Chosen Destiny

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Chosen Destiny Page 12

by Rebecca Airies

  She nodded. “Let’s go. I want this old part out of the area. Since I have no idea of a location beyond these mountains, you and the others are going to have to take care of that.”

  Samiel laughed. “We’ll hide it, maybe even destroy it.”

  He stood and she rose to her feet. He took her into his arms and lifted her off her feet again. She didn’t really mind. He took two steps forward and she felt the pull of a tunnel enclosing them. Bright sunlight nearly blinded her after the darkness of the tunnel. His strong legs easily handled the momentum and he took only a single step after the tunnel propelled them forward. She looked up at him, completely at ease and confident in his strength.

  “You know I can walk.” She smoothed her hand over his chest. She wasn’t objecting to being held against him, but she felt that some objection was necessary. He had a disturbing tendency to take over, but she was in favor of any excuse that had his arms around her.

  Samiel just hugged her tightly. “I like carrying you.”

  “You like to feel her softness, particularly her breasts, against you.” Jaeson’s voice came from somewhere to their right.

  Meagan turned her head and saw him standing near Maxim. “I kind of got that impression. Hi, it’s good you’re here. We don’t have to track you down.”

  “What’s wrong? Why would you have hunted me?” Jaeson’s face hardened and he lost all trace of humor.

  “We’re going to have a busy afternoon,” Samiel said cryptically. “Get two other vampires here. Maxim, which other dragons are in the town?”

  “Danan’s here and so are Lassan and Kael,” Maxim offered after a moment’s consideration.

  “Call one other dragon. We won’t leave the village without extra strength of dragons.” Samiel pulled her in front of him.

  She leaned back against him and brought her hands up to cover her ears. She fully expected to hear that loud roar echoing vibrating through her entire body. Jaeson came over and pulled her hands away from her ears. He was smiling widely.

  “We won’t need one of them to call for the others. I’ve already taken care of it. I will admit they are loud. I’ll bet your ears rang for a long time after that roar earlier.” His thumbs stroked over her palms in small circles.

  “My palms didn’t block much of it.” She shrugged. “They are coming, aren’t they?”

  “They’re coming. Why are you so impatient? What are we doing?”

  “We’re going somewhere. I’ll tell you when we get there. There are too many people who could hear.” She shook her head. This wasn’t something she was going to chance.

  “Mysterious. If you didn’t look so serious, I’d try to convince you to tell me.” Jaeson leaned close and brushed his lips over hers.

  She followed as he slowly pulled back. She didn’t want to lose contact with those firm lips. Samiel’s hold stopped her as Jaeson moved out of reach. She groaned and was a little irritated, but knew that it was probably for the best. There wasn’t time now for distractions and both men definitely qualified as that. As soon as the last of the dragons and vampires arrived, they needed to leave for Dicsin. It didn’t take long at all for the two vampires and one dragon to arrive.

  “Good, we can leave now.” Samiel released her to step forward. She knew he intended to form the tunnel. She put her hand on his arm. He could get them to the town. Any of the men could do that, but she could get them much closer to where they needed to be.

  “I’ll do the tunnel this time. I can get us right in front of the sect house. It will be better if we don’t have to travel to it,” she explained when Samiel glanced at her.

  “Better as in you’re expecting some kind of trouble?” Danan raised a brown eyebrow. He was one of the dragons who could have been mistaken for a normal sorcerer or vampire if he wasn’t wearing the crystal earring. The red stripes in his hair weren’t that obvious.

  “There could be trouble. I don’t know how high the information leak goes, but we might have some trouble after we get there. It won’t be hard to deduce that we’re there to get something important.” She wasn’t going to lie about it. They needed to be on their guard.

  “True. We’ll be ready for any sign of trouble.” Jaeson nodded. “Let’s go. I want to find out what exactly we’re going to get.”

  Meagan created a tunnel. Danan and Grae stepped through the opening. Samiel kept her behind him as Maxim and Jadin went in next.

  “You have a shield around yourself before you step into that tunnel.” Jaeson squeezed her hand just before he stepped into the tunnel.

  She smiled and watched the tunnel take him. The remark didn’t offend her. It was just what she expected from both him and Samiel. She fully expected Samiel to give her some kind of admonition before he stepped through the tunnel. Samiel took her hand and looked over at her. He didn’t say anything just stood there.

  “What are you waiting for?” She tilted her head, expecting some kind of advice. He still didn’t trust her abilities as a fighter. That would take time and experience to remedy.

  “You. We’ll go through together.” He tugged her hand.

  She smiled but stepped forward. It wasn’t the lecture she expected, but it didn’t surprise her. It was yet another example of his protectiveness. She walked into the tunnel at his side. The tunnel opened and she stumbled as the momentum propelled her forward. Samiel’s fingers tightened on her hand, pulling her to a stop. No matter how many times she opened a tunnel, she could never prepare for the exit.

  “What took you so long?” Jaeson walked over to her and curved an arm around her. “I was beginning to worry that someone had attacked you.”

  “No, he insisted on coming through at my side, but didn’t say anything until I asked him why he was waiting.” She stepped forward and moved out of the group of dragons and vampires.

  “Of course, he did. If I’d been the last one with you, I wouldn’t have stepped in without you either.” Jaeson stayed at her side.

  The coven house of Dicsin stood in front of her. Like the coven house of her village, two statues stood in front of the building, but these bore no robes or flowers. The last few days must have been hard even with dragon and vampire help. She could see the scars of the battle on the wall. She mounted the steps. It was time to get this piece of generator out of the village and take it out of Dark Sorcerer’s path. She just wished she’d known how much the town had been targeted. She’d have been here helping.

  One of the younger witches opened the large double doors before she reached them. Meagan nodded to the girl. She didn’t pause at the doors, but headed for the Council room. She didn’t have time for formalities. She heard the footsteps of the others as they followed her. The layout of the coven was similar to the coven house in Apolin except that the council room was at the back of the building and not the front. She knocked once on the council door before pushing it open and walking into the room. Three of the council members sat behind the long table. They looked up and smiled as they saw Meagan and the dragons and vampires. She didn’t know all of them by name although she had seen them all before. She doubted they knew her by sight so she expected some questions.

  “Elder Dahles, the elders of the Apolin coven told me that you needed a little help.” Meagan stepped forward and nodded respectfully.

  “High Witch Danae, it’s good of you to come. This is Elder Valeas and Elder Bareck. I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but we need you to prove that you are the Tiria. We will only hand this over to the Tiria,” Elder Dahles said.

  “I don’t mind showing you. I know how important this is which is why I brought the dragons and vampires with me as security for the artifact.” Meagan smiled.

  She flexed her fingers and called the weapons from the Fa’ed. The weapons settled into her hands. She looked up and arched a brow waiting for the verdict. The elders looked at her consideringly. Elder Dahles stood and walked around the table.

  “May I see the dagger?” the elder asked.

�I’ll hold it up, but don’t try to touch it.” Meagan stepped forward cautiously holding up the dagger. She didn’t want the elder to be hurt.

  “I know. I won’t. I just want to see it.” The elder stopped in front of her. Her head tilted. “I never thought I’d even see the weapons, but they’re here.”

  The elder studied the blades for a few moments before stepping back. Meagan sent the blades back to the Fa’ed, the store place for them when not in use. Now that the elder had seen them, hopefully, they could get to securing that generator.

  “Which of these dragons and vampires are yours?” Elder Dahles looked at the assembled dragons and vampires.

  Meagan’s mouth fell open. Which of them were hers? She’d never thought of it like that. She still wasn’t ready to think of them like that. They were possessive and seemed so certain of everything, but they didn’t know her. She didn’t know them. And there were already problems between them. Samiel’s control issue was a big one. She trusted him not to hurt her. She didn’t know why he couldn’t trust himself. There wasn’t a major issue with Jaeson, but she knew there would be problems. The question was could they overcome them or would it be better if she walked away from them when the fighting was finished. She shook her head. This wasn’t the time to analyze their relationship.

  “This is Samiel and Jaeson. My magic is a match with theirs, apparently.” Meagan didn’t have to gesture. Samiel and Jaeson had moved forward to stand at her side. “The men behind me are Maxim, Danan, Grae, and Jadin.”

  “We have met and seen some of them as they helped protect the village.” There was genuine warmth in the elder’s voice. “Come. I’ll take you to what the Dark Sorcerer has been after these last few attacks.”

  “Good. The sooner we get that to a safe place, the better I’ll feel.” She nodded and followed as the elder led the way to the back of the room.

  Elder Dahles put her hand on the wall. Meagan knew there must be a door hidden there. The wall disappeared, revealing a dark opening. She saw stairs leading down but little else.

  The elder turned and smiled. “This way. I’ll lead you to it. Be careful on the stairs. They’re quite steep.”

  Meagan moved forward. A hand on her arm stopped her. She looked over her shoulder expecting to see Samiel frowning, being overprotective. Jaeson stood there shaking his head. She turned her head as she saw something move from the corner of her eye. Samiel strode toward the opening.

  “You don’t go down any dark stairs first when we’re with you,” Jaeson said softly.

  “This is the coven house. There isn’t any danger to me here.” She tugged her arm free, irritated. Tossing a ball of light into the air, she wanted to argue, but this wasn’t the time or place for it. Even though she expected it, the pointlessness of it made her angry.

  “Someone is obviously giving a Dark Sorcerer information and you were concerned enough to bring others with you. We don’t take chances.” Jaeson raised a brow in clear challenge.

  “Not for the time of getting the artifact. I was more concerned about an attack after. Any spies here will know I didn’t come here just to talk. The piece will be safe, but we can’t leave the coven to face what will probably be waiting for us when we walk out of here.” She shot a glare at him and stalked to the opening in the wall.

  “I’m concerned about an attack here and now.” Jaeson’s voice came from just behind her.

  She tensed. She hadn’t even heard him come up behind her. Moving down the stairs, she focused on the uneven steps. Jaeson’s hand settled lightly on her shoulder. The gesture reminded her of his ridiculous concern. She shrugged, but his hand remained where it was. As tempted as she was to pull away from him, she wasn’t irritated enough to do it on the stairway.

  “It doesn’t make any sense. It will take time for the spy to get a message to the Dark Sorcerer.” She took the final few steps and tugged away from his loose hold.

  “And what if she’s not only a spy?” Jaeson asked.

  Meagan looked around the large circular room. Shelves lined the wall. Objects lined most of the shelves, but books lined a few of them. She had no idea what most of those things were. She hoped they weren’t as important as the generator.

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “I mean that the witch might not just be a spy,” Jaeson said.

  “The generator piece is over here. I want you to take it somewhere and hide it so that it won’t be a threat to us.” Elder Dahles stood beside a wooden table.

  Her hand rested on a fairly large, rounded object with what looked like a yellowish crystal on one end of it. The dragons and vampires moved forward to look at the generator piece. Meagan hung back, not that interested in seeing the piece. She was a little curious about everything else in here. Could the elders be sure that the generator was what the Dark Sorcerer was after in all of this? It could just as easily be one of the books or one of the other artifacts. The elder walked over to Meagan. It was then that Meagan saw that the elder was holding a large book.

  “Meagan, I need you to see to the protection of this, too.” Elder Dahles held the book out in front of her.

  Meagan took the book. “Do you want either of these things back after the battle with this Dark Sorcerer is finally finished?” Meagan asked.

  “We’d like the book returned. The other, it would be better if it disappeared forever,” Elder Dahles said. “If movement is seen in the ruins, check the book and the one that should be hidden in your sect. There’s a clue to where the other piece is hidden in the fallen town.”

  “I’ll keep the book safe. How can you be sure the generator was what they were really after?” She leaned a hip against the wall, glancing over at Samiel and the other men, who were still talking.

  “Something one of the Sorcerer’s minions was heard saying as we fought them. That soon they’d control this area and dragons and vampires would be kept out.” Elder Dahles grimaced. “That generator is the only thing that would let them even try that.”

  “There’s no other weapon here, is there?” Jaeson asked from across the room.

  “No, the rest of this stuff cannot give or take power. There are a couple of keys, but they could only be used by certain people.” Elder Dahles looked around the room and smiled. “They’d be useless to a Dark Sorcerer even if he or she knew what they opened.”

  “Jaeson,” Meagan called. “Could you come here?”

  He turned and walked over to her. She could see the question in his eyes. “Is something wrong?”

  “I need you to take this to the lair. The elder would like me to keep this safe until the Dark Sorcerers are stopped.” She smiled at Jaeson and handed the book to him.

  “I will, but you don’t leave here until I get back. Did you want the generator kept intact or is it all right to destroy it?” Jaeson asked.

  “If all of it or even part of it can be destroyed, do it. That can’t be allowed to fall into the wrong hands.” The elder said firmly, and without hesitation.

  “I’ll see you soon. Don’t go anywhere, Meagan.” Jaeson’s hand brushed her cheek just before the mist surrounded him. “Could you remove the shielding around the coven house or possibly just this room for a moment? Taking these things out into the open wouldn’t be a good idea.”

  The elder nodded. Meagan felt a pulse of power. “It’s done. You can leave from here with it.”

  Meagan watched as Danan lifted the generator. Grae stepped close and formed one of those enveloping tunnels vampires produced. She eyed the dissipating remains a little enviously. She’d like to be able to find out how they did that if it was even possible for a witch to do it. She’d love to exit a tunnel she created and not feel as if she’d been shoved.

  “How long do you think it will take Jaeson to return?” Elder Dahles looked a little uncomfortable as she watched the dragons and vampires in the room.

  “Not long. He’s overprotective and I’m not really sure he trusts me to follow a simple sensible suggestion.” Mea
gan shrugged. She didn’t know how long it would take him to get to know her.

  Samiel walked over to her and put his arm around her. He frowned down at her, but didn’t say anything. She was a little surprised at his restraint. She would have thought he’d tell her what he was thinking no matter who was in hearing range. Jaeson appeared. He looked around the room and smiled as he spotted her. He strode over to join them.

  “It’s about time you got back.” Maxim stepped forward to meet them. “We’ve all been waiting for you. It’s time to go see how well-connected this Dark Sorcerer is. If he’s not, we need to make sure he learns that we have what he wanted.”

  “The sorcerer won’t go away just because I took a few moments to make sure the book was in a safe place.” Jaeson dropped a kiss on her cheek and patted Samiel’s butt. “If everyone’s ready, let’s go.”

  “I’m ready. Let’s see if we’ve made someone nervous or angry.” Meagan smiled. “Thank you for trusting us with this problem, Elder Dahles.”

  “Thank you for helping us. We’re expecting the attacks to continue, but with the help from the dragons and vampires, we’ll hold the village. We just needed to be certain that didn’t fall into the Sorcerer’s hands.” Elder Dahles hugged Meagan.

  “There might be a few strong retaliatory attacks, but they won’t focus on the coven house any longer.” Samiel sounded absolutely certain.

  Chapter Twelve

  Elder Dahles led the way up the stairs. Meagan followed immediately but found herself in the middle of the group. She didn’t try to weave her way to the front. She just chalked it up to overprotectiveness and the men not knowing her yet. She hoped that would change with time. If it didn’t, she’d change the way they saw her. When everyone was out of the room, Elder Dahles sealed it. Meagan said goodbye to the other elders and left the room in the middle of the group of men. Meagan flexed her fingers as she drew closer to the door. Nervousness, anticipation grew slowly. She didn’t call her blades to her, but the urge was there. Something was going to happen. She hoped she was wrong, but she doubted it. A hand on her right shoulder surprised her. She glanced to the right and saw Samiel watching her.


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