Take All of It September 2019

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Take All of It September 2019 Page 116

by Scarlett Skyes

  Following behind him came a group of four men, all older than the rest of us, dressed rough and looking mean. I guessed Tyrell had tried to stop the party-crashers but taken a beating in the process. All of them were only normal size, even if there were four of them I couldn’t believe how they’d got the best of him without so much as a scratch.

  “Turn that fuckin’ music down, I can’t hear myself think,” said one of them, a greasy looking guy with spiky hair and a dark shadow of stubble.

  One of his friends went over to the stereo and gave it a massive stomp, sending plastic flying as everybody looked on shocked. Gasps and a few screams could be heard when the music abruptly cut off.

  “Where’s the fuckmeat? The first one asked to everybody and nobody, nostrils flaring as if tasting the air. “Where is she?”

  He scanned the shocked faces, everybody pressed up against the walls as far away from the uninvited guests as possible yet unable to tear themselves away from watching the trainwreck. Girls huddled up against their boyfriends if they had one and tried to hide behind them. The four men, I assumed they were part of some kind of gang, moved around the room, looking at everybody as if daring them to make a move, almost seeming to inhale the scent of every girl there as if they could smell the fear and were getting off on it.

  One of them walked in front of Eddie and I and breathed in deeply, letting it out with the slightest hint of a smile, his teeth looking just a little bit too pointy and sharp. From deep in his throat came a low rumble, almost a growl as he looked me up and down.

  “Hey Carlos, it’s this slut here,” he said.

  Something about me being called a slut must have spurred Eddie into action, because he spoke up for the first time since the party came to a crashing halt as the guy called Carlos stalked over to us.

  “You fuckers better get the hell out of here, I’m callin’ the cops but they probably aren’t going to get here in time to keep you assholes out of the hospital.”

  A few of Eddie’s friends from the football team edged forward, their confidence partially bolstered by having a leader of sorts to rally behind. The four guys looked utterly unconcerned by how outnumbered they were, the one who had called me a slut even looked eager.

  “You wanna die today, bitch?” Carlos asked Eddie

  “How fucked in the head are you?” Eddie asked. “You see how many people…”

  Eddie’s words were cut off as he snapped his mouth shut. I could have sworn Carlos’ eyes glowed faintly red as he too made that strange low growling sound and walked right up to Eddie, grabbing him by the shirt and lifting him off the ground as if he was completely weightless.

  “I said, you wanna die today, bitch?”

  At that moment some kind of crowd surface-tension broke and it was chaos. People screaming and running for their lives in all directions. One of Eddie’s friends, Clark, came out of nowhere and tackled Carlos, barely managing to move him at all. Carlos threw Eddie backwards before giving Clark a shove that sent him sliding across the floor and that’s the last thing I saw as I made a run for it myself, practically flying out the door as my classmates disbursed in all directions across Eddie’s front lawn.

  “Holyshitholyshitholyshit,” I panted as I ran down the street.

  The full moon was bright enough to cast a strong shadow on the sidewalk in front of me, and crazy shadows on the trees, bushes and houses on either side as they blurred past. I thought I must have been losing my mind, every shadow seemed to be moving, following me and I kept hearing the strangest noises. Howling, panting, laughing, something like that weird growling Carlos’ little gang had been doing.

  Words couldn’t express the relief I felt when I spotted my house and saw that the lights were on, Arkadios must have been home from his shift. He’d have his gun, he’d be able to get the cops there as quickly as anybody. I’d be safe.

  I was already fumbling my keys out as I pounded up the front steps, but the door opened ahead of me and I saw Arkadios’ huge frame blocking most of the light for a moment before he stepped out of the way and let me rush past.

  “Close the door!”

  Arkadios paused for just a moment, looking out the small crack of the open door before finally closing it and turning back to me and stooping down a little so he didn’t tower over me so much.

  “Calm down, Kylie, breathe. Look at me.”

  I raised my eyes to look into the deep calm brown of his as he placed his hands on my shoulders, holding me still and reassuring me all at the same time.

  “Calm down,” he repeated, “and tell me how many.”

  I didn’t stop to think what a strange question that was, considering all I’d told him to do was close the door in a panic. Not ‘What are you talking about’ or ‘What’s wrong’ but ‘How many’. I was in too much shock to question it.

  “Daddy! There were these guys! They crashed the party, you won’t believe… I don’t believe…”

  I hadn’t called him Daddy for years, hadn’t even called him Daddy for very long in the first place before I grew out of it. The last time was shortly after my Mom died… there was just something so comforting about having somebody to put that label on and at that moment I needed all the comfort I could get.

  “Shhh, calm down. How many?”


  “Just four?”

  “Just… you don’t understand! They…”

  My words were cut off as the front door blew inwards in a hail of splinters, slamming against the wall and making a couple pictures fall to the floor, scattering glass everywhere. Arkadios turned around as if a girl scout had just politely knocked to sell cookies and stood back up to his full height. He may have been calm, but that was only because he didn’t understand, he hadn’t seen! Oh shit, he hasn’t got his gun! It was definitely time to panic.

  Carlos walked in followed closely by his three friends and stopped dead in his tracks with a comical look of surprise on his face when he saw Arkadios, a look that was soon replaced with a sneer.

  “Officer Philokrates! What brings you to these parts? You live here?”

  “Carlos Fagarelli, you look well. Nice new wardrobe you got there, I see you match your girlfriends. What have you been up to since I busted your ass for exposing yourself to elderly ladies in the park and petty theft?”

  “Oh all kinds of things, man, you wouldn’t fuckin’ believe it. Met some new people, I’m movin’ up in the world. Kind of a big day for me, man, got an initiation to do, and that fuckmeat behind you is gonna help me. She your daughter? Even better, man, you can take a seat and watch.”

  “You a rapist now, Carlos?” Arkadios turned to me, “Stand back, Kylie.”

  I could hardly make myself move away from him, but slowly managed to shuffle back and to the side, eventually stopping just behind a chair. Arkadios turned back to the four men and folded his arms.

  “I’m so much more than that, motherfucker. Things have changed, now take a seat and enjoy the show,” said Carlos.

  “You want her, you’ll have to go through me.”

  “I’m so glad you said that,” said Carlos, stalking up to Arkadios.

  What happened next defied even more logic than what had happened back at Eddie’s party. Carlos’ muscles seemed to gain mass and his five-o’clock shadow seemed to deepen and spread as his nose and mouth extended out from his face, forming a canine-like muzzle full of sharp teeth. He gained height until he was almost as tall as Arkadios himself and his hot breath blew right into my adopted Father’s face.

  Carlos’ fingernails extended and thickened until they were brutal-looking claws and he let out a growl, much louder than at Eddie’s house, as he pulled his hand back, winding up for a big swipe at Arkadios. Almost faster than I could track with my eyes, Carlos swung his claws forward with enough power that I thought he was going to completely remove Arkadios’ head.

  My cry of despair was not even beginning to come out of my mouth when I saw that Arkadios had caught Carlos’s arm ju
st above the wrist and was holding it bare inches from where it would have impacted on his face. The man and monster stared into each other’s eyes for a moment, their muscles shaking from the strain like two powerful arm wrestlers.

  “You know, Carlos, there’s only one thing on God’s green earth that’s a bigger pussy than a small time crook, and that’s a werewolf.”

  From Carlos’ arm I heard the sickening crunch of breaking bones and in an instant the werewolf’s all-out attack turned into a desperate struggle for retreat as he tried to pull his shattered arm from Arkadios’ grip. Carlos’ friends, after spending a dumbfounded few seconds looking at each other, began to go through the same transformation that Carlos had, regrouping and warily approaching Arkadios.

  Without taking his eyes off them to look back at me, Arkadios said “I’m sorry you had to find out like this,” and I lost all feeling in my legs, going down on my haunches with just my eyes and the top of my head peeking out over the chair as I watched the most insane thing that had yet happened in that nuthouse evening.

  Arkadios’ already massive frame seemed to expand even more with bone, muscle and hair until once more he towered over the werewolves just as he had done before they shifted forms and his clothes hung from him in torn rags. With a terrifying roar he lifted the helpless Carlos off the floor by his broken arm and swung him at the nearest werewolf, the two of them colliding with a meaty thud that sent Carlos’ friend to the ground in a dazed heap.

  Carlos, small-time-crook-turned-werewolf-turned-club was immediately lifted back into the air and swung in a vicious arc into the midsection of the next closest werewolf, the impact sending this one most of the way through the wall, leaving only his twitching feet visible. The last werewolf began backing away towards the door, out of reach of Arkadios’ makeshift weapon, when my adopted Father threw Carlos at him, scoring a direct hit but not quite managing to knock him off his feet.

  He turned tail and ran, but not before Arkadios was able to close the distance and deliver a powerful kick between his legs, sending the werewolf airborne for a short distance yelping and clutching at his crotch. The werewolf that had gone through the wall extracted himself and was immediately set upon by Arkadios, who picked him up by the throat and balls before swinging the killing machine out the front door as if he was a toy.

  The werewolf that had been the first to be hit by Carlos struggled to his feet and jumped out the nearest window. And that left just Carlos, dragging himself towards the door with one limb, the only one that remained unbroken, feebly crawling past Arkadios’ feet before the man who now looked more like a bear picked him up by the scruff of the neck and growled out some words of warning.

  “You go home, give your Alpha’s asshole a good sniff, and then present for him, because I don’t think he’s going to be happy with how your initiation went.”

  With that, he threw Carlos out into the moonlight and then turned back towards me, shrinking down to his usual huge dimensions, his features becoming human again. Even though he had just saved me from a rape and possible murder, even though he was Arkadios, Daddy, I still may have run if my legs had been in working order.

  “Are you OK?”

  “What’s happening? Am I crazy?”

  “No. You’re… um… this is going to sound crazy… you’re in heat.”

  “What is that?”

  “You’re… uh… ready to breed. Something changed today didn’t it Kylie? You’ve had some strange thoughts, been acting differently?”

  “How did you know?”

  “When I came home I could smell it. The whole house was thick with it, especially your room, your pillow. The scent is absolutely intoxicating to our kind. Even more so since it’s your first breeding cycle, and you’re a special case anyway.”

  “Our kind? Breeding cycle? Are you speaking Greek?”

  “Sorry, I know it must sound nuts, but given what you’ve just seen you’re going to need an open mind. Our kind, werewolves, werebears, cat shifters, goat shifters. You name it, they’re all out there somewhere, hiding in plain sight.”

  “What did you mean…”

  I cut myself off, blushing suddenly when my mind finally processed what he’d said about the whole house being thick with my scent, especially my pillow. Oh God… my adopted Father had been talking about the scent of my pussy juices being intoxicating. There’s something you never expected to hear. I forced myself to continue.

  “What did you mean I was a special case?”

  “You’re the daughter of a shifter, born under the full moon in a very special year according to a well-known prophecy. You, along with a few other known girls, are all potentially the one the prophecy spoke of.”

  “What prophecy?”

  “Well… it’s well-known amongst shifters anyway. Our populations are on the decline ever since we decided to live within the laws of human society. No more raping, pillaging, murdering, turning and so on. The prophet said that a human woman would be born under the full moon on a particular year, daughter of a shifter, and she would choose a mate. Together they would lead our kind back to prosperity.”

  “But they… those werewolves, I didn’t choose them, they were just going to take what they wanted.”

  “Yeah… the werewolves have broken away from the rest of the community. They see humans as playthings. Even so, those four idiots can’t have realised just how important you are, otherwise they’d have been taking you back to their Alpha rather than trying to use you for Carlos’ initiation. That’s what we’re supposed to do, take you to the Alphas so you can choose freely. Of course, the werewolves would just take you to their own and forget about that choosing freely part. You can stop hiding behind that chair, I’m not going to hurt you, Kylie.”

  With a struggle, I managed to get my legs to respond to my own commands and stood up. My base instincts were still telling me to run away but all I could see now was the man that had protected me, not just tonight but all my life, and I ran to his arms, burying my face against his bare chest, his shirt having been reduced to a few scraps of cloth hanging off him in random places.

  Arkadios hesitated for a moment before putting his arms around me and pulling me against him, planting a kiss on the top of my head. Held there in his impossibly strong yet gentle embrace, feeling the deep boom of his heart, I couldn’t help but begin to feel calmer. I raised my head to look up at him, seeing those familiar brown eyes looking strained but lucid.

  “Thank you for saving me, Daddy. It can’t be me though, in the prophecy I mean. I’m not really your daughter.”

  “No but, sorry you had to find out about this tonight too, your real father was a werewolf. And your heat-scent… it’s just so alluring, I’ve never encountered anything like it in my whole life, it’s got to be you, you’re irresistible.”

  Arkadios’ eyes dropped and it was only with an obvious struggle that he returned his gaze to me. I looked down where he had and saw my breasts squashing against his hard torso in the midst of our embrace, the combination of my slutty outfit, large chest and his firm body creating the deepest cleavage I’d ever sported. I looked back up at him and bit my lower lip in apprehension.


  “I’ve got to take you to the gathering place. All the alphas will come. We better go before I lose my mind… you’re so… so hot.”

  The words sounded like they were being wrenched out of my adopted father by a pack of wild horses, caught between fatherly protectiveness and duty on one side and a natural response to whatever I was emanating on the other side. Still, he didn’t let go, and I felt him move his lower body even closer to mine, a distinct hardness pressing into my belly through the mostly intact material of his jeans. Arkadios closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, pressing against me harder still.

  I’d never been more confused in my life. After everything that had just happened I’d finally begun to step back from the ledge of panic. Truth be told, after seeing the lengths Arkadios had gone to in order to prote
ct me, and calming down in his embrace for a while, I’d never felt safer. But there was no denying that he was gently rubbing his huge hard cock against my belly as we stood there with our arms around each other.

  Everything that was happening was impossible, werewolves and werebears and all that other stuff, it couldn’t exist. Even more impossible was Arkadios pushing his rock hard dick against me, he was Daddy, after all. Finally, so impossible that there wasn’t even a word to describe it, thoughts of how good it would feel to spread my virgin pussy for his massive masculine presence flooded through my brain. It was like the thoughts I’d been having pre-party but magnified by the presence of Arkadios’ erection, gently moving against every time we breathed or shifted positions in the slightest.

  To my surprise I began moving against him, up and down in opposition to every gentle movement of his, making his bulge rub against me even more. My lips parted and I ran my tongue over them, hardly believing the words that I had already decided to say.

  “Don’t take me to the gathering… I need you right here, right now.”

  “Can’t… it was decided long ago… the chosen one would pick at the gathering… the whole community would come down on me like a ton of bricks.”

  “You don’t understand what it’s been like today… I can’t get the thought of cock out of my mind. I need it! I need you, I choose you, Daddy.”

  “But… the alphas…”


  I reached between us with one hand and gently stroked along the entire length of that tantalising bulge, my eyes never leaving his, before curling my hand over its curve and raising myself on to the tips of my toes. I was as close to his face as I could get, and I whispered to him.

  “You can be my first, Arkadios, take my virginity. I’m so wet, so tight, you can fuck me as hard as you want, I need it!”


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