Naughty Wishes (Naughty Shorts Book 2)

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Naughty Wishes (Naughty Shorts Book 2) Page 3

by Sarah Castille

  “So, does this make you happy?” I gesture vaguely around the living room, taking in everything from the family pictures, to the afghan my mother made for our wedding, and from Rusty dozing on the couch, to the veggies neatly arranged on our wedding china. “I mean, you could be at the local bar picking up any of the single girls who I hear have been panting after you since you arrived.”

  Aiden laughs. “I like to try to new things, have new experiences. I’m pretty much up for anything. And I’ve been with lots of couples before. I like the dynamic.” He leans forward, his elbows on his knees, his beautiful blue eyes fixed on me. “I’m just here to have fun. You want to have some fun, Kylie?”

  All the air leaves my lungs in a rush, but just as I am about to blurt out something stupid, the door opens and Dan calls out, “Hello.”

  Aiden gives a little shrug, like he’s disappointed Dan’s here, and for the briefest of moments, so am I.

  “Sorry I’m late.” Dan crosses the room and presses a kiss to my cheek before shaking hands with Aiden. He’s still in his suit and tie, his dark hair perfectly in place, a marked contrast to casual, laidback Aiden.

  “Who wants another drink?”

  “Me.” I cringe inwardly at my over exuberant voice, but there is no way I’m going to get through this sober.

  Dan looks over his shoulder and grins. “Gin and tonic? You want a double, sweetheart?”

  “Two doubles. Maybe just give me the bottle. Or better yet a drip feed.”

  Dan pours the drinks and joins us in the living room. We chat about the town, Aiden’s decision to make a clean break after his divorce, the state of the nation’s teeth, and home renovations. Dan removes his jacket and tie. I have several drinks. We eat all the snacks. On the surface, it all seems very normal, and yet at the back of my mind I keep wondering: When is it going to happen? How is it going to happen? Why am I the only person in the room who isn’t relaxed?

  “Well,” Dan says after about thirty minutes of friendly talk. “Should we go upstairs?”

  “I’ll grab my bag.” Aiden takes his glass and the now-empty plate of veggies to the kitchen and picks up his duffle bag.

  Dan holds out his hand. “Come on, sweetheart.”

  “I can’t move,” I say. “I think I’m frozen to the seat. You go on without me. I might just catch up on Game of Thrones.”

  “She’s very tense,” Aiden says, coming up behind me. He drops his bag and puts his hands on my shoulders. “Relax, Kylie. We’re just going to have a good time.” He kneads my muscles with warm, firm hands. And, oh God, it feels so good. I look up at Dan to make sure he’s okay with this and he nods.

  “Good idea,” he says. “Kylie has trouble relaxing.”

  I do have trouble relaxing, and Aiden has magical hands, so I roll with it.

  Aiden massages my shoulders and my neck. Then his hands move down my arms. I try not to think about the fact my arms are fleshy, not toned. Or that my body is soft and not hard and fit like Mimi’s. Or why he would rather spend his evening with us than with one of the hordes of singles desperate to get into his pants.

  My tension eases and I sink into the loveseat.

  “Good girl,” Aiden murmurs. And although he’s about the same age as Dan, and I’m not really a girl, his words make my blood hot and my insides quiver. Not because Aiden said them, but because it’s how Dan used to talk to me, and nothing ever aroused me more than his dirty talking.

  Dan perches on the arm of the couch and drums his thumb on his thigh. If this was any other time and any other place, I would say he was agitated, but he’s the one who arranged this evening, so maybe he’s just impatient to get started.

  Aiden sweeps my hair to the side and softly kisses my neck. “I was with a couple one time and the woman got so stressed she passed out in the kitchen,” he says. “We had to find something to relax her before we could begin.”

  “What was it?” I look back over my shoulder, and he gives me a warm smile.

  “Cat videos.”

  Laughter bubbles in my chest. “You won’t have to go to those extremes with me. I’m not the fainting type.”

  “No, you’re not.” He rounds the loveseat and offers a hand to help me stand. “You’re very grounded, Kylie. Very self-assured. Very beautiful. Very real. To be honest, you make me nervous.”

  “I make you nervous?”

  My gaze flicks to Dan to check if there’s some joke that I’m missing. How could I possibly make a sex god nervous? But Dan isn’t laughing. In fact, he’s looking curiously unsettled.

  “Yeah, you do.” He looks over at Dan. “Is kissing okay?”

  Dan’s corded throat tightens when he swallows. “Sure.” His voice thickens. “If Kylie’s good with it.”

  I lick my lips, imagine kissing Aiden’s perfect mouth.

  Oh God. I forgot to brush my teeth.

  “Some couples draw the line at kissing.” Aiden steps closer, nuzzles my neck. “Some at sex. Some at anal, although then we can’t do any double penetration.”

  Double? Penetration?

  I gag on my tongue.

  “Do you want to discuss limits in advance?” Aiden asks. “Or just as we go along?”

  Since Dan is being uncharacteristically quiet, and I am now feeling more relaxed after my gin, massage, and nuzzle, I step in. “If we start talking about it in detail, you’ll need more than cat videos to get me off the floor.”

  Aiden laughs and cups my jaw. “You on the floor I wouldn’t mind, but I do like my partners conscious.” He leans in and kisses me lightly. His lips are warm and firm, and he smells strongly of cologne. Unfamiliar.

  Hesitantly, I trace my tongue over his lips. His mouth opens, and he lets me explore, taste the faint traces of gin and avocado dip on his tongue. With a soft groan, he slides his hand around my neck and draws me closer. When I am pressed tight against his deliciously hard body, he kisses me again, deeper this time, his tongue tangling with mine. Exploring.

  Heat floods my veins. I haven’t kissed another man since my first kiss with Dan over fifteen years ago. And although he wants this, it feels wrong without my husband. Aiden must sense this too, because he motions Dan over.

  “Come over, Dan. You stand behind Kylie, and we can tag team.” His relaxed demeanor, and his ability to joke around in what could be an incredibly awkward situation, do much to ease my tension, especially when I catch sight of Dan’s rigid jaw.

  “You okay?” I ask as he joins us.

  “Yes. Of course.” He slides his arms around my waist and drops his head to my shoulder, drawing in a shuddering breath as he pulls me toward him and away from Aiden. Possessive. In a way he hasn’t been in years. But his touch feels right, like coming home.

  Dan brushes his lips over my ear. “Do you like kissing him?”

  Although I suspect he doesn’t want to hear the truth, I will not lie to Dan. We may have drifted apart, but I have always been honest with him. “Yes.”

  His arms tighten around me, and he hisses out a soft breath. Before I can say anything, he cups my jaw in his firm grip and forces my head back. Pulling me against him, he leans down and kisses me long and hard, like he’s trying to erase Aiden’s kiss from my lips, marking me.

  Heat sears through my body in a massive wave. I don’t know this dominant, possessive man kissing me.

  Or maybe I do.

  Chapter Four

  “Let’s go upstairs where we can be more comfortable.” Dan releases me and turns for the stairs.

  Aiden gives me a last, lingering kiss before he picks up his bag, and we follow Dan to our second floor bedroom.

  I try not to think about what’s going to happen when we step through the bedroom door. But with my panties wet and my nipples aching, it’s hard not to be just a little curious about what’s to come.

  “Well . . . here we are,” Dan says, his voice unnaturally strained.

  But I’m not looking at Dan because Aiden is pulling off his T-shirt and his body is definitely
something not to be missed. His tanned, toned muscles are so defined he looks shrink-wrapped. My gaze drifts from his broad shoulders to the taut pecs, and over his chiseled abs to the long cuts in his hipbones that point directly at the bulge in his jeans. Alexis is right. No woman could be unaffected by a body like that.

  “A lot of first-timers prefer to be blindfolded.” Aiden reaches into his duffle bag and pulls out a length of black cloth. “You’ll feel less self-conscious, and you can focus more on sensation. But it’s entirely up to you. It’s a trust issue. I’m just as happy looking into those beautiful green eyes.”

  Trust. Do I trust Aiden? Not really. But I do trust Dan. We may have been caught up in the minutia of our lives, but I know in my heart he would never let anyone hurt me.

  And wouldn’t it be wonderful to be freed from worrying about where people are looking and what they are thinking and trying to catch glances of myself in the mirror and then wishing I hadn’t?

  “As long as Dan’s here, I’ll give it a try,” I say.

  I turn around so Aiden can tie the scarf around my head. The last thing I see before my eyes close is Dan’s taut and unsettled face.

  “Dan.” I reach for the blindfold, but Dan stops me before I can rip it off. He wraps his arms around me, trapping my hands by my sides.

  “It’s okay, Kylie.”

  My heart is thudding so loud I can barely hear his words. “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea.”

  I hear the creak of the floor, the rustle of the bag, the crinkle of plastic, the slide of a zipper. Panic seizes me, and all the air leaves my lungs in a rush.

  “Oh, sweetheart. I can feel your heart pound. Breathe for me.” Dan’s lips whisper over my hair, and he hugs me tight until I relax.

  “I can’t do this,” I say.

  “Are you sure? It’s only if you want. I can ask him to go.”

  I rest my head against his chest. “A long time ago, you said you didn’t share.”

  “I also said I would do anything for you,” he murmurs. “Grant you any wish. Make your fantasies come true. Although I didn’t think it would be so hard. After seeing him with you downstairs, I’m going to have to make a few rules.”

  “What rules?”

  “Your orgasms belong to me.” He slides his hands under my T-shirt and pushes it partway up. I gasp as cool air brushes over my heated skin, and then I feel Aiden’s warm hands on my back, undoing the clasp on my bra.

  Aiden strokes my cheek and I shiver, every muscle stretched taut in anticipation, every sense heightened, my pulse pounding in my ears. What is he going to think when he sees beneath my clothes? What if decides to walk away and find a young hard-bodied Mimi to spend his night with? How humiliating would that be?

  “Anything you feel, is because I made you feel that way,” Dan murmurs as he eases my shirt over my breasts. “Any touch, any kiss, is because I want it to happen. And nothing happens without your consent. You say stop, it stops. You say go, he goes. In the end, this is about me giving you what you want, and you getting off on it.”

  Curiously, I feel more relaxed with Dan in control. Even though we’ve drifted apart, deep inside I know he would never let anyone hurt me. I take a deep breath and lean my forehead against his strong chest. “Okay. I can do this.”

  Aiden glides his hands up my body, lifting my arms as Dan removes my shirt. My hair swings down over my bare back in a soft, gentle caress, and Aiden presses a kiss to my shoulder. “Lovely.”

  “She is, isn’t she?” Dan slides my bra down my arms and off, leaving me exposed. I grit my teeth, fighting against the urge to cross my arms and hide.

  “Turn around, sweetheart. Let Aiden see you.”

  My cheeks flame, and I shake my head, bury my face in Dan’s cool, cotton shirt.

  “Turn, Kylie.”

  Damn him and that dark, rich commanding tone he used only when we were having the kind of sex that left bruises on my thighs and my body sore and aching in the most delicious way. A voice I haven’t heard in years. A voice I know better than to disobey.

  It is his voice, and the firm press of his hands on my shoulders, that send a rush of heat to my pussy. Not the gorgeous man standing behind me. Not the deliciously illicit thrill of having my fantasy come to life. Dan is who I missed. Who I craved. Who I lost.

  Licking my lips, I turn, grateful for the blindfold so I don’t have to see Aiden’s reaction to my partially unclothed body.

  “You have beautiful breasts, Kylie.” Aiden cups my breasts in his warm hands, kneading them gently. Then he circles my left nipple with his fingers and rolls it into a peak. He increases the pressure until my lower half turns molten, then moves to torture my other breast. “I could play with them all night.”

  My fists clench by my sides, and a delicious shudder runs through me as he finds my lips again. Slowly, gently he sucks my tongue into his mouth until an ache burns through my body and my knees tremble.

  But Dan is there to catch me, his body hot and hard against my back, his hands tight on my hips.

  “You okay there, green eyes?” I can almost hear Aiden’s grin, and I manage a smile. He knows exactly what he’s doing, how to touch and where, slowly ramping up the intensity, tearing away my inhibitions. And yet, my body doesn’t respond to him the way it does to Dan. His touch warms me, but Dan sets me on fire.

  “I think so.”

  “You can touch me too.” Aiden uncurls my clenched hands, as if he knows what I’m thinking. “Or would you rather punch me?”

  “Touch,” I whisper, raising my hands to his shoulders.

  He is shorter than Dan, not as broad. His muscles bunch beneath my palms, smooth and hard and fitting with his lighter frame. He smells of body wash and cologne, fresh and clean. Such a contrast to a dirty girl like me.

  His mouth travels along my jaw and down my neck. “So sexy,” he whispers. “It was hard to keep my hands off you when we were waiting for Dan.”

  “My sexy.” Dan kisses my nape. His hands settle on my hips, and he pulls me against him. He is wearing only his boxers now, but there is no mistaking the steel of his shaft pressing into the cleft of my buttocks.

  Aiden moves in closer, pushing his hips against me. His erection, hard beneath his jeans, presses into my belly, and he smooths his hands up and down my arms, leaving goose bumps in their wake. “All warmed up now? Are you wet for us, Kylie? Should I check?”

  My cheeks burn.

  Aiden laughs. “I love it when she blushes.”

  “You should have seen her when we were first married and I spanked her ass,” Dan says. “My girl enjoyed being punished.”

  “I would have liked to see that.”

  “Undress our guest, sweetheart,” Dan says. “I’m guessing he’s getting hot with you in his arms.” His warmth disappears from my back, and I hear the scrape of a chair. Blindly I reach for Aiden. His chest is smooth and not furred like Dan’s, cool to touch. I lean in and press my lips to his pec.

  “Ah, sweetness.” Aiden brushes his fingers through my hair, tugging my head back. “You have lovely soft lips. I need another taste.” He thrusts his tongue into my mouth, and my hands tighten on his shoulders as I try to keep my balance

  “I’ve changed my mind about that,” Dan says from behind us. “Her mouth is mine.”

  Aiden tenses ever so slightly, and then he pulls away. “Of course.”

  “On your knees, Kylie.” Dan’s voice is louder now, but I can’t tell if it’s because he’s closer or if he raised his voice. “Take off his clothes.”

  I drop to my knees and tug on Aiden’s belt, then push his clothes over his narrow hips and down his legs. He feels leaner than Dan, his legs more muscular and less hairy.

  “May I touch him?” Dan wants to be in control, and I have a feeling he needs me to ask.



  He draws in a ragged breath. “Yes.”

  I wrap my fist around Aidan’s cock and slide my fingers up and down his hardene
d length. He is hot and heavy in my hand, his shaft thinner than Dan’s and yet no less substantial. I squeeze harder and lean in to take a little taste.

  “Not yet.” Aiden gently removes my hand and then pulls me to my feet. “Otherwise this will be over before it begins.”

  Dan laughs. “That was me the first time I was with her. She was the sexiest woman I’d ever been with. Still is.”

  I like the way they talk about me, as if I’m here but not here, like I’m privy to their secrets.

  “Your turn to undress her,” Dan says. “It’s not fair that she’s the only one wearing clothes.”

  Whether it’s his tone or the way Aiden’s muscles tighten, I sense something has changed, the dynamic of the room shifting. Where only half an hour ago, Aiden was in control, Dan is now pushing back in a way that has clearly put Aiden on edge.

  “Hold on to my hair, green eyes.” Aiden guides my hands to his head, and I stroke my fingers through his thick, soft hair.


  “Because this is the hard part.” He gently eases my yoga pants and panties over my hips and down my thighs. A tremor runs through my body as I imagine what he sees, what I never look at in the mirror, what I always try to hide. My fingers tighten in his hair, but if I am hurting him, he doesn’t let on. Instead, he guides my feet, helping me step out of my clothing until I am totally naked, more exposed than I’ve ever felt in my life.

  And then Dan is back, his arms around me, his familiar body supporting mine.

  “Suck her nipples,” Dan says. “She’s very sensitive.”

  “Pleasure.” Aiden’s lips, warm and wet, close around my nipple and a delicious shiver runs up my spine. He nips the aching peak and pleasure sizzles straight to my clit. I moan, the sound shocking me. How can I be so aroused when I barely know this man?

  “She would look lovely in clamps,” Aiden murmurs, his lips vibrating on my breast.

  “Yeah, she would. I still owe her a birthday present.”


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