Take All of It September 2019

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Take All of It September 2019 Page 109

by Scarlett Skyes

  The next thing I knew, Cal was pulling me out of my chair and took me towards a door to the side of the stage with a nod to the bouncer guarding it, who held it open for us. I saw the performers who had already done their shows sitting around a table drinking, smoking and playing cards, off to my left were performers who looked like they were about to step through the curtains on to the stage.

  A man with a clipboard smiled and waved us over, pointing me towards a changing room when we got closer.

  “This the solo?” he asked

  Cal gave a thumbs up, shoved the bag he’d been carrying around all night into my hands and gave me a push towards the open door, which was shut behind me before I had a chance to ask just what in the hell was going on.

  I opened the bag and saw the clothes I’d used to try to work the information out of Cal in his office the previous day or night, or whatever the time difference made it, and suddenly felt my heart thudding heavily in my chest. Cal was going to put me on stage in an Amsterdam sex show.

  Turning to face the door, I gripped the handle and was about to come out but then thought about what Cal would say. More importantly, I thought about what he would do. Until I gave him his heir, he could still end his marriage with my Mom and leave us high and dry.

  If there was any rational side to my thinking, that was it. The other part of me and, I could only just admit it to myself, larger part was desperate to get on stage and masturbate in front of all those anonymous people, scary as it was.

  With those two motivators kept front and centre in my mind, I changed into my innocently-slutty schoolgirl outfit and put my hair back into pigtails before stepping out of my changing room and into the backstage area again. The man with a clipboard was having an enthusiastic conversation with Cal, which he halted when he saw me. The man was even taller than Cal but I thought his jaw would probably hit the floor if it dropped any lower, which was one hell of a stroke to my ego.

  The man regained his composure and handed me a mask to wear, which just covered my eyes. I tied it around the back of my head and adjusted it so I could see, peering out from behind it with a sudden, but shaky, boost in confidence. The mask felt kind of like a shield, but as the man ushered me towards the curtain with a constant barrage of thickly-accented instructions that I couldn’t follow, it didn’t seem like enough.

  Through the curtain came the performers who had just been going on stage before I got changed. The two women’s faces were drenched in semen and the two guys were looking pretty happy. One of them looked at me and said something that sounded like ‘Yaysus!’ before giving me a whistle of appreciation.

  The man left me there, pushing through the curtain, and it wasn’t long before I heard his thick Dutch accent announcing that this evening’s entertainment was being extended by one act from out of town. The crowd’s enthusiasm seemed to be unabated after three pretty intense shows already, and I heard their cheering come through loud and clear.

  “Little Melissa should be doing her homework, but she’d rather show all of you what she’s been showing her teachers! It’s the only reason she fails every test, has so many detentions, but is going to graduate just fine! Please welcome her to the stage!”

  The crowd erupted into cheers again and I took a deep breath, determined to go through with it, only to find that my feet wouldn’t work. It was like they were super-glued to the floor. Through the curtain I heard the crowd’s cheering ebb as, obviously, nobody appeared on stage and the man’s voice came through again.

  “Awwww… she’s shy, the poor little innocent thing. Come on, give her your biggest Uberfuk welcome!”

  The crowd redoubled its cheering efforts, but still my feet would not move. The next thing I knew, Cal was behind me, putting something around my neck and whispering in my ear.

  “Walk out there or be dragged out there. Either way, you’re showing everybody in this building that perfect little pink pussy of yours,” he said.

  I lifted my hands to my neck and felt a dog collar there, as Cal attached a leash and held the handle out through the curtains. The Dutch man laughed through the microphone before continuing his commentary.

  “Ahhhh! Some schoolgirls are just too shy when showing off for the first time in the Uberfuk, let me see what we find at the end of this rope.”

  The leash went taut and I was gently but undeniably pulled out on to the stage to the cheers and wolf-whistles of the crowd. The tall man pulled me towards the bed and attached the leash to the headboard of the bed before lifting me off my feet and throwing me on the mattress, taking the opportunity to grope between my legs before he let go.

  I landed on my stomach and almost didn’t dare turn around, the noise from the crowd was deafening. I couldn’t do it! I raised myself up on my hands and knees, with the intention of scurrying backstage, but the calls from the crowd reminded me of just how short my skirt was and in this position the only thing between my pussy and dozens of eager eyes was my thin pair of pristine white panties. I tried to push my skirt down with one hand but it was just too damn short!

  When I tried to stand up at the side of the bed, I found that the leash wouldn’t let me get very far at all. I was trapped on stage and countless people expected me to cum right in front of them. Slowly, I turned to face them and the crowd quietened down slightly.

  With a gulp, I reluctantly crawled back on the bed and laid myself down but no matter how I tried, I couldn’t make my own legs part, I was just too nervous!

  “Awww… she really is a shy one!” the Dutch man said. “Who wants to help get her in the mood?”

  The crowd immediately became a sea of raised hands and the announcer came back to the side of the bed, leaning over me as the stage lights dimmed and the audience lights brightened.

  “Look at all those strapping young men, Melissa, who would you like to help you a little bit?”

  I sat up and apprehensively scanned the crowd, surely he couldn’t be serious? I thought he’d said this was a ‘solo’ show and I was about to squeak out a protest when I spotted a tall blonde guy about my age who looked like he could be a football player or something judging by his muscles. His hand was raised as high as anybody else’s and with one shaking finger, I pointed towards him.

  “You sir! Third row back, red shirt! Come on down and show this little girl who’s boss, but remember the rules!”

  The blonde guy high-fived his friend and made his way to the stage, eagerly crawling on to the bed with me where I was lying on my back, my legs facing the crowd but tightly shut. I looked at him with wary eyes through my super-hero mask, he was even bigger than I had thought up close. Next to him I felt utterly dominated in size.

  He leaned in close nuzzling my neck just below my ear before whispering to me, “Hi, my name’s Braam,” as his hand began stroking my navel, fingertips just slipping under my shirt.

  “N… uh… Melissa,” I said.

  “First time here?”

  I nodded.

  “I’m a bit of a veteran, just forget about all of them for now. You’re going to cum so hard, I promise you that,”

  With Braam leaning over me, his imposing size made it much easier to forget everything else. It wasn’t long before his constantly moving hand had reached the gentle swells of my small breasts and his fingers were rubbing over my nipples, my outfit didn’t include a bra.

  “I love your body,” Braam whispered before kissing me passionately and pinching my nipple at the same time.

  Despite my reservations, Braam’s calm voice and gentle hands were putting me at ease, I could barely hear the general hubbub of the crowd anymore. I felt my legs begin to relax, which drew my attention back and made me snap them shut again, eliciting an ‘ooooohhh’ from the audience.

  I let my hands roam all over Braam’s muscular chest slipping my own fingers under his shirt as he had done with me. Where I was soft and smooth he was hard and lumpy, my fingers trailed over the well-defined bumps of his abs and then caressed his strong chest as his han
d reappeared from under my shirt and used the leash to pull me against him to more forcefully kiss me.

  With only a second of hesitation, I let it happen, my mouth opening wide to accommodate his deep kiss. He pulled back and I followed momentarily until our lips parted company and he began unbuttoning my shirt. Slowly, delicately, he folded back each side to reveal my tiny teen tits to his, and everybody else’s, eyes before lowering his head to take one hard pink tip into his mouth.

  I ran my hands through his hair, crushing his head against my chest as his tongue flicked back and forth inside his mouth, teasing my sensitive nipples until electric sparks of pleasure were shooting into my body. Braam alternated between my tits, squeezing and pinching whichever nipple was exposed to the cool sex-club-air until I was moaning with excitement.

  Dimly, I heard the crowd cheering and realised my legs had slumped apart. With that thought, they twitched, but I couldn’t bring myself to close them completely and just let them fall open again. My pussy was leaking copious amounts of my slippery nectar and I had to wonder if my underwear had gone see through, but with Braam so skilfully pleasuring me I couldn’t have cared less.

  I had to reach down a long way before I felt the bulge in Braam’s jeans where his cock was straining against the thick material. Instinctively, I reached for his zip, but his hand quickly left my breast and grabbed my wrist, halting me.

  “Don’t… they’re serious about taking off any cocks that don’t belong to the performers,” he said, glancing towards the security guards.

  The tone of his voice was somehow really empowering, like I could completely change his life with a flick of my wrist if I chose to quickly pull his zip down. Braam’s hand let me go, apparently trusting that I’d rather cum than see somebody get badly hurt, and his fingers traced my outer labia through my soaking wet panties.

  I moaned and hooked a hand behind his neck, locking eyes with him as I rubbed his hard cock through his pants. Braam’s eyes were as blue as mine and I was lost in their depths as I felt my panties sliding easily against my slit, his fingers probing my folds for several strokes through the thin material before slowly working their way under the waistband.

  Breath I hadn’t even realised I was holding was let out in a satisfied sigh as Braam made direct contact with my clit on his way to my dripping honeypot. With his first and third fingers sliding along either side of my eager entrance, I felt his middle finger dip inside briefly before dragging my natural lubricants back up and over my most sensitive bud.

  Round and round he circled, spreading my slippery juices all over, until he began concentrating his efforts directly on my go-button. My eyelids tried to force themselves shut, but I couldn’t quite bring myself to break off eye contact with him as I felt an orgasm lurking nearby.

  Braam lowered his head and once more I felt his lips kissing me strongly. I returned his affections as eagerly as I could, completely lost in the moment as with the power of a single finger, he beckoned my climax ever closer.

  I broke off the kiss and almost growled in frustration as I felt his finger stop flicking my clit. Looking down, I saw him pulling my panties towards my feet and quickly pulled my legs together so he could get them out of the way and get back to doing what I needed him to do.

  With the wet undergarment hanging loose around one ankle, I spread my legs wide to the applause of the crowd and moaned with pleasure as Braam returned his finger to my little pink bud. My hips were writhing in ecstasy and I felt a flush rising from my chest every time I felt like I was going to be pushed over the edge, but Braam kept pausing, spreading my pussy for the crowd and letting my climax recede over and over again.

  I was half-crazed with need when I screamed out that I needed to cum, much to the enjoyment of the audience. I looked Braam dead in the eye and told him that if he didn’t stop fucking around I was going to pull his zip down and watch him run.

  Finally ending my torture, Braam concentrated all his efforts on my clit and I let go of his neck, throwing my head back on to the bed and burying my hands in my hair as I thrashed from side to side, moaning like a whore. Arching my back I felt myself reach some tipping point inside and let it happen.

  My orgasm passed through me like a spirit of bliss, making my skin tingle from head to toe before the wonderful pins and needles all seemed to flow towards my clit, moving quicker with every flick of Braam’s finger, until the world’s greatest concentration of pleasure was between my legs.

  My thighs vibrated with ecstasy and my chest rose and fell with each of my deep breaths until it was over and I went limp with a sheen of sweat all over my body. Braam grabbed my hand, placed it on the bulge of his jeans one last time, and, with a wistful scan of my body, got off the bed, waving to the crowd who were, I realised, going absolutely wild.

  As I laid there catching my breath, I kept on thinking that the Dutch man who had brought me out would come to take my leash off so I could leave the stage. Imagine my surprise when I heard him inviting random members of the crowd up on stage to ‘explore the finest body to come out of America since the industrial revolution’ and all of a sudden I was surrounded by some of the horniest looking men I’d ever seen.

  At first I tried to push their hands away, too shocked at the liberties these strangers were taking with me to realise that I could probably scream for help and have security tear them to pieces if they didn’t stop. When I did remember my rights, I was too enthralled by all the looks of admiration on their faces as they touched my firm teen flesh, the way they looked made me feel as if I was the most beautiful thing they’d ever seen and I relished the idea.

  Hands roamed all over my body, pinching my nipples, stroking my slit, even reaching between me and the mattress to cup my tight ass. There were times there were so many people reaching for my rear that I was actually lifted clear off the bed, suspended in mid-air with hands probing my entire body.

  Somebody’s wet finger slipped into my asshole and I gasped, only to have somebody else’s finger push into my mouth until it was thrusting out in mimicry of a blowjob. As soon as the rest of them saw that happening, my three holes were constantly probed by an ever-changing roster of anonymous fingers as people I’d never met explored my (formerly) most private depths, and I occasionally tasted my own pussy juice on my tongue.

  Finally after countless men, and even a couple women, had gained intimate knowledge of my body I heard the announcer calling everybody back to their seats for ‘the grand finale’ whatever that might be, I hoped they cleared me off the stage before the next act came out.

  Instead, I rolled my head to the left and saw a naked man appear through the curtains. Naked, that was, except for a mask much like mine. With his dark hair, toned body and huge cock, I knew right away that the man was none other than Cal himself, at full mast and ready to fuck me hard in front of all these people. Maybe ‘solo’ meant something different in Holland, I thought.

  Cal detached my leash from the headboard and pulled me off the bed, yanking me down to my knees in front of him before slipping the loop over his hand, on to his wrist, and taking hold of both of my pigtails. I licked my lips and pulled his cock down until it was pointing right at my mouth, which I opened wide, tasting his familiar flavour the instant the tip touched my tongue.

  I spread his pre-cum all over his engorged head, making it nice and slippery before bobbing up and down on it, my lips getting further down the shaft each time. It wasn’t long before Cal’s fat cock was hitting the back of my throat with a loud squelching sound, which the Dutch announcer amplified when he held the microphone up to my mouth.

  Cal pulled harder on my pigtails and, with a smug glance towards the woman on her hen night, I opened my throat and let him face fuck me until he was balls deep with every thrust. I heard gasps from the crowd, I could hardly believe how well I could deepthroat these days myself. When I thought back to the virgin schoolgirl who had been flown to Cal’s mansion only a few months ago, I had to grin inwardly at her inexperience.
  My billionaire Step-Father forced his cock as deep as he could and held it in my throat until I went red from lack of air before releasing my pigtails and letting me fall to the ground and gasp for breath, his cock popping out of my mouth with a ‘schlop’ sound. Cal didn’t give me much time to recover, pulling me to my feet by the leash and hauling me towards the strange contraption with shackles I had seen earlier.

  “You looked like you were enjoying yourself over there, Nova,” he whispered. “Hope you haven’t forgotten who your pussy belongs to?”


  “No, what?”

  “No, Daddy, it’s your pussy.”

  “Damn right.”

  The tall Dutch man from backstage and one of the earlier performers approached us and Cal pushed me over a padded metal bar that stood at about my hip height. They worked quickly attaching my wrists and ankles to the shackles and adjusting various things until I couldn’t move a single inch from the compromising position I was in, bent over and presenting my pussy to Cal on a silver platter.

  I felt one of Cal’s hands caress my right ass cheek for a moment before he let me have a firm spank that rang out above even the general noise of the crowd.


  I cried out in surprise and pain and Cal repeated the motion on my other ass cheek.


  “Mmmph!” I managed to bite my bottom lip and mostly contain my yelp until Cal gave it another slap, right in the same spot as the first.


  There was no holding it back this time and I squealed out loud. The audience responded with cheering and I felt the tip of Cal’s cock, well-lubricated with my saliva and his pre-cum, pushing at the folds of my sex, which gave way to his girth. Even after all the times he had taken me, I was still in awe at the size of him, my delicate pink petals were wrapped tightly around his head when I felt the bumpy ridge slip inside and I my lips closed down on to his shaft.


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