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United Page 12

by Karen Nappa

  Kate smiled like the Cheshire cat. “Of course.” She placed her cutlery carefully on her plate and wiped her mouth. “Although I feel quite possessive about the both of you, jealousy doesn’t have a place in our relationship. How would you feel about me and Chris having alone time or sex together?”

  Yvonne chewed on a nail as she contemplated the question. “I don’t think I mind. At least, not when we spend time together, too.”

  Kate cocked her head and seemed satisfied with her answer. The Mistress turned her attention to Chris. “How about you?”

  Chris grinned and replied playfully, “I hope I’m allowed to watch when the two of you get it on.” Kate scowled at him and he turned serious eyes to Yvonne. “It would turn me on, angel. Of course, I don’t mind it. Your relationship with Kate is important, too. We just have to find a balance that works for all of us.”

  Kate nodded solemnly. “Speaking of our relationship,” she addressed Yvonne. “Last night was the first time you performed oral sex on a woman. To most bi- and lesbian women it's like losing one’s virginity. What did you think of the experience?”

  “Geweldig!” Yvonne exclaimed before coloring a nice red shade. “Sorry, it means eh, great …” She worried her nail again. “Maybe awesome is a better word …? Yes, awesome.”

  Chris’ face brightened. “That was the word you used after our first scene!”

  Yvonne blinked at him in confusion.

  “After our scene, you know the first time you visited Club Indigo, you started talking Dutch and I freaked out a little. That word you just said was one of them.”

  Kate chuckled and handed Yvonne a glass of orange juice. “Girl, if you get any redder, your head will explode.”

  Yvonne accepted the drink gratefully and had Chris and Kate laughing when she pressed the cool glass against her cheeks instead of drinking it.

  When they all calmed, Kate reminded Yvonne about the question.

  “Oh, yes, right. I loved everything we did last night. I love men and cocks …”

  She ignored Chris’ “I’ve noticed!” and his smirk.

  Yvonne continued, “but I enjoyed eating your pussy and love what you’ve done to me until now too. Does it mean I’m bisexual?”

  Kate shrugged. “I don’t think it’s important what you call it, as long as you enjoy what you do. If you want to label it, I would go with heteroflexible for now. You could also be bisexual, pansexual, or sapiosexual.”

  Yvonne chewed on her bottom lip. “I’ve seen those orientations on Fetlife, but I wasn’t sure what they meant.”

  “To start with the last, a sapiosexual is attracted to human minds instead of appearance. They find intelligence arousing.” Kate paused but when Yvonne didn’t ask questions, she continued, “pan- or omnisexuality is when you’re attracted to someone regardless of gender.”

  “Oh,” Yvonne looked at Kate. The woman was highly intelligent, so maybe Yvonne was sapiosexual? Did it matter? “Thank you for explaining it and you’re right, no need to label my feelings. I like being with you both.”

  Her answer earned her a kiss from Kate and an approving rumble from Chris.

  Chris was already seated when Kate arrived at IHOP for their lunch date. Several men and a few women followed her with their gazes, and he didn’t know if that made him proud or jealous. Maybe his answer depended on how this lunch would go?

  “This is getting to be a habit, imp,” Kate opened their conversation, but she didn’t hide the twinkle in her eyes. “What’s up? And how did you know I like IHOP?”

  Chris wiggled his eyebrows. “A gentleman never reveals his sources. Do I need a reason to want to spend time with one of my two favorite ladies?”

  “I suppose not. But you generally have one. Even if it’s just trying to get into a woman’s pants.”

  “Kate, you wound me.” Chris put his hands to his chest as if to protect his heart from her.

  She laughed. “You are incorrigible. It’s one of the things I like about you. But you do have a reason for lunch today. You said it was important on the message you left me.”

  The server taking their orders interrupted them, giving Chris a few more minutes to think how he wanted to approach his subject. When she had gone, he took a long pull on his iced tea before speaking again. “I did say that, didn’t I? It is kind of important. We’re over a month into our contract now and I’m worried about what happens at the end of it.”

  “What do you mean?” Her arched eyebrow inched up to her hairline.

  “What’s Yvonne going to do? She’s here on a visitor’s visa to help her family. From what she’s said lately, her uncle is improving a lot. What if she decides to go home to the Netherlands at the end of our contract?”

  “Do you think she wants to?”

  “I don’t know. I know I don’t want her to go, though.”

  “Why not?” Kate leaned forward.

  The arrival of their food – a single Belgian waffle for Kate and steak and eggs with pancakes on the side for Chris – spared the need to answer immediately.

  After the server left them, Kate repeated her question. “Why don’t you want her to go?”

  He took a deep breath. This hadn’t seemed hard when he’d rehearsed it in his head this morning. “I don’t want her to go for a couple of reasons. I’m head over heels for both of you and I’m afraid to lose her because then I might lose you, too.” He finished with a rush and looked out the window to avoid Kate’s gaze. He was afraid of what he might see there.

  She reached across the table and took hold of his chin, forcing him to look at her. “Would you care to elaborate on what you mean by ‘head over heels’?”

  “I need you to know that I’ve never said this to any woman but my mother. I love you, Kate. I think I have loved you for a long time. I also adore Yvonne, but that’s new. I want to spend the rest of my days with both of you. Is that elaborate enough?”

  Tears glistened in her eyes. “I – I never thought I would hear you say those words.” She looked at him with an expression he didn’t dare to interpret. “I love you, too. That’s part of what made it so hard for me in the beginning. And I’m falling for Yvonne as well. I don’t know what the future holds, but if we want her to stay, we have to tell her how we feel.”

  “Please tell me you know how to do that. Telling you was hard. Somehow telling Yvonne seems like it will be even harder.”

  “That’s because we haven’t known her as long. We don’t have the history with her we have with each other. It will work out. Even if we lose Yvonne, we’ll still have each other. I promise, we’ll find a way to make it work.” A single tear ran over her cheek, and Chris leaned forward over the table to wipe it away tenderly.

  Meanwhile, Yvonne rinsed her mouth, unaware she was the topic of conversation. She had taken her third pregnancy test and had thrown up while waiting for the results. She looked again at the blue lines in the display. It couldn’t be right, but the result was the same as the first two tests she had taken. It didn’t seem possible. She took her birth control religiously and Chris always wore a condom. But she had been nauseated every morning for the past couple of weeks and her period was three days late.

  Her feelings were all over the place. She’d always wanted to become a mother, but she’d envisioned being married for a few years before having a child. She loved Chris, but she also loved Kate, and she had no clue how they would react to the news. They’d never discussed children. How could a child affect their crazy threesome? They hadn’t discussed how permanent their relationship would be. She was here on a six-month visa, and it had been her intention to go back to the Netherlands. The thought of going back, of leaving Chris and Kate behind was devastating. She could stay, couldn’t she? She could get a job with Suzie and Sonja, or even with her aunt. She had little left behind in Haarlem, aside from her sister.

  Els! Yvonne slapped her forehead and went in search of her phone. What time was it in Haarlem? She hated to wake her sister when she called. />
  Her big sister greeted her in typical fashion, “Hoi zusje.”

  Yvonne answered in Dutch, blurting out her news, “I’m pregnant.”

  Her admission was greeted by a long silence before Els chuckled and replied in the same language, “Okay, that’s the last thing I expected you to say. How are you feeling? Is Chris the father?”

  The easy acceptance helped, and Yvonne sagged onto the toilet seat and let out the breath she had kept involuntarily inside her chest. She and Els talked for over an hour, getting up to date on both their lives and discussing the implications of Yvonne’s pregnancy. It was nice to have a conversation in Dutch.

  Els was adamant she had to tell both Chris and Kate as soon as possible but she also should ease them in. “Don’t just blurt it out!”

  Els knew her well, Yvonne tended to be impulsive and speak her mind. Yvonne mentally shrugged – Okay yes, she was spontaneous. It was a strength too, wasn’t it?

  Chris held the phone between his shoulder and ear as he signed some papers. “We agreed we would talk to Yvonne right away.” There was a hint of frustration in Chris’ voice. He didn’t want to sound like he was blaming Kate.

  “I know, but it seems like the universe is conspiring to keep it from happening. She had catering jobs for Suzie and Sonja the last three nights.”

  “Right, and I had to attend a school program for recruiting apprentices,” Sounds of traffic reached Chris’ ears. “Are you in your car?”

  “Yes, I’m on my way home. Don’t worry. I’m using the Bluetooth kit you installed.” Kate yawned loudly. “Today I saw clients until 8:00 pm and I’m beat, but I did manage to call her. I told her we’ve got to get our schedules more in sync.”

  “Did she agree?”

  “Yes, she’s anxious to spend time with us. She can come tomorrow. We’ll get it all figured out. Be here.”

  Kate ended the call so fast, Chris wasn’t sure she heard his “I will.”

  Saturday all three of them managed to be in the same place at the same time. Chris arrived at 5:00 to plan strategy and found Kate pacing her living room. Yvonne wasn’t due for another hour, but the Dutch girl had a tendency to arrive at least fifteen minutes early.

  After she let Chris in and greeted him with a warm kiss, she tore her mouth away from him. “Who’s going to do the talking?”

  Chris wiped his thumb over her swollen lips and rested his hand at the side of her face, cradling her head. The smile and look on his face were tender, and his eyes shone warmly. “Good evening, Kate.”

  She let out a shuddering sigh. “Good evening, Chris. I’m… I’m nervous.”

  Chris took her hand and kissed her knuckles tenderly, before pulling her against his chest. Kate stood there for several heartbeats, enjoying his scent, his strength and allowed herself to be supported for a moment.

  “I don’t like feeling this out of control, Chris,” she confessed. Before Chris could reply, Yvonne arrived. Instead of her usual fifteen minutes she was thirty-five minutes early and looked flustered and agitated.

  "Oh good, already Chris is here! I need to tell you both something," Yvonne blurted in greeting as she stumbled into the hall.

  Chris caught her by the waist with his right arm, while keeping Kate securely on his left side. "We need to talk to you, too. Let’s close the door and get inside." Chris used his foot to push the door closed and steered both women to the living room. "Let's stay in and have take-out instead of dinner and the club," he suggested as they all sat. Kate and Yvonne snuggled together on the sofa, holding hands with tangled fingers, and Chris perched on the edge of the coffee table in front of them.

  “Sounds good to me. What do you think, angel?”

  “Sure. Can we get pizza?”

  “Anything you want.” Chris took both their free hands connecting them in the triangle which symbolized their relationship.

  “Sweet angel, Kate and I have been talking. We know we haven’t been together that long, but we would like to amend the contract now. We want very, very much for you to stay here in Kansas City with us. Permanently.”

  Yvonne’s mouth fell open, and she looked from Chris to Kate and back before tears started to stream from her eyes. Kate’s hand tightened around Chris’ fingers in a death grip, but he didn’t even wince, and she held on for dear life.

  “Oh ja! I would love to stay. Ik hou van jullie. I love you both,” Yvonne babbled in Dutch and English before she pulled at their arms, and they fell in an awkward but wonderful embrace on the couch.

  Yvonne laughed and cried. “How did you know that was just what I needed to hear tonight?”

  “What do you mean?” Chris stiffened.

  “Angel,” Kate inquired, “what was the news you had to share?”

  “I’m pregnant.”

  After a moment of stunned silence at the unexpected news, Kate stammered, “but w… what… eh… how? When?” At the same moment Chris let out a whoop and peppered Yvonne’s belly with kisses.

  Yvonne reached into her purse and removed a used pregnancy test wrapped in a handkerchief. “See?” She showed Kate the positive sign. “I don’t know exactly how long, but I think it must have been the first time we were all together. Tante Wilma says I need to see a doctor and find out how far along I am, but I tell her I need to talk to both of you, first. Is it okay?”

  “Angel, it’s more than okay. It’s perfect.” Chris could have lightened the room with his megawatt grin.

  “I agree. It’s wonderful,” Kate’s mouth suddenly seemed too dry. Does it change what Chris and I discussed? Will I be part of this? She managed to swallow. A baby!

  “Kate?” Chris squeezed her hand.

  “I’m unsure what this means for me,” she confessed. “Don’t get me wrong. I love babies. When I was younger, I wanted to be a mother, but could never find the right man to be the father.” She made eye contact with Yvonne. “If you’ll let me, I’ll get a chance to be with you both, while you do the honors. That is, if you both want me?”

  “How can you even ask such a question? Of course, you are also mother to this child. I wouldn’t dream of excluding you.” Yvonne reached for Kate’s hand again and turned to Chris. “You agree, don’t you?”

  “Of course, angel. Kate, we’re a threesome. This baby is lucky. He or she gets two mothers. And you’re both going to be awesome at it. I only hope I can be half as good a father.”

  "Why would you say that?" Yvonne's expression reflected Kate's feeling.

  She grabbed Chris by his ears and pulled his face close to hers. "The next time you put yourself down like that, I’ll take a strap to your ass."

  Chris looked startled before he relaxed into her hold. Kate didn't know how it happened but in the next moment they shared a group hug and began tearing at each other’s clothes.

  Chapter Seven

  “I thought I’d come see you next week for Thanksgiving instead of Christmas, this year. Are you going to be home?” Chris asked his mother.

  “Of course, dear. You know we always love to see you.” The sunlines beside her eyes deepened.

  “Is it all right if I bring guests?”

  Kate and Yvonne had been shopping together and were putting away their finds, and he’d taken the opportunity to video call his parents. He hadn’t introduced them to a woman since his parents moved to Arizona and usually only visited at Christmas. Now, he was impatient to introduce Kate and Yvonne to his parents.

  “A lady friend?” his mother asked, and he could hear her hopeful tone.

  “Lady friends,” he answered with emphasis on the ‘s.’

  “Someone special?

  “Yes, mom, they’re very special to me.” He grinned as he leaned away from his tablet. Damn, her squeal could rival that of a whipped submissive. Chris could hear his father in the background and the clattering of dishes.

  His mother said something to his dad he couldn’t catch, before she returned. “I’m sorry honey, but your father is making a mess of dinner. Looking for
ward to see y’all when you get here,” his mother rushed before she ended the call.

  Before he had the chance to shoot his mom a clarifying text, Kate and Yvonne strutted into the room wearing only lingerie. Kate had on an emerald green teddy which accentuated her eyes and Yvonne wore a pink bra and panty set that matched her personality and the blush on her cheeks. Kate took the phone from his limp fingers before he dropped it, and placed it on a side table before standing behind him. Chris looked at his leather-clad legs and nearly lost it. Kate’s long slender fingers with raspberry red fingernails curved around his hips. Between his opened legs, Yvonne was kneeling, her hands on his thighs.

  He groaned, and Kate chuckled next to his ear. “Relax, big guy. You’re going to make a lot more noise before we finish with you.” She nipped his earlobe, and he had to grip the arms of the chair to stay seated. By submitting to Kate, he was learning about the benefits of delayed gratification. She would tease him to the brink of orgasm over and over and make him wait for hours. Chris suspected she might make it days in the future. Somehow the thought appealed to him. He liked Kate being in charge of his orgasms.

  “Tell Yvonne what you want,” Kate ordered.

  Chris looked the younger woman in her bright blue-grey eyes.

  “Open my pants, angel.”

  Her small hands moved upwards, and she unbuttoned the top. Kate’s hands gripped his hips in a tight hold. “Take it slow, dear. Let’s build the anticipation.”

  Chris couldn’t see Kate’s face, but he was sure her eyes gleamed possessively. Kate loved being in control of the two of them.

  Kate watched as Yvonne unbuttoned Chris’ leathers. In her mind it was a benefit of Chris coming over on his bike instead of with his truck. The man looked sinfully good in leather. His cock sprang free, and Yvonne gasped in surprise. The sneaky imp had gone commando.

  As Yvonne stroked his length, Chris’ head rolled back, and Kate used the opportunity to suck on the side of his neck. His big hand went to the back of her head to hold her in place and she bit his earlobe and tugged until he let go of her.


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