”

  “I see. Well, he and I were divorced by then, so I don’t know if I’ll be of any use to you.”

  “Maybe not, but could I come by anyway?”

  “I don’t see why not. About what time?”

  “How does eleven Monday morning sound? I need to drop an associate off at the Attorney General’s office.”

  “I’ll expect you at eleven, then.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Thank you.”

  Ben released a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. Taking a sip of his drink, he called Adam back at the state police.


  “Adam, it’s Ben.”

  “Hey, man.”

  “So, what can you tell me.”

  “You’ve got someone who doesn’t want to be found. His DEA identity was Sam Booker, but apparently, he’s doing federal time as part of some gun and drug deal gone bad in South Carolina.”

  “Yeah, I know about that.”

  “There’s a picture of him under Sam Booker. I swear, Ben, I can’t find a damn thing under Baxter. I keep getting the same information you did on the oil company.”

  “Well, hell, Adam, what good is a million-dollar computer system then?”

  Adam chuckled. “Beats the shit outta me.”

  “Looks like I’ve got to just ask him.”

  “Think he’ll tell ya?”

  “Maybe if I do it at my house and not at the station.”

  “Makes sense. Anything else?”

  Ben disconnected that call and poured another drink. Dammit Sam, why did you put me in this position? He called Sam’s cell.

  “Hey, Ben.”

  “Sam, I’m working on something from home. Would you swing by this evening? I think we need to talk.”

  “Sounds kinda serious.”

  Ben let out an exasperated sigh. “Shit is about to get real. I need to know where your head is and if I can trust you.”

  “What the hell, Ben? Trust me?”

  “The comment you made yesterday when you and Carrie came in … I don’t operate with secrets lurking that can bite me in the ass. You need to come clean about your intentions.”

  A heavy breath came through the phone. “Ben…”

  “How can you ask me to trust you when you’re not willing to do the same?”

  “Sonofabitch,” Sam mumbled. “Let’s get this shit dealt with once and for all. I’ll be there in a half hour. I need to see Carrie first.”

  “I’ll call Evan.”

  “And I’ll bring Nathan.”

  “Why are you bringing him?”

  “Because he already knows.”

  “See you in thirty.”

  * * *

  Ben shook his head as he pulled down glasses, bourbon, water bottles, and made sure there was chilled beer in the refrigerator. Whatever it took for these guys to feel comfortable enough to talk.

  A knock came from the front of the house. Opening the door, he greeted Evan. “Thanks for coming.”

  “No problem. I’m just as curious as you.”

  “By the way, I spoke with Rachel this evening. I’m going to Charleston when I get off work tomorrow, and I’ll be back Friday morning.”

  Evan smiled. “Sounds like y’all are working everything out.”

  Ben nodded. “I took your advice. The thought of something happening to her before she knew how I felt was unacceptable.”

  Evan clamped his hand on Ben shoulder. “I’m happy for you. It’s the right thing to do.”

  “Yeah, it’s long overdue,” he replied as the doorbell rang again.

  Sam and Nathan stood in the doorway. Nathan had an easy smile on his face while Sam’s lips were pursed tight like he was ready to hit something … or someone.

  Ben shook the men’s hands as they made their way into the living room. “I’ve got drinks set out if anyone wants anything. Beer is in the refrigerator.”

  Sam snagged a water bottle as he walked through, then shook Evan’s hand. “Glad you could make it.”

  Evan’s mouth tilted into a half smile. “I must say you have us both curious.”

  Nathan shook Evan’s hand as he moseyed to the far side of the room.

  Evan chuckled. “You here for moral support or something?”

  Nathan smiled. “Or something.”

  Evan shook his head as he followed Nathan into the living room. Sam walked in and sat in the plush rocker beside the fireplace. He chuckled as Ben walked into the room. “Damn, I feel like the Inquisition is coming.”

  Ben sat across from Nathan and Evan on the love seat. “Nah, just needing some answers.”

  “I know.” Sam nodded. “I’m not one for taking chances that someone could overhear, so I wasn’t about to tell you at the station. Ben, I don’t want this going any farther than the people in this room. Obviously, Carrie knows as does Thomas, but I don’t want this coming out in court. I don’t want it in the newspapers or on the evening news. I can’t keep my family safe if it does.”

  “Okay, I get that. Other than Carrie and Beau, who are you protecting?”

  Sam wiped his hand down his face and looked at Nathan. He blew out a heavy sigh. “My family owns Baxter Oil.”

  Ben’s eyebrows rose, and Evan looked at Nathan. Nathan confirmed his silent question with a nod. When Ben’s brain reconnected with his mouth, he cleared his throat. “As in the Baxter Oil?” Sam nodded. “So now I need to worry about the heir to one of the biggest oil companies in the country getting killed on my watch?”

  Sam stood. “Hell, no. That’s why I didn’t tell anyone.”

  Ben pointed toward Nathan. “But you told Nathan.”

  “Yeah, we were undercover, and things appeared to be going south.
I needed someone to tell my family if my body was never found.”

  Ben scrubbed his hand down his face, then around the back of his neck. “And who is James?”

  “Like I said, my family’s attorney.”

  “Fuck,” Ben mumbled. “And these are the connections you’re going to use to get Matthew?”

  Sam nodded, not breaking eye contact with Ben. “And the senator if I need to.”

  “And you wanted Evan here why?”

  “Because I’m not explaining this again. Our group has had each other’s back since I arrived in Riverton Crossing, and you’re closer to me than my own family, so you need to know the score.”

  Evan looked at Sam. “Can I tell Mitchell?” Sam gave one nod in confirmation.

  Ben paced between the living room and the kitchen. “How high do these connections go?”

  Sam cleared this throat. “All the way to the top.”

  “To the top of what? DEA? Political parties?”

  “The country.”

  Ben turned with his mouth open. “The President?”

  Sam tilted his head and shrugged. “He and my father are fraternity brothers.”

  Evan shook his head. “When you drop a bomb, you really drop a fucking bomb.”

  Sam looked at each of the men in the room. “I don’t want you looking at me differently, treating me differently. I walked away from that life. I chose this life … but I will use that life and the connections that come with it to protect Carrie, Beau, and any other children we may have.”

  Ben leaned against the wall. “Wouldn’t you be better protected inside that bubble?”

  Sam shrugged. “Probably, but that’s not who I am. Plus, I’m not ready for Carrie to be exposed to that life yet, and Beau definitely doesn’t need it. Carrie wants to go to law school on her own merit, and I want that for her, but if people find out who she’s married to, all of it could change. She’ll be in danger, and God only knows what Matthew would try. This town is better for Beau to grow up in, at least for the time being.” Sam took a swig of his water bottle. “Now, do we have anything new to go on with Matthew and the senator?”


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