The Connect Who Took My Heart Away 3

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The Connect Who Took My Heart Away 3 Page 11

by Coco Shawndé

  Everything Dice was telling me, was hitting at once. I took the papers, and just went into my study to get away. I knew she was worried, but I needed the space. I didn’t know how much time had passed, but I knew it was now dark outside, and them papers still laid on my laptop, untouched.

  Hearing knocks at my door, I didn’t grant them entrance, but they came in anyway. Seeing Hilary, I never lowered the volume on my phone. It was an old voicemail of my father when he first found out about Ralph and I handling business. I had been calling him countless times, and he was running from having the talk. All he could do was call at a time he knew I was most likely busy, and leave this shit on my voicemail. He spoke of nothing that concerned him, but had a lot to say about me working with Ralph.

  “I’ll leave if you want.” she said, standing a distance away.

  “You hurr now.” I shrugged, not caring if Hilary heard the voicemail fully and when it was sent.

  “I’m sorry about Moss. Not that he’s gone, but what’s it doing to you.”

  “That’s big of you.” I nodded. “Definitely since you killed him.” I said, sitting up. I wasn’t no dumb nigga. I knew shit and I picked up on a lot. I was more like my mother than she even knew. When we were wrong, we wanted justice in our own way. We were silent, and didn’t cause large scenes.

  “Yes, I did.” she bluntly answered. “Not just for myself...I should have never brought him into our lives.”

  Picking up the papers, I just looked at her. “These must say he not my father.”

  “You´re right.” she said, and then I read them myself. Dropping a tear, I stood up. “You knew though.”

  “I didn’t. I wasn’t for sure, and that’s me being honest. I didn’t want you to take any more lies. You and Duchess are products of me and Vernell. Now you know the truth.”

  “I guess I do.” I said, shaking my head.

  “Look, I don’t mean to pry...but do you plan on listening to what Moss had to say about Ralph? Even if he’s gone and you hate him, I can’t help but to fear what you´re doing isn’t the best for you.” she said, and I didn’t like that she was the next to feel a ways about the deal with Ralph.

  “I can hold my own.” I answered.

  “I know. You been doing so your whole life.” she replied. “Vernell wants me to give you this. It’s his number, and he said you may call at any time. He’ll answer. He wants to meet you and his other child. If it´s not asking for too much, can I see Duchess?”

  Holding the number to my blood father, it had me taking a seat. I wasn’t even trying to hold Hilary with a response, but this number was going to be a change over in my life.

  “Be a better mother to her than you was to me at her age. That’s all I ask.” Knowing at the end of the day, Duchess would have to have her own relationship. I couldn’t step into that. All I could do was assure my little sister felt the love from me and was safe at all times. She had a father in her life that just might take the role serious unlike Moss´ bitch ass. Just thinking on how he had Regina faking like she was her mother, I wanted to knock that bitch top off. I never liked her or understood how she could leave her daughter behind. Their relationship was always weird to me and Duchess never got along with her. Now, it made perfect since. That bitch was a complete stranger to my sister.

  “I want to be a better mother for the both of you...if you will allow it?” She said, and I could see Dice eyeing me from the doorway. She didn’t say anything, but knew she was wishing I could see my mother through her eyes. Dice was forgiving, loving, and motherly. Me? I was a nigga fucked up with daddy issues and momma isssues. “Son? I’m begging you at this point…”

  “Hilary, you gotta make it right.” I said, shaking my head. On the inside, I wanted a mother. All I thought about was how hurt I was after hearing she was dead. Having her here now, the feeling was surreal. She wasn’t nothing like before. All the drugs she was into, that clearly had stopped. Looking into her eyes, she opened up completely, She didn’t hold back and I read right into. So, when I opened up with a reply, I meant it. “I gotta watch how I move in the streets, but I don’t want to feel like that’s the case when you around. So, we gon’ work on the trust.”

  “That’s all I want.” she said, crying. Dice left from the door, and I went to hug my momma. It took a lot out of me, but when she wrapped her arms around me, she made my worries go away. It reminded me of them longs nights when I would get in bed with Dice and nothing else mattered from that point.

  “Thank you for this chance.” she cried into my ear. “Momma is back and with change!”

  I didn’t speak no words. Right now, I just needed her to show me different.

  “Don’t let me down because I felt I been catching all the bad luck.”I needed her, and I was realizing the shit the more she was coming around.

  “With great intentions. I’ll be here son.” She replied, while patting my back as we departed from my our hug.

  “Dice, you can stop peeping in hurr.” I laughed, seeing her sneaky ass.

  “What?” she said, making herself seen.

  “Can you bring baby sis in she can officially meet Hilary.” I told her.

  Watching Hilary cover her eyes in excitement and tears come, I knew this meant more than what I could put together. Dice carried my sister in, and I took her from her.

  “Duchess.” My mom cooed, holding her herself.

  “Baby sis…” I said, starting to explain to her who Hilary was. I told her she was my mother, and that she was away for a while. As of right now, I wanted to wait to tell Duchess the deep details. I just wanted Hilary to meet her, and able to see her. I wasn’t sending her off, and Hilary respected it for now. In due time, maybe everyone's relationship would get better for us to give Duchess the truth. For now, I wanted my sister to have something normal. This shit right here was crazy to explain to any five-year old. Vernell got to see her, and I could tell he wanted to see her in person. Right now, I had no date, but I knew getting to the island to meet the whole family was going to come.

  Even though when I pulled up to the crib, I wasn’t feeling the crowd of people here, it was needed. At the end of the day, Moss was the father I had known. I accepted his shortcomings, and now I knew the real meaning of his actions. I didn’t want to look back through the paperwork, because I didn’t want that nigga to be able to shit on me one last time. When I did dig into it from my laptop, I did see I was just another employee for the casino. I didn’t own shit, and the partnership I thought I had in Vegas, it wasn’t much leeway if I wanted to take it all for myself. I would have never known, but I got the truth tonight.

  “He was sure to put the bloodline in these papers I signed. At the time-“

  “You didn’t know.” She said, seeing how Moss used me as his advantage. I didn’t know we didn’t share blood, and at the time, I had no reason to believe that was his way out. “Bae, look at it this can start something fresh. You know everything about running a casino. You already did can do it again bae.” She told me, standing with me on the balcony of my home.

  “I put my whole life into that joint. Every time it was falling, I came through. No matter what.” I said, taking a deep sigh. “I don’t want anything from the company. His family, they want it, they can keep it. I know I could take it to court, but that shit don’t hold no value to me. We don’t share the same blood or loyalty.”

  “You know I’ll hold you down.” Dice smirked.

  “Mane, you know you fucking with the connect. We straight regardless. I appreciate it though. That’s real.” I said looking down at her warm smile. Usually I probably would have been pushing her away, but previous times taught me differently. Holding her close, I moved my hands to her back, and massaged her.

  “You want to push back the grand opening?” she suggested.

  “Money won’t never be an issue. Casino or no casino. Bread gang.” I cheesed, knowing that couldn’t shit pop off today that could cause me to ever go broke. F
uck me, my bloodline was caked up.

  “Bread gang!” she said throwing up gang.

  “You ain’t no fucking gangsta.” I laughed at her ass.

  The remainder of the day was me catching every blind spot that Moss had going on. Seeing how he was using me, I just told myself I wouldn’t become him. The people that meant something, they were right here with me. So, losing somebody that meant me no good, didn’t affect me too much. I knew all eyes were on me and how I would go through the motions of today hearing Moss was killed, but I was in relief. He was another nigga off the street to me now. By the end of the night, I was talking to my real father for the first time. That shit was the best conversation I had man to man in a long time. He simply told me his life, and that shit had me all in. How him and his people was large in numbers, and glued tight, I was eager to meet that side. Hilary opened the invitation of me going, and I let her know that I needed to get some things straight on this end before I took my family to the island. Dice was all for going since her family was from Haiti, and the Dominican Republic bordered it.

  “It won’t be soon, but soon enough. You going to be cool with going?” I asked Dice. Even though she was all smiles, I knew going where Chaunce died would trigger something for her. It wasn’t like he was just murdered there, and she heard about it. She followed him, and he died in her arms there.

  “Yeah, I haven’t been back since. I want to go.” she smiled. Kissing her head, I appreciated her more than she knew. Kicking back with the fam, I knew I had plenty on my plate, but it wouldn’t be me to not take charge in this shit.

  I knew Dice was thinking about the money going out to her business, but right now, that shit would keep my mind off the fact that I was basically being fired from work. Now, the artillery business was all I had, so I was glad we were seeing higher profits these days. This time off would surely be used to get my next venture going, or if I wanted to retire from it all. Bringing my thoughts of leaving everything, I kept it from Dice. I knew she wouldn’t take it well, even if it was just an idea right now. She was pregnant, and I didn’t want her stressing about me more than what she was. For now, I would just talk to Vernell and Obasi in regards to the business. Being the connect had brought me a mighty long way, and I didn’t know if I could get any higher with it all.



  “I’m sorry. Tyrah quit on us unexpectedly. I was hoping we could offer a deal or anything to keep her. She was adamant on quitting, and that it was nothing we could do to keep her in the position.” A relative of one of my residents told me. I had came to my North side location knowing I had been on the south more lately. Just coming and doing rounds, I was social with everyone. One conversation with the female director in human services, I found out she was pretty high up at the same place Tyrah claimed to be fired from. I asked about Tyrah being fired out of curiosity, and I was given an ear full.

  “She quit?” I said, taken aback. Knowing these past months, Tyrah had been milking Hosea every chance she could, it angered me. Playing things off, I didn’t rush to do my rounds. When my feet were killing me and my bladder had me ready to explode, I was leaving. The whole way home, I talked to the girls on the phone about how Tyrah had been playing the fool to everybody. Aja and Miani was all ears, not believing this shit.

  “My thing is this, why quit your job? Like what does that do?” Miani asked, confused as hell.

  “Get her money without doing shit for it. She painted this sad ass story, and got Hosea jumping to every call for her. That’s why her thirsty ass did it. I knew the bitch was a little off. She was too damn friendly, and she was trying to prove a spot that don’t need validation. That’s broke bitch behavior boo.” Aja ranted, and I felt her on everything.

  “She knows I’m pregnant too. So, at this point, she trying to get one up on me, but the bitch just don't know. I ain’t keeping score. Score for what? Hosea had plenty of time to be with that woman before I ever got put in the mix. She's desperate, and I’m checking all that shit. Hosea gon’ be mad, but he better leave me the fuck alone with how my hormones been having me.” I smartly stated.

  “All you can do is bring it to her attention that you on game and she needs to stop. She doesn't want them problems.” Aja added.

  “Damn right. That’s ridiculous.” Miani continued.

  On the phone, the line never grew dry. When I pulled up to the house, Hosea was standing his fine ass outside. I was loving the fact that he wasn’t in and out of the casino’s like he used to be. I had my man home, and we were able to get major time in.

  Getting off the phone with the girls, Hosea came opening my car door. Seeing him up close, I could tell he had just came back from running. He wasn’t a big fan of therapy, even though he would join me on occasions. Working out was an outlet for him, and it kept him leveled.

  “Bae, you going to be sick. It’s not that damn hot no more.” I said, stepping out of the car, and kissing his lips.

  “You know I don’t get sick.” he said with a grin. Walking in the house, he asked me how my day went, and we had our normal conversations. Everything with the grand opening was coming together. He let me know him and Obasi would be out tonight, and I knew it was something with a load of guns. Not focused on much he was saying, he gained my attention.

  “Yo, Dice? Where yo mind at?” he asked, knowing something was off. Not holding back, I went on and came out with the information I had gotten today about Tyrah.

  “I was having a conversation with a woman that was visiting with one of her elders today at the Royal’s. She worked above Tyrah…” I said, watching Hosea step into the shower, as he listened to me. Easing out of my clothes to join him, I wasn’t trying to until I saw how sexy he looked with the water pouring over him.

  “The same company? She mentioned them laying off people?” Hosea asked, holding the door open for me, as I stepped in. Standing in front of him, I was getting all the water.

  “No. She actually said Tyrah was never fired. They actually offered her money to stay. My whole thing is, Tyrah been acting a ways about us being together. I know that’s your baby mother, and you feel as if you had the money to support her. But I won’t stand for her trying to be sneaky with quitting, so she can say you pay her bills...Like why?”

  Looking at Hosea now, he was palming his face. I knew how he was staring off that it was more, that maybe he even knew. “Did you know?”

  “Dice, fuck naw. I ain’t know. I just know she get about fifteen thousand in bills, and I give her that. I don’t complain or shit else. I hand her the bread, and I let her do her. I even stopped asking about her putting in for other jobs because I knew she would never try me like this...But I do need to be trill with you. Tyrah been coming on to me, but I promise-”

  “WHAT!” I yelled, muffing him in the face. “You just now telling me?!”

  “I handled it.” he said through clenched teeth.

  “I fucking knew it. I fucking been trusting you, Hosea. Whyyyy?” I said, mad he kept it from me this entire time.

  “You flipping out how I didn’t want you to. Sweating that bitch, you giving her what she wants. I dodged her ass every time and I told her wasn’t shit popping with me and her. She knows, and I don’t appreciate her trying to get at you with me paying her bills. Because that’s not how she´s going to make me look. Damn sure not about to have that all out like that’s me.” he sighed, and I knew he was tired of people close to him changing up. “I’m gon’ go holla at her.”

  “Um, I’m going with.” I said right away.

  “You going to stay hurr because the boys getting off the bus and so is Duchess. I’ll call you and you can hear everything. But I don’t want you going because I know you don’t keep yo hands to yo self. You not cutting up with my baby in you.” he said, kissing my breast, then my belly. Giving him a full scalp massage as he lowered to the ground, I lifted my one leg onto the shower bench. Feeling him dive into my pussy my left hand ran down the foggy shower door. Head tilte
d back, I let this man eat me out until I was shaking and cumming. Then, he took me to the bed, and ate me up some more. By the time I could catch feeling in my legs, he was gone.

  Quickly getting the kids off the bus and settled, I called Hosea right on time when he had made it to Tyrah’s house.

  “Bae, I’m hurr now. Taking care of it.” he said in an agitated tone.

  “You ain’t taking care of shit! What, that’s Dice?” Tyrah said, raising her voice so I could hear everything. “She too pressed. Why the fuck does she care so much about my life to dig in my business??” Tyrah lashed, pissed off that her come up was about to be her ultimate downfall.

  “You stay forgetting you Yosohn momma. You got the wrong muthafuka if you telling me shit about my wife. Yosohn is your son. Not me.” he hissed at her.

  “Bae, put me on speaker. I promise it’s gon be quick.” I said, not about to be arguing with his baby momma. She was straight up trying to keep this lie that she was fired, but she knew that was her way of keeping Hosea´s money coming.

  “We going to nip this in the bud NOW. Tyrah, if you think you going to make my life a living hell, I need you to know I’ll send yo ass there before you stress me out!” I said going completely off on her. “Yo little job don’t compare to the land and property that I OWN. So, don’t come at me about no shit about me worried about anything you got going. As far as Hosea, you better find another TRICK. He ain’t it baby girl.” I said, leaving it at that.

  She was saying something, but Hosea got her in check. Putting the phone down, I was pulling out Duchess´ outfit for her gymnastic practice today. She had kept her half of the deal, so I had to do my part.

  Before I knew it, Hosea was pulling back up at the house, and he was on the phone with Hilary. I loved how he had allowed her a second chance in his life. His bond with Vernell was mind blowing, because for the first time, he really had a male figure in his life that he would listen to. Anytime he needed advice, he would call Vernell for his take. We were planning to make it to the DR some time after my grand opening, so no loose ends would be delayed more than what they were. My opening was going to be epic, and the four to six weeks just wouldn’t be enough time. Not getting stressed over it, I let the builders get all the details right, so it could be everything I wanted it to be.


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