Chosen Destiny

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Chosen Destiny Page 2

by Rebecca Airies

  Meagan slashed the sword back and forth. The arc of energy hurtled down the street. It hit the second beast. The gray-skinned being roared. She winced as the loud noise reverberated in the tight space. Her ears rang. She swung the blade again. Another ball of magic flew off the tip of the weapon. The orb flared, but this merdanon didn’t fall. She cursed under her breath but didn’t feel discouraged. At least the beast wasn’t shielded.

  She slammed another bolt down the street followed by another quick orb. One merdanon fell, but the other took two long strides forward. She pushed him back, not wanting to let him get too close. Even with her shield up, it was dangerous. She’d had merdanons throw things at times. Her shield should deflect it but she didn’t want to take any chances. The Dark Sorcerers were always coming up with new tricks, new ways to destroy and capture sorceresses. Throwing another bolt, she watched the second merdanon fall. She started forward, knowing that she had to go destroy the merdanon. The power still felt too high from the first beast. With these two, she knew the writhing mass of power would get even worse.

  She knelt and drove the blade into the arm of the gray-skinned beast. Her head tipped back as the power pumped into her while the creature dissolved into a misty dust. Her hands shook as she moved the few steps closer to the next merdanon. She looked at the wizard’s creation and bit her lip. How was she supposed to handle all this power? She’d never felt this much magic coursing through her body. That wasn’t all that worried her. Arousal simmered inside her. The more power she took into her body, the higher it went, but she couldn’t leave the creature for the Sorcerer. She dipped down and drove her blade into its arm. When she rose, it felt like every muscle in her body was quivering with the influx of magic.

  “You know I won’t mind if you help a little. We’re going to run into more than a few of those beasts as we make our way through the village.” Meagan cast the elder a significant glance.

  “I was just enjoying watching the weapons at work. I never thought I’d see a Tiria.” The older woman smiled. “You make it seem so easy to defeat them.”

  Meagan resisted the urge to roll her eyes. With the exception of being able to destroy the merdanon and prevent the Dark Sorcerer from using it again, there wasn’t much difference in dealing with them. She was glad for the extra power, but she really didn’t know what she was going to do with it. Without a Dark Sorcerer in the village, she wouldn’t have call to use it. Not that she was complaining about that. She really needed time to get used to the power and what the sword could do.

  Striding down the street, she saw two people walking toward them. Meagan looked for a side street. She could still hear the merdanons. There was still work to be done. Chatting wasn’t on her list of things to do until the village was safe. They met the two women, younger witches in the sect, just before they reached a side street. They looked from Meagan to the elder and back again.

  “Elder, we… Isn’t she a Dark Sorcerer or a spy?”

  “No, she isn’t a Dark Sorcerer or spy. Look at the weapons. A Tiria can’t be a Dark Sorceress.” Elder Sarash gestured to the sword and dagger.

  Both women’s eyes rounded.

  “Spread the word to any witch you meet. Meagan is not a spy and no one is to attack her. After what happened, we’re lucky she came back to help.” Talia glanced significantly at the women.

  Meagan and Talia took the street to the right and moved on to find other beasts. The moon was riding high in the sky when the last merdanon was killed and destroyed. Energy zipped inside her and Meagan could hardly stand still. The arousal boiling inside her had built to a point where she was almost desperate. She took a deep breath. She wasn’t a slave to her desires. She could handle this arousal without attacking the first man she met. Even if it did sound like a great idea.

  “We have problems, elder. There are holes in the stone wall. We’re going to be vulnerable tonight if we don’t find some way of sealing the gaps.” Camilla Neshar met them as they neared the main sect house.

  Meagan looked around the area. She could still see the red glow of fire above the rooftops. It was going to be hard enough just clearing the debris and trying to put the village back together. A gap in the wall would only add more worries. They didn’t need to worry about cortans and mountain graels coming into town.

  “I’ll shield the village tonight.” Meagan stepped forward. At least it would use up some of the extra energy and let her rest later.

  “The whole village?” Camilla looked at her.

  Meagan smiled at the woman’s expression. It was a mix of disbelief and uncertainty. Meagan was certain the woman thought she’d lost her mind. Camilla couldn’t know how much power was already coursing through Meagan and the effect if was having. Meagan would have probably done something similar just to use up a bit of energy. She hadn’t given herself time to think about anything other than getting to the vault. There hadn’t been time to think about even the basics of being a Tiria.

  Walking through the village, she glanced around and the sight of destruction depressed her. There were complete streets where the highest standing wall was no taller than she was. Fires seemed to be burning everywhere. Smoke irritated her eyes. She knew the acrid smell permeated clothing and hair. Ash seemed to float in the air and landed on the sleeves of her maroon shirt and face. The gray stuff smeared into dark streaks. By the time the last fire was put out, Meagan was exhausted. The effort of holding a shield around the village had taken some of the edge off the power, but she could still feel a bit of strange energy bubbling inside her. It had been a long night, though and she was more than ready to get some sleep.

  Chapter Two

  Jaeson Ro’Shan strode into the large main cavern of the lair he shared with his dragon. He walked around searching for Samiel. As much as the dragon irritated him at times, he’d missed him. The dragon wasn’t in sight, but Jaeson knew Samiel was in the lair somewhere. He could feel his bond mate’s energy within their home. He walked past the large golden and black bed to an opening in the red rock wall. Black and gold jewels embedded in the rock caught the light of the fire in the round hearth in the center of the room.

  Looking into the large room, he saw a blue dragon rolling around in the large bathing pool. Jaeson smiled and leaned against the rounded opening. He’d love to go over there and jump into the water with the gorgeous dragon, but knew he’d ruin Samiel’s enjoyment of his bath. Jaeson hadn’t been able to discover why the dragon was so sure that he’d hurt anyone who got too close to him in dragon form. It had been a struggle just to get the dragon to bite anywhere other than at the wrist. Jaeson knew from a few remarks that there was some incident with a female in his past. Getting the tight-lipped dragon to talk about it had been impossible to this point. Jaeson was determined to get the full story and change the dragon’s view, but it was going to take time.

  He let his eyes linger on the glittering metal lamp stands around the pool. If the large dragon hadn’t taken up so much of the deep pool, Jaeson knew the jewels embedded in the bottom and sides of it would sparkle in the light. Samiel did like the flash of bright metal and jewels. In that way, he was the typical dragon most people imagined. The dark blue dragon splashed and rolled in the water which flooded over the rim of the tub.

  “How was the meeting with the other dragons?” Jaeson asked, deciding the dragon’d had more than enough time to play on his own.

  The dragon flipped in the water. A dark, black cloud surrounded it as it moved beneath the water. The cloud tightened into a man-size oval before dissipating and Samiel’s golden body glided through the water. His skin gleamed and muscles rippled as he stroked to the edge of the pool.

  Jaeson pulled his shirt over his head and dropped the deep blue material to the floor. He let his eyes flick over the man swimming toward him. That hard body was too tempting to resist. Pulling off his boots, he watched Samiel fold his arms on the rock rim. His golden hair hung around his shoulders, the ends curling. Jaeson would like to see it a bit lon
ger. The blue strips continued in an undisturbed arc along the sides of his head to the ends of his hair. The green crystal in Samiel’s earlobe was almost hidden by the hair, but he saw the glint of it amid the wet strands.

  Taking off his pants, he walked to the edge of the pool and dived into the clear water. He surfaced and turned to find Samiel’s dark brown eyes locked on him. The dragon could look intimidating at times, but the smile on his firm lips promised pleasure.

  Aside from the irritation over the dragon’s refusal to show his strength during their sex, this side of their relationship had always been good. The heat had flared between them on sight and even after years still burned hot. Jaeson stroked forward in the water, eager to touch Samiel.

  Putting a hand on Samiel’s shoulder, Jaeson tugged his bond mate close. He brushed his lips over the dragon’s lips firmly but didn’t deepen it even when the other man’s lips parted.

  “So tell me about the meeting.” Jaeson brushed his leg against Samiel’s in a slow deliberate tease.

  “For the most part, normal. A few villages requesting aid, but there was a request for us to check on two isolated covens of witches. Apparently they’ve been out of contact with the rest of the sect for months.” Samiel nipped at Jaeson’s earlobe.

  “Any sign that the witches are in genuine danger?” Jaeson tensed. He didn’t want to chance any witches being taken if it was possible to prevent it. If they were in danger, he and Samiel would need to leave soon.

  “No word of any danger. The witches who sent the note don’t know of any attacks, but they need to know what’s preventing the others from contacting them,” Samiel said and hooked an arm around Jaeson’s waist, dragging him closer. “They don’t have the extra witches or wizards in the area to do it themselves now. They’re short because they’ve sent some of their people to help a sister coven in another region.”

  “Good, I’ve been waiting for this all day.” Jaeson slanted his mouth over Samiel’s in an aggressive claiming.

  Samiel didn’t remain passive for long. His tongue drove into Jaeson’s mouth on a growl. Jaeson loved that harsh sound and wished Samiel would relax his control a little. He wanted to feel the strength of his lover, to push each other’s control. With regret, he knew that wouldn’t happen. Not tonight.

  Jaeson arched his hips against Samiel’s hips. He felt the hard length of the dragon’s cock. He reached between them and circled his fingers around the thick shaft. He stroked the length with a sure grip. Tonight, he wanted to watch Samiel find his pleasure. The dragon tensed and his arms tightened just a bit. Jaeson met the brown eyes of his lover.

  “Jaeson.” Samiel’s voice rumbled in a low warning growl.

  Jaeson smiled loving the sound and the fact that the dragon felt such an intense reaction to the light touch. “I want to give you pleasure.”

  Samiel shook his head firmly. “It’s been days since we’ve been together. I want you too much. I want us to come at the same time.”

  Jaeson nipped at Samiel’s lips. That sounded so good. He had to admit that the idea had definite merit. Tonight, he didn’t want to be fucked. As good as the dragon could make that feel, Jaeson wanted to fuck.

  “All right, but tonight the choice is mine and I want you beneath me.” Jaeson smirked ready to hear an argument from the large man in front of him.

  A soft laugh rolled from Samiel’s smiling lips. His eyes burned with heat and the heady musk of the dragon’s arousal surrounded Jaeson, spurring his own desire higher. Samiel’s hand slipped down Jaeson’s back and his nails pricked against the skin of his buttocks. Jaeson drew in a sharp breath at the aggressive move. The dragon was using his claws. Samiel knew how much that excited him.

  “If you’re going to be on top tonight, you’d better get started or I’m going to be sinking my teeth into you as I ride you.” Samiel’s teeth parted, shining bright white against the brown gleam of his skin. Those four teeth looked and were sharp, more than capable of fulfilling Samiel’s promise.

  “You’re not riding me tonight.” Jaeson laughed.

  Now that he had control and the dragon’s attention, he wasn’t giving it back. He licked his lips. He loved the feel of the water and fully intended to take advantage of the warm, sensuous flow. Using just a bit of magic he altered the pool, raising the floor in the small area so that their feet touched the bottom and the edge came to about waist high. While he was at it, he created a jar of lube. He wasn’t taking the chance of hurting his lover.

  “Bend forward a bit, Samiel.” Jaeson drew his hand down the dragon’s side firmly.

  Samiel leaned forward. He braced his elbows on the stone surrounded the pool. Jaeson opened the lube, glad that it wouldn’t dissolve. He didn’t want to move anywhere right now. He smoothed the lube around the tight muscled ring. Pushing a finger into the clinging tissues, he spread the slick lubricant. Samiel’s back arched and the muscles tightened as Jaeson pressed, finding the rounded gland. Jaeson grinned, but he was glad that the dragon couldn’t see it. The expression would have pushed at Samiel’s control. He was tempted to keep stroking his fingers over that sensitive spot until Samiel came, but his own needs pushed at him.

  He reached around and gripped Samiel’s cock. He stroked the length a few times before reaching lower and gently squeezing the heavy sacs. The move brought a growl to Samiel’s throat. Samiel shoved back against him. Jaeson rubbed his cock against the entrance. Jaeson pressed forward, drawing in a hissing breath as the muscular passage tightened around his shaft. Samiel’s hand touched Jaeson’s thigh. Jaeson tensed as that large hand gripped, pulling him closer.

  “Not slowly.” The two words seemed to be ground between the dragon’s teeth.

  Definitely not slowly. Jaeson kept control only until his hips touched the taut muscles of Samiel’s buttocks. He withdrew and rocked forward again. His hand stroked Samiel’s cock as he pumped into him. Jaeson felt his balls pulling tighter and his blood pounding through his veins. He was going to come soon. His muscles tightened. He stroked Samiel’s cock faster. Samiel tensed. His body shuddered as he came. Jaeson kept pushing into the clenching grip. Sizzling sensation shot through him. His body jerked as streaks of white hot sensation exploded. His muscles felt heavy as he slowly pulled back. As soon as his cock slipped free, Samiel turned.

  “Now, it’s my turn and I want to take this to somewhere a little drier,” Samiel said and swept his eyes down Jaeson’s body.

  Jaeson moved to the edge of the pool and levered himself out of the water. He could feel his body stirring to life. His mind easily supplied images of just what Samiel might do from restraining him to a slow, grinding fuck. The man might irritate him at times, but they had trust and friendship. He could work with that and solve the problems they had now and in the future.

  * * * * *

  Samiel looked at the wall being rebuilt by the men of the village. Even before they’d landed, he’d known staying at the lair last night had been a mistake. The destruction wrought on the small town weighed on him. He knew there had been a fierce battle here last night. He didn’t need the frowns and angry stares to know that they had sent for help. Finding out why that message had never reached them would wait. He suspected they’d been targeted by at least one Dark Sorcerer. The situation was obviously bad, but he wasn’t going to make any judgments until he had more information.

  “With those big holes in the wall, I’m surprised we haven’t seen cortan or mountain grael carcasses. The area is surrounded by mountains and thick forests.” Jaeson was looking at the huge break in the dark-gray-and-black stone wall.

  “Where did they put the merdanon bodies? I didn’t see any as we flew over the area.” Samiel frowned. Just from the destruction he’d seen, he knew there should be more than one.

  The brisk mountain air felt good. This area was so different from the desert area where they lived. The beauty as well as the isolation drew him. Lush green trees reached for the skies and he’d seen more animals as he flew over than he’d se
en in a week near his lair. He knew that no dragon had a lair in the area now, but he hadn’t realized it last night. There had been one, but he’d been killed in a battle against a Dark Sorcerer almost a year ago. Samiel couldn’t understand why no one had taken the area. It definitely needed someone in residence to protect it. The present attack was proof enough of that.

  “That’s a good question, but the Sorcerer could have called them back to him already.” Jaeson shrugged.

  Samiel knew that could be possible, but Dark Sorcerers usually left the carcasses as intimidation for a while. Especially when the village didn’t have strong protection. Nothing was going to get explained until they found someone to talk to about the attacks. They headed toward the center of the village. The coven house should be near it.

  They made their way through the streets. The sounds of hammers and chisels filled the air. They saw the men of the village busily working. The bulk of the men were working on the wall. Those men not reinforcing the wall seemed to have been given demolition duty and were taking down the houses that were too damaged to be repaired.

  Turning down a final street, they found the coven. The sect house loomed in front of them. Made of dark gray stone and standing two stories high, it easily dominated the other buildings around it. A large statue stood on either side of a set of stairs leading to the wide, metal-studded wooden doors. Looking at the statues he realized they were of the lady Goddess worshipped and honored by many of the witch covens. But these weren’t just plain statues. The two images had been draped in bright red gowns. Flowers crowned the figures’ heads and jewels and gold glittered at neck and wrist. Judging by the fact that the petals scattered near the stone feet still looked fresh, this had to have been done this morning.

  Shaking his head, he went up to the doors and knocked. It took a few moments, but one of the doors eased open. A young witch in a red-trimmed tunic and pants stood in the opening. Her youth gave him a moment’s pause, but then he realized she was probably still in training and had been given one of the more tedious chores. She didn’t look surprised to see them. The elders had probably known of their presence even before they’d landed.


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