Home on the Ranch: Wyoming Cowboy Ranger

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Home on the Ranch: Wyoming Cowboy Ranger Page 12

by Rebecca Winters

  “I’ll put Walt Emerson on it right now.” Holden picked up the phone to call the under sheriff. After Holden got off the phone he said, “Walt will have those photos for you when you leave my office.

  “In the meantime I’ll have Captain Sanchez circulate a copy of all three pictures to every hotel, motel, car rental and taxi service around. We may turn up something significant before the day is out.”

  “Sure hope so.” Scrubbing a hand over his jaw, Porter added, “While you’re at it, Holden, put the alias she’s using into the criminal database with her fingerprints sent from Martin. Who knows what might come up.”

  “You’re reading my mind.”

  “I’m headed over to the hospital now to show her photos to those people on duty. Someone had to have seen her, or even spotted a car she was driving, unless she walked there or took a taxi.”

  “Anything’s possible. Let’s connect later.”

  “Thanks, man. You’ll never know what your help means to me.”

  “I know,” he said quietly. “When Jessica was being targeted, I never slept.”

  That was the truth.

  Porter left Holden’s office for Walt’s. The under sheriff handed him an envelope with the photos in question and he left for the parking lot. He wanted to run, but knew it was too soon.

  For all he knew, Melissa was out there in a car stalking him in plain sight. How ironic when there were surveillance officers protecting him.

  On his way to the hospital he had an idea to talk to Ron first. The orderly had an eye out for beautiful women. Every time he wheeled Porter in and out of the hospital, he had a chance to look around, and would notice someone like Melissa. If Porter showed him a picture of her, no doubt Ron would remember seeing her. It was worth a try.

  Once he arrived at the hospital, he went up to the surgical ward to talk to the staff and pass around the pictures. No one recalled seeing a woman who fit her description.

  He caught up with Ron in front of the elevator.

  “Hey, Mr. Ewing. I didn’t know you had an appointment.”

  “I didn’t. I’m here on police business. I want to show you something.” He pulled the photos out of the envelope. “I need to know if you’ve seen this woman since I was first brought to the hospital.”

  Ron studied each one and tapped the one with the blond wig. “I saw her when you got out of the wheelchair yesterday to get in your car.”

  His pulse quickened. “Was she in a taxi or car?”

  “She was parked in one of the handicapped spaces driving an older white Honda.”

  “Could you tell if it was a rental?”

  “I didn’t think to look,” Ron admitted.

  Why would he? “What made you notice her?”

  “She was a babe.”

  “Thanks. You’ve been more help than you know. If you see her again, call the sheriff’s office. Ask for Under Sheriff Emerson and give him any information you can.”

  “Are you saying she’s—”

  “She’s wanted by the police,” he interrupted. “Not a woman you want to know, let alone talk to.”

  On that note Porter took off for his car, no longer needing to interview anyone else. En route to Holden’s office, he phoned Walt to tip him off about the white Honda. Melissa had either been driving a car she’d purchased or rented.

  Ten minutes later he reentered Holden’s office and told him what he’d discovered from Ron. “Anything on Eileen Davies?”

  His friend shook his head. “But now that the orderly at the hospital has identified her, we know she’s ready to make her move. I’ve been coordinating with the police chief and Captain Sanchez. Everyone’s primed to close in. We’ve already talked to Lily and her parents. Unless you have reservations about this, it’s time to put our plan into action.”

  He clenched his jaw. “I’m more than ready to get this over with and will head over to the Owens ranch right now.”

  “Lily will have your horse ready to ride and take you into the foothills, where I understand you rode last time. Melissa will have staked out the area ahead of time, but so have we.” He got out of his chair and walked around his desk. “I don’t have to tell you to watch your back.”

  He nodded before leaving the complex. Today could be the day this nightmarish situation came to a head. Lily had more courage than anyone he knew, but they were facing an unhinged woman who had no conscience at this point. He phoned Lily as he drove to her ranch to let her know he was on the way.

  “Lily? No one is ready for what we’re about to go through. But I want you to know you don’t have to do this. I’ll ride alone and hope this draws her out.”

  “No...absolutely not. I won’t let you go without me!” she cried. “How soon are you coming?”

  “I’m close to your ranch now. You sure about this?”

  “Yes.” She sighed. “Thank goodness you’re almost here. Waiting for you is killing me. When I talked to the sheriff, he told me to go through the motions for your therapy like we always do and not deviate. That way we’ll hope Melissa isn’t tipped off that anything different is going on. I’ve packed food and drinks in the saddlebag for meals while we’re gone and brought an extra blanket.”

  “That sounds perfect.”

  “I’ll be out in the corral with the horses,” she told him.

  “How are your parents feeling about this?”

  “They want this over, too, and believe we’re doing the right thing by drawing her out. As long as I’m with you, I’m not afraid.”

  He swallowed hard. “During our ride I have more information to tell you.” He turned onto the street running past her ranch in the distance. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”


  He said a prayer the rest of the way.

  Chapter 9

  Lily shook with excitement as she saw Porter pull up near the corral dressed for work. He looked so handsome, she moaned in reaction.

  His eyes zeroed in on her mouth and the next thing she knew he was gripping her arms to kiss her, igniting every sensitive nerve in her body. “I needed that,” he murmured after lifting his head.

  “You think I didn’t?” Still wrapped up in his embrace, she gazed up at the overcast sky. The clouds were growing darker. She had a feeling it would rain soon.

  “Come on. I’ll help you get up on Trixie, but I need another kiss first.”

  Five minutes later she was breathless before getting on her horse. She watched him use the stool and mount Dash with ultimate male grace. He made a clicking sound and his horse started toward the opening of the corral alongside hers. Once they were out in the pasture and had headed toward the foothills, he angled his head at her.

  “There’s a lot I need to tell you. This morning Holden and I went through the surveillance tape outside the jail. Melissa showed up to visit her brother, in a blond wig no less.”

  Lily shook her head. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.”

  “Walt Emerson made up some photos for me to show the hospital staff.” He told her what he’d discovered at the hospital.

  “Trust Ron.”

  “Yup.” He smiled. “Holden’s running down every lead, hoping to find out where Melissa has been staying.”

  A cry escaped Lily’s lips. “She’s known everything that’s been happening around here, hasn’t she?”

  “I’m afraid so. She was registered on the jail visitor log as Eileen Davies. Holden ran her name and fingerprints through the criminal database, but nothing had shown up when I left his office. Knowing how fast and thorough he is, it won’t be long until he’s learned everything about her.”

  As they rode, the wind started up. Lily looked at the sky. “We’re in for a storm later.”

  “Let’s ride faster to that outcropping of boulders and eat our lunch.”

mustn’t gallop yet, Porter.”

  “You’re right.”

  They walked their horses instead. Lily was so thrilled to be with him, she almost forgot they could be in the crosshairs of Melissa’s rifle scope. The joy of being with him like this lit up her world.

  When they reached the spot, he dismounted first.

  “Oh, no—” she protested. “What about your back?”

  He walked over to help her down. “I didn’t feel even a slight twinge of pain. Come here.” Porter reached for her and pulled her into his arms. They clung to each other, overcome with emotions they were unable to suppress. He kissed her with a fierce hunger that opened the floodgates of her desire.

  “Lily?” he whispered, sounding out of breath. “I have to tell you now I don’t want to live without you. I’m painfully in love with you. Just so you know, I’ve never said that to another woman in my life.”

  “I’m in love with you, too,” she cried, kissing him desperately. “You’ve turned my whole world around in ways you can’t comprehend. This threat has made me realize how precious life is. I need and want you in my life, even if we haven’t known each other that long.”

  He covered her face with kisses. “I knew how I felt by the end of my first session with you. My desire for you knows no bounds, Lily. When Melissa has been apprehended, you and I have to talk about our future.”

  Delirious with joy, she gave him another kiss before spreading the blanket on the lush grass. After she sat down, she looked up at him. “Why don’t you join me? We’re not in the clinic now.”


  “This is the one place we can be together without the hospital knowing about it.” She lay back, eyeing him with longing, waiting for him to come to her. “Just remember how to get down so you don’t do something that undoes all the progress you’ve made.”

  He started toward her with a blazing look in those dark eyes that set her on fire. Lowering himself the way she’d taught him, he shifted to his side and began devouring every inch of her face and neck. Lily was breathless by the time their mouths fused, wanting to show him all the things she felt.

  Porter pulled her halfway on top of him while his hands roved over her arms and back. He took her to a different realm, where she forgot everything except to love and be loved.

  “I love you so much, Porter. After Steve, I didn’t think it was possible to fall in love again. But the moment you and I met, I felt that ice melt from around my heart, yet a part of me was afraid to trust what I was feeling. Keep holding me and never let me go.”

  “I plan to do that for the rest of our lives, but there’s going to be a downpour pretty soon. If you want to eat, we’d better do it now.”

  “You’re right.”

  He lowered her saddlebag to the blanket, where they could eat behind the tallest boulder. They sat next to each other, enjoying the lunch she’d prepared, but once it was over they couldn’t stay out of each other’s arms.

  “I know we have to head back, but I need this more than my next breath,” he rasped, pulling her down next to him. For a little while they gave one kiss after another until she was enraptured and lost count. The world fell away as they sought to bring each other pleasure.

  “Do you think she can see us now?” she whispered into his neck.

  “I think the boulders are hiding us for the moment. But once we’re back on the horses, we’re a target.”

  “Maybe she isn’t out here today.”

  “If not, we’ll ride out here again tomorrow until she makes herself known,” he told her.

  Another gust of wind brought cooler air and the smell of rain. Lily shivered.

  “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s head back before we’re caught in the deluge.”

  They both stood and packed everything in the saddlebag. He placed it over the back of her horse with care. She followed with the blanket he folded behind her saddle.

  “Up you go.”

  “What about you?” she said in a concerned voice. “You don’t have a stool.”

  “I guess I’m going to find out what it’s like to do this the old-fashioned way.” After kissing her mouth, he reached for the reins and climbed on Dash, expecting he might experience pain, but all he felt was strain. “So far, so good. That’s because you’ve taken such good care of me.”

  “Thank heaven you’re not in pain.”

  He grinned over at her. “Are you ready to beat the rain?”


  “Let’s go.”

  * * *

  They started to walk their horses back and had only gone a couple of hundred yards when a rifle shot zinged past them. “Porter!”

  “She’s spotted us. Keep going and ride low, sweetheart.”

  Another fifty yards and another rifle shot filled the air, so close to his ear it caused it to ring. Where in the hell were the deputies? Surely by now they knew her location. There was no shelter out here. The only thing to do was head straight for the ranch.

  “Keep your head down, Lily!”

  “What about you?” But the second the words came out, they heard a third shot, then another. Lily dropped to the sagebrush with her horse.

  Porter’s heart came close to failing him. If the fall hurt her spine... The crash that had ended her skiing career eight years ago had already done a considerable amount of damage to her.

  He reined in his horse and jumped off to help Lily off her horse. He covered her carefully with his body, but it was like déjà vu to hear her mare screaming in pain. To make things worse, the rain had started in earnest.

  “My poor horse—”

  “I know. We’ll get her help. Lie as still as you can.”

  “I’ve been hit, too,” Lily gasped.

  Dear God. He couldn’t believe this had happened. “Where are you hurt, darling?”

  “My lower left leg.”

  Hell and Hell. “What about your spine? Do you think the fall injured you again?” Please, God, don’t let this have done more damage. Porter couldn’t bear it.

  “No. Trixie cushioned my fall completely.”

  Porter didn’t believe her. He phoned Holden, who told him the deputies had caught up to Melissa and she’d been hauled away. But it hadn’t happened soon enough for Lily.

  “Send a helicopter quick. Lily’s been shot in the lower leg. Her horse was hit, too.” Trixie was making squealing sounds. Porter was still worried about her spine. Right now she wouldn’t be able to know what she was feeling.

  He heard a muttered curse come out of his friend. “Help is on the way. Hang in there.”

  Porter moved so he could inspect her leg. He needed to stop the bleeding. After removing his shirt, he put the badge in his pocket, then bunched it up and pressed it against the wound.

  “A helicopter is coming to take you to the hospital. I just talked to Holden. Melissa has been caught and taken away so you don’t have to fear her anymore.”

  “Oh, thank God!” she cried.

  “The nightmare is over, sweetheart.”

  “What about Trixie?”

  Her horse was still in terrible pain, but she wasn’t screaming as loudly as before. “She was hit in the left back leg, too, but I know you’ll both be all right. Just lie still.”

  In another minute he heard the rotors of two helicopters overhead. When they landed, the area was swarmed by deputies and the paramedics, who gave Lily first aid and lifted her into the medical helicopter.

  “Be careful with her in case she hurt her spine,” Porter told them. “She had a former injury eight years ago.”

  “Will do.”

  He climbed in behind her.

  “Get help for that horse, and make sure mine is returned to the ranch safely,” he instructed from the doorway.

  “Yes, sir.”

  Soon the helicopter sped through
the rain toward the hospital in Whitebark. Porter planted himself on the bench at her side while the paramedics put in an IV with some pain medication and cut the material away from her wound.

  “The bullet’s right there.”

  Porter watched as he removed it and bandaged her leg. “Do you think it hit the bone?”

  “No. I believe this is a flesh wound that grazed the outside. She’s very lucky, but once we’re at the hospital they’ll x-ray her to be certain she’s all right. You did a good job of stopping the bleeding, but I’m afraid your shirt is ruined. When we reach the hospital, they’ll give you a T-shirt to put on.”

  “I’m not worried.”


  He looked down at her gorgeous pale face. “Right here, sweetheart. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m so thankful she didn’t shoot you.”

  Her love and sacrifice humbled him. “What she did to you was unforgiveable. Is your back hurting where you had your former injury?”

  “Not at all. Nothing matters now because she can’t hurt anyone else.”

  “Not ever,” he promised.

  “Don’t leave me.”

  He bent down, brushing his lips tenderly against hers. “Where would I go without you? You’re my whole life. I’m afraid you’re stuck with me forever.”

  “I adore you. What about Dash?”

  “One of the deputies will ride him back to the ranch.”

  “Can you find out about Trixie? She needs me.”

  “We all need you, me most of all, but don’t worry. We’ll know everything by the time we get you to the hospital. Let the medicine help you relax.”

  “What about my parents?” she asked.

  “Holden will have notified them and told them everything. I’m sure they’ll be at the hospital soon after we get there.”

  “I’m going to need therapy for my leg.” Her voice sounded sleepy.


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