Illicit Inheritance: The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica)

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Illicit Inheritance: The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica) Page 21

by Anya Merchant

  “Count John is not available for your questions!” Olivia was facing off with them, speaking with an intensity that John had only rarely heard in her voice before. “I will let him know that you stopped by as soon as he-“

  “It looks like he’s already awake,” said Detective Wilkins. “So if you don’t mind, I’m going to ask him some questions.”

  Olivia looked like she was about to explode. Surprisingly, Natalie stepped over to her quickly and began whispering something in her ear. John made his way down the last few stairs and slowly stepped up to where the Detective was standing, uneasy at the expression on her face.

  “Hello, detective,” said John. “I have already been informed of what’s happened.”

  “It’s quite the coincidence, don’t you think?” Detective Wilkins was an attractive woman, but her smile was ice cold, even on her pretty, relatively youthful face. John didn’t say anything, not until several seconds had passed, and it was clear that she wasn’t going to move on until he answered.

  “I think that it’s a tragedy,” he said. “And I think it’s pretty clear that something is going on here.”

  “I couldn’t agree more, John,” said Detective Wilkins. “So, I got a tip that you were at Erik van Katho’s mansion last night. That’s even more of a coincidence, isn’t it?”

  John gritted his teeth and tried to keep his expression neutral. Before he could answer, Natalie stepped up behind him and set her hand on his shoulder.

  “Yes,” she said. “The two of us were there. And we came straight back here afterward.”

  Detective Wilkins looked at Natalie with a patronizing smile on her face.

  “As convincing as your alibi is, it’s totally irrelevant to this case. In court, testimony from someone so closely linked would be worthless, borderline inadmissible.”

  “I drove both of them back!” Olivia stepped over to where they were, speaking with more emotion than John had ever heard her speak with. “They were here at the mansion.”

  The detective sighed, and shook her head.

  “Mr. van Katho’s daughter, herself, told us that the two of you had been verbally sparring with each other all throughout the night.” She paused and then shrugged her shoulders at Natalie and Olivia. “Nobody knows what happened. With that said, if John were willing to come down to the sheriff’s office with us and talk one on one, we’d be able to get it cleared up a lot quicker.”

  John saw that Natalie was about to explode and held his hand up.

  “It’s okay,” he said. “I’ll go.”

  “John, you can’t! You didn’t-“

  “You know that I didn’t do it,” he said, cutting her off. “Now I need to convince the rest of the world, starting with the investigators.”

  He glanced over at Olivia, who was reacting similarly.

  “It’s okay,” he said. “I’ll be back before lunch.”

  “You aren’t under arrest, John,” said Detective Wilkins. “As I said before, we just want to ask you some questions and get the situation sorted out.”

  John nodded to the detective and then followed her and the other officer out of the mansion, all the while wondering if he’d just made a terrible mistake.

  An older looking police cruiser was parked in the front driveway of the Ludling estate. John felt a little weird as Defective Wilkins led him up to the back door and opened it for him, as though his guilt had been presupposed.

  “It’s standard procedure,” said Detective Wilkins. “Nobody rides in the front except for law enforcement.”

  John nodded and then climbed in. He was a little surprised to find that somebody was already in the back of it, an attractive woman in her mid-forties wearing clothes that managed to be both elegant and seductive.

  “This is Madame Karina,” said the detective, as she climbed into the front. “She actually is under arrest.”

  “For trumped up charges,” said the woman.

  “For running a brothel,” countered the detective.

  The woman smiled at John. There was something in her body language that gave her a subtle kind of control over him, as though he had to watch every slow movement she made.

  “Nonsense. My establishment is merely a gentleman’s club.” She looked directly at John as she continued. “The good detective is unfortunately mistaken.”

  Detective Wilkins chuckled, glanced over at the other officer, and then started the car up. Madame Karina continued to look at John with her piercing blue eyes until he finally couldn’t take it.

  “Can I help you with something?” he whispered. Madame Karina slowly crossed her legs, and it was only at that moment that John noticed that her hands were cuffed.

  “Perhaps you can, young Count Ludling,” she whispered, smiling. “Perhaps you can, indeed.”

  John swallowed hard and tried to look away from her. He felt nervous and hot, and very conscious of his own body and movements.

  Madame Karina did not look at all like the type of woman who would run a brothel. She was beautiful and yet unassuming, the type of gorgeous woman that John might pass by on the street and wonder about the life and background of.

  The woman looked as though she understood every single one of the thoughts going through John’s mind. As he glanced back over at her, she smiled even more suggestively at him and leaned so that her breasts were oriented his way, as though she was presenting herself to him.

  “We’re getting some coffee,” said Detective Wilkins, as she let the squad car roll to a stop outside a café. “Do either of you want anything?”

  The other officer laughed raucously at the detective’s joke, and then the two of them climbed out of the car and shut the doors behind them. John tried the handle of his own door, just to confirm what he already suspected. It didn’t open from the inside, and combined with the cage separator in between the front and back seats, it meant that he was locked in.

  “It looks like we have a private moment,” whispered Madame Karina. “How about we have a nice talk with each other?”

  The woman’s words were heavy and laden with innuendo and sexuality. John turned towards her and found that she had moved even closer to him, her face just inches away from his own.

  “What do you want?” he asked. “I’m in the back of a squad car, just like you.”

  “You’re Count Ludling,” said the woman. “Even behind bars, you would still be more powerful and influential than the rest of the men on this island combined. I just want you to do one thing for me, John.”

  She spoke into his neck, her hot breath tickling the tiny hairs there, and then kissed him. John shuddered with pleasure and found that he was unable to move away, almost as though a siren song had been cast over him.

  “In the future…” As she spoke, Karina began nuzzling her face against his chest, and then his stomach. “Look kindly on Karina’s House of Earthly Delights.”

  Amazingly, even handcuffed, the woman was able to use her mouth and lips to unbutton and then unzip John’s pants. He wanted to reach down, but he wasn’t sure if his hands would stop her or take things even further. Instead, he just watched, his cock eagerly hardening as Karina slowly slipped her tongue in through the flap of his boxers.

  “Oh man,” John moaned. He knew that he shouldn’t be letting it happened, but it felt incredibly good. Karina couldn’t quite get his cock out of his boxers, so instead she pushed her tongue in and licked at it, fishing around for what she wanted.

  John was worried that the Detective and the other officer would arrive back before too long, but he couldn’t resist taking advantage of the situation. As his cock grew into its fully hard state from the soft, wet licks of Karina’s tongue, he reached down and slipped it out of his boxers, and then guided her mouth down onto it.

  “You are lucky,” whispered Karina. “Out of all the women at my establishment, I am the only one who does not work with the men anymore. I am off-limits, you-“

  John pushed his cock in between her lips and cut her off
in mid-sentence. She was handcuffed, and could do nothing about it other than suck. And she knew how to do that with far more skill than John had been expecting.

  She bobbed her mouth up and down, sucking hard, keeping a tight seal with her lips, and rubbing his shaft with her tongue. The combination was like erotic kryptonite to John. He arched his hips up and closed his eyes, listening to the slurping sounds as the elegant woman sucked his cock like the high class whore she was.

  “Oh, man…” moaned John. He looked down to see Madame Karina’s pretty blue eyes gazing up at him. She increased her pace, sucking his cock deeper and deeper, and then turned her mouth to the side on it.

  She began to slowly move her lips and tongue across it, almost as though she was trying to lick the seal on a letter. She turned her mouth when she got to the tip of his cock and sucked on it like a straw, gently at first, and then with increasing force, all the while bobbing her head slightly back and forth.

  “Fuck!” John couldn’t hold out any longer against the woman’s professional technique. He blew his load in several white hot spurts, most of it ending up in Karina’s mouth, but a few strings of it splattering her cheeks and upper lip.

  They had finished just in time. The Detective and the other officer were just leaving the café, and John only just barely had enough time to tuck his cock away and zip up his pants. Karina used her tongue to lick as much of his cum off her face as she could, and then wiped her cheek on her shoulder for the rest.

  “You two didn’t make any trouble out here, did you?” Detective Wilkins laughed as she climbed into the driver’s seat. John shook his head and then looked over to Madame Karina.

  She had a confident, self-assured smile on her face, like a banker that had just closed a deal.


  Like almost everything on Blackthorn Isle, the police station was smaller and drabber than what John had been expecting. Detective Wilkins and the second officer brought Karina in first, and then slowly walked him inside, one of them on each shoulder.

  There was a woman sitting behind the front desk, a few more officers scattered about in the wings, a small jail cell that Madame Karina was sitting in, and then a door in the back that the Detective led John in through. The room on the other side was bleak and empty of any furniture other than two chairs and a small table. John knew exactly what it was for, and what was going to happen.

  “Have a seat, John.” Detective Wilkins gestured to the chairs and spoke more as though she was giving an order rather than a suggestion. John said nothing and sat down.

  “Look, I went easy on you when we picked you up.” Detective Wilkins sat down across from him and leaned back in her chair. “I didn’t want to make a scene in front of your mom, not like that. John, we both know you did it. We don’t have to play games anymore.”

  John opened his mouth to retort, but then thought better of it, and swallowed his words.

  “Why did you do it, John? We had our own file open on van Katho, trust me, the man is no saint.” Wilkins paused and ran her finger across her lips. “If he was threatening you, or if he instigated something, I could understand it. Nobody would blame you.”

  John shrugged his shoulders and sighed.

  “I don’t know what you want, Detective,” he said. “I didn’t kill Erik van Katho.”

  Detective Wilkins suddenly slammed her hand down on the desk with a decent amount of force.

  “Bullshit!” She shook her head back and forth and glared at him. “John, that is bullshit, and everybody in this room knows it.”

  She stood up and knocked her chair across the room. John blinked a couple of times and did his best to keep a straight face. He was sure that if he actually had killed Erik, the display would have been intimidating, maybe even frightening. But as it stood, it all just felt inappropriate, like running into a stranger on the street that was sure that you were a friend of theirs.

  “John, it’s got to be hard for you to keep a secret like this.” The detective walked over to the table and leaned on it, looking into his eyes. She had on a white blouse with a black suit jacket over it, but John could still see her breasts poking out and hanging in front of his face.

  “I talked to your mom and I talked to your maid. They are good people, and when I think about it like that, it all makes sense to me.” Detective Wilkins leaned in closer, until her face was near John’s. “You were just trying to protect them. Erik van Katho, what, did he make threats? Was he the real aggressor?”

  “Detective, I appreciate that you’re doing your job right now,” said John. “But you have the wrong person. Whoever killed Erik van Katho is still out there. By wasting your time on me, you’re letting them get away.”

  “Who killed him then, John?” asked Detective Wilkins. “If you know so much, why don’t you illuminate me?”

  With slow, deliberate steps, she walked over to John’s side of the table and leaned her body even closer to him. John could smell her perfume, which was surprisingly flowery and feminine.

  “I don’t know,” said John. “But it wasn’t me.”

  “Tell me what you know, John.” Wilkins slipped in even closer to him, bringing her breasts up close to his face. She opened up her legs and almost moved as though she was getting ready to sit down in his lap.

  “I don’t know, Detective,” whispered John. “But I’ll tell you anything that I find out.”

  “We don’t have to be enemies, John,” said Wilkins. “We can work together. Close… together.”

  She slowly lowered herself down into John’s lap, bringing one of her legs over him so that she was straddling him. John couldn’t believe it, but his cock responded to her as though he was fresh and eager. She was sexy, not just for a cop, but for a woman, but John couldn’t shake the feeling that he was walking into a trap.

  “I’m sorry, Detective,” he whispered. “But for now I-“

  Wilkins undid the top few buttons of her blouse and then pulled John’s face into it, gyrating her hips on his quickly hardening cock as she did. John began to kiss her upper chest and felt the woman shiver in a way that couldn’t have been faked. His hands ran up the side of her body, and then…

  “Wilkins!” The door was thrown open by the other officer. Detective Wilkins jumped out of John’s lap and faced the back of the room, hiding her face and open chest from the man.

  “What? Can’t you see I’m in the middle of-“

  “The kid’s maid is here, making a fuss,” he said. “She’s threatening to file a civil complaint if we don’t have any charges.”

  Detective Wilkins sighed, and then waved her hand at John.

  “This isn’t over, Count Ludling,” she said. “I will find out what happened here.”

  John nodded.

  “I’m innocent, Detective,” he said. “In fact, I need this case solved just as much as you do.”

  He walked over to the door and followed the other officer out of the room. Olivia was standing over by the front desk talking to the woman behind it, still dressed in her skimpy black and white maid outfit. She had a concerned look on her face and pulled John into a hug when she saw him walking over.

  “I’m okay,” said John. “It’s okay. We’ll figure this out.”

  “Count Ludling,” she said. “John. I need to bring you back to the mansion. Your adoptive mother is worried sick about you.”

  John shook his head and followed her out of the station.

  “I can’t,” he said. “This might be hard on us, but it didn’t really happen to just us. I need to see Kari and do what I can for her.”

  Olivia’s face was a mixture of worry and jealousy, but she slowly nodded.

  “If you absolutely must, then I can’t stop you.” She paused, and then pulled him in close and kissed him gently on the lips. “John, things can’t go on like this forever, you know.”

  John nodded.

  “I know.”

  “Please, be careful,” said the maid. “We’re making arrangements to b
etter protect you and the estate, but for now, just be safe. If Erik van Katho’s death had something to do with his money or the power balance on the island, you are in just as much danger as he ever was.”

  John took a deep breath, and then set one of his hands on Olivia’s shoulder.

  “I will be. Now get going. Make sure my mom knows that I’m okay and that I’ll be home soon.”

  Olivia forced a smile, and then turned and walked over to the car. Everything that she had said to him felt like it was bouncing around in John’s head, worried echoes of what might happen. He was in danger, but from whom?

  John walked quickly, not bothering to slow down, even as his legs began to cramp up and ache from the way he relentlessly pushed on. He had to see Kari, to talk to her, to do anything he could to make things easier for her. The two of them had become so much closer the night before, and now he felt a responsibility to help her through what had to be an unimaginably painful experience.

  He had broken into a slight jog for the last couple hundred feet up the van Katho estate driveway and panted as he stood in front of the door. He caught his breath and then stood up and lifted the heavy copper door knocker, letting it bang a couple of times against the wood.

  John did a double take when the door opened. He’d been expecting one of the staff members of the estate to open it, or possibly nobody, and for it to just remain closed. Instead, a woman he didn’t recognize stood in the doorframe and smiled at him gently, a woman who bore an uncanny resemblance to Kari.

  “Hello there,” said the woman. “You must be John.”

  She was older than him, in her mid to late twenties, and tall, almost at eye level with John. She was wearing casual clothing, a tight pair of gray yoga pants, a white t-shirt, and a long black button up sweater. She had bigger breasts than Kari, and there was a gleam in her eye that screamed of flirtatious experience and made John instantly feel as though she was the one in control.


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