Krampus and the Crone: A SciFi Alien Warrior Holiday Romance

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Krampus and the Crone: A SciFi Alien Warrior Holiday Romance Page 8

by Honey Phillips

  “He is an intelligent child. Why does he put up with it?”

  “To care for his sister. There are not many opportunities in the village and he thinks he is responsible for her.”

  “Where is his male parent?”

  “Whit’s father died not long after he was born.”

  “His father? He and Cinna do not have the same father?”

  She shook her head, looking out the window. “Cinna’s father was one of the merchants who come through the village twice a year. I doubt he even knew that Kara was pregnant when he left. And he never returned. We heard he had gotten married and stopped traveling.”

  “He abandoned the child?” The idea horrified him. The Tandroki system of reproduction had its disadvantages but no male would fail to provide for his offspring.

  “Like I said, I doubt that he knew - but I doubt that he would’ve done anything about it if he had known.” Her fingers traced the cover of the book she was holding. “There always seems to be a rash of babies nine months after a caravan comes through. I even considered…”

  “Considered what?” He did his best to keep his voice calm even though his fingertips were tingling.

  She gave him a level look. “Considered having a child by one of the merchants. Eventually I will have to have a daughter to continue our work.”

  He growled, the sound shockingly loud in the quiet room, as his claws sprang free. Jaelle looks startled but not afraid.

  “It is our way,” she said quietly.

  “I do not like it.”

  “I can see that. Sometimes I’m not sure that I like it either, but it is my duty.”

  The words stopped any further protest. He knew what it meant to sacrifice your desires for duty. He would be doing the same when he left. With an abrupt nod, he went back to working on her electronic device.

  Despite the lingering threat of the future, the rest of the afternoon passed pleasantly. When the children awoke, they were obviously restless. The weather was still too harsh to take them outside so instead they played an energetic game that Whit called hide and seek. It primarily involved hiding in small spaces and jumping out on an unsuspecting pursuant.

  By the time he herded the exhausted children and the happily panting Puppy back to Jaelle, he couldn’t control his smile.

  “You missed a most enjoyable game,” he informed her.

  “That’s all right. I was quite happy sitting here with my book. Did you have fun?”

  Fun? It was an unfamiliar concept but he found himself nodding. “Yes. Most unexpected.”

  “What kind of games did you play when you were a child?”

  “I did not play games,” he told her truthfully. The memory of his rigid, disciplined childhood threatened to remove his joy in the occasion. He had not behaved like a Tandroki warrior. But then he looked at Cinna, happily cuddling Puppy, and Whit excitedly telling Jaelle how he had surprised Krampasarian, and he regretted nothing.

  Chapter Twelve

  What a terrible childhood he must have had, Jaelle thought as Krampasarian went to prepare the evening meal. Perhaps it was not surprising that he seemed so conflicted about giving and receiving pleasure.

  Was it foolish to think that they could come together, even for a short time?

  No, she decided. He could relax with the children and if he didn’t exactly relax around her, he was gentle and passionate enough to make up for it. While the three of them had been playing, she had taken a dose of the birth control medicine she had assembled that morning. She had no intention of trying to get him to do anything he was uncomfortable with, but if he wanted to take it further tonight, she was prepared. A pleasant shiver trickled down her spine and her nipples tightened. She saw him give them a hungry look when he returned with their dinner.

  After they ate, he showed all of them how to play a rather complicated board game. She and Cinna teamed up against Krampasarian and Whit. She suspected that he was cheating his team in order to let them win, and she was pretty sure that Whit realized as well, but the boy didn’t protest. He smiled happily when his sister declared the girls’ team the winner.

  After more stories and hugs and kisses, the children went off to bed. Krampasarian rejoined her after his nightly trip outside with Puppy. She was back in the window seat, Robin perched on her hand as she gently stroked his feathers. Of course now she knew they weren’t actually feathers, but they were remarkably realistic.

  “You have some amazing technology,” she told him.

  “We do.” He sat down next to her, his big body warm against her side, and gently lifted her legs into his lap. “But now I realize how much we paid for it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “All this.” He waved his hand around the room. The chairs were no longer in a neat formal arrangement, books and blankets were scattered around, and there was a suspicious stain underneath the table. “It would never have been allowed. My family home was always perfect, and I was expected to maintain that perfection.”

  “It sounds very cold.”

  “Perhaps.” He leaned his head back against the wall, the tips of his horns scraping softly against the metal. “I did not know what I was missing.”

  “So you were happy?”

  “I was not unhappy. I had achieved considerable success and I was in line to become Ambassador to Perchten. It is a very prestigious position.”

  “I see.” She had to swallow around the lump in her throat. For all her musing about his barren life, he appeared to have been successful and probably even content. “How did you end up here?”

  “First my navigation system, and then my engine, were damaged by a rival.” He put a big warm hand on her calf as he gave her a rueful grin. “We may not be as violent as we were in Moroz’s time, but our rivalries are just as intense. Nicholsarian and I have been butting horns since we were at the academy together.”

  “How long ago was that?”

  “I was younger than Whit when I entered.” He stroked her leg thoughtfully, his eyes looking off into the distance. “It was a very different life.”

  “But you can repair your ship?” She found herself holding her breath as she waited for his reply.

  “Oh yes. It is not a rapid process but it is quite feasible.”

  The lump appeared in her throat again. He had confirmed her suspicions. Their time together would be limited. And yet, was it really so different than an encounter she would have had in order to carry a child? At least this time, she would be doing it for no other reason than because she wanted to be with him.

  “I think it’s time for bed.” Her voice was shockingly low and husky, and his fingers tightened around her leg.

  “Do you wish me to accompany you?”

  “Oh yes.”

  He seemed to swoop at her, lifting her into his arms in one powerful movement. Robin squawked and fluttered away.

  “I think you scared him,” she said breathlessly.

  “He is not needed.” He lowered her onto the bed, then glanced at the door. “And tonight I am locking the door.”

  As she watched him, she remembered what Whit had said that morning. “Did you lock the ship as well?”

  “Of course.”

  “Could I unlock it if I wanted to?”

  “You wish to leave?”

  He looked so hurt that she gave him a reassuring smile. “Not at all, but the idea of not being able to get out makes me uncomfortable.”

  “Ah.” He went to his storage area and returned with a small flat device. “Put your hand here.”

  She obeyed and watched in fascination as the outline of her fingers appeared. He pressed a few buttons, then smiled at her. “Now you have complete access to my ship.”

  “I don’t need that,” she protested. “I only want to be able to open the door.”

  “Complete access,” he said firmly. “I have nothing to hide from you.”

  Her pulse increased and she lifted her hand to the fastening of the tunic she was wearing.
“In that case, I have nothing to hide from you.”

  His eyes heated as he watched the first sliver of bare skin appear, but he didn’t join her on the bed. She patted the spot next to her invitingly. “Sit down.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. We did spend last night together, remember?”

  He finally sat down next to her. “I know and I enjoyed it immensely. It is just… my people do not believe in becoming overly familiar.”

  “Not even when they’re attracted to someone?”

  “Especially not then. As I told you, our history has taught us that correct behavior helps to overcome our primitive instincts.”

  “You mean instincts like attacking a dire Wolf with your bare hands?”

  He ducked his head. “That is an accurate example.”

  “Then why did you do it?”

  “You were in danger and all I could think about was protecting you. I didn’t even stop to consider using my weapon.”

  “Why me?” she whispered.

  “Since the first moment I saw you, you have intrigued me. You are not like the other villagers.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because I have watched you.”

  Her fingers twisted in the bed covers. “I didn’t dream you, did I? It was you at my window that night.”

  “Yes. I wanted to talk to you but it was not the right time.”

  “What did you want to say?” Her voice had dropped to a low, sultry note that she barely recognized.

  “I wanted to tell you that I was attracted to you. That you were brave and intelligent and beautiful.”

  Unexpected tears filled her eyes. It wasn’t even the compliment as much as the fact that no one had looked at her so intently since her grandmother had died.

  “I did not mean to upset you.”

  “You didn’t upset me. Thank you for saying that.”

  “I speak only the truth.” He very carefully reached over and ran a finger down her cheek. “Is this permitted?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  His finger drifted down her neck, awakening the sensitive nerve endings, and lingered at the very top of her breast. “And this?”

  “Do your people allow such a touch?”

  His hand drifted even lower, to where a taut nipple pressed against the thin cloth, and she had to bite back a moan of pleasure as he gently circled the small bud.

  “No,” he said finally and it took her dazed mind a moment to realize that he was answering her question. The light glimmered on his horns as he continued. “Sexual pleasure leads to possessiveness and possessiveness leads to the emergence of all those instincts we have tried to suppress.”

  He wasn’t looking at her face any longer. Instead he was focused on where both his hands were manipulating her breasts, harder now, tugging at her nipples with a firm pressure that made her want to arch into his touch. He gave a hoarse groan, then she saw a quick flash of claw and a moment later the tunic fluttered open over her breasts.

  “So beautiful,” he muttered as his hands returned to her now naked flesh, his claws no longer in sight.

  Startled, she started to pull back, but then he made another lightning fast move and his mouth closed over one of her nipples, shockingly hot and wet. Had anything ever felt so good? Her body hummed with pleasure as he licked and tugged at the small bud with that amazingly agile tongue. Her hands went to his head and even she wasn’t sure whether she wanted to push him away or pull him closer, but when her fingers brushed across his horns, he growled. With another burst of speed he sliced open the rest of her tunic, then paused to look at her.

  Color rushed to her cheeks. She felt exposed, vulnerable, but also more excited than she had ever been in her life. She thought she had been prepared, that she had made a rational decision, but her careful plans were a far cry from actually lying naked beneath his hungry gaze. She could put an end to this, a small voice inside her insisted, but she didn’t want it to end. She wanted him looking at her so hungrily, she wanted the pleasure of his touch. She didn’t want to be alone any longer.

  The caution that had been ingrained in her since childhood vanished and she reached for him. “Kiss me,” she whispered.

  Fire danced his eyes as he started to lower his head, but then he hesitated.

  “You must tell me if I do something you do not like. I have no experience with this.”

  “Neither do I,” she admitted. “But we will find out together.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Krampasarian stared down at his female in shock, even as a completely unexpected primal feeling of satisfaction roared through him. “You have never experienced the pleasures of the flesh before?”

  “No.” Her cheeks flushed under his scrutiny and she started to pull the sides of her tunic together again. “Remember that I have spent most of my time around other people disguised as an old woman.”

  “Your disguise did not stop me from wanting you,” he admitted. “As soon as I saw your eyes, I was fascinated.”

  “Oh.” Her face relaxed and she gave him a teasing grin. “You mean you’re not interested in my more… youthful parts?”

  “I am interested in every part of you.” He stroked his thumb across her damp nipple, watching it furl into a tight bud at his touch. “But you asked for a kiss.”

  “Yes, please,” she whispered.

  He bent his head and obeyed. Her mouth was as intoxicating, as delicious, as he remembered, and he could have lingered there for hours, days, but her body moved restlessly against him and his cock ached with need.

  Remembering the previous night, he slid his hand between her legs and she immediately arched into his touch. He played with the small pearl until he felt her climax but this time, he managed to control his own reaction. He raised his head so he could watch her face as he traveled lower, to the small entrance to her sex.

  Her eyes opened as he touched her there, gradually pressing his finger inside the heated clasp of her body. By the Horns! He had never experienced anything so tight and wet and enticing.

  “This gives you pleasure?” he asked as she bit her lip.

  “Oh yes. It’s just...different.” Her channel tightened around his finger, then softened as she smiled up at him. “Don’t stop.”

  He obeyed, sliding deeper into the silken fist of her body as his cock throbbed impatiently. He reached down and freed his aching erection, already so sensitive that even the brush of the sheets had him on the verge of exploding.

  “Are you ready?” he growled, urgency overcoming his determination to let her lead the way.

  Her teeth fastened on her lip again but she nodded. He could wait no longer. He notched his cock at that tiny opening, the damp kiss of her flesh almost shattering what was left of his control. His hips thrust forward involuntarily. For the briefest instant her body resisted, and then she opened to him and hot, silky flesh surrounded him. She gasped and he tore his eyes away from the erotic picture of their bodies coming together to find her watching him, her eyes wide with shocked pleasure.

  The sight was too much for him. A climax roared through him so quickly that his vision actually darkened. A Tandroki warrior, the victor of a hundred battles, brought to his knees by the touch of this female. Perhaps he should have been ashamed but the knowledge that he had planted his seed inside her, that he had claimed her, filled him with immense satisfaction.

  As his senses returned, he felt her hands stroking his shoulders and looked up to find her smiling at him.

  “I did not know,” he gasped.

  “Neither did I. But we aren’t finished yet.”

  The head of his cock was still lodged inside her and as she spoke, she lifted her hips. He slid deeper, the silken fist of her sex enclosing more of him. His cock returned to full, aching life.


  “Oh yes.” She arched again and he growled and took over.

  Her body was still tight, resisting his advances, but the remnants of his seed helped
to ease the way, and he worked his way deep inside the small passage until he was buried completely. Instinct urged him to move, to thrust, but she was biting her lip again.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Just full, so full.”

  Her channel fluttered as her body tried to adjust, and he remembered the way it softened with her climax. He found the pearl of her pleasure, completely exposed to his touch by the pressure of his body inside hers, and gave it a gentle stroke. A quiver ran through her and he stroked again. She gave a wild cry and convulsed around him, milking his cock in long, rolling waves.

  His restraint vanished. He thrust wildly, lost to everything but the need to fill her, to claim her again and again, to show her that she belonged to him. Her soft cries urged him on as her hands came up to grip his horns, the added stimulation only increasing his urgency. His body tightened as fire licked down his spine, and then he was exploding again, his seed leaving him in wave after wave of heated pleasure until he was limp and drained.

  He collapsed to the bed, pulling her tighter against him, unwilling to allow any space between their bodies. He had just violated every principle that he’d been taught but he had absolutely no regrets. How was he ever going to let her go?

  She pushed lightly at his shoulders, and he very reluctantly slipped free of her body. When he raised his head, he realized that her eyes glittered with unshed tears.

  “What is wrong?”

  “Nothing. That was amazing. I just don’t know…”

  “Know what?” His heart thudded against his chest. Did she feel the same way?

  “I… Nothing.” She blinked and gave him a watery smile. “I suppose everyone is emotional after their first time.”

  Was that the reason he felt this way? No. There was much more between them than sharing a new experience. But if she didn’t feel the same…

  His heart aching, he rose to his feet.

  “I will cleanse you.”

  Jaelle bit back a protest as Krampasarian stood. She didn’t want him to leave her; she wanted to stay wrapped in his arms. Her emotional response to their lovemaking had taken her by surprise - yet another thing for which she had not been prepared. How could anyone else ever compare to him?


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