Take All of It September 2019

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Take All of It September 2019 Page 135

by Scarlett Skyes

  Maybe the wardrobe had been built that way, maybe she’d got one of the boys in the shop class at school to make it for her, either way, it was well done and I almost missed it even though it wasn’t quite closed properly. I’d been just about to shut the doors when I spotted it.

  Slipping my fingers inside I’d found a small area packed with things that would have made my father call in an exorcist. A few of the skimpiest outfits you could imagine, a knife, a small plastic baggie full of something that looked like some kind of green herb and a strange pink cylindrical object that vibrated when the bottom end was twisted.

  I gathered it all up and quickly whisked it all back to my room, wondering if Anabelle had left this behind, what had she taken? I held up one of the outfits against my body, my pursed lips pulling to one side doubtfully as I felt my better judgement fighting to be heard over the incessant noise of my carnal needs.

  The fact that I’d never had carnal needs like this before was still a worry, but I was being pulled like a moth to a flame. He would be there, I’d been dressed like this in the dream, and… I hadn’t thought it out any further than that.


  “You sure?” the cabby asked out his window as I stood on the side of the road nervously eying the rowdy bar.

  “Yes. No. Yes,” I said.

  “You don’t really seem to fit in here,” he advised.

  “I’ll… I’ll be OK. I’ll probably be calling for a ride back home in a while.”

  “If you say so, you got our number saved?”


  “Well, good luck then. Hope you find whatever you’re looking for.”

  The cab pulled away just as a man on an insanely loud motorbike pulled in with a young woman riding behind him holding on for dear life with one hand and waving a bottle of liquor with the other. She stopped mid-cheer as she spotted me and burst out laughing, a sound I was all too familiar with from school.

  Thankfully, with the noise from the bike and the distance quickly put between us as the man found somewhere to park, it was a short-lived experience. I began walking slowly towards the front door of the bar, the neon sign on the roof above casting red and yellow light into the car park, which consisted of about two cars and a multitude of motorcycles.

  One of the more practical reasons for my slow pace, aside from the nervousness that was also a major contributor, was the fact that my tiny leather mini skirt rode up dangerously high with every step I took. If I didn’t keep tugging it downwards I’d be showing off my panties to the doorman by the time I started climbing the three shallow steps in front of the door.

  It took me such a long time to make the short journey that the cackling woman and the man she was riding with shoved in front of me at the foot of the stairs.

  “Outtam’waycunt,” she slurred. “Isn’ta fuckin’ school night?”

  “Don’t talk to anybody, bitch, you’re with me.” The man gripped her arm with what looked like painful force and half-dragged her upwards.

  I couldn’t have felt more out of place if I had woken up on the moon, I almost turned back right then but couldn’t stop myself from watching as the huge bouncer at the front door stepped in the way of the pair and held out his hand in a halting gesture.

  “Sorry brother, this bar is neutral territory. No patches allowed inside.”

  “Fuck you, I didn’t ride halfway across the state to have some nobody at a piece of shit bar tell me my patch is no good here. Out of my way.”

  The biker was no midget, but the bouncer looked like he was the world’s most heavily tattooed professional body builder, and grabbed the guy with both fists by the front of his jacket, lifting the surprised biker clear off the ground. The girl beat her fist on the bouncer’s huge bicep ineffectually, slurring at him in what might have been English.

  “Like I said, it’s our policy that this is neutral ground and no patches are allowed inside. It’s been agreed with all the fuckin’ presidents of the clubs around here, because so many come through with us being so close to the interstate and all. You can leave your patch with your bike, nobody will fuck with it… or are you sure you wanna enter this pissing contest, friend?”

  “Uh… no… I didn’t know.”

  The bouncer set the man down on his feet gently, almost daintily, brushed him off, and glanced down at the bottle in the woman’s hand.

  “No harm, no foul,” he said. “Just so you know, this ain’t no BYO Italian restaurant either, leave the Jack with your ride too.”

  The biker led the drunken blonde back down the steps and yanked her past me before she could sling any insults my way. I gulped and approached the bouncer, who rolled his eyes when he saw me.

  “I said this ain’t an Italian restaurant. Get yourself home, little girl, this isn’t the kind of place for you, no matter how slutty you dress.”

  “I-I need to get in there,” I said.

  “Oh really?” he sighed, “Got some ID?”

  “Uh… no.”

  “Fuck sake. How old are you?”

  “Eighteen,” I said, lying didn’t seem to be an option.

  “Well, I’ll give you the same deal I give the others. Ass, grass, or cash. Cough it up or get a move on.”

  I frowned, I only had enough cash for my taxi ride home and maybe a diet cola while I was in the bar. Primed and ready-to-go as my pussy was, I wasn’t here for sex, so ass was out of the question. But what was grass?

  In a moment of clarity, I reached into my little handbag and pulled out that plastic baggie I’d taken from my sister’s wardrobe, holding it out to the muscle-bound giant in front of me with a hopeful look on my face. He took it and held it up to the light.

  “Shit… I was just beginning to hope you didn’t have any grass or cash.” He opened the zip-locked bag and sniffed before snatching it away from his nose. “Holy fuck, girl, how old is this?”

  “Uh… I don’t know.”

  “Fuck it, just get inside, stop bothering me.”

  I’d seen movies where an outsider stepped into a bar and the whole place fell silent. This was nothing like that at all. For the most part, aside from some appreciative full-body-scans, people just went about their business, going back and forth to the bar, playing pool or darts and filling the air with some sickly-sweet smelling smoke from their roll-your-own cigarettes that kind of reminded me of that little plastic baggie I’d given to the bouncer.

  From the corner of my eye I thought I caught a flash of glowing yellow eyes, and felt my heart leap with an unexpected rush of joy and fear. When I focussed in that direction all I saw was a group of three dark-haired guys with salt-n-pepper five o’clock shadows sitting in a booth.

  None of them were the man from my dream, though they did seem to be playing close attention to me. Two of them were staring at me without any attempt to conceal the fact, while the third closed his eyes and took a deep breath in through his nose, seeming to enjoy the smoky atmosphere of Roar to a near-orgasmic level.

  I got a bad vibe from them and dropped my gaze, turning on the spot to head to the other side of the bar and look around the various booths there. Before I’d even turned around completely I ran straight into the back of some biker with long hair streaked with grey, which matched a long beard when he looked over his shoulder to see who had jostled him.

  “Hey there, sweet thing, you lookin’ to get my attention?” he asked.

  “No, sorry, I didn’t mean…”

  “Well, you got it. You here with somebody?”

  “No… I mean yes. Sorry, I didn’t mean to bump…”

  The man chuckled and reached out to grab my arm, gripping me so hard I thought he would probably leave a bruise. “You sound confused. I love it when you prissy little bitches get all tarted up and come out looking to slum it for a while, your pussies are always so tight. I’ve got a room upstairs. You wanna come up and get fucked in it.”


  “That wasn’t a question, bitch, get walkin’”

nbsp; With a few laughs and slaps on the back from his friends he started pushing me towards the back of the bar and I couldn’t get free from his grip, no matter how much I pushed and pulled. I was fumbling at my handbag when I felt, rather than saw, somebody step into our way.

  “I don’t think you’d know what to do with fuckmeat like this, old man, better hand her over.”

  I looked up and saw one of the three dark-haired guys who had been sitting in the booth standing there seeming completely unconcerned by the height advantage my would-be-abductor enjoyed over him.

  “Who you callin’ old, fucker? Neutral ground or not you better watch your fuckin’ mouth before my buddies and I make you disappear. Now get the fuck out of my way before I – oooof!”

  The younger man had raised a leg and delivered a swift front kick to the mid-section of the older biker that sent him flying backwards to land at the feet of his friends. I looked downwards, half expecting to see his boots still on the ground beside me.

  The biker was being helped to his feet by one of his friends while about five others advanced on the dark-haired young man. At that point in time he smiled and my strange day quickly transformed into absolute insanity.

  So fast that I could barely process what I was seeing, the dark-haired man seemed to grow an extra couple feet in height, his limbs lengthening until they were out of human proportions. His eyes went from dull yellow, to that yellow glow I had caught sight of only a few moments ago, as his nose and mouth extended forwards, becoming some kind of canine muzzle.

  Dark fur, spotted with occasional flecks of grey matching the hair on his head, sprouted all over his body as a muscular and humanoid yet bestial torso ripped through his shirt, leaving it in rags all around him. I dived under the nearest table, screaming.

  The fastest of the older biker’s friends had closed the distance too quickly for his own good and was swiped to the side with a backhand motion from a now-clawed hand. The second fastest began back-pedalling, but not quickly enough.

  He was grabbed with one hand by the neck, and with another hand by the leg and hoisted above the wolf-beast’s head even easier than the bouncer had lifted the biker a few inches off the ground outside. Taking the man over to the bar, for a moment I thought he was going to slide him along the length of it like in an old western bar-fight, instead he just slammed him straight down through it, head first.

  People had scrambled out of it’s way when it had carried the guy to the bar, but for the most part, all the bar patrons were staring at everything in utter disbelief, standing there with beers in hand and cigarettes falling from wide-open mouths. When it turned around and roared though, that got everybody moving.

  I screamed again and joined the stampede out the door almost losing my balance along the way but held up by the close crush of uncharacteristically terrified bikers. Out into the night air I was swept and I caught a fleeting glance of the bouncer trying to fight his way into the bar to break up what he thought must have been a pretty horrific fight.

  Even with all his muscles he was powerless against the human tidal wave and I suspected that if he did manage to see what was going on in there, he’d run for the hills like everybody else. After the bottleneck of the front door was passed and I was out in the night air again I ran like the wind back in the direction of town as the sounds of motorcycles began bursting to life all around me.

  By the time I had crossed the car park, several bikers had roared past me already and I spared a glance over my shoulder, seeing taillights receding in every possible direction. Before today I would have been out of breath within a minute of running at this pace, but now I felt like I could run forever and I was almost beginning to think I would get out of this alive.

  That’s when I let myself look over my shoulder again and saw that dark semi-human shape burst out of the door, followed by two others, and land in the car park. One of them howled at the full moon, and the others joined in.

  Then they all looked in my direction and began running after me. If I thought I was suddenly athletic, I was nothing compared to these things. Using their elongated arms to run more like an animal than a person, they quickly disappeared from the well-lit car park, flitting through the limited illumination of a streetlight shortly afterwards, then another.

  I turned my head forwards again and concentrated everything I had on running like my life depended on it, because it probably did. It didn’t take long before I heard the snarls and footfalls right behind me, I could almost feel their breath on the back of my neck.

  At any moment I expected to be torn to pieces. Instead, with one last triumphant growl, I felt myself tackled to the ground and had most of the wind knocked out of me when I landed on the packed dirt on the side of the road.

  I turned and tried to push the beast off, finding that it had shifted back to human form. He laughed at my struggles as his two companions shrunk back to human form behind and to either side of him.

  “Looks like we’ve got a fighter! Smell that fucking pussy! I’ve never smelled a bitch more in heat!”

  “Get off me!” I wheezed, my breath slowly returning.

  “I’m gonna get off in you, bitch,” he replied.

  “We should take her back to the Alpha, Romaeus,” said the one on the left.

  “Not this time, Gedah, don’t tell me you can’t smell that. This one is ours first, we’ll let Cronus do what he wants with her afterwards. She’s making me so fucking hard, I can’t help myself.”


  “Shut up and hold her legs, you can have her after me.”

  The other two shrugged and each grabbed a leg, pulling them apart as Romaeus stood up and then kneeled back down between my thighs. With two hands he ripped my panties off like they were made of tissue paper. I screamed in shame and fear as he took a deep shuddering breath.

  “Look how wet she is. You want this, don’t you, bitch?”


  “Your mouth says no, but your pussy says yes!”

  Romaeus’ hands were stroking up my thighs towards my unprotected slit when the thunder of approaching motorcycles cut through the sounds of my struggle and the wolf-men’s growls of anticipation.

  “Fuck sake,” said Romaeus. “You shut the fuck up, bitch. If they stop, you scream and they decide to be some fucking white knights, you’re responsible for getting them killed.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut as the rumble got closer and closer, unable to stop myself from whimpering in hope when instead of riding straight past, the bikes stopped right there next to us on the road. Romaeus put his hand on my throat and squeezed.

  “Keep movin’, brothers, we’re just having some fun here.”

  “What if we don’t?” a deep, calm, voice said.

  “You’ll regret it.”

  I opened my eyes and twisted my head towards the road, unable to make out much detail in the darkness aside from the lion artwork on the side of the bike nearest to me and two words ‘The Pride.’ I closed my eyes again sure that the next thing I heard would be the receding sounds of several motorcycles.

  One by one the motorcycle engines turned off and I heard the sound of boots stepping on to the road, the clink of chains and the unmistakable ‘shing’ of metal on metal. The hands on my legs let go and Romaeus stood up.

  I scrambled backwards, seemingly unable to get my legs under me but desperately wanting some distance between myself and the last moments of the bikers. Then I saw him.

  The man who had spoken had taken off his helmet and I recognised the face from my dream. His hair was blonde but not long like I had envisioned. He looked even bigger in real life, stronger, harder.

  Maybe it was because I was looking at him from the ground, or maybe no dreams could do him justice. Either way I felt my heart break, I had found him but I would lose him before we ever touched if he tried to save me.

  “Run!” I yelled. “Get out of here, you don’t know what they are!”

  The blonde man from my dreams turned an
d looked at me with those golden eyes and despite the situation I was lost in their depths. There was no panic there, not even any of the anger you would expect from somebody expecting a fight, just calm self-assurance, and power. This was no ordinary man.

  “They can’t do this to what is mine, Jayna, don’t worry.”

  I didn’t have any chance to ask how he knew my name before the wolf-men began advancing on him.

  “You should listen to her, fuckface,” said Gedah.

  “First, you tell me why it smells like wet dog around here. Did one of you pups piss yourselves?”

  As quick as Romaeus had shifted form in the bar, the tall blonde biker went through a similar transformation as he leapt forward. The short blonde hair lengthened until it was a golden mane and shorter lighter fur seemed to sprout over the rest of his body. His body increased in size much like Romaeus had done, soon looking out of proportion for a human with those long limbs and elongated muzzle.

  The blonde biker’s claws were bigger though, and as soon as he was in reach he aimed a swipe at Romaeus that opened his stomach up and let out a torrent of gore, then on the back swing with the same hand, he took the wolfman’s head clean off.

  The rest of the biker gang shifted into this more feline form as they rushed the other two, completely overpowering them and pinning them to the ground.

  “You,” snarled the biker-beast who said I belonged to him, pointing at one of his captives, “what is your name?”

  “Gedah,” he said.

  “Watch this.” He nodded to his associates holding the other wolf-beast, who promptly tore the helpless thing to pieces. “You go tell your alpha that The Pride is expanding into this territory and we don’t want to see your fucking faces around here anymore.”

  “What the fuck are you doing? This is against all your precious rules, the gathering of alphas will hear about this.”

  The thing that had been the tall blonde biker laughed, the rest of his gang did too.


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