Take All of It September 2019

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Take All of It September 2019 Page 55

by Scarlett Skyes

  “If I get pregnant, will you take care of me?”

  “Yes, princess, you won’t have to worry about anything.”

  Mr. Warren leaned down and kissed me tenderly on the lips as the heat from his cum seemed to spread throughout my body.



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  Bred by the Rock Star 1


  UK rock band, Bareback, has built a reputation for excess and the rock 'n' roll lifestyle. When naive eighteen year old, Mia, gets back stage and yells "I LOVE BAREBACK!" things get out of hand very quickly for her.


  Barely Legal, Exhibitionism, Breeding, Rock Star


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  I got the best birthday present ever when I turned nineteen. At the end of a date, as we were sitting in his car, my boyfriend gave me a little gold envelope with a silver bow on it and watched with a self-assured smile as I opened it. Inside was a card with a sweet little message and two rectangular pieces of paper that fell into my lap before I could see what they were. Picking them up and reading them I almost screamed in delight. Each piece of paper was identical except for a seat allocation number. That wasn’t the important part though.

  The important text was “BAREBACK – BACKSTAGE PASS” all bold and black in the middle of the ticket. I couldn’t believe it! Jayden had got us backstage passes for the biggest rock ’n’ roll band in the world when they were touring our city later that year. I leaned over and gave him a big hug and kiss, it was a pretty expensive gift for a broke-ass college student.

  “Rock ‘n’ roll, baby!” he said, and I responded with the classic devil’s horns hand gesture, pointer and pinkie fingers sticking out.

  I gave him one last kiss and we said our goodbyes before I stepped out of the car, went inside and dived on to my bed. Holding the tickets in on hand I reached out and picked up my mp3 player, selecting my Bareback playlist before slotting it into its dock. In a matter of seconds the power chords of Noah Pierson, lead guitarist, were filling the room accompanied by the air-raid-siren voice of their singer, Ethan Sanders, and the heavy-hitting percussion of drummer Daniel Winchester.

  I closed my eyes and let the music take my mind wherever it willed. Bareback were from the UK and had absolutely taken the world by storm over the past few years. Critics had said they would never amount to much, all people were listening to these days was songs from girls about partying and songs from boy bands about their hairstyles, or something.

  They soon shut those critics up though. Their second album went straight to the top of the charts and stayed there for I don’t even know how many weeks on end. The only real competition for that top spot was their first album, which gained a second life from people who only discovered them because of the second album.

  They also proved that if you want songs from people who know how to party, accept no substitute for rock stars. It didn’t take long before they gained a reputation for excess. Hotel rooms were decimated, televisions were thrown out windows and set distance records that blew the former record-holders out of the water. Maybe that’s because TVs are lighter and more aerodynamic than they were in the 70s, the last golden age of drug-fuelled, get-the-fuck-out-of-my-way rock ‘n’ roll, but that was little consolation for hotel owners or for whoever had to clean the rooms and swimming pools.

  Songs about drugs, songs about groupies, songs about alcohol, songs about songs. All these classic rock staples were mixed in with songs about beauty, love and loss. They rediscovered the winning formula for rock and they filled stadiums with tens of thousands of eager fans, listening to the Bareback interpretation of life like prophets receiving messages from golden gods.

  They were the best, and I was going to be there. I was going to meet them.


  My boyfriend and I navigated our way through the crowd of adoring fans desperate to negotiate their way backstage to meet Bareback. The door was being guarded by a huge man, if he was really a man at all and not a giant straight out of myth and legend. Normally you would have expected it to take a team of guards to manage such a crowd but he didn’t seem to be having any problems. After what seemed like an eternity we made it to the front of the line and we handed over our passes. The giant looked at them and then looked at us.

  “Sorry guv, yours is a fake but the lady is good to go.”

  “What do you mean? I bought them both at the same place at the same time!” my boyfriend protested.

  “I don’t make the rules, kid, and I don’t have time to fuck around with you. Either she goes in and you can wait, you both leave peacefully or you can end up like that geezer over there.”

  The man-mountain pointed to where some guy was receiving attention from paramedics, presumably from trying to force his way through the door without leave of the gate-keeper. I looked up at my boyfriend, ready to leave if he insisted but desperately hoping he would let me have this one chance to meet my idols. His eyes met mine with resignation and he gestured towards the door.

  “I’ll meet you outside in an hour, OK? You remember where the car is?”

  “Yes! Thank you!”

  I stretched up on my tip-toes and gave him a peck on the cheek before Gigantor the guard stepped aside to let me pass. I went through the door with one last look over my shoulder to see my boyfriend looking wistfully after me before it closed with a click. Immediately to my left was a bored looking man behind a makeshift desk who pointed down the long hallway, which had a series of doors on each side.

  “Down there. I doubt you’ll have any trouble figuring out which one they’re in.”

  I went in the direction he indicated, there was nowhere else to go really, and he was right, there was no mistaking the sounds of music and partying behind the second door on the right.

  With a deep breath I took one last look at myself, wanting to make a good impression when I walked through the door. I was wearing a blue top that showed off my midriff and my skirt was short and tight with a tendency to ride up on me when I walked or sat on a chair. I’d dressed for warm weather, or warm mosh pits to be more exact! I yanked my skirt down an inch or two and opened the door.

  The room was sparsely furnished, possibly due to the destructive reputation of Bareback, with only the essentials left in there. A few couches, a fridge full of all kinds of alcohol and some tables scattered around. One corner had apparently been designated as the place to smash your empty bottles when you were finished drinking them, or whenever you felt like it.

  The room was a lot less crowded than the noise-levels would have indicated, the people there were obviously putting a lot of enthusiasm into their partying. This was evidenced by the suspicious white powder strewn all over one of the tables and the small crowd of guys gathered around two girls who were passionately kissing each other, only pausing to pour on and lick off some kind of high proof alcohol from each other’s breasts.

  That’s when I spotted them. Dan Winchester had his drumsticks out and was playing on a drum kit fashioned out of an upturned plastic bucket and a couple of beer bottles, while Noah Pierson played a tune on an acoustic guita
r and Ethan Sanders led an unruly group of fans in a sing-along of some classic rock rather than one of their own songs.

  The chorus arrived and more voices joined in the singing, being more familiar with the words. I saw that Ethan had paused to take a drink of beer and pushed through to the side of the couch where he was sitting to try and get his attention.

  “Hi… um… can I get your autograph?” I asked, but it was just too noisy for him to hear me, I looked around, not wanting to make a fool of myself, but nobody else had heard my failed attempt either.

  “I love both your albums!” I said with more volume, but everybody in the room was singing with gusto by this stage. I paused and bit my lip, I had to speak to him!

  “I LOVE BAREBACK!” I yelled… just as the song finished and the room went silent, my voice seemed to echo in the quiet of the small room. Everybody looked at me, the groupies, the fans, the band, and I blushed in utter shame for a few seconds before everybody erupted in a huge cheer and several people lifted me on to their shoulders, nearly smacking my head on the ceiling.

  I was carried and bounced around the room by countless hands, many of which found their way up my skirt by ‘accident’, before I felt myself falling and landed with a little rush of exhaled air right in the lap of Ethan Sanders, who put one hand around my waist and the other on my upper thigh, pulling my legs up on to the couch.

  “’Allo, love, who might you be?” he asked.

  “My n-name…” I stuttered.


  “Mia, I’m Mia.”

  “’Allo then, Mia, I hear you love Bareback?”

  “Yeah! I listen to your music all the time!”

  “What’s your favourite song, then?”

  “Black Ocean Riot! It’s so good! I love how it starts out like a song you can sing along with and then just goes nuts and Ethan… er… you start wailing like only you can and it’s just… I don’t know, it’s something special.”

  “Ah, that’s one of my favourites too.”

  Ethan’s hand moved from the leg furthest away from him to the closer one, his fingers resting on my inner thigh with his thumb just sneaking under the hem of my extremely short skirt. He didn’t make a big deal of it, in fact he didn’t seem to realise what he was doing at all, so I decided not to make a scene. Thinking fast, I reached into my handbag and pulled out my copy of their latest bluray disc, “Live from United Stadium” and a felt pen.

  “Hey, could you sign this for me?”

  “Aw, I never know what to write on these.”

  “I’ll be happy with anything!”

  “Alright, here comes ‘Hi Mia, it was nice to meet you, Ethan’,” he said.


  Ethan’s hand left my thigh to grip the felt pen and write his message while I beamed like an idiot, hardly believing I was sitting on the lap of the greatest living and active rock vocalist in the world. I couldn’t wait to talk with him some more. Just as he handed me back the case and felt pen a couple of girls in their mid-twenties bounced up to the couch, their massive chests barely contained by what little they were wearing.

  “Sign my breast!” they sang in unison, giving Ethan a magic marker and pulling their tops down so far I’m sure I saw a hint of nipple from each of them. Ethan laughed and put his moniker on the exposed flesh that had been presented to him before giving them their pen back.

  “Come party with us, Ethan, this little girl isn’t going to give you what you need!” one of them yelled over the general ruckus of the room.

  Ethan looked back to me with a shrug.

  “I guess I better get going. It really was nice to meet you, Mia… unless you have anything else you want me to sign?”

  I was absolutely incensed, livid at the patronising tone and content of the bimbo’s statement. I decided I would show them!

  “Sign my breast too!” I said loudly and with a dagger-stare at the girl.

  “Yeah! Hey, have a drink with me, Mia, what’s your poison?”

  “I… er… don’t drink.”

  “Nah, bullshit. Tequila you say? TEQUILA!” Ethan called over to some guy who was standing near a table with a bottle of tequila on it. The guy threw it over and Ethan caught it in one hand like we were in some kind of tequila commercial.

  “Bar wench!” he said to the one who had asked him to come party, “Give Mia some tequila, I think this ‘little girl’ is going to show you what rock ‘n’ roll is all about.”

  “Fuck yeah!” I said, doing my best to hide my nerves. I’d heard that tequila was pretty harsh.

  Ethan handed ‘the bitch’ the bottle of tequila and grabbed my felt pen again. Before I could do it for him he had yanked my top down, exposing the upper portion of my right breast bulging over the top of my bra. He began writing but before I could see what his message was, the hair at the back of my head was pulled backwards and my face tilted up towards the ominous bottle of tequila.

  “Start slow,” I heard Ethan say as the girl tipped the bottle and a splash of liquid fire hit my tongue, causing me to cough and splutter as she laughed. I regained my composure and tipped my head back up, vowing to myself that I would see this through and show her what real rock ‘n’ roll was all about, no matter how much the tequila burned.

  The bottle tipped back up again and a slow but steady trickle of the god-awful stuff was poured down my throat. The crowd cheered me and I gave them the devil horns gesture with one hand, the flow of liquor and the cheering was making me feel like a rock star myself. Ethan was still writing something on my breast, it must have been almost novel length!

  The crowd roared even louder and I felt myself beginning to get a bit fuzzy around the edges. Staring up at the bottle I could see I’d hardly even had any of it, but my head was definitely starting to swim. I reached up with my hand to push the bottle away, needing to take a break for air.

  When I looked back down at Ethan I was shocked to see that he wasn’t even writing on my breast anymore, at some stage while I was distracted by the alcohol and cheering he had pulled the cup of my bra down and begun to suck on my nipple. I stared with an open mouth as my idol sucked on my tit without a care in the world about how many people were watching us.

  I’d always been totally faithful to my boyfriend, but at that moment I couldn’t even remember his name! Ethan’s tongue was flicking back and forth across my sensitive pink tip at a phenomenal pace, sending electric currents of pleasure shooting into my body regardless of any numbing effect the tequila may have had. With a hot flush I came back to my senses, I wasn’t single, I couldn’t do this kind of thing. I pushed Ethan’s head away and my nipple was momentarily pulled out until it escaped his lips with a sloppy sucking sound.

  “Stop! I can’t do this, I have a boyfriend!” I pulled my bra and top back up to cover myself.

  “OK, OK! No worries, Mia, no need to freak out.”

  “I’m not freaking out… I just don’t want you to get the wrong idea about me.”

  “Ah, I’m sorry. Just tryin’ to have a good time y’know? I always try my luck with the prettiest girl in the room, it sometimes pays off.”

  My face cracked in another stupid grin before I could stop myself, Ethan Sanders himself had just said I was the prettiest girl in the room! I wanted to squeal, clap and jump up and down on the spot but I somehow managed to contain myself.

  “You think I’m pretty?”

  “Fuck yeah, baby, if you were in one of our video clips it would double the sales of the single.”

  Ethan leaned in close, whispering in my ear after a conspiratorial look at the two girls who were still hanging around, seemingly waiting for their opportunity to drag him away.

  “You’ve got real class, not like some other trailer trash I could point out. A real down-to-earth-girl-next-door sexiness, I thought that to myself as soon as I saw you.”

  “You… did?”

  I realised I was practically swooning. Who could blame me? The sexiest man on the planet was putting the move
s on me, and even though I couldn’t reciprocate because I had a boyfriend, well, a girl can dream can’t she? This particular dream was making me noticeably wet and I squirmed a little on Ethan’s lap.

  “Oh yeah. Hey, Mia, would you mind if I kissed you? Nothing more, I promise.”

  “But… my boyfriend.”

  “I won’t tell him.”

  “Well… just one kiss.”

  Ethan smiled, pulled me in close and our lips met. I had assumed it would be a quick peck, but Ethan held me and his jaws opened and closed until I responded in kind and we were kissing so much deeper than I had anticipated. He was such an incredible kisser, I was absolutely lost in the passion of it when I felt his tongue snake out and delicately caress my own.

  I whimpered slightly at the thought of the skilled tongue that was invading my mouth and Ethan seemed to take it as a sign of some kind, placing his hand back on my inner thigh, his thumb even further up my skirt than it had been the first time. I tried to push his hand away but he held firm, pushing harder only caused my skirt to ride up and I was loathe to break off the kiss so I let him keep his hand there, it was only my leg after all.

  When I removed my hand from his, he pushed even further up my skirt until I felt his fingertips brush the material of my panties, rubbing my underwear against my clean shaven pubic region and sending tingly shocks into my body. I gasped, involuntarily breaking off the kiss at the same time.

  “I can’t do this,” I repeated

  “Do what, Mia? We’re just a couple friends having a good time, aren’t we? No need to make out like it’s more than it is, right?”


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