Textbook Approach: A Small Town Romance

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Textbook Approach: A Small Town Romance Page 10

by Lagomarsino, Giulia

  “Really? Isn’t that a little…girly for you?”

  “Hey, I used to watch this with my ma all the time.”


  “Well, she didn’t have any girls to watch these movies with, and I was a bit of a momma’s boy. I just wanted to please her.”

  She grinned at me. “So, you watched girly movies with her? That’s so sweet.”

  “Yeah, well, don’t get any bright ideas. I don’t watch chick flicks now. I’m only doing this because I’m pretty sure you don’t want to watch Die Hard.”

  “And those are the only two movies for us to watch?”

  “Do you want to watch this or should I just put on what I really want to watch?”

  “By all means, let’s watch this.” She was grinning though, in that way that made me think that she was going to make fun of me for a very long time because of this.

  “Are you telling me you never watched movies with your parents just to make them happy?”

  “I’m pretty sure the only movies I watched were medical movies.”

  “Like, documentaries?”

  “No, like shows about the medical field. There weren’t as many then as there are now, but even if there was a glimpse of medicine in a movie, I just had to watch it. I was obsessed.”

  “So, you never thought about doing anything else?”

  “Nope, I knew from the time I was five that I was going to be a doctor.”

  Now, I knew that was a lie. “Nobody knows at the age of five.”

  “Ask my mother. She’ll tell you. I was a doctor every Halloween. And one day for show and tell, I had my pediatrician come to school.”

  I looked at her strangely. “You’re odd.”

  “I know, but I give really good blow jobs.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Always with the sex. A guy can’t just have a normal conversation with you.”

  “Oh, would you prefer I take sex off the table?”

  “Then there’d be nothing on the table,” I pointed out.

  She waggled her eyebrows at me. “And plenty of room for sex.”

  The woman was crazy, and a bit of a nymphomaniac, but I liked her all the more for it. I pulled her into my side and put the movie on. She seemed pretty into it, and seemed to forget completely that sex was on the table. I grinned to myself and watched the movie, trying to hide the fact that I was turned on the whole time. I just needed her to actually spend time with me and get to know me. We could have sex when this was over. Then, maybe the next time she came over, she would be more willing to just hang out with me.

  The movie was almost over when I felt her head slip onto my shoulder. I glanced over and saw her eyes closed and her lips slightly parted. I groaned to myself. I had missed my window. Maybe this was a terrible idea. Now I was going to miss out on sex with her. My plan had backfired. But then it occurred to me that if I didn’t move, she might stay asleep, and then I would get her to stay the night.

  I shifted us slightly so that we were laying down on the couch. Her head rested on my chest and her arm was flung across my body. I put on another movie and slid my arm around her back. This wasn’t so bad. I could always get sex another night.


  “Will,” I cried out, threading my fingers through his hair. “Oh, God. More,” I begged.

  His tongue licked at my pussy, kissing me like he would my lips. His lips were soft against my folds, but his tongue begged for entrance into my body. I spread my legs wider, allowing him better access. I was dripping for him. I could feel my cum leaking down my ass. My pussy throbbed as it came down from my last orgasm, but he didn’t stop. He just kept sucking and licking, anything to drive me mad.

  “Come on my tongue again, sweetheart.”

  “I can’t,” I moaned.

  He slid two fingers inside my soaking pussy and slowly fucked me. My body was too sensitive, my nerves buzzing from the stimulation. I started writing in his arms, needing a release or for the sensations to give me some reprieve.

  I was panting hard, barely breathing at this point. If something didn’t let up, I was going to detonate. And then he sucked my clit into his mouth and my body convulsed, sending shocks down my spine and down to my toes. I cried out, screaming his name as wave after wave of pleasure shot through me.

  “That’s what you get when you stay the night,” his low voice rumbled against my aching pussy.

  My eyes shot open and I saw Will between my legs, his lips wet with my arousal. His eyes were hooded with desire and when he licked my cum off his lips, I lost it. I pulled him up my body and kissed him hard. I felt him at my entrance, just teasing me, but not pushing inside. I grabbed his ass and pulled him into me. He groaned hard, his lips pressing tightly to mine.

  “God, you should have heard yourself,” he panted. “Moaning and begging for my cock, for my tongue on your pussy.”

  “I was asleep,” I said, in way of an excuse.

  “I should have woken you up, but I loved hearing those sounds coming from your lips.” He started slowly fucking me, his cock hitting me hard and deep. “The moment you started begging for me to lick your pussy, I was lost. I had to taste you. I had to know what it was like to have you cream all over my face.”

  “Oh God,” I panted. “Don’t stop talking.”

  “You said you wanted to suck my cock, that you needed my hard, throbbing cock fucking your mouth. Is that what you want, sweetheart? You want my cock shoved so far down your throat that you gag on me?”


  He lifted my legs and started pounding inside me. “You need my cock in your pussy, filling you up with my cum?”

  “You know I do,” I panted.

  I could hear the wet slaps of our bodies joining. I could hear his harsh breathing, but as another orgasm raced through me, all sounds started to fade to black. I knew I was crying out for him. I knew I was shouting obscene things about his cock and needing him to fuck me hard. I couldn’t stop it. Something wild came over me until I was begging him to shove his cock in my mouth.

  I felt him slip from my body and then he was leaning over me, his arm resting above me on the arm of the couch as he slid his cock into my mouth. His other hand moved down to my clit, playing me just right as he fucked my mouth. I groaned and swallowed him as he pushed to the back of my throat.

  He stared down at me as he fucked my face over and over, his blue eyes shining bright as he watched me take him all the way. His eyes rolled back and I felt his hot cum shoot down my throat. His fingers worked me faster and I started coming, moaning around his cock as the last streams of his cum filled my mouth. I sucked him even harder, refusing to let go until my orgasm was finished.

  He was panting hard as he stared down at me, his eyes filled with something like wonder. Then he blinked and shook his head, getting off me and giving me a hard kiss.

  “That’s what you get the morning after. Now, get your ass up. You have to get to work.”

  He stalked off as if he hadn’t just given me the most mind-blowing orgasm of my life. I laid there in my sweat and realized that my pussy was dripping…and I was on his couch. Thank God it was leather. I quickly got up and pulled up my underwear, then headed to the kitchen for some disinfectant and paper towels. When I got back to the living room, Will was cleaning up the table.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, staring at the supplies in my hand.

  “I made a mess on your couch.”

  He looked over at the cum stain and grinned. Then he walked over to me and grabbed the stuff from me. “I’m not letting you clean that up.”

  “You’re not?”

  “No. I want to see it when I get home and remember the most amazing blow job I’ve ever had. I want to remember tasting your pussy on my lips first thing in the morning. And when I don’t see you, I want to sniff the couch and remember your scent.”

  I wanted to say that was gross, but damn, I was finding myself getting turned on again. I wanted to stay and fuck him all over again.
And just like that, I remembered why I had rules about not staying over. I had to get to work. I shoved the supplies in his hands and grabbed my shit.

  “I have to leave.”

  “I know. I woke you up early so I could sneak that in.”

  I glanced at the clock and saw that I still had plenty of time. He had woken up early to make sure that I got to work on time. That was so…sweet of him. I shook my head and gave a brief smile. “Well, thanks for the good time.”

  “Anytime, sweetheart. Give me a call when you need my lips on you again.”

  * * *

  “This is bad,” I said to Nathan as I tossed my stuff in my locker.

  “What’s bad?”

  “I spent the night with him last night.”

  His eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Like, the whole night?”


  He frowned. “I never got the whole night.”

  “Would you stop pouting and listen?” I said, slamming my locker shut.

  “Did he at least mention if he would call me?”

  “Priorities!” I shouted. “Did you not hear me? I slept over!”

  “I heard, but I’m not sure why this is such a big deal. You obviously like the guy.”

  Of course, I liked the guy. What wasn’t there to like? He was charming, sexy, and he made me laugh. The only problem was our differences of what our relationship should look like. And then it hit me. “He tricked me.”


  “How long do you need to recover after sex?”

  “For another round? An hour?”

  My jaw dropped and I scowled. “We ate dinner after sex and then he told me that he needed another hour or two before he could go again. He tricked me to get me to stay.”

  “What did you do?”

  I slumped down on the bench, my shoulders sagging at the realization that I had been so easily fooled. “We watched a movie and I fell asleep. He tricked me into staying so I would have to stay the night.”

  “Or,” he said slowly, “he just really needed the recovery time.”

  I turned to him with an amused look. “Trust me, that man could go for hours. He didn’t need the recovery time.”

  “So…I’m confused. You’re upset because you slept the night?”

  “No, I’m upset because he tricked me into morning sex!”

  “And that was bad,” he said like he was unsure.

  “Yes, because he played me. He kept tempting me with all these things that I would only get if I stayed the night. He totally played me, and I fell for it because I wanted his magical dick.”

  “You never called my dick magical,” Nathan grumbled.

  “I just can’t believe this. I fell for it; hook, line, and sinker.”

  “So, what are you going to do now? Are you gonna call him out on it?”

  I shook my head. I wasn’t sure what to do, but I knew I couldn’t let him convince me to do that again. The thing was, I was really starting to like him. Like, way more than any man I had dated before. I think I even liked him more than when I met my ex-husband. And that right there was a scary prospect. I wouldn’t let him draw me into his web of wanting more. I didn’t want more. I wanted sex when I needed it, and I wanted someone fun to hang out with, but I wanted to say goodnight at the end of the night.

  “I’m just going to have to make sure that it never happens again.”


  “We just won’t ever have dinner again. Or I’ll just go for one round,” I shrugged. “I can do that. I can have sex with him just one time and then leave.”

  Nathan snorted beside me. “Yeah, I’d like to see that. You may not have spent the night with me, but you didn’t leave after one round either. You’re a sex fiend.”

  “I am not,” I said, somewhat offended. “Just because I like sex doesn’t make me a fiend. A fiend by definition is someone that is…is…overtly sexual. That’s not me.”

  He nodded as he looked up something on his phone and then he held up the screen for me to see. I squinted as I looked closer.

  Sex fiend: Somebody who is willing to have sexual intercourse with someone based on instant attraction, due to their predisposition to sexual acts in general.

  “Oh, shut up,” I snapped. “So what if I like sex? There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  “I never said there was.”

  “And I can stop having sex any time I want.”

  “Sure you can,” he laughed.

  “I’m serious. I don’t need it. Not like you do,” I shot back.

  “Oh, please. I could make it longer than you could.”

  “You want to bet?”

  He stood and crossed his arms over his chest, looking down at me with a serious expression. “So, we’re doing The Bet.”

  “The what?”

  “You know, from Seinfeld, when they all bet to see who could last the longest without sex.”

  “That’s just ridiculous. I’m not doing that.”

  “It sounds like you are. So, we need to lay out some ground rules since you obviously have never seen the episode, which is just tragic in its own right. First, no sex.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I sort of figured that one.”

  “Second, no masturbation.” I stared at him, crossing my arms over my chest. I so had this. “Third, no phone sex.”

  “Alright, I got it, no sex of any kind.”

  “So, we have a deal?”

  “Fine, but you know I’ll win.”

  “And what are we betting?” he asked.

  I thought about it for a second. It had to be something good. “Fine, if I win, you have to take me to see any musical I want to see.”

  He groaned, rolling his eyes up toward the ceiling. “You know I hate musicals.”

  “And you know exactly which one I want to see,” I grinned.

  “No,” he said fiercely. “I won’t agree to that. I can’t stand that voice.”

  “You know you love Eliza Doolittle.”

  “I hate her and everything she stands for. No.”

  “Are you afraid you’re going to lose?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Then you have nothing to worry about.”

  “Fine, then if I win, you have to convince your boy toy to take me to a baseball game.”

  “Seriously? I can’t make someone take you someplace.”

  “I’m sure you can convince him with a well-timed blow job.”

  I glared at him, but held out my hand for him to shake. “Fine.”

  We shook on it. “Deal.”


  I hadn’t seen Charlie or heard from her in a week and I was starting to get nervous that my last stunt had pushed her away. It was Saturday night and I was playing poker with my brothers, but my head wasn’t in it. All I could think about was her pussy and how much I wanted it. Hell, even at school, I was having a hard time concentrating. I was hearing sexual innuendos everywhere I went.

  “So, I told Kat that we should plan for spring,” Eric said, tossing his chips into the pot.

  I snapped back to the conversation. “Plan for what?”

  “Our wedding,” he said slowly. “Jesus, what the hell is wrong with you? You’ve been zoning out the whole game.”

  “Nothing. Everything’s good.”

  “Right, then what did I just say?”

  “That you’re planning for a spring wedding.”

  “No shit, jackass. I just told you that part.”

  I glanced at the other guys, but they all had the same smirks on their faces. “Fine, I wasn’t listening. What were you saying?”

  “Kat and I have been thinking about trying again.”

  “For what?”

  “A baby,” he said, sighing heavily. “Jesus, open your fucking ears.”

  “Are you sure you’re ready for that? I mean, after the last time…”

  “I know, but it’s been almost a year. And neither of us is getting any younger.”

  “Shouldn’t you
get married first?” Joe asked. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love quiche-girl, but Ma will kill you if you get her pregnant a second time with no ring on her finger.”

  “That’s why quiche-girl and I are talking about setting a date.”

  As if on cue, Kat, Anna, and Carly walked into the room, all laughing as they headed to the counter to mix more cocktails.

  “What about you?” Andrew asked Josh. “You already have a little one. Any chance you’ll be tying the knot soon?”

  “What are we talking about?” Carly asked, sitting down on Josh’s lap.

  “Getting married.”

  She grimaced. “I’m not sure how that works. I think I’m still technically dead.”

  “Can’t you just go tell the police you’re not dead?” Robert asked.

  “It’s safer if everyone thinks she’s dead.”

  “But I thought all this was over.” Eric said. “The family is dead and Antonio no longer wants to kill you. Isn’t that a good thing?”

  “Ah, to live the life of a mafioso,” I said dreamily. “It’s all one could hope for in life.”

  Carly shot me a glare that perfectly matched what I had just described her as. “We’re worried about retaliation from other families. Besides, after what happened with Natalie, I think it’s best if we stay hidden for a while.”

  Joe laughed. “Good luck with that. The whole town knows your story. I doubt that secret is staying in the bag.”

  “It would still be in the bag if you hadn’t outed us to the whole town,” Josh glared at him.

  “So, spring?” I said, changing the subject back to Eric’s wedding.

  “Yeah, that’s what we’re hoping for.”

  “There’s just one problem,” Kat said. “Chrissy’s pregnant.”

  “How is that a problem?” I asked.

  “Because, we were talking about a late May wedding, which is right around the time she’s due. She’s my maid of honor. No woman wants to walk down the aisle that pregnant, but if we wait until after the baby is born, we’re talking a fall wedding.”

  “Not to mention that your body doesn’t always bounce back after a pregnancy,” Anna added. “She won’t know what size dress to have.”


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