Take All of It September 2019

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Take All of It September 2019 Page 77

by Scarlett Skyes

  I was just beginning to make breakfast for everybody when I heard first one and then another shower turn on upstairs. By the time the girls had gone through their morning routines, everything was ready and I smiled widely at them as they entered the kitchen, a smile that was returned enthusiastically by Ava and Fern, less so by Lisa.

  Enthusiastic smile or not, they were both incredibly bright-eyed and bushy-tailed considering how much air was in those bottles of vodka I saw the previous night. All through breakfast, you couldn’t have wiped the smile off Fern’s face if you had tried, not that you’d have wanted to, she was positively glowing. Lisa was quiet but polite, seeming very disappointed about something.

  After everybody was done I went about collecting all the dishes and started cleaning up.

  “Fern and Lisa can take care of those, Dad,” Ava said. “Right, girls?”

  “Yes Ma’am!” They chorused and hopped to it as if Ava had them on a string.

  “Mr. Banner, would you like a cup of coffee?” Fern asked.

  “Uh, sure, yeah. I don’t drink it very often, not a connoisseur at all, so I don’t have a machine or anything, just a pack of instant coffee in that cupboard over there. Milk and sugar please.”

  Fern made me a very satisfactory cup of coffee while her classmate started on the dishes, the almost ecstatic smile never leaving her face. When she set it down in front of me she looked like she wanted to give me a big hug or something. It was a bit confusing, the truth be told.

  The two of them quickly and efficiently cleaned the dishes and then looked to Ava, who nodded.

  “Lisa and Fern have got you some small gifts, they’d like to give them to you before I take them home.”

  “What? They didn’t have…”

  My polite protests were ignored as the two teen beauties went upstairs, returning shortly afterwards with their bags and with each of them carrying a small gift wrapped box in one hand. Lisa handed me the small package, looking up at me with sad doe-eyes and a quiet ‘thanks’ before going to stand by Ava at the door.

  Fern strode in front of me with her present held out, standing suggestively close and staring up into my eyes with almost hero-worship etched on her perfect features, the ever-present smile still on her face.

  “Thanks for having me, Mr. Banner!” She gushed.

  “That’s… that’s OK, Fern.”

  The petite blonde turned and took a few steps towards Ava before pausing on the spot and then rushing back to me, wrapping both arms around my neck and planting a big kiss on my lips. One of her feet lifted up in the air behind her as if she was a housewife from the nineteen fifties who was having a passionate kiss with her Elvis-haired husband.

  I didn’t know what to do, I stared wide-eyed at the beautiful eighteen year old blonde as she kissed me right in front of her classmate and my daughter. Eventually she broke off the kiss and practically skipped over to Ava.

  “Wait in my car, girls,” she said.

  We watched them go and when they were out of earshot Ava turned to me.

  “It’s really amazing what you can do with a psychology degree,” she said. “There’s an old saying, attributed to various sources within the Jesuits order that basically says ‘Give me the child to seven and I will give you the man’. Modern techniques can do much better than that. Give me anybody for one week and I will give you whatever you need them to be.”

  “Have I been tricked again, Ava?”

  “Does it matter? I think everybody had fun, last night was hardly the biggest trial I’ve put these girls through this week. You just helped me make a split decision. Fern is going to be my recommendation for valedictorian, and my recommendation for Mu Tau Tau. She really is something, isn’t she? She’s going to break some hearts and take some names, that’s for sure.”

  “I don’t think I’ll ask any more questions, except for one.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Do you think you’ll be available to help choose the valedictorian next year?”

  “I could probably be convinced,” Ava laughed, “see you soon, once I’ve dropped these two off.”

  My daughter closed the door behind her, leaving me with a small present in each of my hands and the lingering feel of Fern’s kiss on my lips.

  I sat at the kitchen table next to my empty mug and opened Lisa’s present. Inside was a nude picture of Lisa, her upper arms squeezing her large breasts together, and a note that said:

  “Sorry, Mr. Banner, I can do better! Call me!”

  I thought I would almost certainly give her an opportunity to redeem herself, even though I wasn’t one hundred percent certain what she felt she had failed at. I turned my attention to Fern’s present, opening it to find a close up photo that I recognised as her own little pussy. Fern’s note said:

  “I live close by, call me!”

  I decided that I was living a truly blessed life.



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  Slumber Party 2


  The local school can't decide which beautiful blonde twin to name as head cheerleader, so they call in the volunteered services of a psychologist again to help them choose between the two. After serving the girls some dinner, she serves the pair up to the ever-eager Mr. Banner, who puts them through their roughest trials ever.


  Sleep Sex, Threesome, Dubious Consent, Schoolgirl, Cheerleader, Older Man


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  Ava’s doctoral thesis made for surprisingly interesting reading. She’d had several copies of it printed out and professionally bound with classy gold lettering on the cover. She’d done it to give out to friends and family, though I’m not sure how many people aside from myself would have actually read it.

  She studied psychology and had written her thesis on cults, specifically indoctrination rituals and what popular media would call ‘brainwashing’. After reading it I certainly gained a small modicum of understanding regarding the kinds of things she may have done to Lisa and Fern at the end of the previous school year when she essentially gifted them to me as unconscious sex toys. As I was the primary beneficiary of whatever techniques she had employed, I had very little to complain about.

  Ever since that day I’d had about as much sex as I could handle from the two former-rivals for the local high school’s valedictorian honour. It seemed like they would do almost anything for me, and I was having the time of my life, but I couldn’t help but anticipate who Ava was going to be bringing into my home this Friday.

  The school was so happy with the free service Ava had provided that they had called her in again ahead of schedule. Originally she was going to come back at the end of the school year and help with the next valedictorian decision, but it seemed the school had a unique problem regarding who to appoint as head cheerleader.

  The Woodham twins, Misty and Gail, had finally come of age and had both indicated they wanted to be head cheerleader. They were, as you would expect, difficult to discriminate between for such a role, so the school had called Ava to see if she would match her price from the previous year, which was ‘free
’. Ava had looked them up on the internet from previous cheerleading competitions and made the decision that I would probably be very interested in meeting these girls. Ava knew her dear old Dad so well.

  Ava wouldn’t tell me where she took the cheerleading twins from Monday to Thursday, but she did say the three of them would be arriving at my place mid-morning on the Friday. I woke up early to make sure Ava’s room was ready for the little slumber party. The sofa bed the twins would be sharing was pulled out and made. I’d left towels out for them to use.

  When I saw Ava’s car roll up, I waved out the window, hoping I didn’t look as eager as I felt. The passenger and rear-left doors opened and I saw a couple of blonde heads pop into view. The twins retrieved matching sports bags from the trunk of Ava’s car before following her along the path to my front door.

  I heard the doorbell ring, as if Ava didn’t know I was waiting on the other side of the door already, and opened it up with a big smile and wide open arms for my daughter.

  “Ava, right on time, as usual!”

  “Hi Dad. Yep, punctual because we’ve got a lot to get through today, the girls are going to be absolutely dead to the world by the time they hit the sack tonight,” Ava said with a wink.

  Turning to the twins she gestured at each of them in turn.

  “This is Misty and this is Gail.”

  “Nice to meet you both,” I said.

  “Hello, Mr. Banner,” they said in unison.

  Misty and Gail were identical twins of incredible likeness. I’d seen twins before, obviously, but even when they were of the identical kind I’d always been able to pick out at least a few features to differentiate between them. Not so with these two, I looked back and forth between them and shook my head.

  “There’s no way I’m going to be able to tell you two apart, sorry.”

  “That’s OK, Mr. Banner,” Misty started.

  “Even our parents get it wrong sometimes,” Gail finished.

  If that was the case, I had to wonder how many times in their early years these two had inadvertently had their identities transposed on each other. Had the one born as ‘Misty’ ended up as ‘Gail’? It was an interesting philosophical discussion, but for another day perhaps.

  “Well, come on in, do you need a snack or a drink or something?”

  “No thanks, Dad, we stopped for food on the way and the girls have got full water bottles already.”

  The three of them filed in and Ava herded them up to her room after a very brief period of small talk. They emerged a short time later with the twins in their high school cheerleading uniforms. That morning and afternoon I was treated to a private viewing of cheerleader practise as Ava supposedly assessed their psychological performance at creating and teaching new routines to each other, and in working under pressure.

  I didn’t know what most cheerleaders went through, but Ava certainly hounded them pretty hard. I couldn’t hear that much of what she was specifically saying, but she was definitely pushing them to make the routines sexier and more risqué. I would have told them they were doing fucking spectacular, I was rock hard all day and would have paid any price for any ticket to any event, sporting or otherwise, where they were cheerleading. They could have been supporting a sewing competition and I would have been there.

  At last it appeared that the twins could take no more and Ava brought them back inside. Sweat was pouring off the poor little things, their glamorous blonde hair all wet, glistening beads dripping down their necks and disappearing into their cleavage. They looked like they’d been through a carwash on a treadmill set to top speed.

  I wanted to fuck them right then and there on the floor, give them another workout straight away, but managed to restrain myself, saint that I am. Instead I had to make do with vivid fantasies as I made more small talk with the pair, imagining that they were panting from the rough sex I was giving them, from how hard they were working to milk my cock of all its creamy cum. I bet that their big tits would sway like a hypnotist’s pocket watch when they were fucked, assuming they took off their sports bras.

  Ava took the twins upstairs and I heard the showers start up soon afterwards. They didn’t come down for dinner, instead Ava rushed down to answer the door when a pizza delivery man turned up.

  “The twins need their calories,” she said as she went back up to her room.

  A stupid joke about how I knew where they could get some calories from flicked through my mind but I said nothing, instead settling in to watch the news and current affairs program that followed. When the shows ended, I had pretty much no recollection of what I’d just watched, the thought of the twins all tired and soapy upstairs in my showers earlier was all I could think of.

  I tried to read a book, scanning over the same pages over and over again trying to take in any information I could to fill in time and after what seemed like eternity I heard Ava coming down the stairs. I looked up over the pages of my book as she walked past with a pizza box in her hands. She barely glanced at me as I heard her enter the kitchen and put the leftovers in the fridge before coming back.

  “Those girls sure do want to be head cheerleader. I can see why Tasha couldn’t decide between them though… they are the twin-i-est twins ever to twin, they’re exactly the same.”


  “Oh. Tasha is the cheer coach this year, she was actually in my class. Do you remember her?”

  “The name sounds familiar, can’t put a face to it though.”

  “She came back last year after living in Europe for a while, wanted to contribute back to the community. As do we all, of course.”

  “We raise them proper in this here town.”

  “She used to, and still does, have this strange sleep disorder. I remember her telling us the crazy places she ended up when she used to sleep walk. The dog house, the neighbour’s garden, some random guy’s truck. Thankfully for her she finally found some sleeping pills that really put her out for the count in our last year of school.”


  “Yeah, she still takes them, actually. I asked if she had any spares because I knew the girls would need all the sleep they could get in the week that I had them. They don’t like swallowing pills though, so asked me to crush them and add them to the pizza.”


  “Mmm hmm. Tasha says she once slept through their neighbour’s house exploding, these pills are that good. Remember that house on Vanderlay Street ?”

  “Oh, she lived near that? That was pretty massive destruction.”

  “It sure was. Anyway, Misty and Gail are living and breathing their head cheerleader aspirations at the moment. They’re sound asleep in their spare uniforms so I thought I’d go out and catch a movie or two. Can you check in on them in a while? Make sure they’re not doing cheer routines in their sleep and messing up my room? Or whatever?”

  “I… yes. Not a problem.”

  “Thanks, Dad. Don’t wait up!”

  “Night, Ava,”

  My heaven-sent daughter picked up her keys and went out the front door, leaving me in my house with a pair of eighteen year old blonde twin cheerleaders that belonged in a centrefold. I drummed my fingers on the armrest for about three seconds before walking up the stairs and listening at the door of Ava’s room.

  I heard nothing and so slowly opened it, seeing the soft glow from Ava’s bedside lamp spill out into the hallway. The twins appeared to be sleeping peacefully on the sofa-bed in a very un-sisterly pose. One of them was passed out with her head in the armpit of the other, face resting on the ample breast of her sibling.

  With as much stealth as I could muster, I walked to the side of the bed and looked down at the sleeping beauties. Ava had mentioned they’d changed into their back-up cheerleader uniforms, and I was so very happy to see that factoid confirmed.

  Their little pleated mini-skirts had been tantalising me all day, swish-swishing from side to side as they shook their asses and giving me several peeks at their pristine white p
anties. The back-up uniforms consisted of short-shorts, which I thought looked just as good on them, but didn’t have quite the same ‘ease-of-access’ that the skirts would have provided.

  If Ava had in fact given the pair a dose of sleeping pills it probably wouldn’t matter, but time would tell on that one. The twin resting on her sister’s breast was lying on her side, top leg bent and resting over the other girl’s thighs so I could see the crease that designated where her leg ended and her ass started.

  Misty and Gail’s tits were large enough to strain at the tight but flexible material of their cheerleading uniforms and the hem of their form-fitting tops were cropped short to show off their athletic navels. I slowly lowered myself on to the bed, on the opposite side from the twin curled up beside her sister, I had absolutely no idea which one was which.

  I delicately lowered my hand on to the firm belly of the twin lying on her back feeling no fat there, just the soft skin on the athletic teen body. I looked up into her sleeping face to see if there was any reaction and thankfully there was not.

  They both looked so beautiful in the soft light, that even after all my lucky breaks in life I still counted myself blessed to be sharing a bed with them. I began sliding my hand upwards, slipping my fingers under the cheerleading uniform and savouring every inch of the sleeping girl’s skin.

  When I felt her ribcage under my fingers, I knew the swell of her breast would soon follow and I slowed my movements down even more, feeling the exact moment my fingertips touched the passed out cheerleader’s tit. Upwards I pushed, feeling more and more of her tit flesh under my fingers, and then my palm, thankful that she hadn’t been wearing a bra.

  I traced my forefinger around her nipple, feeling it harden even under my gentle touch. Her top shifted and twitched with every movement I made, right in front of her sister’s angelic face. I spread my fingers out and felt her newly-hardened nipple poking into the palm of my hand as I gave her breast a playful squeeze.


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