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Pureblood (Pureblood series)

Page 21

by Ellysia Fields

  I have to get rid of her before this intruder, Feral or not, finds her! Elizabeth thought as she stepped from behind the tree and walked towards her human friend. Ginger’s back was turned towards Elizabeth again, so she didn’t see her come up. After being a few feet from the human and having not been detected, she said, “Ginger? What are you doing here?”

  The woman swung around quickly. “Liza! Oh my gosh, I’m so glad I found you! I thought something terrible happened to you! The police wouldn’t tell me anything after I made that crazy report about the wolf and they said you were dead and I just couldn’t believe it-” Ginger blathered continuously as she drew her friend into a tight hug. Elizabeth was suddenly engulfed in the scent of human, her wolf rising to action and causing her headache to get worse. She pushed the girl away, holding her head, releasing a quiet whine as the pain only got worse. Elizabeth heard Ginger talking, but not entirely what she was saying, because through the bond she felt Nick was on his way. He couldn’t find her here, they couldn’t meet up again. She panicked.

  “Get lost, will you?” she snapped, stopping Ginger’s tirade. She stood to her full height, meeting the girl eye to eye even in hiking boots. “I want you to get out of here. Shut up and leave!”

  “What do you mean? I’ve been looking for you and waiting at your house for you to come back! Everyone is worried, and those who aren’t think you’re dead! No, this time you’re coming with me I don’t care what you say.” Ginger grabbed for her friend’s arm, but Elizabeth was faster and jerked away, back toward where she could feel Nick fast approaching.

  “You don’t get it, do you?” She tried to figure out a way to get rid of her before Nick got here, and thought of the only thing she could think of. “Get lost. You’re annoying and spoiled. You think we’re friends? No, I let you tag along to make myself feel better! You’re pathetic, Ginger!”

  Her heart broke for her, but she couldn’t be bothered by the tears that ran down her friend’s face. The woman looked at Elizabeth, walked up to her, reared her hand back, and slapped her across the face with the back of her hand. She had never seen Ginger be violent before, not even with her trash boyfriend Jon. She must have hit the nerve she wanted. Ginger jerked her hand back, holding it to her.

  “You’re horrible! How dare you say that to me! I’ve been looking for you since that night of the white wolf and this is how you thank me?!” Ginger screamed at her so-called “Friend”. Elizabeth felt horrible about the tears that fell to spatter on the dead fronds of the palm leaves.

  At that moment, Nick ran up ready to tear up whoever had his mate feeling so upset, when he saw Ginger. He sighed heavily, running a hand through his silver hair. “Hey, you really scared me Elizabeth. I thought you were hurt, you can’t do that to me so soon after-”

  “And who the hell are you? Are you the one who kidnapped her?! I’m calling the police!” Ginger started to reach into her huge purse she always carried with her. It still amazed Elizabeth how someone so thin managed to carry that massive purse.

  “Hey, woah! Easy there, relax, no one needs to call the authorities. Let’s go talk somewhere okay?” Nick held his hands up, trying to calm her down by seeming non-threatening. Ginger searched in her purse for a few minutes longer, seemingly failing to find her phone, she turned toward the approaching man, backing away slowly. Elizabeth breathed, and smelled something new, but she thought she knew this smell when she looked at Ginger’s hand. The one she had struck Elizabeth with.

  “Stay back! I’m warning you, I have a taser and I’m not afraid to lose it! I mean use it!” Ginger shouted as she slowly backed into a tree.

  “Nick, back off,” Elizabeth walked to her mate, placing a hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay, I made her mad but she was just looking for me. Ginger, I’m sorry for what I said, I didn't mean it I just… I just didn’t want to worry you. I’m fine and safe. Just go home and I’ll call you later, okay?” She took a step toward her friend. Ginger was hurt, she couldn’t be outside with that injury, she could get it infected.

  “Really Liza? Do you r-really mean that? I knew you weren’t like the rest but oh, I don’t feel so good. I-I think I need to sit...down,” her voice trailed off as she fell, face first, towards the ground before them. Nick caught her before she hit, hoisting her up easily.

  “What happened?!” Elizabeth asked, staring at her friend, worry etched into her face. Nick reached up to her forehead and his face turned a bit pale, with a grunt he began walking back towards the den. “Hey, wait! What are you doing?”

  “Taking her back for treatment,” he stated.

  “What, but why?! For that small cut on her hand?” Elizabeth pointed to the woman’s hand he was carrying. Nick paused long enough to look at Ginger’s hand, then up to his mate.

  “How did she get this wound?” He asked carefully.

  “What do you-?”

  “The cut on her hand, how did it happen?”

  “I guess she smacked me, but I don’t see-”


  “On the face, why does that…” suddenly things started to piece together.

  “Near your mouth?” She couldn’t answer. “That’s what I thought.”

  “B-but she’s human, Nick! We can’t take her back to the pack!” She didn’t believe it, couldn’t believe it! This wasn’t happening!

  “Not for long,” Nick sighed, leading the way back to the pack.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The newly bonded pair found themselves sitting back in the medical ward of their pack’s den, sitting at a heavily sedated Ginger when Beatrice found them. The anger painted on her face did not help her looks as she quickly surveyed the scene before her, and then her gaze rested on Elizabeth. She couldn’t meet the Alpha’s eyes, so she turned away to stare at her friend. From the corner of her vision, she saw Beatrice shake her head with a sigh and close the door to the room.

  “Less than twenty four hours since you two have been bonded, and already you are causing me more trouble? Elizabeth, dear, I know you’re the only Turned we’ve had in the pack for a while. But did you really need to create one yourself when you’re only five weeks into your transition?” Beatrice spoke in a condescending tone. She sounded more tired than angry though, like ever since Elizabeth had arrived she’d only caused Beatrice trouble. Her words only made Elizabeth hang her head more in shame. Nick wrapped an arm around his mate, in both a comforting and protective gesture.

  “Hey, even the best can make mistakes, Alpha,” his eyes met hers as he spoke, causing her to look away quickly.

  “Well, at least you know the rules. The one who created the Turned is responsible for them as well, so I’ll expect you to take care of things once she fully completes her change. I wish your friend the best of luck, now if you’ll excuse me I have to notify Lord Byron about this. I trust you’ll let me know when she awakens, if she does that is,” Beatrice didn’t wait for a response as she strolled out the door. The Alpha’s words caused her to look at Nick in panic.

  “What did she mean? ‘If she wakes up’? Nick, is there a chance she won’t?” She found herself tearing up. She felt bad enough after turning her friend, much less if she didn’t complete the change.

  “Everything will be alright, I think Ginger is strong enough to make it through. At least from what I’ve seen of her.” Elizabeth still looked upset despite his words, so he tried hugging her gently. That seemed to improve her mood a little, until she looked up at him.

  “I just remembered, Beatrice looked away from you twice now. She’s your, our, Alpha. She shouldn’t be doing that, it should be the other way around,” Elizabeth stated calmly, her mind distracted for a moment. This morning, when they were reporting to Beatrice about their bond, Nick had stared the Alpha down and caused her to look away than too. Alpha’s were supposed to be top of the pack, making all those beneath her submit. But lately, Nick had been making Beatrice submit, meaning he was more dominant and had higher authority.

  “Oh, right. We
ll that’s because I am older and stronger than her. You know about what happened to my family.” He waited for her nod of acknowledgement before continuing. “Well, I was quite lost for a few years after that, not really having any desire to do much of anything. I wandered around for those years, until Colin and Byron found me. They convinced me to travel overseas to live in America in their den, where I stayed for fifty years. Then Beatrice’s grandfather, the Faust’s Patriarch, met with me about becoming a Beta in his niece's pack. She needed a strong male near her to help… guide the pack and keep it strong. He was concerned about her leadership skills, so I agreed to help if I could. I’ve been here ever since.” He smiled a little at the memory. “Byron offered me my own pack many times but…” he trailed off.

  “But what?” She prompted.

  He chuckled humorlessly. “Well, I never had a need for a pack. But with you, now I guess I do.” His words and his gaze caused a crimson glow to spread along her cheeks as she tried to learn to clamp down on her mind, glancing away. He leaned toward her, brushing a kiss along her forehead. “Don’t worry, Ginger will be fine. Come on, let’s go get something to eat. Maybe we can even find Camila.” He stood, holding his hand out to help her up. She took it, and with a final glance back at her friend, she left with Nick.

  After being assured that Nick and Elizabeth would be the first to know if Ginger woke up or had any problems, they left to head to get something to eat. Once they reached the dining room, several pairs of eyes turned toward them, conversations grinding to a halt. That only made Elizabeth want to cringe away and hide, but Nick squeezed her hand slightly, telling her without speaking to be strong. So she held her head high, as he led the way towards the front table where the Alpha and her Beta’s sit. Within a few minutes of them being seated, someone came to deliver their food for them as well as a glass of wine for each of them. Elizabeth was never a big drinker, so she kindly asked for a soda instead. The server looked a little surprised, but abided by her wishes nonetheless, and quickly returned with a fully caffeinated soda.

  “You really shouldn't drink those, they’re bad for you,” Nick commented.

  “I’ve been drinking them for years now, and I’ve never had anything bad happen to me. Besides, I usually only drink this when I eat something, so I’ll be fine.” She took a big drink of her soda before beginning on her food. He just shook his head as he sipped his wine. While she ate, she perked her ears to listen in around the room, seeing what people were talking about. She heard whispers about her and Nick mostly, the ceremony last night. As her eyes took in the room, she noticed that nearly all the wolves in the pack were here. For a lunchtime meal, it was unusual, but not unheard of for everyone to be in attendance, but this time felt different. It was confirmed when Darren’s mate, Taylor if she remembered correctly, walked up to her and Nick. She handed Nick a note and politely made her exit.

  Nick read the note then, with a sigh, balled it up and placed it on the table. “Looks like Beatrice wasn’t finished with us yet. She made an announcement to all available pack members to meet here at lunch for an announcement. Seemingly, our bonding announcement,” he clarified. Elizabeth paled a little as Nick looked around the room before his eyes returned to his mate. “Hey, it’s okay. I know a lot has happened, but we should be used to this now. Things have gotten quite a bit more exciting with you around. I can handle this if you want me to, alright?”

  “Oh, okay. If you’re sure,” she answered. He nodded with a gentle smile on his face, and it amazed her that she ever found him intimidating. He stood up from the table, and she joined him, calling all attention to them as he prepared whatever he was about to say.

  “Brothers and sisters of the pack, thank you for being here for this wonderful occasion. Last night, during the light of the full moon, I laid my eyes on my mate in her wolf form, and she on mine. Elizabeth Winters is the one I have, personally, been waiting for… for a long time.” After the pause, he glanced down at her, his heart shining in his eyes. “She is my mate, and I am hers. We are bonded and we hope you shall rejoice with us this day as we announce it to you all!” Cheers and hoots of joy echoed around the room as everyone rejoiced at the announcement of their pairing. Extra refreshments were brought around for everyone in attendance and several members came up to personally congratulate them. But it was only one whom Elizabeth really wanted to see, and she rushed up to them with a contagious energy.

  “Liza! Nick! Oh my goodness, I’m so happy for you both! I had a feeling this would happen, and I’m glad it did! You two are so good together, I’m glad Mr. Stuffy over here managed to relax a little.” Camila elbowed Nick a little while Elizabeth giggled.

  “Well, excuse ‘Mr. Stuffy’ if rules are there for a reason, Mila. Least I covered for you when you stole Beatrice’s shampoo that one time,” he raised an eyebrow at her in question.

  “Okay, but that was one time. Speaking of rules though, I heard something went down a few hours ago. Did you guys rush a human into the den? What on earth happened?” Camila looked quite worried. Nick moved to stand a little behind Elizabeth, placing his hands on her shoulders.

  “Well, it seems that while we were out looking for the intruder, Miss Liza here ran into a human friend of hers. Since she had crossed into pack territory and might be in danger, she decided it was a good idea to be mean to her friend to try and get rid of her. That caused this friend to get angry, and slap Elizabeth, thus causing saliva to blood contact from a wound on her hand,” he explained, dryly in a matter of fact way. She cringed as he chuckled playfully.

  “Oh, Liza. I’m so sorry that this happened to you. I’ll do whatever I can to help, promise! Just name it, I’m getting better at handling a crisis now with my counseling!” Camila smiled reassuringly, but Elizabeth still felt a little embarrassed. Beatrice was right, she was nothing but a problem. Nick’s hands on her shoulders tightened a little, letting her know that he felt that emotion and didn’t like it.

  “I’m sorry Liza, I was teasing. Don’t be so worried about what happened, it was an accident after all. No one blames you for hurting her. She hit you, after all right?” Nick knelt down next to her as he spoke, showing the compassion he had for this situation. He had been the one to turn her, after all, and his wasn’t an accident if she understood what happened properly.

  Speaking of being turned, he never had told her what happened. Maybe she could ask him later when they got some privacy. They finished eating in their respective places, Camila having a seat with the single females. Elizabeth found her eyes wandering away from her food and to her friend. She ate with a few other females, talking and chatting amongst themselves and she looked really happy, so why did Elizabeth feel just a little bit jealous? Others started to gather around her friend, when they seemed so dismissive of her when they were just starting out. As weird as it was, she missed having all her attention for herself. Elizabeth was snapped out of her musings when someone bumped her shoulder. Turning sharply at being caught staring, she met Nick’s blue eyes with her green ones.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked simply. She averted her eyes back to her plate, thinking of a way to articulate what was bothering her, causing Nick to cock his head sideways a little curiously. She let out a sudden chuckle as she saw his reaction from the corner of her eye.

  “I guess it’s silly, but I was a little jealous. Camila is suddenly surrounded by other wolves now, and I’m not used to seeing that,” she explained.

  “Well, it makes some sense that the pack is gathering around her right now. She was hurt, so she needed the comfort and security being in a group can offer. That and her status has gone up a little bit for being so closely associated with you. A surprising development for sure, but that is part of pack politics. Don’t worry, you’re still her best friend and I doubt that would change. I’ve known her a long time, she’s not the type to act that way,” he said with a smile. His words reassured her place in her friend’s heart a little, and it only helped more when the meal was over Cam
ila sought her out in the halls.

  “Liza! Hey, wait up guys!” She called as they were heading up the stairs. “Liza, wanna come train with me a bit? Working out on the treadmill always helps me digest my food fast, and I really wanna spend time with you both. Oh, but you guys just bonded, so you may not want to,” her smile fell instantly at the thought, but came back quickly if looking a little more sad.

  “I think we could both use a little stress relief after what happened this morning, right Nick?” Elizabeth looked up at her mate, eyes begging for this. He shrugged and shook his head slightly.

  “Whatever you want, Liza. Whatever you want,” he said, love in his eyes hot enough to sear her soul. Camila bounced a little in excitement, then wagged her eyebrows at Elizabeth’s crimson cheeks. Elizabeth caught the look her friend was giving her and they fell into giggles as she pushed her friend towards the training room, Nick chuckling following behind them.


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