Pureblood (Pureblood series)

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Pureblood (Pureblood series) Page 4

by Ellysia Fields

  The doorknob turned easily and the door swung open, she was in awe of the sight before her. To her immediate right was a tall, thin shelving unit with assorted bathroom necessities including towels, toilet paper, and one of those little gel air fresheners. The room smelled so strongly of the ocean, she could almost taste the salt in the air. She gagged and closed the offending thing, noting to ask for a different scent if she was staying here. To the left was another door, seemingly leading into the hallway attaching the bathroom to the rest of the unit. To her immediate left was a large, glass shower with black tiles all along the back. She had never liked the idea of clear glass shower doors, so she was pleased to note that this was made of high strength privacy glass. The rest of the room was pretty standard with a sink on the far wall near the other door, as well as the toilet… and the garden tub on the far right-hand corner.

  She found herself getting excited to try that out tonight as she headed into the hallway using the other door and walking into the living room again to sit on the couch. She turned the TV on and tore into the package of snack cakes, flipping to Netflix. Once she signed in, she started to turn on to the latest season of Voltron but stopped. This felt normal, and it shouldn’t. She was in a strange place, surrounded by strange people, she could shift into a wolf and here she was about to binge some Netflix like it was no big deal. She should be freaking out, but she couldn’t bring herself to. Maybe she would freak out tomorrow when she woke up in the new bed. Or maybe this seemingly inevitable freak out would never come? That thought was even more terrifying.

  She was halfway through the second episode when there was a knock at the door. She assumed it was Nicholas again so she stood up to go answer it, setting her half-eaten box of snack cakes aside.

  “Hey Nicholas, I was just watching some Netflix and-”

  “Oh really? What were you watching?” The voice was female, as was the body it came from, so not Nicholas. This woman walked right past her and plopped down on the couch while Elizabeth was just stuck holding the door. “Oh, Voltron?! Yeah, I love that show too. Would have been better if they had wolves instead of cats, right? I mean come on wolves are pack animals, they need to be together to be happy, but cats?! Not a chance they would be in a group like that!”

  “Um, who are you? I thought Nicholas was supposed to come back with food,” she stuttered out, dumbstruck.

  “Oh, right. Sorry, got a tad distracted!” she stood up again and walked over to Elizabeth. She held her hand out for Elizabeth to take, a bright, friendly smile on her face. “My name is Camila Lancaster and I live two dens down from you. I heard the Alpha had welcomed a new wolf to the pack, but I didn’t expect you to move in here so soon! I hope you are enjoying our Packden, Alpha Beatrice tried her best to make this as comfortable for us as possible,” she proclaimed happily. Elizabeth took in her deep crimson hair and dark tan as she slowly took this woman’s hand. Camila grabbed it tightly, grinning widely as she shook it fiercely. With a flick of her fiery skirt, practically the same color as her hair, she sauntered over to the couch and sat back down. Elizabeth closed the door.

  Or tried to, but a hand stopped it from closing anymore. Elizabeth opened the door again to see Nicholas standing on the other side, a bag of food in both hands. “I didn’t know what you liked so I..oh, Camila!” He walked in and embraced the woman tightly much to her squealing delight.

  “Beta Nick! How you been doing? Hope the Alpha isn't running you too ragged!” Camila teased.

  “No, she’s not, but I’m glad you’re here. I see you’ve met Elizabeth, she’s the new wolf and could really use help adapting,” he explained carefully.

  “Oh sure, new Packden, new packmates, it can be quite jarring. Like when you helped me when I arrived!” They spoke like old friends, and it made Elizabeth feel left out.

  “Well, it’s more than just a new wolf, she’s Turned, you see,” his tone was lower, not quite a whisper but she still heard it.

  “Oh my, I had no idea!” Camila looked back over to Elizabeth and walked over to stand in front of her. “I’m so sorry, I’m a goof. I didn’t realize you were the Turned they were talking about. I should have, I mean with you being with the Beta and your den being so bare. I just assumed you were with the new group added recently. But that’s dumb, I’m dumb I… I hope we can still be friends?” She looked so hurt that Elizabeth took pity on her. She placed a hand on her shoulder, the first impromptu contact Elizabeth had had with these people… her new people she reminded herself.

  “It’s okay, how could you know? My name is Elizabeth Winters, but my friends call me Liza,” she smiled at Camila, and in response, she smiled back. She resembled a morning sunrise with her bright smile.

  “Well, I guess I’ll just leave this here and let you two get acquainted. Great seeing you Camila, and Elizabeth remember what I said. If you ever need anything, my door is always open,” he affirmed for her as he set the food on the table. Camila started toward the table while Nicholas headed for the door. She didn’t quite remember making the choice to move, but her hand reached out to grab his wrist, causing him to freeze under her touch.

  “You won’t stay?” Why was she questioning him? She should let him go so she could pry any information from Camila about the layout of this place so she could formulate a plan to escape. She couldn't do that with him here, he seemed smart enough to figure out her plan. But she felt better knowing at least one familiar face was around her. He was there very shortly after she had woken up, she was his responsibility so he should be here for her.

  “If that’s what you want. I guess I just figured after earlier…” He didn't need to finish for her to understand. He was worried she would panic again, he had an idea about her past, but not all the details, only that she was hurt in her past by men.

  “Well, I’ve come to the conclusion that my mind is still shell shocked from everything, so it’ll take time to reset, as Dr. Gerald said. My shock makes me more emotional it seems, but I think I’m good right now. I just feel kinda...hollow,” she explained even through her false smile. She really didn't feel anything, but she hoped the smile was believable. She was very worried about what would happen when she was alone, but that would be a problem for later.

  “Don’t worry Beta Nick, I’ll look after your charge! Make sure she eats, stays calm, doesn’t tear my throat out, the whole nine yards!” Camila clapped Nicholas’ shoulder, the laughter evident in her voice. She was trying to tease him, but the other two both stiffened. She didn’t know how right she was.

  “Elizabeth, I’ll leave if you want me to, or stay if you want me to. I don’t want to force you into anything, so just give the word,” he ignored Camila for the moment, turning his attention to Elizabeth.

  “If you are busy, you can leave. And you can call me Liza, both of you,” she tried to sound normal again, even tried to crack a more genuine smile. It seems she was successful because they both smiled back.

  “I do have a few things to check before reporting in. I can see you at dinner? Camila, you’ll show her to the dining hall, right?” He questioned the rambunctious woman.

  “Sure can! I’ll show her the way no problem, you can count on me,” she confirmed pointing a thumb to her chest. She definitely filled out that twisted, strapless top well.

  “Alright then, I’ll leave you in her care for now. I hope Beatrice isn't going to be upset, but I’ve been falling behind lately because...well, I’ve been busy,” he sighed.

  “She got you wrapped around her little finger, you gotta give her a little more trouble! Make the rest of us feel better!” Camila laughed heartily. It was contagious as even Elizabeth found herself giggling a bit. This caused Nicholas to brighten as he bid them farewell. “Until dinner, Beta! Now, let’s get back to Voltron, shall we?!” Camila positively skipped over to the table, grabbed the food, and brought it to the couch. This was going to be an interesting few hours.


  “So, the way the pack hierarchy goes is
you’re new and Turned, so you’re at the bottom, but not for long. I think you just need some time to get used to all this. I’m glad I met you, you’re pretty cool, not like some of these other females. A lot of them come from long lines of Bred’s, so my small family from another country is looked down on a bit.” she told her, ”that doesn't bother me, we’re kinda one and the same there!” Camila jokingly added. They had watched a few episodes, making comments about the characters or how Deus ex Machina the cats were at times, but quickly Elizabeth’s curiosity got the better of her. Disposable food containers strewn about the floor, with varying levels of fullness, surrounded them as the show was quickly forgotten.

  “So, Bred’s are higher than Turned, and newly Turned are lower than that? Bloodlines are long families of Bred and are more prominent and also higher ranked than normal Bred. So...who’s at the top?” She felt very confused, it was a lot to take in. But she began to understand it little by little.

  “Oh, they’re the Purebloods! Legend says they’re descendants of the Firsts! The very first werewolves ever! The stories about them are amazing! I hope the next time the Lorekeepers have a ceremony they tell the tale of the Huntress and the Wolf. Gives me chills every time!” Camila hugged her arms in mock shivers.

  “Huntress and the Wolf? What’s that about?” Genuine intrigue tickled the back of her mind, she couldn’t help it.

  “Oh, I can't do it justice, so I won't even try. The Huntress and the Wolf tells about how werewolves came to be and the way they tell it’s...so magical!” She swooned.

  “Magical? You mean they tell it really well, right?” Magical werewolves. The thought was ridiculous, but so were werewolves at all two weeks ago.

  “No, I mean really magical. You’ll see soon! The next time the moon shifts we are having the Full Moon ceremony and every time there is a ceremony the Lorekeepers tell a different story about our history. The Full Moon ceremony is where we all shift and go hunting as a pack. We don't always catch anything, but just running in the forests, being out together acting like a pack and letting loose, it’s amazing!” Camila pretended to faint, placing a hand to her forehead and falling back against the rug. Elizabeth couldn't help the laugh that came out.

  “Are the Lorekeepers the only ones who have special powers?”

  “Oh no, the Purebloods have some too! Alpha Beatrice is a Pureblood. So is Beta Nick, but he harolds from a different bloodline than Alpha. Beatrice is a Faust while Nicholas is a Connor,” she mused as she put a finger to her chin. She continued shortly with, “besides their third shift, Beatrice has some pretty strong psychic abilities. No one really knows how strong she really is, but-”

  “Wait, there are other shifts than just a wolf?” This was more new information, and she needed to know more.

  “Yep! All Purebloods have their normal, human form, like us. Then their wolf form, which you’ve experienced already,” Elizabeth averted her eyes at her friend’s comment. Camila watched her carefully a moment before saying, “then there is the Hybrid. Half wolf and half human. Wolf paws, tail, and covered in fur but walking on two legs. Faster than wolves, stronger too, but a bit more clumsy. Sharp teeth in their snout… It’s freaky when you first see it. Alpha Beatrice doesn't like using it too much, but when she does, you know she means business!”

  “That does sound intimidating,” she balked.

  “Oh it is, but don’t worry! You’re safe with us, so she won’t pull that out on you, especially since you’re newly Turned. You don’t have anything to fret over. Would you look at the time, it’s almost dinner! Let’s go meet with Mister Beta before he freaks out.” Camila emphasized her point by starting to clean up. They gathered up the uneaten food and put it in the fridge in the kitchen. “For a midnight snack,” she implied. After discarding the empty containers and turning the TV off, they walked out of her den. Had Camila seen inside her head, she would have seen just how shaken her new friend was. This “Hybrid” form would be an issue if it really was as strong as she said. Elizabeth would have to plan her escape carefully, so she made it out alive.

  Chapter Four

  They left her den, made their way to the stairs and proceeded down to the lower levels. Camila chatted about other families and single males she thought were cute, and she let the crimson-haired woman talk. Elizabeth was trying to memorize the layout in her head, searching for any exits she saw. Nothing immediately jumped out at her, screaming “your escape route here”, so she took another approach. She thought carefully before she spoke, so as to imply curiosity instead of scheming to escape.

  “Hey, the pack has to go outside for hunt and stuff, right? Where’s the exit? What if there’s an emergency, where do I go?” Oh yea, totally innocent questions, she thought to herself.

  “Exits? Sure, there is the main entrance on the level where our dens are, then a few hidden stairways for the lower and upper levels to use if needed. The main entrance is always well guarded, because it’s open to the outside. We’re a ways down in a natural cavern, but it’s still open to the elements,” Camila clarified for her. Disheartened, Elizabeth followed her friend as she explained the different areas as they passed them, coming up to the dining hall. She looked up into the room and was shocked.

  There were so many of them. Men, women, and children all gathered at long tables happily chatting away with plates in front of them. At first glance, they looked to be all mashed together, but Camilla told her there was actually an order. Families in the back, unattached females near the front, unattached males close to the door. Should anything happen, like an attack, the families with children are safest in the back, with the single males and females able to protect them and the males to protect everyone. Those males closest to her leered at her, looking hungry for more than just dinner. Camila grabbed her friend’s arm, bringing her attention away from her observations, dragging her forward toward the other women.

  “Back off boys, she’s under my protection!” Camila called loudly. Elizabeth heard a few low growls before the males went back to talking amongst themselves. “Don’t mind them,” she mused as they moved to sit down, “they are all eager to find mates. Some of them are about to reach ‘that age’ so they’re over eager. They would never harm you, no matter how much their hormones are raging!”

  If Camila hadn’t let go of her hand, she would feel Elizabeth shaking. She didn’t know what she’d expected, but being surrounded by this many people all smelling different was uncomfortable for her. However, those men leering at her, that was another story.

  Suddenly the talking ceased and all eyes turned toward the front of the room. Elizabeth turned too, whispering, “What’s going on?”

  “The Alpha and her Beta’s are coming in. No one eats until they begin, that’s the rule of the pack,” she answered quietly. It was the first time Elizabeth had heard the other speak so softly, almost fearfully. She returned her eyes to the front as she watched Beatrice, Nicholas, and two others walk from the main entrance to their table. They sat in a certain order, with Beatrice in the middle, Nicholas at her right hand, a female to her left and another male next to Nicholas. They must be the other Beta’s Camila mentioned. They both looked strong compared to others she’d seen in passing.

  “The male next to Nick is named Darren, he’s one of the strongest males here and unattached currently.” Camila winked. “The female is Terry, she’s almost as fast as I am, but not quite. There is supposed to be two females and two males, but the other female, Candice, has been missing for a few months. No one can track her, there’s no trail, or so I’ve heard,” she explained.

  Food was brought to the Alpha’s table, Terry was the first to try it. After a nod between the seated females, the rest of their table began eating, except for Nicholas. His eyes were scanning the crowd, near where she was seated. Camila made the slightest movement with her hand, causing Nicholas’ eyes to dart toward the movement. She had smiled politely at him before his eyes shifted to her right, where Elizabeth sat. She felt his star
e like a laser burning into her forehead, feeling the need to avert her eyes from him. She couldn’t be sure, but she thought she heard him sigh.

  Suddenly, wide doors from the other side of the dining hall swung open as people with loaded platters of food began filing out. She couldn’t identify everything on them, but she could tell ham, turkey, and beef were on the menu for tonight because of the scents they gave off. She felt her mouth start to water despite having just ate a bunch of food only an hour and a half ago. Once a platter was brought to their portion of the table, the few closest women began selecting their portions. Camila grabbed her own and Elizabeth’s plates at the same time, snagging a few of the juiciest pieces for them.


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