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Singathology Page 63

by Gwee Li Sui

  SINGARAM: It was twenty-five years ago… Remember how my sister entrusted her two-year-old son with us… She also gave us all her savings for her son to be looked after.

  CHINTHAMANI: Why do you recall all that now? We have brought Arun up with utmost care and affection. You know our Vimala, too, has come of age…

  SINGARAM: That is what I am thinking about now, Chinthamani. Shouldn’t the marriage take place soon and in good time?

  CHINTHAMANI: Yes. It is our obligation, isn’t it? You got to speak to Arun first. Let me bring you a cup of tea.

  SINGARAM: Sure, I will talk to him, Chinthamani. [Calls.] Arun! Arun!

  ARUN: I will there be shortly, Uncle!

  SINGARAM: Hope you are not in a hurry to do anything. Can we talk for a little while?

  ARUN: Tell me, Uncle. Tell me whatever it is.

  SINGARAM: It is all about Vimala’s education. I think what she has studied so far is enough. I am thinking of stopping her education.

  ARUN: Why do you think so, Uncle? As for me, as I see it...

  SINGARAM: Is Vimala going to move on with her higher education and attain high office? You are now a graduate and got yourself a responsible job. Isn’t that enough?

  ARUN: But why stop Vimala’s education? It doesn’t appear to me as a right decision, Uncle. Vimala, too, may not like it.

  SINGARAM: Ah, hmm… I understand it now, Arun. Doesn’t every young man today expect his wife to be a graduate like him too? Perhaps, you are like that too. [Drags his voice.]

  ARUN: Uncle… I did not mean to say that. Vimala is doing well in her education. Why stop her studies halfway? What’s the hurry?

  SINGARAM: Many have started asking me how long I am going to send my daughter to college even as her groom is waiting for her.1 You know, I am not able to answer them.

  ARUN: I did not ask such a thing, Uncle. Anyhow, you should have spoken to Vimala first about it.

  SINGARAM: You are right. But everything should be done within certain period of time. It’s all because I am concerned that I should fulfil my duties, Arun. You know, you may have to wait till she finishes her studies. Besides, you have a good job now, and it needs you to travel as well.

  ARUN: You don’t have to worry right now, Uncle. I will not go against your words. But you must take into account the wishes of others too…

  SINGARAM: I understand, Arun. We have to come to a decision soon. Everything should augur well.

  ARUN: OK, Uncle. Let me take leave to go to the office now.

  CHINTHAMANI: Have your tea before you start, Arun. This is for you dear. [To herself.] I have been listening to their conversation. I should talk to Vimala as Arun said. Let us see…

  Scene 2


  CHINTHAMANI [calls]: Vimala… Vimala…

  VIMALA: Did you call me, Ma? I am just around… What is it? Tell me…

  CHINTHAMANI: You know, auspicious days and celebrations keep coming and going without being eventful. I wonder when an auspicious event would take place in our family…

  VIMALA: You are trying to tell me that is what people around us are asking, right, mother? You are also trying to tell me that I should stop my studies, sit idling around in the house with nothing particular to do, right?

  CHINTHAMANI: Vimala, don’t you know that I don’t have anything new to tell you? You know what is happening. Should not the marriage be held soon without any hitch? That is the concern of your father and I for now.

  VIMALA: Hmm… I do understand very well. I came to know that Dad spoke to Arun. For your part, you want to persuade me. You are also saying that it is enough for me to have studied so far and that I need not pursue higher education and that I should get settled with the groom, related by blood, waiting for me. Hmm… You and Dad are always thinking and harping about this.

  CHINTHAMANI: Vimala… I am not going to tell you anything new. Well, you know everything. We should come to a favourable decision soon.

  VIMALA: Ma… [firmly] times have changed. You and Dad always keep saying that we are no longer the old Sembawang kampung people. I understand what you mean and therefore continue with my education to become self-dependent. I can only get good job with a good education. Should I be idling around the house without having a job?

  CHINTHAMANI: What about your marriage then?

  VIMALA: There is no hurry for it.

  CHINTHAMANI: Vimala, do you mean to say that Arun, who is already employed, should keep waiting for you until then?

  VIMALA: You should ask Arun about that. OK. It’s late. I have to go to the college.

  CHINTHAMANI: OK, then bye.

  A short while later.

  SINGARAM: Chinthamani, what are you thinking about? I stood aside in the room and heard every word of what the two were saying.

  CHINTHAMANI: Yes, Vimala is always like that. You have already spoken to Arun. That is one side of the coin. And this is the other side. Vimala was noncommittal, and I could speak no further. But we should talk to both of them and bring them round together.

  SINGARAM: That’s our duty. We will do what we have to, Chinthamani.

  Scene 3


  PADMA: Sembawang Singaram! Sembawang Chinthamani! Sembawang…

  SINGARAM: Who is it? Sounds like Sembawang Padmavathy’s voice. Who is there at the gate?

  CHINTHAMANI: Welcome, teacher. We were expecting your visit for a long time.

  SINGARAM: Oh, is it Teacher Padmavathy? Welcome! Welcome! Looks like you have forgotten Sembawang for good and have settled and become a resident of Penang, haven’t you?

  PADMA: Ah, well, you know everything. It is not possible to cut off all relationships and get along as you please, isn’t it? I wanted to meet all of you and so I am here.

  CHINTHAMANI: Well, you know even in those days you were known all around as the “Sembawang Teacher”. How can you keep away from your acquaintances of the old place? You have come at the right time.

  SINGARAM: Yes Madam Padmavathy! You, too, should have bought a house at Yishun nearer to us. You didn’t do it. You have moved further away. Had you been in the vicinity, we would have sought your counsel and help every now and then. I am happy that you have come now, at last.

  PADMA: Wherever I am, I continue to be still your Sembawang Padmavathy. I keep thinking of every one of you every now and then. Sembawang market, Marthandavar Temple, the old school, cinema theatre… None of them is there now. When I think of all the families like yours that have moved away… [Sighs.]

  SINGARAM: Hmm… Everything has become a tale of yesteryears. Can they be forgotten? We have been celebrating the National Day for forty-three years. Those were the days when we were studying in school. But now…

  CHINTHAMANI: Hmm… now is the time to take care of the grandchildren and send them to the kindergarten. But in our household… [Gives out a sigh.]

  PADMA: I guess you worry that you are yet to conduct the marriage between Arun and Vimala…

  SINGARAM: Of course, you know everything, all right. You used to tell us then stories after stories. We could not forget one story in particular which is etched in our minds.

  CHINTHAMANI: The Chamundi story. Your voice reverberates in our ears even now. That story…


  PADMA: Chamundi and Chigandi were traders. Chamundi had huge wealth. But he was sick. He had to spend a lot time on his medical treatment.

  SINGARAM: Oh, pity Chamundi. Tell us what Chamundi did then.

  PADMA: Chamundi’s wife had passed away. He had his only son. He was worried that his ten-year-old son would become an orphan if he were not to be around.

  SINGARAM: So what did Chamundi decide to do?

  PADMA: He met his friend Chigandi. “Friend! My end will come soon. My son is young and inexperienced. I will give you my saving of 10,000 sovereigns for his financial security. Once he grows to become a young man, you should give him a substantial sum from this amount as you wish. This
is my last wish. Keep these 10,000 sovereigns with you.” Chamundi handed the amount to him.

  SINGARAM: Tell us, tell us what happened then.

  PADMA: He made an agreement with him that he should give as much as he desired over to Sundaram, his son. Chamundi passed away. The boy Sundaram grew up in his maternal uncle’s house to become a fine young man.

  SINGARAM: Tell us what happened next, Madam Padmavathy

  PADMA: Sundaram’s maternal uncle wanted him to start his own business. So he sent him to Chigandi’s house and asked him to get the money that his father had entrusted with Chigandi. When Sundaram went there….

  SINGARAM: Go ahead, teacher, go ahead and tell us more…

  PADMA: Sundaram asked for money to start his own business. Chigandi said that he would give him the money as per the agreement he had with his father. He went into the house and came back in a short while. He handed over the sovereign gold coins. Sundaram counted the gold coins and was shocked. There were only a thousand sovereign coins.

  SINGARAM: Hmm… go on tell us more please.

  PADMA: Sundaram said, “My father had given you 10,000 sovereigns. But you have given me only a thousand.” Chigandi replied, “I am giving you as per the agreement with your father.” When Sundaram pleaded with Chigandi saying that his father had entrusted 10,000 sovereigns with him…

  CHINTHAMANI: What did Chigandi say?

  PADMA: Chigandi said, “Sundaram! What you say is true. But you should understand the terms of the agreement. The agreement is that I shall give you as much as I wish. And my wish now is to give you a thousand sovereigns. That is what I have done. If you don’t like it, then you can return that thousand and keep going.’ Sundaram was very much shocked. So he did what Chigandi had told him to do.

  SINGARAM: Then what happened?

  PADMA: Sundaram went to court with his uncle before a judge. The case came up for hearing. When the judge inquired, Chigandi said that he had not violated the terms of the agreement. ‘I should give to Sundaram what I wished to give. That is the text of the agreement. I gave him a thousand sovereigns as I wished.’ The judge took the agreement from him and read it carefully.

  CHINTHAMANI: What did the judge say after reading it?

  PADMA: The judge said, “Chigandi, you haven’t understood the terms of the agreement. That’s why you have acted against it. How much of the amount that Chamundi had entrusted with you did you give to this young man?” Chigandi said, “A thousand sovereigns.” To which the judge followed up by asking, “All right. How much did you wish to take?” As soon as he replied that it was nine thousand…

  SINGARAM: Tell us what the judge did, Padmavathy.

  PADMA: “That means the amount you wish is nine thousand sovereigns. As per your agreement, you should have given Sundaram the amount you wished to keep, that is the nine thousand sovereigns together with the one thousand that you had given earlier, you have to give 10,0000 sovereigns. Moreover, since you had intended to cheat the young man you should pay him a compensation of another ten thousand sovereigns.” Saying so, the judge delivered his judgment.

  End of flashback.

  SINGARAM: Though it is only a tale, that was a good judgment. We don’t have such an issue in our family. The marriage between Arun and Vimala should happen at the earliest possible time. That is our wish and are anxious to carry out too.

  CHINTHAMANI: Yes, dear. That is our duty and something that we have to do for the promises made to Saratha.

  PADMA: Whatever has to happen will happen as you wish.

  SINGARAM: You have an important role in it, Madam Padmavathy.

  CHINTHAMANI: You should take up the responsibility like the judge and perform your duty.

  PADMA: I came to chat with you, and now it looks like you are trying to tie me up with a duty. So a marriage has to take place in this household? All right, let us see what we can do.

  Scene 4


  PADMA [calls]: Pappa!2 Pappa! Hmm… I keep shouting, and there is no response from her. Perhaps, it is a different girl? [Calls again.] Pappa! Pappa!

  VIMALA: Pappa? Hmm… the voice sounds familiar. Could it be Teacher Padma? Let me see.

  PADMA: It is the same old pappa. Now she has grown into a beautiful young lady. [Calls.] Vimala! Vimala!

  VIMALA: Wow, it is you, teacher! Welcome, welcome. I thought that someone was calling somebody else pappa, and, for a while, I… I was…

  PADMA: You were taken aback? Yes, could be… could be... It has been several years since we met, hasn’t it? But now I stand amazed, Vimala, looking at what a beauty my pappa has become.

  VIMALA: There you go, teacher, I feel… I feel… [She feels shy.]

  PADMA: Are you feeling shy? Are you wondering whether if you are still a child to be referred to as pappa? Do you still remember the lessons and the songs that I taught you then?

  VIMALA: I still remember them, teacher. How can I forget? [Sings.]

  Read getting up in the morning.

  Then a good song that soothes.

  Play through the evening.

  Make this a routine, pappa!3

  PADMA: Is it the same now too, Vimala? I thought that you would have completed your studies and I was waiting eagerly for your marriage invitation card. But I have not received it so far. After all, when the groom, Arun, is right there in the house, and there should be no worries at all. Your parents have many dreams for you

  VIMALA: Teacher… I… I…

  PADMA: What happened? Have you postponed the marriage? What is Arun saying now?

  VIMALA: You have come at the right time, teacher. Dad and Ma were also saying that it was quite some time since they met you. So…

  PADMA: Do you mean to say that I should meet them and talk to them?

  VIMALA: Yes, teacher! You can stay in our house. Dad and Ma will be quite happy.

  PADMA: If that’s my pappa’s order, can I refuse? I am also fed up with going round to different places and visiting others. I want to take a leisurely walk along familiar places here, meeting up and talking to the people in the neighbourhood of yesteryears, and carry out certain duties. I have come back here with all these wishes in my heart.

  VIMALA: Yes, teacher. I am sorry to have made you stand right outside the entrance to the college for so long. Let us go in. You can have a cup of coffee or tea and then go to our house. I will have to go for my class.

  PADMA: If that’s the order of Vimala pappa, how can I refuse?

  Run around and play, pappa!

  Idle not, pappa!

  Join others to play, pappa!

  Scold not another child, pappa!

  All these lines befit you as you keep on studying. But then you are no more a pappa. You should give us a pappa soon.

  VIMALA: There you go again, teacher. You are teasing me. I feel very…

  PADMA: Shy? I understand. First, I must do what is to be done! Let us first have a cup of hot tea…

  VIMALA: Please take a seat, teacher.

  PADMA: It is quite some time since I met Arun. I understand that he makes official trips to other countries. You know, Arun is like my son. I wish to meet him.

  VIMALA: Of course, you can meet him, you can. I understand that Arun is coming back tomorrow from an overseas branch office. His company’s office is in Orchard Road. Here is your hot tea. Please have it, teacher.

  PADMA: Its tea for now, and soon it will be the wedding meal, right, Vimala?

  VIMALA: It is Arun who has to decide that. And you are going to see him.

  PADMA: Hmm… the tea tastes good, Vimala. This augurs well for the things to come, doesn’t it?

  VIMALA: If you say so…

  They laugh together.

  Scene 5


  ARUN: Li La… La… La…

  LI LAN: La… La… Can you say my name properly please? You should call me Li Lan…

  ARUN: All right, Li Lan. You know, you speak Tamil so wonderfully well. It is very surprising ind
eed. But you know, though I was born in the same kampung, I did not learn the Chinese language.

  LI LAN: Are you worried about it? It is not necessary to learn it.

  ARUN: I understand. I can learn it from Li Lan. Little by little… yes… little by little.

  LI LAN: You are not being amorous, are you?

  ARUN: I become speechless when I am with you. I feel like I keep looking at you. More than that…

  LI LAN: I understand… It is the same look on your eyes when we befriended each other in the old kampung. But… now… now…

  ARUN: Its blossomed into love. We kept it a great secret, didn’t we?

  LI LAN: No… It is so obvious to everyone.

  ARUN: But my uncle and aunt…

  LI LAN: The news will reach their ears soon.

  PADMA arrives.

  PADMA: Who is it? Is that Arun? And in the company of a young lady by his side… Looks like a familiar face too.

  ARUN: Is that you, teacher? Welcome.

  PADMA: Who is this by your side?

  LI LAN: Teacher, don’t you recognise me? Look carefully! I am…

  PADMA [to herself]: Hmm… A young Chinese woman speaking Tamil. Who could it be? Could it be Sembawang Ang’s daughter Li Lan? She has grown into a beautiful young lady now. [Addresses LI LAN.] Sembawang Li Lan?

  LI LAN: Yes, teacher! I am your Li Lan, of course.

  ARUN: Please take a seat, teacher. How is it you are here?

  PADMA: Well it was time for me to come and visit you. Vimala told me that your head office is somewhere here. I came to have a look, but I see both of you here. Is Li Lan also working with you?

  LI LAN: My office is nearby, teacher.

  PADMA: So you meet here in the food court every now and then, don’t you? Does Vimala also come by to this place?

  ARUN: Occasionally, yes, she does.

  PADMA: Hmm… All right then. Now I understand.

  ARUN: Did you meet Vimala, teacher? Did you go to our house? Did you meet Uncle and Aunt?

  PADMA: How could I not? How can I stop telling them tales like I used to? But now everything seems to have taken a turn to become a new story, hasn’t it?


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