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Singathology Page 35

by Gwee Li Sui

  Whether every single writer has wanted art to be analysed is beside the point. Artistic practice already joins them all as the interface with which each confronts reality. My loose structure for their confrontations has three parts: we begin with the general and then enter national realities before developing into simple, concrete experiences. By ending with seeming trivialities of, once again, private lives, the book echoes the narrative of the first volume and returns the truth of selves-made history to the anthology’s celebration of national maturation.



  knock, knock, knock, keep knocking, the door, knock, keep knocking, knocking, knocking, knock, keep knocking, knocking, knock, knocking, keep fists shelved against that door, pounding, fists, as gently as, keep, knocking, pounding, fists, door, door, fists, knock, keep knocking, knock it, knock it till fists bleed knocking, keep pounding, pounding, slam those fists, harder, faster, knock harder, or ring the door bell since that’s more pleasant in the morning. and if they don’t come to the door, send another email. because, where else, then, how else, where, how, when and how, how now, where and now what, when is it and how else then are we going, how then, man how else, how and where else man, man, man, how man, how else man are we going to make art? i don’t want to be famous, famous? no, i don’t want it, i don’t want to be famous, famous? no man, i don’t need, i don’t need fame, but money, money man, money money money, money la sia, money man, i need it, i need it, it, it, money, it, i need it, money, it, man, it, i need it and if i become famous along the way… famous man, famous like American Idol famous, famous like Mustafa famous, famous macam Fandi Ahmad famous, macam Lee Kuan Yew famous, macam macam-macam famous because all famous people got money, money, they have money, so like them, them, them, like them, just like them, money them, famous them, i want to be, like them, them man, famous and fortunate, fame and fortune, like them, so yes, i want to be famous, famous and rich, like money, i want money, i want to be money, be famous, so famous, so much money so i can make art. so take, this, what, hollow, as i, it, resonator is, take i, this confluence of nothingness, how then, where to, is then, what is, next is, i, taken, breathing, breathless, chest pressed, machines, pipelines, ships from unseen horizons, slabs of bodies, us all, we, without mercy, malice, the guillotine severs, pounding lows, subs, fill, resonate, the friends of Mussolini, it ruptures, these, vessels, tremble, lungs refusing, they, swallow shoved, postures unravel, rebel, compelling stories of the future of fucking, fucking with, fucking on, fucking against, we, us, marooned and combusting, fucking fucked, take i, this confluence of nothingness, where to, take, this, and this, and this, strewn across till the floor, it, everywhere, it looks it, sun dried tomatoes. but it then begins with these fists, choking, squashing, relentless embrace for the unknown, screeches more welcoming, less immediate, than the melody of your shit, resolved and pasteurised, commodity lite, bite, this, is, this, and only, this is, the happiest inhabitant of hell. there is a hollowness, centre, smacked, there, in, right towards the light, it shadows, amidst puzzles and pillows, contagious like fuck, screens upon screens, screeching, humming incessantly, there, without pause, a reason to unfold. take i, this, what hollow, that resonates the shit of your promise. for the money, money man, for it, for the money man, take me, us, shit, in fact, yes, tons, of us, us, we shall, tons, do your dirty work, yours on us, us pawns, we talk about culture, educate them, install culture in their brains, for you, from us, no problem, and so take me, us, we, there are, tons tons, there, out there, tons of, there, here, neighbours, friends, family, family friends, colleague, tons, there, these, are, these, contemporary shamans of our lives, hack, they, hack, are, these, they are, do not, look, not, to them, do not, look to, these, convoluting, they, them, onto you, they are, don’t let them, don’t do that, stop, wave the tablet of prosperity, eh sialah, they say, work hard, harder, hard work, play it, play the game, roll the dice, sialah, kalah lagi, macam, sialah, tons of them, tons tons tons tons, contemporary shamans, clerics of righteousness, imams of truths, priests of materialistic honour, gurus of the universe, bulldozing your last ounce of sanity, we sell, culture, sell culture, by the seashore, tiga sepuloh ringgit, there it goes, there it goes, there it goes, there it goes, there it goes, there it goes, out the window, there, out there, yours, flattened, thrown, because you let them. it’s a dead end, that’s a dead end, at a dead end, you’re at a dead end, the dead end, the end, dead, you, dead, you are dead, end, the end, is death, dying, i am, are we, dead, dying is, here, that is, death, go away, death is, here, dying, again, dead ends to no end, die, die die, noooooooooooooooooooo, another dead end, no, dead ends again, these ends, deadening as ends, dead ends, they are, were then, were created by choice, not by accident, not by, by, here, it ends, like pawns, who, us, to them, why then, headlong, sent to the gutter, closed in, dead, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, no end to dead ends if we keep jumping through hoops they have set to our graves.

  Alms for A Pair



  Think of an older body covering

  A young lighter body.

  Think of that body above waking up

  Slightly startled at the sight

  Of having slept with one’s long lost self,

  The bed a time machine

  Bringing one back to another dark room,

  When one touches a stranger

  For the solace usually found alone.

  Think of the body below

  Stirring, brushing its hands on bits and parts,

  A pit of coarse hair, elbows,

  Ribs, returning to slumber, satisfied

  With the evidence of flesh

  Careworn and starved, knowing the shape of

  A self so disappointed

  Proves its power to unmake experience,

  To ignore pain as it stands

  For another year, hour, another song

  Slowed down. The older hums, stops.

  When the body below wakes, will it know

  Those eyes it looks in on, or

  Was nothing grasped, will it ask to be known

  Naked and seized for first time?

  (A Building Tests Its Walls)

  An upper third molar grows towards my eye

  in order to eat the light through its window.

  The pebbles under my scapula

  gnash its fibrous nest, sparking a fire,

  burning like the ripped cables

  in both decks of my pelvis.

  If I rattle these glass walls for air

  the smoke may be confused for structure –

  already my medial arch collapsed

  under the piles of its changing city –

  yet, with nothing done, is this ruin

  ever not a caprice? I wish for no more

  before the glass, my body steadying itself

  with sogged mulch for masonry,

  hand crossing scalp, ripping

  the hinges off each enclosure.

  Sputum seeps and greets the humid air.

  The stones inch out of their cavities.

  (Time Machine)

  An edgeless box with no buttons,

  cool in your hands,

  responds to electric memories.

  Remember a fresh regret

  and it hums to work –

  the sun sets in the west,

  lost keys back in pockets,

  candles mourn no carelessness,

  hair leap like salmon

  off the shower floor

  upstream to scalps.

  Reach any beginning. We both know,

  groundhog, winter has only begun.

  Molted shells slide back to flesh,

  are we hearing the cracks again

  or for the first time?

  Bodies soar from hospital beds.

  no ache too faint to leave unchanged,

  the night bite, the slow arsenic,

  the steel present dragging chainsr />
  of older words, forgotten pictures.

  here’s your chance

  when the Oracle slips out of Smith,

  Everything with a beginning…

  Chris Reeves reverses

  the earth’s spin,

  zips done up,

  wine turns into water,

  virgins again,

  …has an end?

  Light, and dark and light again,

  soon even you are gone.

  Fish crawl down the shore,

  the world moves as if

  hummingbird winged,

  the law of every known thing

  staying known as the edge

  of knowing anything at all

  pulls ever closer. Past that,

  our energies previously spent

  pulled tightly back into the first

  or another way of saying

  metaphor disappears

  when all things touch.

  My hand tightly on yours,

  that thought astringent as

  the bitter skin of walnut…


  (The Older to the Younger)

  One day they will tell you of

  the necessity for sobriety

  and writing things down

  Together with the secret

  pains caused, inside you, unseen,

  by sugars and other vices,

  plain bread over buttered

  and paying timely taxes will,

  for different reasons, save you much face,

  Though the talk of habits belies

  an echo, quieter than regret,

  of words caught from strangers, parents,

  lost loves, those

  who never meant much but do,

  words like stones

  pulled from icy waters, spun

  in stiffened palms to test

  its form and flung away,

  the hour soon filled with

  faltering skips

  that expires after the third,

  if lucky, fourth beat,

  however smooth the raw rock felt.

  So they continue,

  despite you knowing the day

  won’t always end in sunsets

  but in lightless spells

  and apologies passed along

  only deepen the bruises,

  wishing to talk to you

  of the way patience brings roses,

  the ways rooms hold together

  the lives we held up

  as well as choosing remembering

  over forgetting, and choosing

  reclaiming over that,

  but they don’t.

  Nice though, the way

  spring follows winter, always.

  (Skin Tags)

  the one by your right eye

  is the split tip of a dropped pencil

  beneath the pale of your arm

  seven dropped pins on a streetless map

  while in the forest by your hip

  a white truffle

  each a sign on the legend

  one tells the distance

  to the past from here, five years

  another, direction

  the white tuber, caution, it says

  pause before crossing

  I approach in the dark

  with my brush, guidebook and pig

  to meet a bridge broken by

  your wooden phalanx

  wouldn’t cross me, I wouldn’t

  as you are, I beckon, bent low

  (But Each Time I Do)

  I convinced myself a song set to repeat

  so slightly disregards its first playthrough

  for the sake of having you hear, my ear

  a needle running that airborne groove

  picking up dust and dirt as hiss and tremble

  as the black circle turns you know, little fool

  each start the fall of a plumb line

  deep in the heart the way a rocket rising

  from earth appears to arch to those on the ground

  a steady left till it tastes its own propulsion

  I’d tried so hard not to give in

  but the circle doesn’t close with each loop,

  time’s signature a horse

  with the hind legs landing roughly where

  the front legs strike ground –

  an accident happens every so often

  that makes you forget there ever was

  an animal enjoining the two,

  we look wide to see the beast under my skin

  and forget the legs at all.


  This song is new

  you are new –

  this song is older than you or me

  But those horns laying the intro

  before earth

  god created brass sections

  and the love

  we did that

  the ones who tell of

  wolves cut open

  to replace flesh with stones

  we the ones

  who eat the child that says goodbye

  while they chorus

  a New Year

  damning the false starts

  the graceless weight

  accusing me in the mirror

  of death by

  a thousand squandered hours

  Looking away

  will be how I deny it

  all in all

  on the whole, I wish only to say yes.
















































  When You Walk Down This Road


  Translated by Jeremy Tiang

  when you walk down this road, even if

  all you see is unfamiliar reinforced

  supermarkets, hotels, skyscraper banks,

  MRT stations, huge electronic billboards overhead

  noisy as a flock of crows, keep walking, even if

  all you hear are cursing cars, chaotic crowds

  exhausted faces

  drifting past your eyes like falling leaves

  when you walk down

  this road, at the junction turn left

  or else right, no more doubt, you believe

  you cannot make a mistake. Yet twilight footsteps

  anxious as food-seeking stray cats show in your eyelid creases

  even spread through your blood

  see that young mother happily push her stroller across the zebra crossing

  (forget the arguments with your own child, remember the songs you taught him)

  yes, walk down this road

  supporting your shivering shadow

  even if twilight will soon vanish like your passion

  and faith, night begins to murmur darkly by your ear

  like a troubling echo within

  do you see the sunset clouds recline against the skyline?

  so beautiful it pains your heart like the warm lips

  in your memory, the eyes in your dream

  the faraway tears

  I know time is a pitiless blade

  slashing lines across your features. She said, she said as tenderly

  as the girl who walked down this road by your side all those years ago

  I know walking is hard, your steps unsteady, but I am like you

  with stark white hair. So walk down this road

  and you’ll hear her voice

  stubborn and strong

  like the girl all those years ago with black hair and bright eyes

  night will arrive suddenly as darkness at the end of a play swamps the

  stage. On and off stage alike, people leave quickly

  forget your journey’s rage. sorrow, regret, guilt

  remember this trip, remember

  the dawns you have seen, remember

  this beautiful twilight, remember

  that light rain, remember

  her eyes, remember

  her tears, remember


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