A Kind of Honesty

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A Kind of Honesty Page 2

by Lane Hayes

  James didn’t seem to notice my inner panic attack, but when I signaled to the bartender that I wanted to close the tab, he turned to set both hands on my thigh.

  “You ready to go?”


  He leaned into my space, so close I could feel his breath on my cheek. My heart beat a rapid tattoo that reverberated through my body. I cocked my head slightly and brushed my nose against his before licking the corner of his mouth. He groaned and hooked his arms over my shoulders, then let me in. Our tongues twirled and danced in a sweet, slow simmer. I knew better than to turn up the heat. I was on edge as it was. The slightest provocation could push me too far, too fast.

  “I—I’m not from around here. I don’t know where—”

  “Shh. I’ve got it. Just come with me.” He quirked his lips in a lopsided grin as he ran his fingers down my arm and reached for my hand.

  The cool evening air acted like a splash of icy water. What was I doing? Following a complete stranger to his hotel was a recipe for disaster. James was taller than me, but I was pretty damn strong. And I knew how to fight. However, the guy had an aristocratic vibe that didn’t mesh with a violent type who went to seedy bars to stalk their prey. He seemed secretive but trustworthy. Kind of like me, I supposed.

  I had to set aside the last three years of my life and remember the guy I’d been when I first landed in New York City with my drum kit, a couple buddies, and a ridiculous dream to rule the music world. That version of me didn’t worry about paparazzi skulking behind bushes or about someone else’s ulterior motives or agendas. I was a nobody then. Spiral wasn’t exactly a household name yet, but we were close. Close enough that caution was vital.

  But when I looked at the insanely hot guy directing me toward the dilapidated motel across the deserted street, I knew I wasn’t turning back now. I didn’t sense danger. What I felt was closer to destiny, like I was inexplicably where I was supposed to be. I grasped at the sentiment as my gaze traveled to my date’s ass in those tight designer jeans. Yeah, this was perfectly fine.

  James bypassed the lobby and walked with purpose to room 1C. Before I could ask if he was really staying at this dump, he opened the door and gestured for me to enter. I stepped inside and felt for a light switch to get my bearings before going any farther. I was glad I did. Holy crap. I glanced at James when he let out a slight gasp and raised his eyebrows in a funny combination of surprise and disgust. I chuckled, but fuck… this was awful.

  Two bedside lights situated between the two double beds illuminated the dreary room. The beds were made with nondescript yellow floral spreads that matched the uneven curtains hanging over the window next to the door. The drapery looked as though it had been torn in a rage and poorly resewn. There was a cheap wooden desk with a sorry-looking office chair at the opposite end of the room under a framed poster of daffodils. Tacky didn’t begin to describe the forlorn space. It was downright sleazy.

  “Well, this is… a little tired, but it’s—” I walked toward the bed closest to the door and pulled back the bedspread. “—clean. I think.”

  “This is disgusting,” James decreed emphatically. He hadn’t moved from the doorway. The way he stood with his hands on his hips and a look of utter disbelief on his handsome face was almost comical.

  “I take it you’re not actually staying in this esteemed establishment.” I gave him a wan grin as I moved toward him.

  I raked my hand over my bearded jaw and wondered if he was having second thoughts now. I hoped not. This slow-burning desire hadn’t abated in spite of our less-than-chic surroundings. If anything, I was more intrigued by this stranger than I had been at the bar. Who was this elegant man? He didn’t belong in this hovel. His proud posture and painstakingly pressed casual wear gave him away. Hell, even his jeans looked ironed. He would have been perfectly at home in my five-star hotel in Bel Air. I’d bet money on it.

  Which meant he was here for the thrill. The dive bar and dingy motel room with a tatted trucker turned him on. I chuckled slightly and closed the distance until we stood toe-to-toe. Doc Martens to—oh… cowboy boots. My smile grew to something more like a Cheshire cat grin. The digs might be squalid, but this man was seriously hot.

  “No. I rented it sight unseen before I went to the bar. I’m definitely not staying here,” he answered in a breathy tone as I traced his square jaw.

  “Just one night.” I licked his bottom lip and slid one arm around his waist. He felt warm to the touch. I could practically feel desire emanating from him in waves. “Or at least an hour or two. What do you say?”

  “Yes.” James let out a soft moan as he slung his arms over my shoulders and molded his body against mine. I slipped my hand between us to stroke his hard shaft through the layer of denim as he gyrated his pelvis enticingly, then crashed his mouth over mine.

  We were a tangle of probing tongues and roving hands. We sucked, licked, and bit as we clutched each other. I ran my hands along his broad, muscular back to his pert ass, licking a trail down his chin and along the column of his throat. He hissed with pleasure when I bit his shoulder and returned the favor by nibbling my ear as he adjusted his height to grind his dick against mine. I swear I could have passed out then and there. It had been way too long since I’d been with a man. I’d forgotten how fucking amazing this felt.

  I pushed him back to work on his belt buckle. My tongue was in his mouth again, so I couldn’t look down, but I was sure from the weight of the metal that he was wearing a Western-style oval cowboy belt. My vision blurred. This man was no cowboy. I’d bet my next royalty check he’d walked into a country gay bar looking for someone to play out a Western fantasy. He probably settled for the trucker scenario when he realized it was slim pickings. Lucky me.

  “You gonna let me suck you, cowboy?”

  “Yeah. Hurry.”

  “There’s no reason to hurry.” I cocked my head and grinned. “Unless you rented this room by the hour.”

  He licked his lips and shook his head. “No. It’s ours. All night.”

  I growled as I quickly unzipped his jeans. Then I dipped my fingers inside his briefs and pushed the denim down his legs. He sighed when I gripped his heavy flesh in a firm hold. I held him for a moment, feeling his length and girth. He was about my size. Maybe a little thicker. I smeared precum over the head of his throbbing pole and used it as lube to stroke him from tip to base and back again. I held his balls with one hand while I worked him over with the other. He made a mewling noise but didn’t sever our frenzied kiss.

  I let go when he reached for my belt, and then pointed at the bed. “Get naked.”

  James nodded. He was about to sit on the edge of the mattress, but stopped suddenly. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what he was thinking.


  “It’s not that bad. Take off the bedspread and—”

  “I don’t want to touch it.”

  I gave him an incredulous stare and rolled my eyes. “Okay. I’ll do it. Just get undressed and—wait.”


  “Leave the boots on.”

  James gave me a wide-eyed grin before sliding his T-shirt up his taut abs and over his head. He was ripped. He was all man and very fucking drool-worthy with a smattering of hair across his pecs and a sexy trail that led to his thick package. I couldn’t stop staring.

  He held eye contact as he lowered his briefs and jeans over his ass in one brisk movement. My mouth went dry. Damn, this just got better and better. His cock was a thing of beauty. Thick, hard, and ready to go. He palmed himself and stroked his heavy member as I watched. I was mesmerized. I couldn’t look away if I tried. I undressed in a sort of daze, pulling my shirt over my head, then sitting on the opposite bed to unlace my boots and toe them off. I stood to step out of my jeans, carelessly piling my clothes on the other bed. I gripped myself and moved close to him. I tapped my turgid flesh against his like a sword. He grinned at the childish play and opened his mouth to comment, but stopped with an almos
t audible gulp a moment later.

  “What is it?”

  “Jesus, you’re beautiful,” he whispered reverently.

  James traced the tribal tattoo across my upper right shoulder down my chest. He grazed his thumbnail against my nipple, then pinched it hard. It sent a tingle up my spine that made my cock twitch with lust. He did the same to the other nipple, then lowered his head and sucked the nub between his teeth. I held his head and ran my fingers through his thick hair, then down his back before pulling him away to fasten my mouth over his. He didn’t miss a beat. His tongue was down my throat while his hands were… well, everywhere. On my ass, up my back, along my sides. He bent his knees slightly so we were the same height and humped his pelvis against me so our leaking cocks slid enticingly against each other.

  When I traced his crack and slapped his left cheek, he groaned and bit my neck. I pushed him back onto the mattress and had started to crawl on top of him when I realized he still hadn’t taken his jeans off. I kissed him, then yanked his arm until he stood. I lay down on the scratchy but clean-looking sheets with my hands behind my head and gave him a lazy smile.

  “Jeans off. Boots on.”

  He chuckled softly as he sat beside me, but jumped up a second later and motioned toward the bedspread I’d pushed to the bottom of the bed.

  “That’s got to go.”

  “I pushed it awa—”

  “Off.” He pointed from the bedspread to the bed a couple feet away meaningfully.

  “You think it has cooties?” I asked with a comical face.

  “I’m sure it does. Are the sheets clean?”

  I shrugged, then rolled to a sitting position and pretended to inspect the white linen. “I see one yellowish stain, but—”

  “Oh geez, really?”

  I chuckled and shook my head. “No. They’re fine. I promise. If you want, we can put towels down and—”

  “No, it’s okay. I’m not usually so fussy. I guess I hoped for Motel 6 quality at the very least.”

  “Motel 6, eh? You don’t look like the type to stay there either.” I shoved the bedspread on the floor and snickered as I gestured for him to sit on the edge of the mattress.

  James gingerly obeyed. “Not usually but—what are you doing?”

  “I’m helping you.”

  I crouched to pull one boot off then the other before sliding the denim down his long legs. I tossed his jeans on the other bed, figuring he’d take exception if they landed on the motel room’s commercial-grade carpeting. Then I helped him put his boots back on. I stood slowly to take in the view. He looked like an impossible dream come to life. A gorgeous man with a muscular physique dressed in nothing but a pair of cowboy boots. The only thing missing was the hat, I mused as I pushed at his shoulder and climbed over his body to straddle his thighs.

  He pulled me against his chest and captured my mouth in a searing kiss. Then he gave me a sexy smirk before pointing south at his rigid shaft. I nodded but grabbed both of our dicks in a tight hold instead. Everything about being naked with this stranger felt amazing. I felt like an explorer returning to visit a far-off land I’d once loved. I wanted to savor every minute detail from the way he smelled and tasted to the way his warm skin felt to the touch. I traced his slit and then mine, swirling the moisture over our cocks as though hypnotized. When he arched his back in a silent request to keep moving, I stroked us with a firm grip.

  “Feels good,” he murmured in a deep, raspy tone.

  I inclined my head in acquiescence and licked my lips when it became apparent that speech wasn’t an option. This was serious sensory overload. The dim light from the tacky brass lamp next to the bed lit every muscled contour on his body to perfection. I held us in one hand so I could run the other down his chest and along the cut V leading to his impressive erection. I splayed my hand over his inner thigh and lifted his left leg slightly. He bent both knees and spread his thighs wide, proudly exposing himself to me.

  I swallowed hard and inched back to observe him for a moment. I was tightly wound and ready to blow. Yet oddly enough, I felt suddenly overwhelmed and in over my head. The rock-star swagger I’d worn like a cloak for the past couple years was failing me spectacularly. I needed guidance. James smiled kindly and pulled me toward him.

  “I believe you mentioned something about sucking cock.”

  “Yes. Yeah. Uh—” I nodded furiously as I willed myself to relax and not make a complete moron of myself.

  I bent my head to hide my certain blush and get to work. He stopped me by gently tugging my hair.

  “Hey. It’s cool if you don’t—”

  I impulsively kissed his mouth and then gave him a lopsided grin. “No. I want to. It’s been a while. That’s all.”

  He nodded thoughtfully. “Come here.”


  James pulled me toward him, then rolled over so we lay side by side. I huffed in surprise at how easily he manhandled me. I wasn’t a small guy by any means. He was deceptively stronger than he seemed. The thought alone was a turn-on. What I didn’t get was why I was so nervous. The guy was wearing cowboy boots and nothing else, for fuck’s sake. What was wrong with me?

  “Lie on your back,” he commanded as he reached for my still-hard dick.

  “What are you doing?”

  “What does it look like I’m doing? Don’t answer. Just relax. I’m gonna make you feel good. If you feel like reciprocating, that’s fine. If not, that’s fine too.”

  I stared at him incredulously. “What? How is that fine? I’m sorry I freaked a little, but I’ll be okay once we get going.”

  “Shh. I’ll be right back.” The steely tone in his voice brooked no argument.

  He moved off the bed to grab a packet of lube and a condom from the back pocket of his jeans. When he returned, he set the condom aside. Then he opened the lube and poured some into his hand.

  “Your only job is to enjoy. Got it?”

  I took a deep breath and gave him a wan smile. James didn’t waste any time. He rubbed the liquid into both hands and reached for my dick. He stroked me expertly with his left hand and dipped the fingers of his right to my balls. He alternately fondled them or massaged the sensitive skin underneath. And then repeated. Over and over until I thought I might combust. I lifted my hips off the bed, looking for more friction, more heat. He kept me on the brink until I was near begging. When I couldn’t take the tease, I pulled at his shoulder and crashed my mouth over his as I rolled sideways, pinning him under me.

  He looked up with a wicked grin. “Fuck. That’s hot. What are you gonna do now?”

  I yanked his hands above his head and flattened myself over him, sliding my throbbing member alongside his as we engaged in a halfhearted fight for dominance. I licked his throat and jaw, loving the feel of stubble and his musky scent. He moaned and parted his thighs again. This time I didn’t hesitate. I nibbled his bottom lip, then moved down to kneel between his open legs. I kissed the tip of his cock before gripping it at the base. I stared for a moment at the rigid veins and the leaking precum at his slit before licking the head experimentally a couple times. He didn’t move a muscle until I swallowed him whole. Even then he waited until he could tell I’d found my groove again.

  It didn’t take long. One taste and I was back in the driver’s seat. Fuck. I couldn’t believe I’d denied myself this for over two years. I didn’t even know this man and I was hungrier for him than I had ever been for Miranda in the nine months we’d been a so-called couple. Sure, she was beautiful, but she was cold. James was hot. He was liquid fire, sensuous as hell, and the best part was he didn’t want anything from me but pleasure. He didn’t care about money, success, or diamond rings. He didn’t even care if he knew my real name.

  I sucked him voraciously as I jacked myself. I was ultra-aware of every sigh and moan. Not to mention the cowboy boots digging into the mattress beside me. He was something out of a dream. And when he arched his back and shamelessly pumped his hips, I was torn between wanting to ple
ase him and wishing we could do this all night, every night. He tugged at my hair and pushed me away.

  “What’s the matter?” I didn’t recognize my voice. I sounded raspy and out of breath.

  “Nothing. That feels so good, but here—” He fumbled for the lube and pushed it at me. “Go lower. Please.”

  I gulped. Now wasn’t the time to ask clarifying questions, but I wasn’t sure what he meant exactly and I didn’t want to stop the momentum. I had to figure this out myself. I poured some lube over my right hand and gripped his cock.


  I moved to his balls. “Here?”

  He pushed my hand down and grunted, “Lower.”

  “Ahh. Here.” The second I rubbed my thumb across his opening, he went wild. He bucked his hips and let out a growl.

  “Fuck yes! More,” he demanded.

  I slipped my middle finger inside his tight hole and carefully watched his expression. He winced at first, but after a moment he reached for his dick and asked for another. I let him take over so I could add another digit. I tapped my hard shaft against his thigh and bit his knee as I moved my fingers slowly inside him. My gaze traveled over his sweat-slick torso, the glistening hair on his muscular forearms, and the angry red color of his huge cock. It was when I fixated on my fingers fucking his hole that I almost snapped. I had to have more. I needed this.

  I pulled away from him and grabbed the condom on the nightstand. I held it up, hoping to convey the question without using words. His nostrils flared in appreciation.

  “How do you want me?” He gave me a sexy smirk and lifted his knees. “Like this or… do you want to fuck me from behind or—?”

  “Shh. Don’t talk. You’re killing me here.”

  I closed my eyes briefly and squeezed my turgid member in an effort to maintain control. When I was sure I was there, I unwrapped the condom, rolled it on in record time, then resumed my place between his thighs. I set my sheathed cock at his entrance and gently pushed inside. I went still when he flinched.


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