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Welch, D [Shadow People 03] Shadow Twins

Page 23

by Doug Welch

  * * *

  Kitty paused at the door of the Air France jet as the long line of passengers navigated the rolling stairway. The bright sun blinded her so she slipped her sun glasses on and took her first view of Corsica. Her first impression was that it looked a lot like California but definitely not as crowded. She could see palm trees and other low plants typical of semi-arid regions. Looking toward the interior, mountains rose to the sky, some of them snowcapped.

  Yep, California all right.

  The passengers started moving and she followed the crowd to the terminal. Checking in at customs she presented her FBI identification and retrieved her weapon and clip-on holster. She’d been irritated they hadn’t let her carry on the plane, but it made sense. Firing a weapon in a pressurized jet was suicide.

  Retrieving her luggage from customs she turned to leave but immediately collided with someone’s chest.

  She recognized the chest as belonging to a male and muttered “Pardon me.”

  Looking up at her opponent she gasped. “Rodger! What the hell are you doing here?”

  His hair looked a little blonder but it was still cut short and his incredible blue eyes gleamed as he looked at her. Regardless of how happy to see him she was, his eager grin irritated her. “Damn it! Can’t I go anywhere without you following me?”

  Rodger’s smile dimmed. “I thought you’d be glad to see me.”

  Yes she thought, but anywhere other than Corsica. The delight that had lit his face vanished and she felt guilty. “Scratch what I said. You surprised me. I’m sorry I yelled at you.”

  “I’ve learned to expect it,” Rodger said. “You wouldn’t be Kitty if you weren’t wild and untamable.”

  Kitty sighed, feeling a flush in her middle regions. “Since you’re here, you can carry my bags.” She grinned at him. “If I’m destined to have a partner he may as well be useful.”

  Having Rodger greet her in Corsica complicated matters. He’d expect her to at least acknowledge his presence, but how could she break multiple laws and keep him ignorant of her intensions? As they walked through the terminal Kitty asked, “Where’re you staying?”

  Rodger shrugged. “A local hotel, how about you?”

  They’d reached the glass doors at the front of the terminal. Kitty grabbed a handle and opened one. Continuing the conversation, she replied, “Paris rented a villa. Let’s grab a taxi and you can come with me.”

  Finding a taxi, she got in with Rodger and offered a slip of paper to the cab driver. “Take me here,” she said.

  “I no read English,” the driver replied with a thick accent.

  Frustrated, Kitty was about to seek an English speaking driver when Rodger intervened. Retrieving the note, he read it, and spoke to the driver. “L'adresse est route Punta Di l' Oro nombre 28. C'est le long de l'itinéraire N198. Nous y amènent, veuillez.” The diver nodded and started the taxi.

  Impressed, Kitty whispered in Rodger’s ear. “What did you tell him?”

  “I just told him to take us to the address,” Rodger replied.

  “I didn’t know you spoke French,” she said.

  Rodger grinned. “It’s just one of my many secrets. I also speak Italian, Spanish and a little German. It’s handy when you’re traveling.”

  Kitty snuggled next to him as she caught glimpses of the sea alongside the road. The signs read N198 and the route hugged the coast. A few miles south of Solenzara the driver turned left toward the seashore and wound through a group of houses, finally stopping at one of them. He waved toward the house. “Il s'agit de Punta Di l' Oro nombre 28.”

  “Merci à vous,” Rodger said. “Veuillez patienter. Je peux être retourner à Solenzara.”

  “What did you say to him?” Kitty asked.

  “I told him to wait because one of us might be going back to the town,” Rodger replied.

  Carrying her bags to the villa, Rodger stopped to admire the view. “Golden Point,” he said. “It certainly lives up to the title.”

  “What?” Kitty said.

  Rodger waved to the house. “That’s what the address read,” he said. “Number 28 Golden Point.”

  Kitty followed his gaze. The house stood on a rocky point and looked out at the sea. The waters were crystal clear. Amidst the submerged rocks abundant sea plants flowed back and forth with the waves. Toward the side of the house, through some trees and underbrush, she could see a little stretch of sand beach below.

  “Perfect place for a honeymoon,” Rodger said.

  Kitty ignored him. He’d been putting in these little digs ever since he asked her to marry him. Her chief concern was how she could avoid compromising him. After all, she planned to violate almost every FBI rule in the book. If she brought Rodger in on their plans he’d either try to dissuade her or insist on joining her. It could mean the end of two careers rather than one.

  “Let’s go see if Paris is here,” she said.

  Climbing the stairs leading to the front door they were met by Paris and a male servant who took their bags. Upon seeing Rodger, Paris hid a quick look of surprise.

  Moving to Kitty he hugged her. “Glad you could make it Sis. Beautiful place, isn’t it?” He turned to Rodger and extended his hand. “Agent Pell. I haven’t seen you since Las Vegas.”

  Rodger shook his hand and released it. “I was just explaining to Kitty what this place’s name meant. It’s really picturesque.”

  Kitty noticed Paris war with a couple of expressions. She almost reached out to him with her mind-glow but he preempted her. “Why don’t you stay here, Rodger? We have room. It’s certainly nicer than the hotels in Solenzara.”

  Kitty had expected Paris to shoo Rodger off and his offer surprised her. Biting her lip to prevent her mouth from overloading her brain, she said, “Yes, Rodger bring your stuff here.” She cast a covert glare at Paris. With a mischievous smile, she added, “In fact you can bunk in my room.”

  As they entered the house, she leaned over to Paris and whispered furiously, “What the hell was that, Paris. I was trying to avoid involving him.”

  “I’ll explain later,” he whispered back.

  Rodger paused at the house’s entrance. “That’s a generous offer, Paris, but I wouldn’t want to intrude on a family reunion.”

  “It’s not an intrusion, you’re welcome here. Will you need transportation back to your hotel?” Paris asked.

  Rodger glanced back as if to reassure himself the taxi still idled in the driveway. “No, I told the driver to wait.”

  “Go back and pack your bags,” Paris said. “When you’re ready, call Kitty’s cell phone. I’ve hired an on-call car and driver. He’ll pick you up from the hotel and drive you back here.”

  To Kitty, Rodger looked relieved. With a wave of his hand he skipped several of the stairs and jumped into the taxi. She watched as it drove off. When she was sure the car was out of hearing, she said, “Okay, Paris you’ve got some explaining to do. Why’d you ask him to stay? I deliberately kept him out of this. I can’t imagine how he found out where I was going.”

  “If he was staying at the hotel he’d be a constant distraction to you just when I need you focused,” Paris said. “If he’s here, I can counter any suspicion that our plans might arouse.” His expression softened. “But there’s another reason, Kitty. I think you need him to keep yourself grounded. I know he’s more to you than just a coworker. His presence here may lead to something good...good for you.”

  Kitty swallowed, relieving a tight throat. “I see my blabbermouth sisters have been gossiping again.”

  “No,” Paris said. “My non-gossiping wife told me. She said he’d asked you to marry him.”

  Kitty turned away from him and looked out over the sea. “You know the reason I can’t accept that, Paris, he’s a Normal. He’d never understand. It doesn’t matter how I feel about him. It could never work out.”

  “Why don’t you give him a chance, Kitty?” Paris said. “Lay it all out to him and let him decide.”

h, and then what?” Kitty said. “What if he gets panicky? What should I do? Wipe his brain? Alter his memories? I couldn’t do that, Paris, not to Rodger.”

  “If it comes to that, Kitty, I’ll do it.” Paris said.

  She grew angry. “No! If I never have to tell him, he and I can go on just as we are. If I allow you to do it, Paris, he might forget he ever loved me. I can’t risk the little that I have. Not like that.”

  Paris sighed. “I understand, but you’ll have to tell him something. The time table’s too tight and we need to start laying out the plan to everyone involved. Since he’s an experienced FBI Agent, he can be an asset. That is, if you can convince him to help. Otherwise...” He shrugged and sighed again. “Look. Come on in and get settled. I need to introduce you to Ali and you can think about it.”

  * * *

  Paris heard the sound of a car in the driveway and rose from the couch. Looking at Ali and Kitty who sat in the plush chairs opposite him, he said, “It’s probably Rodger. I’ll go help him with his bags.”

  He left the common room and opened the front door. The hired car seemed to contain more than one occupant and he wondered who had accompanied Rodger to the villa. His curiosity was unpleasantly satisfied when Caesar, Alex, Audrey and Elizabeth got out of the car.

  Angry, he stormed down the steps. About to demand an explanation, he stopped when Rodger got out and stood beside them.

  Biting back his words, Paris forced a smile and greeted them. Embracing Elizabeth he whispered in her ear. “You’d better have a damned good excuse.”

  “We don’t need one,” she whispered back. “We’re here to help you. Besides, what’s a Family reunion without Family? It’s good cover.”

  Leaning back Paris glared at Caesar and Alex. “Who’s watching the babies?”

  Alex laughed. “Are you kidding? Cecil’s their godfather. He acts like he gave birth to them. Relax, they’re in good hands. Besides our security’s swarming the farm.”

  “Well, who’s minding the store?” Paris asked.

  “Dan and June,” Caesar replied. “They usually run things anyway.”

  He glowered at Audrey. “You were supposed to start school.”

  Audrey shrugged, “So I’ll be late. Professor Bowles said he’d help me. What red-blooded American girl could miss a Mediterranean vacation?”

  Paris surrendered for the moment. After they piled the luggage in the front entrance, he made quick decisions, directing the servants to take the bags to certain rooms.

  Everyone rearranged the furnishings in the common room to make a grouping and sat down.

  Ali, who’d been viewing the proceedings without comment, finally voiced his opinion. “God be praised, I was told this, but to see it with my own eyes...” His glance darted to Alex, Audrey, Kitty and Paris. “It is a miracle from God. I cannot believe you all did not originate from one womb.”

  An uncomfortable silence settled over the group.

  Rodger followed Ali’s scrutiny. A look of wonder settled in. “He’s right, you know, except for the hair color you all look remarkably alike.”

  Kitty interrupted him. She glanced towards the front door. “Why don’t we take a walk down by the shore and let them talk privately?”

  Distracted, Rodger jerked his head to focus on her. “Now, Rodger,” Kitty said.

  As soon as Kitty and Rodger left, Paris exploded. “What part of ‘no this is too dangerous’ didn’t you people understand? It’s enough to risk Kitty and me, but I’ll be damned if I’ll allow the four of you to come into harm’s way.”

  Elizabeth weathered the storm without expression. After he’d run out of words, she responded, “Are you completely finished? If you aren’t, I can wait.”

  “No, not yet,” he replied, “but I can hold my peace until you’ve offered your lame excuses.”

  “They’re far from lame, Paris,” Elizabeth said. “You said there would be weapons involved and people might be hurt. If so, you need a medic, someone who can treat emergency cases without asking questions. Who’s better than me at that?”

  “You haven’t been able to control me the whole time we’ve lived together, although you’ve tried,” Alex added. “What makes you think you can do it now? I’m not about to stay at home like a dutiful Spartan housefrau and wait until my husband comes home with his shield or on it. I’m backing Beth, so live with it.”

  “She’s right, Paris,” Caesar said. “You need all the help you can get. I can handle almost any weapon and I’m handy in a fight. Besides, you’re an ex-Ranger and I’m an ex-Navy Seal. Seals go first, always have and always will.”

  Paris almost laughed at that, but he sobered and turned his attention to Audrey. “What about you? What half-assed excuse do you have?”

  “I’m nearly as good an Adept as you and Kitty,” Audrey said. “Plus, I’m likely the only one who can link with my baby and locate her. You need me. If you come up against that scum Gerardo, I can help.”

  Paris had reservations about that but he didn’t voice them. Instead, rather than confront the others, he directed his ire to Audrey. “What about your parents? What do I tell them if you’re brought home injured or dead?”

  “You may not know it,” Audrey replied, “but I passed my twenty-first birthday two years ago. No one can tell me how to live my life and that includes you. If you don’t take me with you, I’ll find a way to tag along. Either way, I’m going and you can’t stop me.”

  * * *

  Kitty sat on a rock that jutted out over the sea water. She watched the tide wash the shore and marveled at the little critters that were left behind in the tide pools, wondering how they survived, fish out of water.

  Turning to Rodger, she patted a nearby rock and said, “Sit, I need to talk to you.”

  Sitting on the offered space, he said, “So talk.”

  “I don’t know how to begin this,” Kitty said, “so I’ll just pose a question.”

  “Fire away,” Rodger said.

  “You noticed Ali’s reaction when he saw the group of us together, didn’t you?”

  “The Arab?” Rodger said. “Yeah, I noticed.”

  Annoyed at his tone of voice, she said, “First, Rodger, he’s not an Arab and he’s not a terrorist. He’s an ex-Soviet KGB agent and he lives in Azerbaijan and that’s all I’m saying on the subject.”

  “Well, what’s he doing here?”

  “He’s volunteered to help us, and I might add it’s more help than you’re being right at this moment.”

  Rodger sighed. “Okay I’ll hold off the judgment calls and try to be more open minded. –Help you in what way?”

  Kitty didn’t answer his question. “How did you know I was coming to Corsica?”

  “I’m your supervising agent, Kitty, I’m informed of all your actions and that includes traveling to a foreign country. By the way, how did you mange it? Giving a probie leave and allowing her to fly out of the States is unheard of.”

  “Paris pulled some strings,” she lied. “But that’s unimportant. What’s more important is your reaction to Ali’s comment.”

  “I don’t know,” he replied. “We all noticed your resemblance to Paris and Alex in Las Vegas but somehow it seemed to slide. We did have more issues to contend with than that, you know.”

  Kitty nodded. “What if I were to tell you that our similar appearance is more than a freak of nature? That some group caused it? That we are all nearly genetic twins.”

  “I’d say you should stop smoking dope,” he replied. “That is if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.”

  Kitty pointed east. “Over there, in Italy, are the people who are behind it. They used us in a genetic experiment. How or why, we don’t know and it isn’t important right now. But they’ve gone too far. They tried to abduct Elizabeth’s baby and they kidnapped Audrey’s daughter. We’re here in Corsica to get Audrey’s baby back.”

  Rodger shrugged “Kidnapping’s an FBI matter. Why not let the State Department and the Bureau handle it? T
hat’s what the Government’s for.”

  “Are you kidding? By the time all the diplomacy and bureaucratic wrangling is over Audrey’s baby would be a grown woman. No, it’s up to us. Trust me Rodger, these people are bad, more evil than you can imagine. And we’re gonna take them down so hard that they’ll never bother us again.”

  “Who’s this group, the mafia?” he asked.

  “No. They’re a fabulously wealthy group of shadowy people who are engaged in proscribed biological experiments on humans. The Bureau doesn’t know anything about them.”

  “I doubt that,” he replied. “The FBI keeps tabs on every terrorist organization on the planet.”

  “Not them. They’re not terrorists, but they could be.” Kitty sighed. “This is getting us nowhere. The question is, are you with us? I need to know, because if you’re not, you can fly back to the States right now and you won’t be an accessory after the fact. You’ll be clean of me and any involvement.”

  “That’s not true. You’ve told me of your criminal intent. By law, if I ignore it now I’m as guilty as you are.”

  Kitty had a sick feeling in her gut. If she did what she knew she’d have to do, she’d never get over it. It would haunt her for the remainder of her life.

  Rodger laughed. “I always knew that getting hooked up with you would be an adventure. I just never imagined I’d be risking my career in the bargain. Okay I’m in. Maybe I can find a job at a convenience store. That is, if we’re not both in thrown in jail. Now what’s this group you’re so intent on, as you put it, ‘taking down hard’?”

  Chapter 31

  Assault Planning

  “The Borgias, Paris?” Rodger asked. “Do you know how positively medieval that sounds? Hell, I know they have a historical reputation, but the idea that the family remained intact over centuries is ludicrous. It might make good television, but you can’t convince me that they’re a geopolitical force that can move governments.”

  Rodger had been arguing the point ever since returning with Kitty. Paris needed to defuse the issue in a way that didn’t arouse more questions. Questions he wasn’t about to answer.


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