Take All of It September 2019

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Take All of It September 2019 Page 106

by Scarlett Skyes

  “Next Friday.”


  “Next Friday we’re going to a party, all of us. Gordon’s boy, Nick, is turning twenty-one, so they’re having a celebration over at their place. You remember Nick, don’t you?”

  “Uh. Yes.”

  “Good. Once you pass your test tomorrow, head to wherever you like and buy something nice to wear for the party. I expect you to look good enough to eat.”

  “OK, whatever you want, Daddy.”

  I gulped, the last thing I wanted to do was put myself in a social situation with Nick again. The young entrepreneur barely took no for an answer the last time he spoke to me, and I didn’t want him ruining the good thing I had going for my Mom and I. I hoped I could trust myself around him, especially after a few drinks.



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  Filthy Rich 4


  Nova Thatcher is really starting to get used to her new rich lifestyle. It seems everywhere she goes she's the centre of attention, not like back in her hometown where everybody ignored 'the poor one'.

  However, all that attention is a sword that cuts both ways. Her mother's husband, billionaire Cal Willis, has a special treat planned for the twenty-first birthday of his business partner's son, it's Nova herself! How will Nova react to being traded away like a piece of property before being loved hard with her face down and ass up by the rough-riding man of her house?


  Pseudo-Incest, Stepfather, Stepdaughter, Exhibitionism, Breeding


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  My new life was surprising me at every turn, sometimes in the best possible ways like when my Mom’s billionaire husband Cal Willis rode me long and rough in his efforts to garner an heir from my fertile teen body. Sometimes I didn’t know quite how to react, like when the fight that broke out while I went shopping.

  A few days previous I’d passed my practical driving exam and received the keys to my terrifying, but thrilling, new car, my beautiful Porsche. I’d driven around all afternoon, just a hair’s breadth away from screaming in fright at the power I was partially in control of the entire time. I could feel that power humming into my body, mostly through my hands on the steering wheel, even when the engine was simply idling.

  It was even more potent when I put my foot down even the slightest amount, though. Then, oh God, then the vibrations transferred through the seat directly on to my sensitive little clit and by the end of the day I was a windswept, dishevelled, jumble of horniness. I practically crash-parked the car in front of Cal’s mansion and ran inside tearing my clothes off looking for him, ready to breed like it was my sole purpose of existence.

  Unfortunately, when I burst into his office ready to make a real mess on his desk, Cal looked at me almost like I wasn’t there. He was too busy to fuck me like I needed to be fucked, just like that torturous period between the night he had deflowered me and the night he had taken me on the day of his and my mother’s wedding.

  “Not now, Nova. And don’t you ever come in here without knocking and/or getting my permission.”

  Cal looked on the verge of doling out some punishment, so I thought on my feet and did what I could to pacify him a bit.

  “I’m sorry, Daddy,” I said with my most innocent face and body language. “I just really wanted to have your cum inside me right away.”

  Cal raised an eyebrow and smiled, “I’ve created a monster. Good girl, though, Nova. You were right to come straight to me but, like I said, I’m busy right now. You’ll have to wait. Don’t you go taking matters into your own hands in the meantime, either, you little slut. I’ll know.”

  Just how he would know I had no idea, but I would have bet good money on him having a way so I dared not risk it. Sadly, that left me with an itch I’d now been expressly forbidden to scratch. The conundrum of how I was going to drive my car without crashing into a tree mid-vehicular-orgasm crossed my mind as I pouted.

  “But Daaaaaaddy… I want to make babies.”

  “No. Where’ve you been all day anyway? Have you gone shopping for something to wear to Nick’s birthday party?”

  I thought back to the instructions he’d given me on our way back from his private beach, where he had fucked me hard while draped over the door of my new convertible. This coming Friday was the twenty-first birthday of his business partner’s son, Nick Elliston, and we’d be attending. I’d been told to make sure I looked ‘good enough to eat’ and now wondered if that was when Cal next planned on giving me what I wanted between my legs.

  “Not yet. I’ve just been celebrating the driver’s license today, I’ll go shopping tomorrow and get something really nice.”

  “Make sure you do. When you get back have Lee show you the jewellery, I’ve told him you have permission.”


  “Yes, I own a pretty extensive collection for the use of yourself and your mother. You can choose any pieces you like to go along with whatever outfit you pick. Remember, this is a formal occasion, so you need to look elegant. Don’t overdo it on the jewellery or you’ll look cheap even though you’re wearing enough to buy two houses back where you came from.”

  “I thought you wanted me to look good enough to eat?”

  “Sexy-Elegant. It can be done, even for a girl your age. I want you to look like a fifty million dollar whore. That enough inspiration for you?”

  “Oh. OK, Daddy.”

  “Good. Now get out of here, I’ve got some fuckin’ competition to crush.”

  I retreated quickly, closing the door behind me. The way he had spoken to me would have raised my hackles only a few months previous, but now he dominated my fantasies almost as comprehensively as he dominated my body with his cock and whenever he called me a slut it just make me want to prove him right.

  A fifty million dollar, eighteen year old, whore. That’s pretty exclusive… you’d have to be a man like Cal to drop that kind of money on pussy. I revelled in the thought of being his exclusive fucktoy, which was a concept that did little to help my problem of heightened arousal but certainly came in useful the next day when I pulled up in front of a ludicrously expensive clothes store.

  I had only just shut off the engine and was gathering my things when two men approached the car. One of them was the doorman for the store, there to make sure the rich clientele never had to lower themselves to touching the door itself, or carrying their own shopping. The other was a drop-dead gorgeous hunk of a man, he might have been some movie star for all I knew.

  “Here, allow me,” the unknown man said.

  “Sir, please step aside, I’ll handle this,” the doorman also reached for the handle.

  “I got it, buddy.”

  “I must insist.”

  “Back off, man,”

  “Stop bothering the lady…”

  Back and forth the two bickered but it quickly escalated until I was staring, gobsmacked, at two grown men rolling on the sidewalk trading punches about who would have the ‘privilege’ of opening my door. I’d never seen a doorman so dedicated to his job or a random guy so hell-bent on chivalry.
/>   As the security guard from the store rushed over to break them up, a realisation hit me. It was the only explanation that made sense. The men, both of them, were absolutely desperate to get their cocks into me.

  The security guard had them both separated quite quickly, he was a significantly larger man than either of them. I just shook my head in disbelief and walked around the now-minor scuffle. When they were all behind me I couldn’t stop a self-indulgent smile from creeping on to my face.

  Back in my hometown I’d grown up being ‘the poor girl’, it would have been social suicide for most people to extend their hand in friendship, let alone for any of the hot guys in my school to want to date me. Then, for a few brief weeks between my Mom’s engagement to Cal and my final exams when I had the benefit of his money, I was a ‘poser’. I just couldn’t fit in no matter what.

  Here in California though, here I was better than ‘normal’ I was young, pretty, rich… I was widely desirable for the first time in my life. The rush of power swelled within me, a heady sensation. I was close to turning back to the three men and seeing if they all wanted to find somewhere private to have their way with me, but that probably would have been trouble.

  It was the knowledge that I was all for Cal that held me back the most, the repercussions of displeasing him would be far-reaching and quite catastrophic from my perspective. I probably wouldn’t have even dreamed of group sex with the fighting men so easily without that damn car driving me wild with every rev of the engine.

  I opened the door to the store, the first customer to have done so in God only knows how long, and stepped inside. An assistant rushed over to greet me, a fussily dressed woman who wouldn’t have been able to get her nose high enough in the air should I have walked into this store a mere three months previous.

  “Sorry, Ma’am, there’s supposed to be somebody outside to greet you and let you in. I’m not sure where he’s gone, but he’s got some explaining to do.”

  “Don’t be too hard on him,” I said.

  “How can I help you today?”

  “I’ve got a party to go to this Friday,” I started, trying to think how best to describe my needs without getting into the, shall we say, finer details of what Cal had said. “A twenty-first birthday, but a very formal occasion, I need something elegant.”

  “Hmmm. I see. Come this way, if you please, I’ve got a few things that would look with your body shape, you can try them on…”

  “Um,” I interrupted, “the birthday-boy. He’s… uh… very rich. Very eligible… I need something a bit sexy too… if you know what I mean.”

  “Ahhhh. Yes indeed, say no more.”

  The woman changed directions and started pulling items off the shelves as I followed quickly behind her. For the next couple of hours I felt like I was in a movie montage, pulling the dressing room curtain across and striding out like I was on a catwalk for every new outfit. The major difference was that instead of a mixed reaction dependent on how my montage-partner felt about the outfit, the assistant’s enthusiasm was directly proportional to how expensive the outfit was.

  In the end, I bought the outfit that she liked the best. The truth be told, I liked it the most too. It was everything Cal had said it was supposed to be. It was absolutely dripping with the aura of no-expense-spared and untouchable sex appeal. The low cut and open back would mean I couldn’t wear a bra, which was the best excuse to not wear a bra I’d ever heard of.

  Everybody would see and know, but because I wasn’t entered in a wet t-shirt competition or something, it was classy to not wear a bra. They’d pretend they weren’t thinking about slipping a hand inside my dress to cup my little teen tit, and I’d pretend I didn’t know what they were thinking. A convenient arrangement that had been informally agreed upon during countless events in the past, I was sure.

  I returned to my car, it was easy to remember where I parked because of the bloodstains on the sidewalk next to it, and went straight home with visions of Cal’s stash of jewellery in my mind. The reality of it was both more and less incredible than my daydream.

  I had, ridiculously, envisioned it would be like some massive untouched burial site of an Egyptian Pharaoh, a huge room with gold as far as the eye could see. The reality was one wall in a room the size of a large shoe closet, but the pieces themselves were absolutely stunning, the craftsmanship of every single one of them was incredible to behold. In addition to gold there were all kinds of precious stones, tastefully set into necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and so on.

  Cal’s words about not overdoing it on the jewellery came back to me, but it was harder than I thought to come out of that room and leave anything still inside it. Still, the approving look Cal gave me when we all travelled in the back of the limo to drive to Nick’s birthday celebrations made my willpower all worth it.

  “Well done, Nova. You look… perfect,” Cal said.

  I squirmed in my seat, my certainty that I’d be impaled on his cock before the night was through growing with every micro-second his eyes lingered on me. The party was being held at the Elliston household, and to my untrained eye it looked like being a multi-multi-multi-millionaire like Gordon offered most of the same lifestyle options that being a billionaire like Cal did.

  The house was huge and extravagant, the cars parked out front indicated the Ellistons were no slouches in regards to their social circles, and there was a huge number of staff catering to our every need from the moment we rolled past their gates to when we stepped into the main hall, or banquet room if you prefer, where the festivities were taking place.

  It was a busy party seemingly with just as many people from Gordon and Cal’s generation as mine and Nick’s. I hoped the young entrepreneur had forgotten about me since Cal and my mother’s wedding. I had led him on a little bit with the dance we’d had, and then when he came to my room just as I was going to sleep, I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to get him to leave. Thankfully I had, but he had left with some mildly ominous words, saying I shouldn’t do something I might regret.

  A waiter gave Cal, my Mom, and I all a glass of wine each and I did my best to stay close to the two of them as I scanned the room. I spotted Nick after a while, we were heading in his general direction, he looked to be doing his best to divide his attention between greeting new arrivals and talking with his friends.

  As we got closer I saw him look into the crowd, catch my eye, look away and then do a double take. He tapped his friend on the shoulder and gave a subtle sideways nod in our direction as he whispered something. The friend looked at me then shook his head as if in disbelief and Nick threw his hands up with a smug smile on his face.

  I wondered if Nick had lied about what had happened at the wedding or something, but there was no way I was going to start asking around. I hoped, if there was anything that needed hoping about, that it would all blow over without incident.

  Cal led us all over to Nick and gave the young man a firm handshake as I looked around nervously. Just to Nick’s left was a table with a heap of presents on top and I realised that we didn’t have anything for him, which was odd.

  “Happy Birthday, Nick,” Cal said. “Is the room ready?”

  “Sure is, Uncle Cal, can we…”

  “Later. For now, you’ve got some hosting to do. I’m sure you remember my wife, Serena, and Nova?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  Nick kissed my Mom’s hand quickly, and then mine slowly, staring into my eyes like he thought he was Romeo or something. He was cute alright, but I belonged to Cal. I guess it wasn’t just everybody else that had changed over the last few months, I had too. I would have swooned at that kind of attention back when I was poor.

  Cal led us to a table and then made small talk with whoever came to say hello as we drank our wine. Even though the night was apparently all about Nick, Cal was as popular as ever with no shortage of people who wanted to get in his good books or ask favours. Once the wine was gone, Cal asked my Mom to dance before bending down to whispe
r in my ear.

  “Remember, you’re taken. If any of these guys try to hit on you, be polite but distant. Not like at the wedding.”

  I nodded and watched them walk out on to the thinly populated dance floor, which was slowly but surely filling up as the wine took away people’s inhibitions. I caught the attention of another waiter and soon had another glass in my hand, determined to drink it at a slow pace and stay in control of myself.

  Over the course of the night I thought pretty much every single one of Nick’s friends came over to our table and tried to put the moves on me. I’d never in my life had to turn so many hot guys down, let alone all of them on one sitting. I didn’t have enough lines to feed them all and ended just giving a non-committal ‘I’m spoken for’ or ‘I’m already involved with somebody’ whenever they tried to get me to dance or sat too close.

  It was really strange but not as strange as when, after the meal and another lengthy dance with my Mom, Cal came over to me with some odd instructions.

  “Go over to Nick and tell him it’s time. Discreetly. Then accompany him out of the room and I’ll meet the two of you upstairs.”

  “Daddy, I’m not sure that’s a good idea…”

  “Who are you to tell me what a good idea is? Just get over there and do it, Nova.”

  Even though he was speaking quietly in my ear he managed to sound utterly undeniable and I shrunk away from his harsh tone, so different from the approval he had given earlier. With a heavy heart, I stood and began searching for the birthday celebrant, finding him sitting at a full table of his friends, everybody talking animatedly but falling quiet as I approached.

  They were all looking at me expectantly, making Cal’s instructions for ‘discretion’ difficult to follow. Tentatively, I bent over to whisper in Nick’s ear.

  “It’s time, let’s go upstairs.”


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