Pureblood (Pureblood series)

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Pureblood (Pureblood series) Page 6

by Ellysia Fields

  “Good, you can have it. I’m gonna go through everything later, I need to give some of it back. A few things make me… uncomfortable with how much they show.” She said, turning away slightly.

  “I’ll help after breakfast if you want!” Camila said excitedly. Well, that was one way to chat with her about the guards.

  “Sure, sounds good. Unless Nicholas had something else for me to do today?” Elizabeth looked at the man as she asked the question.

  “Nope, that’s fine. I need to report to the Alpha, go on a quick check of the patrols then I can see you for afternoon classes.” He ticked off the items on his fingers as if he needed to keep them straight. “That should buy you about 2 hours to go through everything. Will that be enough?”

  “Plenty of time! I’ll look after her, Beta, don’t worry!” Camila grinned widely at him.

  With an exasperated sigh, he said, “Alright, I will try to come back sooner. If you’re okay with that, Elizabeth?”

  “Um, sure? I mean, it’s just breakfast and clothes, right?” She reasoned. That seemed to make him relax a lot but made her more uncomfortable. Him coming back sooner meant less she can learn about how this place ran. The smile on his face was contagious as both women were also smiling by the time he closed the den door behind him.

  “Now, ready to head to breakfast?” Camila absolutely beamed at her friend as she cleaned up the table and walked to the door.

  “Sure, I guess it can't hurt if it’s not as crowded as last night,” she said, placating her friend. As they left she became aware that the den door had no lock on it. She thought it odd enough, so she asked, “Why isn’t there a lock? Aren’t you guys worried about people coming in and stealing stuff?”

  “Oh, no. We’re not. If anyone came into your den without your permission, you’d know,” she said, touching a finger to her nose for emphasis. “So we have a pretty high honor code going on here. That’s why we can guarantee your safety.”

  “If you guys are so safe, why have guards posted at the main entrance?” Elizabeth asked, plainly.

  “Because while we don’t have any problems from the inside, humans outside might not see us as… favorably as we might like, know what I mean?” She smiled as she answered, all too aware that the statement rang true. Elizabeth was getting ready to ask another question about the guards when a pair of oddly similar people walked up to them. Camila froze in place, and bowed her head. “Lorekeepers! It’s an honor, as always! I look forward to hearing what story you will tell us this coming full moon!” She stammered out, excitedly. Elizabeth studied them.

  The pair were brunettes, a few shades darker then her own dark blonde. Their hair also had black tips, which she imagined came from an old dye job. The eyes of the female were blue with flecks of green, while the male’s were green with flecks of blue. They were nearly the same height, with the male being a hair’s breadth taller. Both of them were eyeing Elizabeth. She cleared her throat, before speaking.

  “Um, h-hello Lorekeepers. My name is Elizabeth Winters, it’s nice to meet you.” She held her hand out for them to shake. As one, they looked at it then back at her.

  “We know who you are,”the female said. “And we’d like to have you visit our chamber,” the male continued. “At your earliest convenience, if possible,” the female finished. The male continued with, “my name is Allen, and this is my sister Ariel.”

  “Allen and Ariel, it’s been a pleasure to meet you. I will try to make time to visit you, though I’m afraid I’m not in control of my schedule,” she admitted, shyly.

  “Oh we understand,” they said together, before Ariel continued, “But we also know that you are the type to make things happen when the time is right.” Allen continued, “We simply wanted to extend the offer, before that time came. Goodbye for now, Elizabeth Winters.” They nodded a little as they seemed to glide away. Elizabeth found herself entranced in the way they moved so seamlessly in tandem. It looked like a pair of twins from a horror movie, but more mystical and less scary. Camila was openingly gawking at them and Elizabeth had to tug her hand hard to get her to start walking again.

  “Do you understand what happened?” she asked after she regained her composure. “They just invited you to a private meeting. They rarely do that! Like, I’ve only seen it happen twice in my 5 years here! Make that three now! Oh my goodness, wait until Nick hears about this!” She excitedly skipped into the dining hall, Elizabeth followed not quite as excited. The twins really upset her, like they had some kind of future sight or could read her mind. She couldn’t tell what, but she didn’t like it. One more reason to leave as soon as possible.

  Well, her friend had been right as Elizabeth scanned the room, almost no one was here. Maybe ten people in the entire place, one of them being Jeremiah as indicated by his wave when he saw them walk in. Camila stuck her tongue out in a childish manner before guiding them over to an open space. Shortly after starting to eat, Jeremiah began making his way over to their table. Seemed assigned seating was not required at this time because he sat down with his tray on Elizabeth’s side of the table.

  “Hey, I just wanted to apologise again for yesterday. I shouldn’t have done that, especially since you’re so new. I hope you can find it within yourself to forgive me and give me another chance at a first impression?” His request seemed genuine, and she almost responded as such, but Camila beat her to it.

  “Yeah, it’s fine. You’re forgiven, now can we eat in peace, Omega?” She barely spared him a glance before continuing her meal.

  “Omega? What’s that mean?” Elizabeth asked. Jeremiah actually blushed slightly, before he answered.

  “It means I’m the bottom of the pack’s hierarchy, and very much the black sheep or comic relief. That’s why I thought… well, doesn’t matter what I thought. I can’t have you angry at me. Besides, making people angry is kinda the opposite of what I’m supposed to do,” he said in a self-deprecating manner.

  “Oh, well I forgive you. My emotions were just really frayed yesterday, and with everything else I just needed to unwind. Maybe I took it a bit too hard. Sorry if I got you in trouble on something?” She said, concerned. Who would he have to talk to if he was in trouble? Nicholas seemed to be close to Beatrice, maybe he could help?

  “No need to worry, I’m not in trouble. Well, yet. If you were to report it to someone that I caused trouble, then maybe, but you forgave me! I’m glad you accepted my apology, and if there is ever anything you need, let me know! I can get away with a lot of things most can’t so…” He left the promise open for her to interpret.

  “Thanks, I’ll remember that.” She smiled. He seemed nice enough, reminding her of someone from her job. Thinking of her old life, made her smile drop.

  “You’re thinking about the past, right?” At her shocked expression, he gave a small smile. “I can almost feel your emotions, part of being the Omega. You’ll be able to get in touch with them soon. They won’t hold you here forever, just long enough to make sure you’re not a danger to your pack.”

  “But how are they supposed to determine that!” She snapped, not realizing her voice was loud enough to echo around the now empty hall. She covered her mouth and bowed her head, causing Jeremiah to snicker. “I mean, I only remember the last 3 days. Before that, I was human. It’s not like it was that long ago for me.”

  “While I hate to admit it, Jeremiah’s right,” Camila elbowed the proud look off his face before continuing. “The brightness of the lights, the smells and sounds, your own heightened strength and speed, you couldn't handle being out there yet. Just trust us, you’re not ready.”

  “Besides, I’m sure if you asked the Alpha, she’d work something out with your family and friends. At least long enough for you to cut ties with them.”

  “Cut ties?!” Elizabeth said, terrified. Camila elbowed Jeremiah again, harder this time causing him to rub his ribs.

  “He means see them again, no one will force you to break off from your friends and family. A lot of
Turned do, though because, well you won’t age like them anymore. You may outlive younger siblings, your friends and family. Not to mention that if you try to get too close to them, like give you mom a hug, you may break ribs.”

  The shock registered on her face as she focused on her food, suddenly not hungry. Break her mom’s ribs trying to hug her. Out live her younger brother and sister. Mentally shaking herself, she decided to figure that out later. She forced herself to eat half her plate, then stood up.

  “Thanks for telling me the truth guys, Camila I’ll let you finish here and meet you back in my den, okay?” Camila looked up, mouthful of plate number two and unable to speak but the concern visible in her eyes. Elizabeth walked out of the room heading for the stairs, but before she stepped onto the first one, a hand grabbed her wrist. “Camila, you didn’t have to rush for me.”

  “I know, but I wanted to give you something.” Jeremiah stood there, holding out a small bag. “A little gift, to apologise properly. Don’t eat it all at once, save it for when you want to go somewhere… unnoticed.” She started to speak, but he held up his hand. “No, don’t tell me anything, I don't want to know. You just seem like the type who could use a little help and I do feel bad about last night. Call this even and we’ll forget it ever happened. If anyone asks, you didn’t get it from me.” She nodded and he went the opposite direction. Once in the stairway, she opened the bag to find a cookie. Surprised it was something as simple as a cookie, she assumed it was some weird werewolf thing and made her way back to her den to wait for Camila.

  What was it about everyone knowing her “type?”

  Chapter Six

  Camila eventually joined Elizabeth in her den and together they went through the clothes. They talked all the while, Camila convincing her to keep certain things she wasn’t so sure about, Elizabeth asking about the different males in the pack and what kind of jobs each pack member had. It seemed Benjamin was her best candidate when it came to her escape as he seemed eager to please Beatrice the most. An hour and a half later they were just finishing the closet when there was a knock at the den door. Nicholas had arrived early. Camila grabbed the box of clothing that was rejected and set them by the door before opening it.

  “Hello ladies, all done here?” he asked.

  “Yep, just finished! She’s all yours, Beta!” Camila smiled cheerfully as she exited. Nicholas glanced down at the box. Without asking, he moved the box outside and held his hand out for Elizabeth.

  “Shall we go, Elizabeth?”

  “Sure, and call me Liza,” Elizabeth corrected. She didn’t take his hand, but walked out with him toward the stairs leading down to the lower level. She remembered him mentioning ‘classes’, but he didn’t elaborate. “What are these ‘afternoon classes’ you’re taking me to?”

  “Ah, right. I didn’t get to explain before, did I? You’ll be sitting with the youngsters to learn about our ways.” He spoke with a slight smile, as if the thought were amusing.

  “I’m going to school… with children?”

  “Yes, unfortunately. Though you should be able to pick up on the basics pretty quickly. You might be able to get private tutoring by the teacher if you do. Just basic skills every werewolf should know. I think they are talking about our transformations today and the benefits they give us.”

  That brought up something else Camila mentioned. “Camila told me a lot already. About the different levels of werewolves. She said that you are a Pureblood, and so is Beatrice. That gives you a third form, right?”

  His surprise barely registered on his face, but she noticed. “Yes, it is very hard to explain without seeing it. My third form is very much like my wolf form on two legs, that’s how I feel at least. Wolf muzzle, ears and covered in fur. Wolf paws, but not quite.”

  “Sounds interesting, could I see it?” He stiffened beside her, and she instantly regretted asking the question.

  “I can’t, I’m sorry,” was his only response. They walked for a while in silence. He eventually turned a corner, stopping at a door. “This is the classroom. I’ll be here to escort you back in two hours, per Alpha Beatrice’s orders.” He turned back the way they came, preparing to leave.

  “Wait!” She called, causing him to turn around. “Am I really the bottom? Since I’m a Turned? What does that mean for me?”

  Sadness etched his face as he answered. “It means that you probably won't ever be a Beta, or anyone of rank. There are exceptions, but it will be hard for anyone to trust you since you have strong ties to the human world. Once your ties are gone, however, will be your best chance to move up to fulfill roles you wish to obtain. Learn what you can in class, and I’ll see you in two hours.” He gave a small smile before he walked away. She would never see the pain on his face.

  She opened the door to an older man in front of a white board with maybe twelve children ranging from five to ten in age sitting on a large carpet. All eyes turned toward her when she entered. She bowed her head a little, causing a few of the younger children to snicker a little. She found a spot in the back where she could stretch out and not bother anyone. The kind teacher cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the children again to him.

  “Now now, children. That is no way to treat a guest. How do we say hello to our new pack member?” He asked as he inclined an eyebrow. All eyes turned toward her again as they prepared to respond to his request in varying tones and volume.

  “Goddess bless you, new Turned!”

  “Very good! Gold stars for your kindness and correct wording. Now, who can tell us why we give that blessing?” A young boy, looking to be about 9 raised his hand. “Yes Thomas?”

  “We give blessing because the Goddess has chosen the newly Turned to become her child, and thus we acknowledge that blessing.” He responded, struggling a bit with the last part.

  “Very well said, Thomas. Now, for our new Turned friend, who can tell me about the Goddess?” Once again, Thomas raised his hand, causing the teacher to chuckle. “Someone other than Thomas, or must I test you on the subject?” Several more hands rose. “Very good. Um, Gabby?”

  “The Goddess is the one who gifted the werewolves with the ability to freely change from wolf-form to human-form,” she spoke clearly.

  “Very good. Now, who knows the names of the Three?”

  Together they said, “Faust, O’Connor, and O’Brady!”

  “Yes! Excellent! Gold stars all around!” This was met with cheers. “Those are the names of the first Three wolves given human-form. They are the Purebloods of our people, and their families guide us to this day. Which family is the largest?”

  “Faust is currently the largest.” Gabby said.

  “Very good, and the smallest?”

  “That would be O’Connor, right?” Asked Thomas.

  “Yes, though they go by Connor now.” The old man’s smile was sad as he answered.

  “Isn’t Beta Nicholas the last of his line?” Another child asked. All eyes turned toward him. He looked to be the youngest, appearing to be no more than five.

  “That we know of yes, but anything is possible in the Goddess’ gaze, is it not? Now, what are the rules of the pack?”

  The class went on like that for a while as Elizabeth half-listened. She was distracted by the fact that Nicholas was the last of his bloodline. Well, presumably. She learned the rules of the pack, which centered on listening to and never challenging the Alpha. She even learned a bit about the Lorekeepers and that they had a special kind of magic gifted to them that no one but Lorekeepers had. She looked forward to seeing that, should she be here long enough. It’d make for a good story to tell when she got home.

  A bell sounded inside the room, signaling the end of class. She checked the time and, realizing she had a little time left before Nicholas came for her, she approached the older man.

  “Excuse me, sir?” He turned to her, smiling kindly.

  “Yes? I hope you enjoyed your time here?”

  “Yes, it was very informative. I actua
lly wanted to ask more about Nicholas. You said he was presumed to be the last of his line, what did you mean by that?”

  He sighed heavily before answering. “I didn't want to scare the children, but he is the last Connor. I don’t know the details, only the Alpha and he himself are aware of it completely, but it is said that his entire pack’s den was wiped out in a single attack made by a large group of hunters. How old do you believe him to be, my dear?”

  Shocked by this revelation, she barely responded, “Maybe mid twenties?”

  He laughed. “My my, do tell him that! He will appreciate it. He is actually closer to two hundred.” She placed her hand on the table to steady herself. Two hundred! He smiled wider at her reaction. “We wolves are very long lived, I’m approaching three hundred and fifty-six myself, but I don’t have much longer. I shall be with my mate and our Goddess soon enough, just not before I prepare these last bunch for life outside the den.”


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