Stronghold (Stronghold 1)

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Stronghold (Stronghold 1) Page 12

by Angel, Golden

  Such a quick and instinctive response had to be real. So he knew that some of her responses were submissive, and that she was excited.

  "I'm not in the mood for games tonight, little one," he growled, coming close enough that she would feel like he was invading her space. She was pressed up against the back of the chair and if his legs hadn't been against the seat, in between hers, he was pretty sure that she would have been sinking down as well. "If you aren't really a submissive then you need to get out. Now."


  Geezus... the man was practically threatening her and all she could do was cream her panties. If she ever needed proof that she was submissive, surely this had to be it!

  She could understand that he was a little upset, even angry, although she thought that his reaction was just a tad over-dramatic... but part of her felt like she should at least be pissed back at him. After all, she'd told him why she'd pretended to be a Domme at Chained and he acted like it didn't matter why, even though it was a good reason. Instead he just tried to intimidate her into leaving.

  Well joke was on him, all he was doing was turning her on.

  Flicking out her tongue across her lower lip before dragging her teeth across it, a nervous habit she'd never quite been able to get rid of, she noticed that his eyes dropped to her mouth. So Mr. Very Grouchy wasn't quite as immune to her as he acted. That was something at least. More than something since it would have been pretty embarrassing to be all heated up about him if he wasn't the slightest bit interested in her.

  "I'm submissive. I want to be here. Sir." Her voice was back to that high, breathy squeak that she hated. It only came out when she was feeling particularly shy or vulnerable.

  Then again, with six feet something and who knows how many pounds of sexy, muscular, pissed male leaning over her, how could she feel anything other than vulnerable?

  And damn her body for finding that so freaking hot.

  A muscle in his jaw clenched as she stared up at him, fascinated. "All right."

  The way he gathered himself and stood up straight was just as controlled as his descent had been. She wondered if he did any dancing. He must be doing something physical on a regular basis to have that much deliberate muscle control. Maybe not dancing. Probably some super-masculine sport.

  "I've read your survey. It seems like there are a lot of things you haven't tried. My plan was to have you try some of those things tonight. How does that sound to you?"

  She swallowed convulsively. "Good. That sounds good."

  Hell, if it sounded any better she might just orgasm on the spot. Her nipples were already trying to drill holes through her shirt and she was more than a little thankful that she'd chosen to wear a white thong and lacy white boy shorts underneath her skirt. Otherwise she'd be leaving a mess behind on Master Patrick's chair.


  "That sounds good, Sir."

  "Right, sorry Sir." Good grief she was a mess. She'd fantasized about this man more than once over the past couple of weeks, but she'd never thought she'd be in this position or with him. If she'd known what she would be walking into, she never would have come.

  But she had to admit that she was glad she had. So far at least.

  "And it indicated that you're comfortable with the demonstration involving toys and hands?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  "Good. Alright, Angie, let's go." He stressed her name and Angel felt something inside of her stomach twist.

  "Angel. My real name is Angel."

  The look he gave her was both sardonic and approving. Almost as if he knew that was her real name and appreciated her honesty.


  As he led Angel down through the main room and the upstairs, giving her the tour, he was quickly revising his game plan for the evening. No private rooms, that was for sure. He was too angry to completely trust himself with her privately. And part of him wanted to expose her publicly.

  It was difficult to hold onto his anger as she stared at the private rooms with a kind of awe, the same little bounce in her step that he'd noticed at Chained. His body, in particular, was less interested in being pissed and a lot more interested in the glimpses of lace he saw when her skirt flounced up or the way her breasts jiggled on the shelf of that corset. The slutty-innocent look of all white in such revealing clothing appealed to him in a way he would have never guessed.

  He saved the downstairs for last. The Dungeon was the best place to deal with her, right in the center of the room where the spanking benches were. They were one of his favorite pieces of equipment anyway, and if anyone deserved a spanking, Angel definitely did.

  Once he'd shown her the doctor's office, jail and the interrogation room, he led her to one of the many open benches. Since it was Thursday there weren't as many people here, especially since it was fairly early in the evening. Off to the side he saw that Will had Ellie tied up to a Saint Andrew's cross and he was using a single tail on her buttocks. Tom was nowhere to be seen.

  Noticing that Angel was watching the display as well, he decided to give her a few minutes to soak it in. By the way she flinched every time the whip landed, leaving another welt across Ellie's ass, it wasn't something she'd be interested in trying. Which was just fine with him, he preferred to stay away from the whips anyway. Floggers on the other hand...

  Suddenly her attention jerked back to him and she flushed as she realized he was studying her.

  "Sorry... Sir."

  "See anything you like?" he asked, gesturing at the cross. Angel shook her head, winding her fingers around each other as she lowered her gaze to the ground. Not entirely unexpected, going by her survey. At least it looked like she'd been truthful about some things. And he was slightly reassured about his ability to read her.


  Seeing that she was eyeing the bench he was standing next to, Adam gestured to it. "This is a spanking bench. Have you ever been on one of these before?" She shook her head again and he sighed. "Answer verbally, Angel. I need to hear your responses and you need to get used to giving them. Clear communication is quite possibly the most important part of scening."

  "No, Sir, I have never been on a spanking bench."

  "Have you ever been spanked?" He asked, trying to ignore the way her low voice was making his cock throb in his pants. Considering that he'd been hard basically since he'd started showing her around the club and thinking about all the dirty things he could do with her, the fact that she could arouse him even further with just her voice was more than a little disconcerting.

  She shifted her weight on her feet, color heightening her cheeks. Embarrassed? It was impossible to fake a blush, right? "A couple times. I asked one of my ex-boyfriends to and he did it but it... it wasn't like what I thought it would be."

  "And you think I'll be able to do better?" He wasn't able to completely keep the amusement out of his voice.

  Angel peeked at him in a shy little way that made him almost forget that she was a liar. "I think you have a better chance of knowing what you're doing."

  Okay, that made the side of his lips twitch, but he smothered the grin that wanted to sneak out.

  "Very likely. I'd like to start off by putting you over this bench and seeing how you respond to being restrained. From there we'll move on to toys and then a spanking, my hand first and then possibly a paddle or a flogger and see how you feel after that. How does that sound?"

  From the way her eyes had practically glazed over as he'd spoke, he would bet it sounded damn good. She certainly reacted the way a submissive would. A flick of her tongue across her lower lip, followed by a quick drag of her teeth - a reaction that he was starting to think was instinctual rather than learned, not to mention enticing as hell - and she took a deep breath.

  "That sounds good, Sir."

  "Do you have a safeword?"


  "Uncle?" His voice came out half-strangled. Good god, did he want to know the reasoning behind that one?

  A sneaky little half-smi
le crossed her lips as she tipped her head to the side, the loose curls in her hair flopping sideways. "As in 'Say Uncle.’ Didn't you ever wrestle when you were a little kid?"

  "Right." That grin was trying to sneak out again. He stamped on it. No need to let her know that he found her entertaining and adorable as well as sexy. "You can also use the club safeword which is 'red.' Although if the Dungeon Monitors hear anything that sounds like it's outside of a scene then they come running - and you absolutely shouldn't need it during your Introduction Scene, but things happen." Like Stephanie who had thought her pain tolerance was much higher than it had been. And he certainly wasn't planning on going easy on Angel. If she was a little wannabe or just playing games then she was going to regret coming into the club tonight.

  He might not be a sadist like Andrew, but he wasn't going to tolerate any bullshit either.


  Watching Master Adam and trying to figure out his thoughts could be a full time job, Angel thought. His facial expressions were mostly neutral, but his eyes betrayed him. Any time he was amused, she could see it in the little crinkling around his blue eyes and the way their glacial depths warmed. But he could flash back to cold and hard in seconds, for seemingly no reason at all. More than once she saw him looking at her as if he was attracted to her but didn't want to be.

  And that downright sucked because she was damn sure attracted to him. Hell, she'd been attracted to him at Chained and having him order her around and being all alpha-male and kinda-pissed was just fanning the flames. She couldn't tell how pissed he really was about her deception; somehow she thought it was a lot more than he was showing on his face.

  Nothing she could really do about that though.

  "Yes, Sir," she said, in response to his lecture on safewords. She'd purposefully chosen one that she found amusing, and that she was used to yelling out anyway (legacy of growing up a tomboy), and she thought that she'd seen the glimmer of a smile before he'd gone all mean and distant again.

  "Good. Now strip."

  The command was so authoritative that her hands were going to her blouse before she could even think. Damn! How did these men do that?! As her fingers fumbled with the buttons at her neck, she glanced around the room again and realized that more than one person was watching.

  Heat and ice warred within in. Okay, so she'd kinda fantasized about getting down and dirty in front of people before but she'd never done it.

  "Um... how far?"

  Adam glared at her.

  "Sir," she quickly tacked on. "How far should I strip down?"

  "All of it." The look that he gave her was pure challenge. His voice practically purred. "You didn't indicate that you would have a problem with public nudity on your survey."

  No, but she hadn't expected to have to completely strip down on her first night here. That had been the point of wearing the special corset. But the look in his eyes said that he didn't think she'd do it. That she'd say her safe word and pussy out. It was the same look she'd gotten when she was younger and she wanted to play football or shoot hoops with the guys, the one that said she should just turn around now and go home or put her money where her mouth was.

  Angel had never been one for going home.

  The same stubbornness that had served her well when she was younger came roaring to the fore. But she didn't say anything. She just started unbuttoning her shirt and doing her best to pretend it didn't bother her. Heck, she was used to getting undressed in front of people, she reminded herself. Half of theater was stripping down as fast as you could for a costume chance and it didn't matter who was standing next to you or in front of you.

  Of course there hadn't been anyone so blatantly watching as Master Adam was. And none of them had been nearly as devastatingly attractive. With his arms crossed over his chest, his crisp white shirt tucked into dark leather pants, and the black dress shoes he was wearing, he looked like some kind of bondage GQ model.

  Doing her best to ignore Mr. Serious and Sexy (not to mention Grouchy), Angel focused on stripping down. She felt her cheeks turning red as she noticed some of the glances she was getting from other parts of the room and the various people walking by. But she wasn't going to let that stop her. Heck, some part of her liked it. By the time her shirt and corset were off and piled neatly on the floor beside her, that was obvious by the rigidly hard points of her nipples.

  And her panties were soaked through, although no one could see that. Yet.

  If she wasn't imagining things, Master Adam's breathing had picked up a bit as she let her skirt drop to reveal the lacy boy shorts she was wearing. As well as the fact that the white fishnets were not tights, they were very high thigh highs. Angel had long legs so she usually wore the size up from the recommended size on the back of the box, which meant that they were a little long but that was better than being a little short. The lacy tops of these particular stockings were only an inch or so below her ass cheeks.

  Angel hesitated and then began to step out of her shoes.

  "Leave the shoes and the stockings."

  Was it her imagination, or did his voice sound a little bit hoarse? Taking another peek, Angel nearly turned and ran just looking at the hungry expression on his face. Master Adam didn't look like Mr. Grouchy or even Mr. Serious anymore. No, he looked like he wanted to devour her whole. Her body responded with a tingling warmth that she'd never felt from just stripping down. Hell he hadn't even touched her yet!

  It was her body's response that was making her want to run. She so didn't feel ready for this. But she was already more than halfway there, plus she'd have to get re-dressed again, so she stayed in place and just pulled down the lacy shorts followed by the g-string.

  Angel didn't look at the very obviously wet piece of fabric as she laid it on top of the pile. It was too embarrassing.

  "Hands at your sides," he barked out as they started to drift in front of her. Angel snapped them back to either side of her hips.

  She felt decidedly vulnerable, almost completely naked - and what was covered wasn't anything that really needed to be - in a room that had been slowly filling up with people as she stripped. It wasn't full by any means, but there were definitely more people than when she'd first arrived, and she didn't know any of them. The sensation was both exciting and unnerving.

  As was the way Master Adam's eyes were slowly perusing over her, drinking her in. His face didn't show anything, but going by the bulge at the front of his pants he was at least enjoying something about the sight. She wished she didn't feel so desperate for some sign of approval from him. Then again, what woman wouldn't want approval from a sexy man who was studying her so intently?

  His eyes came back up to her face and her breath stuttered to a stop. Those icy blue eyes had a tendency to do that to her. Who needed air, anyway?

  "You have your safeword, but sometimes I'm going to want to ask how you're doing. If you're good and you want to keep going, say green. If you're nervous or want to slow down, say yellow." He studied her face. "How are you feeling right now?"

  "Green," she said, with as much bravado as she could muster.

  It wasn't entirely true. She was feeling anxious and out of her element, but she also didn't want to leave and she definitely didn't want to slow down. In fact, the faster they could move on to the next part of this, the better.


  Does she know that she has her fists clenched at her sides? he wondered. With any other new submissive he'd say that she was anxious but excited, eager to continue but also tempered with an understandable amount of fear of the unknown. With Angel he wasn't sure how much he could trust his instincts. Sometimes he would give submissives the color scheme if they seemed nervous or like they were having trouble giving up control.

  Angel did seem like she was having a little bit of trouble giving up control, but in a way that made a Dominant's pulse beat faster because this strong personality was following his commands, fitting herself to his will. The kind of struggle that he loved to be
a voyeur to. He'd given her the colors because he was feeling a bit unsure of himself, unsure of his ability to read her.

  And he really, really hated that.

  "Alright then, little one," he grinned at her, enjoying watching her face heat as his eyes traveled over those delicious curves again. "On the bench."

  With her teetering heels he had to help her a little, just providing a hand to hold for balance as she got her knees in place. Touching her sent little sizzles of heat up his skin, which he tried to ignore. Just the way he was trying to ignore his reaction to seeing her completely naked except for the stockings and heels.

  Good god, those stockings. Just inches away from her pussy lips - which were completely bare - and now he could see how they came up so very close to the rounded curve of her ass. No hidden surprises here; Angel was as roundly curved underneath her clothes as she looked. Fake padding not needed for this hourglass figure, although of course the corset had exaggerated it a bit.

  Unable to help himself, he rubbed his hand over her back where the corset boning had dug into her skin and left red marks. She sighed happily as his hand smoothed over her skin. He'd been told that rubbing helped with the discomfort, and he could definitely feel Angel relaxing under his hand as he touched her. Hell, she was practically purring.

  It took everything he had to move his hand away rather than letting it travel down her body to cup the now up-lifted curves of her ass. He had to keep a grip on himself and remind himself not to take her reactions for granted. They could be faked.

  Almost angrily he snapped cuffs around her ankles and wrists. All the spanking benches were equipped with them, although of course you could bring your own from home too. Tightening them around her limbs, he made sure that she could still move all her fingers and toes.

  "I need you to tell me immediately if anything starts to tingle or hurt."


  Adam reached up and smacked her bottom.

  "Ouch! I mean... yes Sir." Her voice sounded properly contrite, as if she hadn't really remembered. Maybe she hadn't.

  Standing up, he left her there for a moment to get used to the restraints as he fetched a couple of toys from the communal chest that Patrick kept there. For an Introduction Scene she wouldn't be charged, unless she requested something super fancy. But Adam was just sticking with the basics.


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