by Anita Anand
and Diwan Singh’s sons, 235
dragged from courtroom dock, 307
and Dyer, 127–8
and dying brother, 55, 299
early carpentry by, 36
to east Africa, 131
endorsed passport of, 214
and errand boys, 69
fifteen days’ police questioning by, 192–4
final return to India by, and procession, 310–13
fired, as Singh Azad, 249
forced prison feeding of, 14
freedom of, to get to England, 208
and French-presence mystery, 241
fresh returns from Russia by, 227–8
German endorsements sought by, 220
growing file of, 225
guilt result on, 306
Gurbachan Singh meets, 213
hanged, 308
headlines dominated by, 12
hero and opposite seen of, 3–4
how massacre transformed, 112
and hues of human frailty, 112
hunger striking by, in prison, 13, 306
imprisoned for five years, 197
Inquilab! (‘Revolution!’) post-trial call by, 307
and insolence, 59–60
judge passes death sentence on, 307
to Kashmir after jail, 202
and lacking skills, 155
length of trial of, 305–6
and London network, 156
and magistrates appearances, 195, 278
and massacre day, 110
and Maude’s railways, 59
mechanic’s work by, 167
metal belonging to, 111
Mexico reached by, 159
motorbike of, 133, 135, 151, 204, 209, 216
movie roles by, 223–4
naturalised, 170
new ID pinned to, 58
new low hours for, 130
New Scotland Yard report on, 222–3
and ‘obscene postcards’, 183–4
O’Dwyer in final proximity with, 260–3
O’Dwyer shot by, 263–7
O’Dwyer shot by, 3
one of most hated men in Britain, 14
orphanage name of, 207
own plan attached by, 151
and pamphlets, 74
and passport-renewal, 241
and Pierrepoint, 12
pocket contents of, 272
police almost break down of, 192
and post-hanging, 16
pre-sentence statement from, 306–7
‘Prisoner 1010’, 12
and Pritam, 159
Punjab returns to, 185
and Punjab’s loyalty, 69
quiet existence, 44
and Rai Sahib, 57
re-enlists, 60
reaches London, 208–9
religious belief lost by, 201
returns to Sunam, 133
rounding-up of friends of, 285
and ‘Sadh’, 55
savings of, 135
and self-incrimination, 272
sent back to India, 60
sent to Basra, 59
shooting practice by, 256
short of money, 129
and Singh Azad false name, 244, 246, 271, 274, 278–80 passim, 285, 292, 298
social calendar of, 37
and Sohan Singh, 35
and Sohne, 192
statue of, 5, 313
status given to, 166
suicide planned by, 297–8
and teens, 135
UK ID card for, 254
and UK’s first Sikh Gurdwara, 154–5
under unknown name, 181
on unknown papers, 220–1
and US, 133, 135, 156–7
words of, reported to police, 245
Ugandan Railway Company, 131, 132
and Chamberlain, A., 239
and Chamberlain, N., 243
First World War entered by, 53
plans of, 118
Second World War declared by, 244, 246
Upali, 33, 34
US census, 173
and Pritam, 151–2, 155–6, 159
public opinion from, 68
Usher, Marjorie, 262, 265, 266, 269–70
Vande Mataram, 48
Varley, Rev. John, 186
Vaterland, SS , 171
Venkat, 216, 217
Vickery, Philip, 237–8, 279–80, 281, 282, 285, 288, 305
one of hardened men in intelligence, 39, 220
Victoria, Queen, 36
‘Ville’, see Pentonville Prison
Wagha, 116
Wallinger, John, 238, 250
Webb–Haney Act, 159
Weinraub, Bernard, 311
West Frontier Province, 38
Western Gate, 73
Willingdon, Lord, 69, 255
Wilson, Sir Henry, 141, 154
women killed, 116, 118–19
Wren, Mr, 21
YMCA, 154, 155
Zail Singh, 310–11, 312
zamindars, 128
Zetland, Marquess of, 255, 259, 260, 263, 269–70, 273, 291
Zimindars, 168
First published in Great Britain by Simon & Schuster UK Ltd, 2019
Copyright © Anita Anand, 2019
The right of Anita Anand to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.
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A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
Hardback ISBN: 978-1-4711-7421-6
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