Bright Star

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Bright Star Page 17

by E G Manetti

  “Mistress Daphne is a Blooded Dagger financial accounting associate,” Trevelyan responds. Not for the first the time, he finds the fallen warrior intriguing. Many who hold warrior status lack her sense of honor. Fewer yet own an instinct for Universal Balance. For all Lucius Mercio’s renowned prescience, Trevelyan is certain that His Preeminence has gathered something extraordinary into his shadow.

  10. Formation Plans

  Once the Five Warriors ratified the Code of Engagement and its governing protocols, they established periodic ‘judgment councils’ to settle disputes and promote their ambitions without the armed conflict that could open the gateway to another Anarchy. As the Three Systems extended into the Twelve Systems, governance became more complex. The judgment councils were expanded to include warriors from the three pillars of Order: commerce, civil, and spiritual. Eventually, these councils became the modern Governing Council, in which the combined commitment of the cartels, the system governors, and the shrines upholds the Order of the Five Warriors and protects the Twelve Systems from the reemergence of anarchy.

  For the past four centuries, the Matahorn Alliance has been first among the cartels, giving the Margovian dynasty control of the commerce pillar. ~ excerpt from Modern Governance, an instructional text.

  Sevenday 30, Day 2

  Stepping into the house as ninth bell nears, Lilian allows the street lamps to illuminate the entryway while she collects and ignites the small lantern left by the door. Funding the energy usage of motion-sensitive Vistrite light controllers is beyond Lilian’s resources. A glow from a kitchen window, visible from the garden walkway, indicates that Katleen is within. Frowning slightly that Katleen has not retired to her chamber, Lilian hastens her steps and finds Katleen seated at the kitchen table, intent on her slate, a half-consumed glass of juice by her elbow.

  “What do you, Katleen?” Lilian asks as she sets her satchel on a chair and pulls off her jacket. The child’s fascination with lurid entertainment cannot be allowed to interfere with her sleep or her studies.

  With a sudden start, Katleen imperils the glass of juice. Rescued from destruction by Lilian’s quick reflexes, half its contents find the table and the floor.

  “Lilian! You startled me,” Katleen complains.

  Reaching for a rag, Lilian replies, “It was not my intent. What had you so engrossed?”

  Frowning at her slate, Katleen explains. “We are studying the workings of the Governing Council this month. The structure is confusing and I am not certain I understand how it works.”

  Wiping away juice, Lilian glances at Katleen’s slate to assure herself that the Universalists are using the approved text, Modern Governance. “How do you believe it works?”

  “The largest cartels dominate the Governing Council, as they do commerce, and Monsignor Horatio Margovian of Matahorn is the commerce blade, so he controls the cartel votes,” Katleen declares.

  Placing a plate of chilled grilled vegetables and grain on the table, Lilian nods. “True enough. So how do the Shrines and the system governors influence protocol and stricture?”

  “I think that maybe,” Katleen states slowly, “that if enough agree, then they can keep the cartels and the commerce blade from working their will.”

  “You are correct,” Lilian encourages, placing a glass of lemon water with her meal and sitting down. “However, what if Monsignor Lucius were opposed to Monsignor Horatio on a matter of governance? What would Monsignor Lucius do?”

  “Find others who agree with him in all three pillars, mayhap use bribes?” Katleen tentatively suggests.

  Lilian only nods, her full mouth inhibiting speech, which proves unnecessary. Katleen begins to speak excitedly. “It is like when the Five Warriors united! If it is sufficiently important, a large enough group will agree.”

  “Very good,” Lilian confirms after a sip of water.

  Pulling a vegetable from Lilian’s plate, Katleen chews thoughtfully.

  “Katleen, if you wish to share my meal, please me and employee a fork.” Lilian sighs.

  Ignoring Lilian’s rebuke, Katleen swallows and demands, “How then is Monsignor Horatio the most powerful warrior in the Twelve Systems? I know he is the commerce blade, yet he must have the agreement of others to work his will.”

  “Think you that anyone lightly defies the Matahorn preeminence and Governing Council commerce blade?” Lilian pulls her plate out of Katleen’s reach.

  Pretending indifference at the removal of the plate, Katleen turns her attention to what remains of her juice. “But what of the system governors and the Shrines? Monsignor Horatio does not control them.”

  “Not directly, no,” Lilian concedes. “But Horatio Margovian is Lord Patron of Jonathan’s Sect, and it is not a coincidence that Jonathan’s Lord Prelate is the spiritual blade. The First System Governor, who is Lord Blade, owes his election to Margovian influence as well.”

  Eyes widening behind her uptilted glass, Katleen grasps the implications. “If Monsignor Horatio truly wills a thing, it will be almost impossible to hinder him,” eyes widening further, awestruck, Katleen marvels, “and you are to meet him.”

  Meal complete, Lilian rises to clear the table, “‘Meet’ is somewhat of an overstatement, Katleen. As Monsignor’s conservator, I will be present in the chamber when Monsignor Horatio is also present, no more.”

  Taking Katleen’s glass, Lilian admonishes, “It is time you were abed, sweetling. I will finish here.”

  Grabbing her slate, Katleen gives Lilian a one-armed hug before skipping off into the dark garden. Lilian watches the small bobbing light of Katleen’s lantern until it enters the house before returning to finish the dishes. Absently tending to the chore, Lilian ponders milord’s ambition and boldness.

  Horatio Margovian is unquestionably the most powerful warrior in the known universe. For sixteen years, the seventy-six-year-old warrior has ruled Cartouche and Cartel with an iron hand. It is expected he will continue to do so for another twenty. At the moment, this formidable warrior wishes control of Bright Star.

  Sevenday 30, Day 3

  “Be gone, doxy,” Mistress Ann hisses in Lilian’s ear, the sibilant whine as offensive as the crude words.

  A member of Master Martin’s court and a favorite of Sebastian Mehta, Ann Hunter has been involved in more than one of Lilian’s torments, although her maliciousness is not restricted to Lilian. Ann’s self-serving machinations were the impetus behind Clarice’s caning three months gone.

  At the moment, Ann is exploiting her rank—and Monsignor Sebastian’s favor—to claim Lilian’s place next to Fletcher. It will also put her near to Seigneurs Kemeha, Ayesha, and Garwynn, who are grouped around Marco at the head of the conference table. It is an open assault on Lilian’s status as conservator, which within Bright Star places her above associates and below the protégés.

  I am the sum of my ancestors. Unless instructed by Seigneur Marco, Lilian will not yield. As she glances at milord’s kinsman for direction, Lilian encounters Nickolas’ scowl and hears Fletcher clear his throat in annoyance. I am the foundation of my family. I thought Fletcher an ally, Lilian internally chides even as she raises her chin against a tight throat. Honor is my blade and shield. Courageously facing Fletcher, Lilian discovers the protégé’s scowl is directed not at Lilian but at Ann, as is Marco’s.

  “Mistress Ann, find a seat,” Marco snaps. “You are delaying the proceedings.”

  For a moment Ann hesitates, clearly expecting Garwynn and Ayesha to argue in her favor. Garwynn returns nothing but a bland stare. Ayesha moves uncomfortably in her seat and then implores, “Ann, please, it is not important.”

  Lips pursed over her noticeable overbite, Ann nonchalantly pats her ash blonde hair as she takes an empty seat at the far end of the now-full conference table. It is well below the place Ann could have claimed had she not attempted to take Lilian’s.

  Lilian knows that Marco’s defense had much to do with milord’s preeminence and little to do with her. It does not
lessen Lilian’s pleasure in it. Surreptitiously, she fingers her scarlet conservator’s seal, the mark of milord’s favor.

  Turning to the seigneurs, Marco demands, “Are we in agreement?”

  They are. The Serengeti assessment of the value of the Matahorn and Leonardo investment proposals is complete. It is time to begin the next phase of preparations. Before negotiations begin two sevendays hence, Serengeti will compile detailed profiles on their partners in Bright Star.

  “The Cartel already maintains a complete profile on Horatio Margovian, his heir, William, and the other two governing monsignors, Omar Petrovich of Dark Axe and Sarah Guedez of Bright Fire,” Marco begins. “It will be a minor effort to update these before the formation reception.”

  “Which of the Matahorn monsignors will lead the negotiations?” Garwynn inquires.

  “None,” Marco smiles. “Monsignors Sarah and Omar will not even attend. Seigneur William will act for Matahorn, as I will for Serengeti.”

  More status intrigue, Lilian thinks. Monsignor Horatio demonstrates his authority by excluding his fellow governors and his confidence by delegating to his son. Milord will not deign to negotiate with Horatio’s proxy, so milord assigns Seigneur Marco to assert both Serengeti confidence and milord’s preeminence.

  “What of Angus Blackthorn and the Leonardo Society?” Kemeha interjects. “I would know a good deal more of him and his cohort.”

  At fifty-seven, Angus Blackthorn has held the preeminence of the Steel Spike Cartouche and the Leonardo Society for five years. Three years ago he catapulted Leonardo into significance by absorbing the commerce interests of Coyote Mitterrand and his Red Saber Cartouche. The united enterprise achieved cohort status through its near-total control of stellarcraft propulsion technology.

  “You do well to ask,” Marco says, acknowledging Kemeha’s concerns. It is no small thing to trust the construction of the stellar exploration vehicle, or SEV, to an enterprise that emerged from obscurity within the past decade. “Monsignor Angus will lead negotiations for Leonardo. Prior to including Leonardo in Bright Star, we needed to know a great deal about Monsignors Angus and Coyote, their seigneurs, and their cartouche. Blooded Dagger’s extensive files will be released to the formation team.”

  For each of the Matahorn and Leonardo monsignors and William Margovian, a detailed profile of their spiritual, social, and family associations; personal holdings, habits, rivalries and allies; and commerce careers is to be updated and studied by the Serengeti Bright Star team. Every possible point of leverage is to be discovered and exploited. Similar profiles are to be created for all the other members of the Bright Star formation teams. Finally, there must be summaries of significant personnel who are not formation team members: close kin, key retainers, protégés, apprentices, and associates. The goal is to provide the Serengeti negotiators with every possible advantage.

  “Iron Hammer will complete the profiles of Monsignor Angus and his cohort.” Kemeha accepts responsibility for the Leonardo Society.

  “Grey Spear will attend to Broken Blade,” Ayesha chimes in, challenging Blooded Dagger’s right to Broken Blade.

  To Lilian’s surprise, Marco yields to Grey Spear. “As you please, Ayesha. Blooded Dagger will tend to Matahorn’s Dark Axe and Bright Fire cartouches.”

  Marco smiles. Nickolas is smug. This is milord’s will. The chamber fades as Lilian reorders her mental archives. Her fixed gaze holds gray eyes gone clear as glass as Lilian sifts, sorts, and discards conclusions until one sparks true. Trevelyan provided milord with all that is needed about the Margovians before they were included in Bright Star. Yielding on this point will give Sebastian a false sense of triumph and make Grey Spear complacent. Clever, devious milord.

  Sevenday 30, Day 4

  “I can’t believe that crevasse-crawler inveigled her way into Bright Star.” Rebecca is openly incensed as she assaults the lentil stew that is the Fountain Café’s cheapest offering.

  Since the unfortunate incident with the wafers, milord releases Lilian from midday attendance once a sevenday. As much as she yearns for milord’s touch, Lilian enjoys the extended respite period and the opportunity it provides for conspiring with her consortium members.

  Sipping green tea, Lilian ignores Rebecca’s ire to continue, “I will not voice it was pleasant to encounter her. However, we must embrace our opportunities as they are presented. Given Bright Star’s importance, sloppiness or errors will be both visible and treated severely. Seigneur Marco will not overlook either out of deference to Monsignor Sebastian.”

  “Overlook it? Embrace it, rather, as would Master Trevelyan.” Rebecca nods, briefly indulging in the notion of Mistress Ann subject to the spymaster’s justice.

  Lilian’s skill consortium was formed for mutual aid. After Ann instigated Clarice’s caning and threatened her bond, they united to rid Serengeti of Ann Hunter. Lilian’s initial commitment was born in outrage. Ann’s abuse of her rank exceeded routine apprentice torment and passed into the territory of anarchy. Since then, with each torment from the cruel associate, Lilian’s commitment has hardened into implacable resolve.

  It is an extraordinary notion for apprentices to intrigue against the higher ranked. Discovery would incur harsh penalties. All three of Lilian’s allies risk the penalties for the chance at the exceptional advancement that seems to coincide with Lilian’s unconventional actions. They require only an opportunity to expose Ann’s incompetence.

  “I will be able to note the work Mistress Ann claims.” Lilian calls Rebecca from fantasy. “Clarice, Chrys, and you are to detect who is truly executing the work. Eventually, Ann will make a mistake or lay claim to work she has not executed, and even Monsignor Sebastian’s shadow will be insufficient shelter. With a little Luck of the First, we may rid ourselves of that rodent before the dry season returns.”

  Rebecca’s dark smile at the prospect is punctuated by a chime from Lilian’s slate.

  Glancing at the alert, Lilian clears away the remnants of her meal while remarking to Rebecca, “As it happens, I am off to see Chrys. Are you able to alert Clarice to our opportunity?”

  Hastily completing her meal, her mouth filled, Rebecca gives a confirming nod.


  The slender rod of semi-liquid crystal that is carefully cupped in Senior Associate Simon’s hand owns the shape, size, and sheen of Vistrite. Unlike true Vistrite, where dark green turns to black in the depths, this object brightens to amber.

  “As I suspected, Mistress Lilian. The additional compounds are inert except for the one that creates this odd tint.” The smiling man is pleased his assessment has proven correct. The Troy saltmarshes can produce the synthetic.

  This day. Excitement simmers beneath Lilian’s cultivated containment. “Master Simon, Master Chrys, this is excellent. Samples from two other possibilities are due by First Day. This one is by far the best located.”

  Fascinated by the oddly colored Vistrite synthetic, Lilian glances at Master Simon for permission.

  “May I?” Lilian inquires, indicating the crystal.

  At Simon’s nod, Lilian collects the small object and rubs it between her fingers. While similar to refined Vistrite, it is not the same.

  “It is not as silky as true Vistrite,” she observes. “It is the same as the Western Continent synthetic.”

  “Well done, Mistress Lilian.” Simon’s smile broadens with his approval. “Other than the hue, it is the same substance.”

  “Monsignor will be very interested in this. When could Seigneur Rachelle provide a sample?” Lilian gazes in wonder at the small object.

  “You may offer that to Monsignor Lucius with my compliments.” Seigneur Rachelle’s voice sounds from behind Lilian.

  Enraptured by the bit of semi-liquid crystal, the small group failed to note Rachelle’s entrance from the interior experimental lab.

  “Milady,” “Seigneur,” and “My thanks, Seigneur” are their hasty acknowledgments.

  Lilian is stunned and then delig
hted that Seigneur Rachelle will allow her to present the new synthetic to milord. The research and development seigneur is deep in milord’s favor and trust. She need not be present to be recognized for her achievements. Yielding the honor to Lilian is Seigneur Rachelle’s acknowledgment of Lilian’s role in instigating the synthetics venture. Lilian is as grateful for the seigneur’s regard as she is pleased for Chrys that his milady embodies warrior honor and integrity.

  “Does the color please you, Mistress Lilian?” The research and development seigneur inquires.

  “That it is different from true Vistrite pleases me, Seigneur,” Lilian admits. At Rachelle’s smile, Lilian dares to venture, “None will readily mistake this for the refined product of Desperation. There is value in such, is there not?”

  As Rachelle regards the young woman, she can almost see the quick mind leaping from thought to thought, piecing together the whole. The visual distinction will assist with marketing, discourage imitators, and maintain the value of the naturally occurring substance. Sharp. Lucius must be pleased.

  “You are correct, Mistress Lilian. There is a great deal of value in such a distinction. When you convey the sample to Monsignor Lucius with my regards, please inform him that we will repeat that color in the small market trial and our researches with the other potential saltmarshes.”


  Lilian’s day has been overfull of new information and analysis. Developments in the synthetics endeavor skitter around and bounce off details of property and personnel associated with Bright Star. It is with a sense of surprise Lilian enters the tower and then the riser to milord’s penthouse. She has no recall of the transit. Did she acknowledge Mr. George?

  Wine and small bites are laid out on a side table by the windows. Milord is absent from his preferred position in front of the two-storey windows where he can gaze upon the Great Crevasse. The bedchamber is empty, no indication of milord. Lilian’s spine tingles with excitement. The traitor?

  The last time Lilian entered the penthouse to find milord absent was the night of the traitor. It was then that a broken attendance record had Lilian arrive when she was no longer required. The damage was caused by the as-yet-unidentified traitor’s attempt to access milord’s personal files. For three months, milord, Trevelyan, and Lilian have awaited another assault and the opportunity to trap the traitor. Is this it? No.


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