changes to rules, 78
against goalies, 353
Pennington, Cliff, 97
Percival, Lloyd, 226
Perreault, Gilbert, 220, 231, 250–51, 366
Perron, Jean, 259
Perry, Corey, 73
Peterborough Petes, 347
Petit, Michel, 368
Petrov, Vladimir, 250
Petrovic, Alex, 364
Philadelphia Flyers
as Broad Street Bullies, xi, 70, 183, 193
build the team, 190, 192–93
contributions of, 197
deal with Los Angeles, 194
early seasons of, 191
hire Shero, 193
vs. Islanders in 1980 finals, 327–28
and NHL expansion, 190
vs. Oilers (1985), 352–53
vs. Oilers (1987), 354
reputation for violence, 70–71
win Stanley Cup (1974), 195
win Stanley Cup (1975), 195–96
Picard, Noel, 191
Pickard, Jim, 329
Pilous, Rudy, 212
Pinder, Gerry, 177
Piper, Rowdy Roddy, 332
Pitre, Didier, 15
Pittsburgh Hornets, 84
Pittsburgh Penguins
build team, 182–83
draft Lemieux, 186
receive franchise, 182
slow start, 185–86
toughness, 183
training camp, 181–82
Pittsburgh Pirates, 66
Plager, Barclay, 156, 157
Plager, Bill, 156
Plager, Bob, 156
Plante, Jacques, 10, 154, 155, 251
players’ association. See also National Hockey League Players’ Association
formation of, 44–45
playoff beard tradition, 327
Pocklington, Peter, 164, 353
Poile, Bud, 150, 190, 192
Pollock, Sam, 192, 212, 213, 300, 301, 322
Popeil, Gene, 188
Popovich, Gregg, 296
Portage Lakes, xii–xiii
Portland Rosebuds, 34
Potvin, Denis, 251, 322, 349
Poulin, Dave, 352
Price, Carey, 7, 47, 127–29
Price, Jerry, 127, 128
Primeau, Keith, 278
Prince of Wales Conference, 343, 366
Prince of Wales Trophy, 135, 340
Pritchard, Phil, 61
Probert, Bob, 306
Prodgers, Sam “Goldie,” 15
professional hockey
creation of, xi–xiii
motivation to be in, xiii–xiv
prejudice against, 13
Pronger, Chris, 87, 292
Propp, Brian, 267, 352
Provost, Claude, 299
Prystai, Metro, 37
Puchkov, Nikolai, 99
puck possession, 21
Pulford, Bob, 376
Punch Line, 50
Putnam, Bill, 190
Quackenbush, Bill, 43
Quebec Bulldogs, 15
Quebec Nordiques, 213, 273, 274
Quenneville, Joel, 71
Quick, Jonathan, 7
Quinn, Pat, 88, 168, 196, 287, 288
racism in sport, 115–16, 117–20
Rafalski, Brian, 292
Ramage, Rob, 208
Ranford, Bill, 360
Ratelle, Jean, 230
Reardon, Ken, 81, 162
Reay, Billy, 223–24
Rebagliati, Ross, 282
Recchi, Mark, 271
Redmond, Mickey, 299
Reeds, Mark, 153
Reese, Jeff, 368
referees, 73
Reginal Capitals, 34
Reichel, Robert, 286
Renfrew Creamery Kings, 13
Richard, Henri, 299
Richard, Maurice “Rocket,” 50, 69, 81–86, 92, 110, 173, 373–74
Richards, Mike, 297
Richer, Stéphane, 319
Richter, Mike, 277–78
Rickard, Tex, 19–20, 24, 31
Rideau Rebels, 56
Riley, Jack, 96, 182, 226
rinks. See arenas and rinks
Risebrough, Doug, 302, 315, 367–68
Rizzetto, Sil, 101
Roberto, Phil, 157
Roberts, Gary, 367
Roberts, Jim, 312
Robinson, David, 296
Robinson, Frank, 15
Robinson, Jackie, 118, 120
Robinson, Larry, 87, 213–14, 301, 316
Robitaille, Luc, 113, 146, 148
Rochefort, Normand, 259
Roenick, Jeremy, 293
Rollins, Al, 37–38
Rollins, Jerry, 38
Romanuk, Paul, 290
rookie dinners, 221
Rooney, Art, 182
Rorabach, Brian, 188
Ross, Art, 29–30
Rousseau, Bobby, 97
Roussel, Father Georges, 124–24
Roy, Patrick, 128, 129, 147, 148, 151, 286, 316, 317–18, 319
Rucinsky, Martin, 272, 318
Ruel, Claude, 213
Ruskowski, Terry, 206, 217
Russian players, 306–7. See also individual players
Saad, Brandon, 363
Saddledome, 52
Sakic, Joe, 285, 292–93, 319
Baun, 111
Finley’s negotiations over, 176–77
and Flames, 367
Hall, 151
Howe, 110, 111
offered by WHA, 178
O’Ree, 116, 117
of Original Six players, 50
salary cap, 365, 370
Salcer, Ron, 276
Saleski, Don, 193
Salming, Borje, 274
Salo, Tommy, 291
Salomon, Sid, 156
Samuelsson, Ulf, 272
San Antonio Spurs, 296–97
Sanderson, Derek, 160, 203
Sandstrom, Tomas, 306
Saraceno, Henry, 324
Sasakamoose, Fred, 121–26, 129
Sather, Glen, 214, 264
advice from, 52
belief in importance of families, 310
as coach for Canada Cup (1984), 252
coaching tactics, 59, 84, 165, 253, 302, 334, 335–36
draft picks, 220, 331
fight, 185
hires Muckler, 339–40
as inspiration, 358
inspired by U.S.S.R. play, 226
interest in use of video, 347–48
kindness to WG, 181–82
Savard, Denis, 316
Savard, Serge, 230, 232, 301, 315–16, 318, 319
Sawchuk, Terry, 150
Scapinello, Ray, 147
Schiff, Jerry, 190
Schmidt, Milt, 48, 50, 224, 225, 355
Schneider, Buzz, 243
Schreiber, Frederic, 105–6
Schultz, Charles, 172
Schultz, Dave, 193, 195, 301
Seabrook, Brent, 369
Seattle Metropolitans, 22, 40
Second World War, 48–49
Seguin, Tyler, 187, 302
Seibert, Earl, 11, 50, 83
Seiling, Ric, 325
Selke, Frank Sr., 77, 85, 86, 239, 300
Selke Trophy
Clarke wins, 196
Seltzer, Jerry, 173
Semak, Alexander, 264
Semenko, Dave, 21, 52, 71, 73, 184–85, 211, 220, 332–33, 347
Serchuck, Doc, 146
Shack, Eddie,
107, 108
Shanahan, Brendan, 73, 278, 282
Sharples, Jeff, 360
Shaw, Andrew, 371
Sheehan, Bobby, 177
Shepelev, Sergei, 250
Shero, Fred, 193, 314
Shmyr, Paul, 208
Shore, Eddie, 32
and Bailey fight, 76–77
Cleghorn mentors, 9
compared to Orr, 30
defensive skills, 29
effect on NHL, 31
fighting record, 30
and first All-Star game, 78
hockey skills, 30–31
joins Bruins, 30
popularity of, 31
and power play, 31
suspension of, 77
toughness of, 75
Shutt, Steve, 302, 311
Silk, Dave, 244
Simmer, Charlie, 261, 338
Simpson, Craig, 370
Sinden, Harry, 97, 98, 108, 229, 230
Sittler, Darryl, 60
Sjostrom, Freddy, 311
Skalbania, Nelson, 164–65, 166, 210, 212
colored, 175
safety heel on, 86
treatment by WG, 11
use of Velcro rather than laces, 327
white, 173–75
worn by Morenz, 10
Skinner, Jeff, 187
Skinner, Jimmy, 192
Sly, Darryl, 97
Smith, Billy, 324, 325, 346–47, 353
Smith, Bobby, 160
Smith, Derrick, 352
Smith, Floyd, 366
Smith, Gary, 171, 216
Smith, Mike, 364
Smith, Neil, 89
Smith, Steve, 356, 357
Smythe, Conn, 50
accomplishments of, 20
and Bailey, 76
builds NY Rangers, 21–22, 23
Carnegie comment, 118
desire to get rid of Boucher, 23
dislike of televised games, 133
and Dye, 24, 41
hired by Rickard, 20
hires Hewitt, 132
joins Toronto St. Pats, 24
lawsuit with fan, 77–78
leaves NY Rangers, 23–24
relationship with Leafs, 24–25
signs Boucher, 23, 102
Smythe, Stafford, 133, 366
Snider, Ed, 190, 191, 192, 196–97
Sobchuk, Dennis, 178
Sologubov, Nikolai, 99
Sonmor, Glen, 167, 168–69
Soon, Henry, 117
Soviet Union. See also Winter Olympics (Lake Placid 1980)
amateur designation for team, 238
and Canada Cup, 246
funding of sports in mid-80s, 258
hockey coaches, 226–27
hockey in, 225, 226
hockey skills, 241
hockey success at Olympics and world championships, 237
innovations and skills introduced by, 225–26
makeup of hockey team, 246, 250
Olympics team, 246
players’ interest in NHL, 258
sells players to NHL, 258
toughness of hockey team, 232–33
sportsmanship, 9, 37
Stamkos, Steve, x
Stanfield, Fred, 225
Stanley, Lord, 56
Stanley Cup
Arenas win (1917-18), 17
Black Hawks win (1938), 36
Black Hawks win (1961), 37
Blueshirts win (1913-14), 15
Bruins vs. Oilers (1988), 355–59
Canadiens vs. Rangers (1979), 314–15
difficulty of winning, 57, 374
donation of by Lord Stanley, 56–57
fans’ reactions to team winning, 359
first post-expansion all-Canadian final, 353
Flames successes, 367
Flyers win (1974), 195
Flyers win (1975), 195–96
Fog Game, 196
importance of winning first, 60
individuals thanked by players, 187
introduction of rings to winners, 41
Islanders vs. Flyers (1979-80), 327–28
Keeper of the Cup, 61
longest game in finals, 360
Maple Leafs win (1951), 37
Maple Leafs win (1967), 126
misadventures of, 61–62
Morenz wins, 9
Oilers vs. Flyers (1985), 352–53
Oilers vs. Flyers (1987), 354
Oilers vs. Islanders (1984), 349–52
Ottawa Senators win (1927), 41
presented to players rather than owners, 352
Rangers win (1928), 24
Rangers win (1928, 1933 1940, 1994), 23
Red Wings win (1950, 1952, 1954, 1955), 106
Seattle Metropolitans win (1917), 22, 40
traditions of receiving Cup, 359
Vancouver Maroons in semifinal (1926), 23
Victoria Cougars win (1925), 22, 40
WG’s childhood imaginary games, 55
win as team accomplishment, 55, 57
Stanley Cup final 1924, 8
Stapleton, Pat “Whitey,” 38, 210–11, 212
Starikov, Sergei, 258
Stasiuk, Vic, 177
Stastny, Paul, 371
Stavro, Steve, 87–88
Stemkowski, Peter, 366
Stevens, Scott, 10, 259, 278, 322
Stewart, Bill, 36, 50
Stewart, Gaye, 37
Stewart, Jack, 105, 117
St. Louis Blues
Bowman as motivator, 153–54
brawl in Philadelphia, 157
building of team, 149–51
character of, 156–57
coaching tactics, 312
early success, 136–37
goalies, 154–56
Hall of Fame players in, 149
Plante as goalie, 155–56
Plante joins, 154
Storey, Red, 84
Subban, P.K., 115
Sullivan, Red, 182
Summer Olympics (Moscow 1980), 237
Summit Series (1972), 225
Canadian team, 228
final game, 233–34
inaugural game, 228–29
moves to Russia, 231
winning goal, 234
Sundin, Mats, 87, 274
Sundstrom Patrik, 252
Suter, Gary, 139, 274, 275, 368
Sutter, Brent, 252, 253, 328, 329–30
Sutter, Brian, 298
Sutter, Darryl, 297–98
Sutter, Duane, 298, 327, 329, 352
Sutter, Richie, 298, 329, 352
Sutter, Ronnie, 298, 352, 329
Swig, Mel, 178
Sydor, Darryl, 319
Tallon, Dale, 364
Tambellini, Steve, 288
Tarasov, Anatoli, 226–27
Tardif, Marc, 209
Taylor, Tim, 276
Team Canada (1972)
and Summit Series, 228–34
Team Canada (1976)
makeup of, 257
Team Canada (1984)
coach, 252
condition of players, 252
vs. Czechs, 252–53
makeup of team, 249
vs. Sweden, 252, 255
vs. U.S.S.R., 253–54
Team Canada (1987)
card game, 259–60
coaching team, 259–60
games in Hamilton, 264–69
makeup of team, 259
poor start of, 259
Team Ca
nada (1991)
makeup of team, 271
talent on, 272
vs. Team USA, 274
Team Canada (1996)
makeup, 278
Team Canada (1998)
Clarke appointed to run, 189
against Czech team, 284–86
effect on other athletes, 282
against Finnish team, 287
preparation for Winter Olympics, 284
against Team USA, 283–84
Team Canada (2002)
vs. Team USA, 292–93
wins and losses, 288, 290, 291
Team Canada, pressure on, 286
Team USA (1960), 96–100
Team USA (1980)
vs. Finland, 245
vs. U.S.S.R., 242–44
Team USA (1991)
makeup of, 272–73
vs. Team Canada, 274
Team USA (1996)
makeup of, 278
Team USA (2002)
vs. Team Canada, 292–93
Ted Lindsay Trophy
Clarke wins, 196
Price wins, 129
Theodore, Jose, 64
Theriault, Paul, 163, 164
Thibault, Jocelyn, 318
Thompson, Cliff, 85
Thomson, Floyd, 157
Thornton, Shawn, 28
Tikhonov, Vasily, 309
Tikhonov, Viktor (the younger), 309
Tikhonov, Viktor, 227, 243, 258, 263, 264, 267, 272, 309
Tkachuk, Keith, 278
Tocchet, Rick, 267
Toews, Jonathan, 369
Tonelli, John, 253, 254, 325, 328
Toombs, Rod, 332
Toppazzini, Jerry, 119
Toronto Arena Company, 17
Toronto Arenas, 17–18
Toronto Blueshirts, 14, 17. See also Toronto Hockey Club
Toronto Hockey Club, 14, 15. See also Toronto Blueshirts
Toronto Maple Leafs. See also Stanley Cup
effect of expansion on, 150
founding of, 17
lineup in 1996-97, 87
renamed by Smythe, 24
and Stanley Cup wins, 43
Torrey, Bill, 173, 174, 175–76, 322, 323, 324, 326, 340–41
training regimen, 91
Tremblay, J.C., 203
Tremblay, Mario, 317, 319
Tretiak, Vladislav, 229, 233, 234, 243–44, 250
Trottier, Bryan, 127, 323, 328
Trudeau, Pierre Elliott, 228
Tuele, Bill, 61
Turgeon, Pierre, 319
Tutko, Thomas, 337
Ullman, Norm, 366, 376
Unger, Garry, 339
United States
hockey success at Olympics, 237
interest in hockey in, 100
U.S. Olympic hockey team. See also Team USA (various years)
training camp, 240
Utendale, John, 119
Vachon, Rogie, 137
Vadnais, Carol, 177
Vanbiesbrouck, John, 278
Vancouver Canucks, 89, 113
WG interest in playing for, 88
Vancouver Maroons, 23
Vancouver Millionaires, 22
Van Gerbig, Barry, 172, 173
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