Take All of It September 2019

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Take All of It September 2019 Page 155

by Scarlett Skyes

  I ran from the room, the house, the whole party, with tears streaming down my face. I was halfway home before I realised just how far away I lived and it seemed to take forever to get back to the sanctuary of that house.

  I walked around the corner and my heart sank again, the lights were on so my parents had come home early. Great. Explaining my ruined make-up and puffy eyes was just what I wanted to do at that particular moment.

  Carefully sliding the key into the lock, and opening the door as quietly as a ninja, I slipped inside and heard some sports-talk show blaring from the TV. That was odd, my parents rarely watched TV when they were home, they seemed to get enough entertainment from each other in the bedroom.

  I’d learned to stay away when the door to their room was closed a couple years ago. I tell you what, you learn that lesson quick when you barge in to ask for their signature on a permission slip and see your mother wearing your school uniform and riding your step-father like a cowgirl. I should have had therapy.

  I peeked into the living room from the shadows in the hallway and saw Harley, my step-father, sitting by himself watching some show about baseball. My mom was nowhere to be seen.

  “Hi, what are you guys doing back?” I asked, still hiding in the darkness.

  Harley startled and looked to the door. “Oh, hey, Amanda. Didn’t hear you come in. It’s just me here, I got a call that I’ve got to sort some emergencies in the office on Monday, but your mom decided to stay and I’ll go back after I’ve put out these fires. If there’s enough time left,” he said with a hint of annoyance. “You’re home a bit early yourself aren’t you? I thought it was that big party tonight, you’ve been looking forward to it for weeks.”

  A lump rose in my throat. “The party sucked, I’m… I’m just going to have a shower and an early night. See you tomorrow maybe. Night.”

  “Fair enough. Night.”

  I trudged upstairs and went straight to the bathroom, disrobed unceremoniously, and went in the shower, letting the hot water wash away as much of my make-up and shame as it could. I was a stupid girl for thinking I could have my special night.

  Fresh tears were completely hidden by the blast of hot water, and I let them come until I felt scoured out as much on the inside as the outside. After carefully removing the last of the make-up and blow-drying my hair, I wrapped my towel around myself, picked up my clothes and walked across the hallway to my room.

  The light was on and I spotted Harley sitting on the edge of my bed, apparently waiting for me. That was odd.

  He’d been kind of distant with me for the past couple of years and left all the parenting to my mom, which had confused me at the time because he’d always been such a wonderful substitute for my absentee-real-father before that. I’d always thought I’d done something to offend him, but I’d never found out what. There was just this vague unspoken awkwardness that I’d learned to live with.

  As far as I knew, he’d not set foot in my room in all that time, certainly not while I was around anyway. I tucked the corner of the towel more firmly in around my chest and was painfully aware of how short a dress it made for.

  That awkwardness was unlikely to be broken by this crossing of the invisible boundaries that had been drawn on the map of our lives, because in his hand was the babydoll lingerie I’d been planning on getting deflowered in. On the bedside table were a couple of condoms and some lubricant, prominently displayed. Next to the bed was a full-length mirror, conspicuously out of place.

  Words could not do justice to this new level of awkward. My mouth worked open and closed as if I was a fish like the one swimming around obliviously in the goldfish bowl on my desk, and I felt an embarrassed blush rising on my face.

  “Is everything OK, pumpkin?” he asked. He hadn’t called me ‘pumpkin’ in years.

  “Uh… yeah. What are you doing in my room?”

  “You didn’t seem too happy before your shower. Something happen tonight that I should know about?”

  “No,” I lied, looking down.

  “Something to do with this?” he asked, and I could see the flash of pale blue in the periphery of my vision to indicate he’d held up the lingerie.

  “No… I…”

  I couldn’t think of any excuses, any plausible stories. I didn’t have the energy, I found myself just blurting out everything all at once.

  “This was supposed to be my special night! Conor cheated on me! He’s always been cheating on me! What’s wrong with me, Harley? It’s like when I let people get close , they all end up hating me. My dad, you, and now Conor!”

  I couldn’t bring myself to look up at him as he stood and approached me, it took all of my willpower to not start crying again. In only a few seconds he was standing right in front of me, strangely close.

  The distance between the front of my towel, pushed out by the swell of my breasts, and my step-father was only a couple of inches, maybe only a single inch when I took a deep breath. His scent, that faintly sweet musky cologne he’d always worn, seemed to gently waft around me like a hug.

  I’d always associated that smell with strength and security, the smell of the man who had raised me. It was the smell of a man you obeyed out of well-earned respect, rather than fear or duty, the real head of the household. I’d hardly let myself think about how much it had hurt to have him draw away.

  “Is that what you think of me, Amanda?”

  Harley put a finger on the bottom of my chin and raised my head so I had to look him in the eye. I nodded wordlessly.

  “Your dad is a drunk. Conor is a fuckin’ dumb kid who is going to wake up one day, fat and middle-aged, and he’s going to kick himself for passing up what you had planned tonight. Me…”

  My step-father’s finger trailed from my chin, down my neck, and came to rest on my bare shoulder, leaving a tingly sensation in its wake that made me shiver deliciously despite the circumstances. He looked down into my face with a calculating expression, as if making a final decision about something before continuing.

  “I had to keep my distance. It seemed like overnight you turned into a woman. A beautiful, smart, funny… sexy, young woman, but you weren’t ready yet. You had to go and find out what boys your age are like. Now that you’re eighteen though…”

  My ears burned as intently as if somebody had set a match to them when he said the word ‘sexy’. The last thing I would have ever expected from a man as handsome and mature as Harley was for him to be able to find an inexperienced girl like me sexy. Never mind the fact that he was married to my mother.

  “…all bets are off,” he continued.

  Harley stepped forward and I stepped back, only to quickly press against the door frame. Harley slowly, intentionally, closed that gap between us. My breasts, naked aside from the towel, squashed up against him, lifting them and drawing attention to my partially concealed cleavage.

  “Why do you think your mom was wearing your school uniform that time instead of some generic costume?” he whispered. “She knows how hard I want to fuck you.”

  I turned my head away, half of me shocked at hearing such language from the man who had grounded me for saying the exact same word and the other half thrown into turmoil because he was using the word about me. Harley pressed the rest of his body against mine and I was sure I could feel a distinct hardness poking me in the stomach.

  Confusion swamped me, this was so wrong, but at the same time it was Harley, the one man in my life who carried with him this impenetrable aura of authority. He was the man of the house.

  “She wants me to do it. So I’m gonna give you a choice, Amanda. One, you go back into that bathroom, put this on.” He dangled the babydoll lingerie in front of me, “and then come back in here to have your special night. Or. Two, you go to the bathroom but you’re not back within five minutes. I’ll leave, we’ll never talk about this again and you’ll always wonder what it would have felt like to have your virginity taken by a real man, to have my big cock inside you. Here, take this and go.”
  The lingerie was hooked over my hand and I was ushered out to the hallway before I could respond in any way. I heard the sound of my bedsprings creaking slightly as I looked at the bathroom door for a moment and then rushed through, shutting it behind me.

  In the short time I’d been out of the room the bathroom mirror had fogged up again. I quickly wiped my hand across it to see if I’d grown a second head or anything else that might give away the fact that I was dreaming.

  I looked like a slightly shocked, but otherwise normal, eighteen year old girl. So Harley really was in my bedroom talking about fucking me hard with his big cock.

  It was OK though, he said all I had to do was wait in here for five minutes and then we could just go on like nothing had ever happened. It was a strange end to a hell of a day, but it was an end… wasn’t it?

  I looked down at the lingerie in my hand as if it had materialised out of thin air. I’d been looking forward to this night for so long, looking forward to having the perfect night of sex for my first time, looking forward to being sexy for the first time and it was all ruined.

  Harley said you were sexy, a voice in my head pointed out. That was true, but he was my step-dad. How could my mom want him to do it? I looked at the lingerie with a pained expression of longing.

  “It is my special night, dammit,” I said to my reflection and unwrapped the towel.

  It didn’t take long to get dressed again, it was a pretty simple piece of clothing that I just slipped on over my head. I felt the same thrill I had when I’d tried it on in the shop, I looked good in this.

  The lacy material ended in a somewhat frilly hem that was no lower than the towel had been a few moments ago. When I had worn it in the changing room my panties had shown through the sheer fabric clearly, but my newly hairless mound was much harder to see.

  Trying on this lingerie had probably been one thing that had made me sure tonight was going to be the night. I’d left the store feeling on top of the world, and seeing it on me again brought back memories of that strange spirit of triumph, like I was back on the path to my destiny or something.

  I was going to need every scrap of confidence I could find, because the fact that a much older man had just pinned me against my doorframe and the bulge of his cock had pressed into my belly soon interrupted my little reverie in front of the mirror. With a deep breath, I exited the bathroom and once more stood outside my own bedroom door.

  For a moment I wasn’t sure if I’d gathered anywhere near enough self-assurance because I felt about as timid as a lamb being led to an altar when I reached out and pushed the door open again. I caught a glimpse of Harley sitting on my bed, a hunger in his eye that I’d never seen before, and I immediately looked towards the floor and tried to make myself as small as possible as if he might not see me.

  He wasn’t just hungry, he was ravenous, and it wasn’t food he was after. If I knew any better I would have said he was wild with lust, he was in a state of mind where he would follow through on that statement about fucking me hard. I might not be able to talk him into being gentle for my first time.

  For the second time that night, Harley closed the distance between us and stood over me by the door as I stared down at our feet. His fingertips slowly, gently, tucked my hair behind my ears and pushed my blonde locks back off my shoulders before gathering it all into one hand.

  With a tug that was far from gentle and yet still far from violent, just firm, he turned my head so he could whisper in my ear as he let his free hand caress my thigh, pushing up the bottom of my lingerie a few inches each time. My heart was booming so loudly, I thought he must surely be able to hear it, but even so, his voice was clear.

  “You are a little fucking sex-goddess, born to be fucked hard all day, every day. Aren’t you?”

  “I… I don’t know,” I said.

  “You will know after tonight.”

  His warm breath blew on my neck and made me shiver with the fear and anticipation of what he was promising and then he nuzzled against me, the rough stubble sending even more tingles down my spine. That free hand was beyond the realm of thigh and was now stroking the side of my ass as the shiver terminated in a surprising little jolt of pleasure in my pussy as if it knew just how close it was to being touched by a man for the first time.

  “Say ‘fuck me like a slut, Daddy’,” he said.

  “B-but I’m not allowed to say that.”

  “You are tonight. Do it, right now.”

  “F-fuck me like a... slut,” I half-whispered.

  “Say it all.” He gave my head a little shake by the makeshift ponytail.

  With a blush that threatened to set my face on fire, I closed my eyes and did what he commanded. “Fuck me like a slut, Daddy.”

  “Good girl. I will. Down on your hands and knees, Amanda.”


  “But nothing. Get down.”

  My mouth shut with a snap at Harley’s slightly raised voice. He didn’t shout, he never did, but he managed to fit every ounce of authority possible into his tone and my knees bent almost without conscious thought from myself.

  When my hands touched the ground I looked up at him questioningly, feeling that hem ride halfway up my ass and expose my pussy. Harley was no cum-in-his-pants schoolboy though, he wasn’t falling over himself to get behind me and claim his prize, he was going to take his time.

  “Yeah, that’s it. That’s where you belong, little girl. Now follow me, slowly. Let’s take advantage of that mirror.”

  Harley still had a hold of my hair and gently led me by it, like a leash, until we were next to my bed and right in front of that mirror and he let me kneel. I stole a glance out of the corner of my eye and saw myself in my lingerie, on my knees, right in front of him and I felt a hot flush of excitement. It was so wrong and so right all at once.

  “I’ve been wanting to see those pretty red lips of yours wrapped around my cock, Amanda. You ever given a blowjob before?”

  “K-kind of,” I admitted.

  After a heavy-petting session in Conor’s car one night, and at his lengthy insistence I had planted a few kisses on his dick, but I wasn’t sure if you could really call it a blowjob. It was nothing like the videos I’d seen on the internet.

  Harley chuckled and stroked my face with one finger, starting on the cheek and then slipping it just inside my mouth before pushing my bottom lip down and letting it go back into place with a quiet slapping sound. I was almost frozen in place, mesmerized by his gaze as he looked down at me, so clearly envisioning exactly what he was talking about, his own step-daughter sucking his cock.

  “Take it out,” he said.

  With shaking hands I reached up to his jeans, undid the button, and tugged the zip downwards. My fingers curled under the waistband of his boxers and slowly slid both them and the jeans down his thighs.

  I started to border on hyperventilating as the base of his cock was revealed, then inch after inch of semi-hard shaft as the clothing was pulled away. Shallow breaths were rapidly being inhaled and exhaled through my open mouth, culminating in a noticeable gasp when the tip of his manhood was freed from the material and the whole thing seemed to spring out at me.

  Even at half-mast, it was already bigger than Conor’s. It was captivating, I’d never felt this way about anything else I’d seen in my life. It was crazy, the conflicting emotions it raised in me, I’d never seen anything that was scary and yet made some primal part of my brain call out in longing all at the same time.

  “Suck my balls, Amanda.”

  Without waiting to see if I would comply, he began stroking his cock with one hand and pushed my mouth to his nutsack with the hand still holding my hair. I tilted my head to the side and looked up at him for reassurance as I tentatively touched my tongue to his heavy balls and gave an experimental lick.

  “Mmmmm, yeah,” he breathed, giving me a small injection of confidence.

  Gently, knowing full well how much guys always complained about how sensitive their
testicles were, I sucked one of my step-father’s balls into my mouth and ran my tongue over it. Harley’s cock quickly hardened over my face as he stroked it and watched what I was doing, giving no indication that he was in any discomfort at all.

  I sucked that nut harder, giving it a thorough tongue bath, before letting it pop out of my mouth and seeking out the other one to give it the same treatment. I reached up with one hand…

  “Only your mouth, slut,” said Harley, in a tone that couldn’t be disobeyed, and my hand fell back to my lap.

  I looked at myself in the mirror and felt a sudden spark of pleasure from my clit. I looked like a porn star with my lingerie, my mouth full of balls and a huge cock being stroked over my face. I looked sexy.

  Harley pulled back and his nut came out of my mouth with a similar sound to the first one. With my mouth still open, he aimed his rock hard dick and slid it right over my lips until the head came to a rest on my tongue.

  “Suck that cock, Amanda, suck it for Daddy,”

  With timid and experimental movements, I ran my tongue around that swollen head of his cock. A small trickle of pre-cum was evident at the tip and I spread that slippery and vaguely salty liquid around until the flavour of him filled my mouth and I let out a blissful moan directly on his manhood.

  “You like that, pumpkin?” he asked.

  I nodded slowly and flicked my tongue along the underside of his cock, which made his hips twitch and advance inside my mouth a little bit before pulling back and then slowly thrusting in again. I began bobbing my head, meeting his thrusts with my mouth and continuing to lick the tip, tasting more of that pre-cum.

  A tickly sensation on my thighs interrupted my rhythm and I reached between my legs to feel a droplet of my own sweet pussy nectar had made an escape from my virgin slit. I was wetter than water down there.

  Harley’s hand forced my head back into rhythm as he continued thrusting his thick cock into my mouth and with one finger, I scooped that trail of pussy juice back upwards and slid it along my sex, my stroke ending on my clit. Again I moaned on Harley’s cock and he grunted in response, a wordless vocalisation of lust that signalled the onset of a rougher pace of face-fucking, as I began to rub my slick finger back and forth on my most sensitive spot.


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